Jokowi Lantik Amran Sulaiman Jadi Mentan

  • last year
Presiden Joko Widodo resmi melantik Amran Sulaiman, sebagai Menteri Pertanian menggantikan Syahrul Yasin Limpo yang mengundurkan diri, karena terseret kasus korupsi di Kementerian Pertanian. Pelantikan tersebut berdasarkan, Keputusan Presiden Nomor 101 tahun 2023 tentang pengangkatan Menteri Pertanian Kabinet Indonesia maju tahun 2019-2024.


00:00 The first information of President Joko Widodo's successor officially appointed Amran Sulaiman as Minister of Agriculture,
00:06 replacing Jahrul Yassin Limpo who resigned because of corruption cases in the Ministry of Agriculture.
00:12 The appointment was based on the decision of President No. 101 in 2023
00:18 on the appointment of the Minister of Agriculture of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet in 2019-2024.
00:24 Amran Sulaiman previously served as Minister of Agriculture in 2014-2019.
00:31 Amran has been known as an academician at the University of Hassanudin
00:36 and an entrepreneur who produces raw material for the production of ham.
00:40 Amran has a background in education in the field of agriculture,
00:44 from primary education to doctoral studies at the University of Hassanudin
00:49 by taking one field.
00:52 Previously, President Joko Widodo appointed the head of the National Food Board, Arief Prasetyo Adi,
00:57 as the Minister of Agriculture for the duration of the absence of the Ministry of Agriculture.
01:02 For more information, visit
01:07 [Music]
