Two stars connect for a heartfelt conversation about breaking barriers, protecting their peace, and how they both balance Mexican and American cultures
00:00 Congratulations because, bien, estƔs graduada,
00:03 porque it's chapters in your life.
00:07 There's different chapters.
00:09 That's what it is.
00:10 We are an encyclopedia, and there's little chapters
00:12 that you have to do, and they're different.
00:15 - Yeah, I think so.
00:16 (upbeat music)
00:19 - What do you think has been the biggest change for you
00:31 as an artist, having started then versus today?
00:35 - I mean, Becky, so many things that changed.
00:38 They've been changing so many things.
00:39 From my experience, I can tell you that, yeah,
00:42 when I started, it was terrible.
00:44 It was just against the ocean of sharks.
00:51 And luckily, I had my mother next to me,
00:54 and I have to say my mother was a first momager,
00:57 so that was like, I totally understand the Kardashians.
01:00 Like, I totally get the mom.
01:03 I totally get it.
01:06 And it was a blessing to have Yolanda Miranda,
01:11 my mother, next to me in that world.
01:14 And so it was moments where I had to be very structured
01:17 and follow instructions.
01:19 Like I became, so, you know, I became famous
01:23 being part of like a sub-opera, then a group,
01:26 then another group, and then.
01:28 - I mean, can we just acknowledge how humble you are
01:31 for even saying that?
01:32 Because we all, todos sabemos, we all know this,
01:34 but yes, okay, continue.
01:36 - But that was super structured,
01:39 and you have to follow the rules.
01:41 You know how it is, but if you are part of,
01:44 like my first group, I was 12 years old,
01:48 turning 12, like the age of my son.
01:51 And I did four albums back then in that little group,
01:55 but again, dress like that, dance like that,
01:57 sing like that.
01:58 Then I went into another teen group,
02:02 dress like that, sing like that, act like that.
02:04 Then soap operas, and it was like all the structure
02:07 until I said, "Fuck everything, I don't care
02:10 "about what everybody has to say.
02:12 "I wanna hear my voice, and that's it."
02:15 I wanna like step back a second and also telling you,
02:19 (speaking in foreign language)
02:22 I appreciate having your beautiful persona
02:25 in front of me again.
02:27 I really appreciate everything that you do also,
02:31 (speaking in foreign language)
02:37 and that you push yourself always to do something creative,
02:42 something different, and that you're open to collab
02:45 with different genres and everything like we always do.
02:48 Like we are, you know, we have that.
02:51 We have that, and it's really cool.
02:53 So, (speaking in foreign language)
02:57 - I'm blushing. (laughing)
02:58 - And I think it's really cool
02:59 (speaking in foreign language)
03:02 and from our generation.
03:04 - It's so crazy you say that 'cause I'm remembering,
03:06 (speaking in foreign language)
03:07 is my best friend.
03:09 (speaking in foreign language)
03:10 manager, but she was like, you know,
03:13 (speaking in foreign language)
03:14 when she had me, and I'm the oldest of four kids.
03:16 And so I was kind of like the bridge parent
03:21 for my parents to my younger siblings.
03:23 And my mom was more like my big sister
03:25 because she was so young and learning together, you know?
03:28 And (speaking in foreign language)
03:32 like around nine years old.
03:34 And I also did my first year of girl groups.
03:37 And I remember always feeling like,
03:40 okay, this is an opportunity to learn.
03:42 This is really cool.
03:44 But everybody was older.
03:45 Everybody would get parts on the song.
03:47 (speaking in foreign language)
03:51 Basically, yeah.
03:56 And it was funny, one of the groups,
03:57 my nickname was Mija, which is cute, right?
04:01 Mija, it's like, you know, little one in Spanish
04:04 or daughter, you know, like.
04:07 And so, yeah, it was little Mija
04:09 and I would always be in the background somewhere.
04:12 I was little Mija
04:13 and I was always in the background somewhere.
04:15 And I remember there was moments
04:17 where the other girls would get parts on the songs
04:19 and I'd be like, well, okay,
04:20 I know I didn't get singing lessons.
04:22 We couldn't afford those.
04:23 I'm not the best singer, but I wanna do something.
04:26 Let me do something.
04:27 And so I decided I was gonna be a rapper.
04:29 And so I started writing my own raps
04:31 and I was like, I'm making,
04:32 you're not gonna give me a part in the song.
04:33 I'm gonna write my part in the song.
04:35 - I love that.
04:36 - Yeah, from like nine, 10 years old to like 13,
04:40 I went back and forth between different girl groups.
04:43 And it's exactly what you were saying.
04:45 Finally, there comes a moment where I was like,
04:46 I was born with wings to fly and I'm ready to fly.
04:50 I'm gonna try this for myself.
04:51 (speaking in foreign language)
04:53 And it was the beginning of another chapter.
04:56 (speaking in foreign language)
04:59 Especially in Latin culture,
05:00 the women were raised to be so giving.
05:03 Giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, giving,
05:06 (speaking in foreign language)
05:10 What do you do?
05:12 'Cause I'm trying in every season of my life,
05:14 obviously growing up in the industry
05:16 and then getting to now,
05:18 being a little mujercita
05:19 and trying to find my new balance as a young adult.
05:23 What advice would you give even someone like myself on like,
05:28 'cause you do, you want to take care of everybody
05:30 and you want to give your absolute best,
05:32 but sometimes you're like pouring from an empty cup.
05:35 (speaking in foreign language)
05:36 If you ever found yourself in a moment
05:37 where you felt like you were pouring from an empty cup
05:39 and then what did you do or what did you figure out
05:41 that worked best for you to like be able to give more?
05:46 (speaking in foreign language)
05:51 (speaking in foreign language)
05:55 (speaking in foreign language)
05:59 (speaking in foreign language)
06:27 You feel like committed.
06:29 (speaking in foreign language)
06:32 I think for me, understanding that
06:37 I have to feel happy first.
06:40 I have to feel
06:42 balanced and feel and calm
06:48 and find the moments to make myself happy
06:53 is what makes the difference.
06:55 And I have my routines that are untouchable.
06:58 You know, like everywhere I go,
07:00 I have my routines in the morning
07:02 and I do not change them.
07:05 You know, could be the way I prepare my coffee.
07:08 I brought my coffee machine.
07:09 - You should brought a coffee machine, y'all.
07:11 - Could be that, could be the first things
07:14 that you think in the morning,
07:15 could be a simple prayer you do in the morning,
07:17 could be routine in the bathroom,
07:19 could be going and do exercise,
07:21 whatever makes you happy in the morning
07:24 or in whatever the day that you need that
07:26 (blows air)
07:27 is the shot, the energy,
07:29 (speaking in foreign language)
07:32 for you is the fountain of youth,
07:37 of happiness, of freedom,
07:40 and of love.
07:42 If you're not loving yourself,
07:44 you cannot love the one that is in front of you.
07:47 And it's so clear.
07:49 It's so clear.
07:50 It's just one of the
07:52 (speaking in foreign language)
07:55 - Yeah.
07:57 - Just start with that.
07:58 Love yourself, give yourself time,
08:01 and it's okay to don't feel good.
08:04 It's okay.
08:05 - It's okay not to be okay.
08:06 - It's okay not to be okay.
08:07 You cannot be the bubble all the time
08:10 with the rainbow eyeglasses,
08:13 looking at everything so pink.
08:14 You can't.
08:15 But, you know, if you feel that way,
08:18 it's completely normal.
08:20 It's okay.
08:21 Let it pass through.
08:24 That's it, keep going.
08:25 - Keep going.
08:26 - Yeah.
08:27 How you do it.
08:28 How you do it, because I see you sometimes.
08:31 - Yeah.
08:32 - I see you sometimes.
08:33 - It's a little bit of the same thing, though.
08:35 I like to look at it as,
08:36 well, there was a big turning point for me,
08:40 I think, in my faith,
08:41 when I found it myself.
08:42 It wasn't something that I was,
08:44 you know, growing up,
08:45 sometimes it can be very forced on you.
08:46 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:47 - And I felt like this was a journey of my own,
08:49 and I had to get to my faith.
08:50 I mean, so much to the point where I literally,
08:52 I have familia tattooed,
08:53 and then I have faith on my other.
08:54 - Que bonito!
08:56 - And it is, it's something that's super important to me.
08:58 Pero yo me recuerdo, I was like,
08:59 "Okay, I'm still feeling super overwhelmed.
09:03 "I'm still feeling really physically tired.
09:05 "I'm feeling a little bit lost."
09:07 And I think having been so young,
09:09 having to grow up so quickly,
09:11 and my personal life,
09:13 and my profession,
09:14 because I was already a working young adult
09:16 at a child's age,
09:20 it was when me encontrƩ en therapy.
09:23 I was like, "You know what?
09:24 "I'm gonna seek outside help."
09:25 And it's not something that's taught very common
09:28 in our culture to go, you know?
09:30 For us, it's like,
09:31 "Si estas triste, tĆ³mate algo, un tequilita."
09:33 - Un tequilitito!
09:34 - Yeah, or something, you know?
09:36 Or, "Estas triste, tĆ³mate algo."
09:37 It's always something external.
09:39 And I was like, "No, it's in here,
09:41 "and it's in here."
09:42 - It's internal.
09:43 - I need to--
09:44 - Is your soul screaming for help?
09:46 - Yeah!
09:47 - 'Cause it's trapped in this flesh.
09:49 - It is, exactly.
09:51 Entonces, my therapist kind of referred to our experience
09:56 as the three-leg table.
09:58 - Okay.
09:59 - The mind, the body, and the soul.
10:00 - Okay.
10:01 - And without one of those legs--
10:03 - Se colapsa.
10:04 - The table doesn't work.
10:05 No funciona para nada.
10:06 You can't use it for anything.
10:08 It won't serve any good.
10:10 And so, when I started to think about self-care
10:13 as not just like,
10:14 "I did a face mask, why am I so sad?"
10:16 - No, uy, no!
10:16 - You know?
10:17 - It was like a journaling, meditation, prayer,
10:21 connection with friends.
10:23 - With people.
10:23 - With family, with people.
10:25 Just, you know, really finding ways to connect.
10:27 - Con organizaciones, like, the help.
10:29 - Yeah.
10:30 - No sƩ, la comunidad, la sociedad.
10:32 - Totalmente, totalmente.
10:33 - Yo creo que es muy importante.
10:34 - Yeah.
10:35 - And I love that you said about therapy.
10:38 I like that.
10:39 - Yeah.
10:40 - I love it.
10:41 - You're saying we're light in the outreach,
10:42 and I was gonna say,
10:42 there's something you and I both have in common.
10:44 - That we're both Mexicanas and proud to be.
10:46 - Yay!
10:47 - No!
10:48 - Michicana, I mean, I feel like I,
10:50 this is the sad part that I have to say.
10:54 Being a 200 percenter, born and raised in LA,
10:57 pero obviamente muy orgullosa de ser mexicana.
11:00 For me, I think about it,
11:01 and I'm always, I have to preface it with like,
11:03 tengo sangre mexicana, sĆ, yes.
11:06 I wanna say I'm Mexican,
11:07 pero todos mis primos de MĆ©xico me dicen que no soy mexicana.
11:10 And then all my friends here, you know, in America,
11:12 it's like, "No, you're Mexican."
11:13 And I'm like, this identity crisis,
11:15 but this one right here has helped me through so much of that
11:18 navigating the 200 percent,
11:20 and she's always embraced me as a mexicana.
11:22 - It is tough, and I have it the opposite side.
11:24 (speaking in foreign language)
11:28 Coming from Mexico, I was born in Mexico.
11:32 - I'm the reverse crossover, and she's the crossover.
11:34 - And sometimes it's tough for me, you know?
11:36 You're my husband, American, Italian.
11:39 (speaking in foreign language)
11:43 (speaking in foreign language)
11:47 - I didn't think about that.
11:48 I did not think about that.
11:50 (speaking in foreign language)
11:54 - That's amazing.
11:56 - That's hilarious.
11:57 (speaking in foreign language)
12:01 - It's so amazing to have that tradition,
12:04 that legacy from our culture that is so powerful,
12:09 so rich, so magical.
12:13 Everything that we are is because of--
12:17 (speaking in foreign language)
12:17 - It's beyond.
12:18 - It's something that I feel so strongly about
12:21 for many reasons, because--
12:24 (speaking in foreign language)
12:26 And I'm so pocha, and--
12:28 (speaking in foreign language)
12:32 Because I practice speaking Spanish with everybody,
12:35 from--
12:37 (speaking in foreign language)
12:38 As Puerto Rican, Colombian.
12:40 And so I'm like, you know?
12:43 But (speaking in foreign language)
12:45 I really feel my culture and my blood come through
12:50 in the way that I love,
12:53 and the passion that I have for when I work,
12:56 that we're hardworking.
12:58 And that we are so about our families.
13:01 Everybody is part of our family.
13:03 Our stream is part of our family.
13:04 Our children, our loved ones are part of our family.
13:07 And then our fans, too, you know?
13:09 And I think that that, to me,
13:10 is (speaking in foreign language)
13:14 Our traditions are really--
13:16 (speaking in foreign language)
13:37 What is happening right now in the music industry,
13:40 recognizing the language.
13:44 Everybody is singing in Spanish now.
13:46 Finally, the first crossover from all the crossovers
13:49 of the Latin Explosions that is in Spanish.
13:52 That is (speaking in foreign language)
13:54 (speaking in foreign language)
13:58 Even the style, like getting the (speaking in foreign language)
14:04 influence with the new urban Mexican.
14:07 Yeah, (speaking in foreign language)
14:08 Like you were saying, as I said earlier,
14:11 (speaking in foreign language)
14:12 We like to try different things
14:14 and kind of attack different genres and say,
14:16 how do we, 'cause we love music.
14:19 We love music as a whole.
14:20 I listen to all kinds of different music
14:22 in English, in Spanish, sometimes even in other languages,
14:24 because I love, music to me is a universal language.
14:27 (speaking in foreign language)
14:29 I heard that you are also working
14:32 on a regional Mexican album.
14:34 (speaking in foreign language)
14:38 It's something that came easy,
14:42 because always in every, all my discography,
14:47 I have a lot of Mexican influences in my music.
14:50 And some songs could be very, very Mexican
14:53 in the style or the arrangements.
14:56 (speaking in foreign language)
15:01 (speaking in foreign language)
15:04 Literally the first song I think of mine.
15:06 Right?
15:07 So it's so easy to do something
15:11 that is the pop culture nowadays, right?
15:14 That is the sound right now.
15:16 And to me, something organic, you know?
15:19 Like, (speaking in foreign language)
15:24 I remember, yeah.
15:26 (speaking in foreign language)
15:27 Yeah.
15:28 (speaking in foreign language)
15:32 I feel it's fantastic.
15:42 And collaborating with these new writers
15:45 and the fusion of the authentic,
15:49 (speaking in foreign language)
15:52 Yeah.
15:53 (speaking in foreign language)
15:56 Yeah, it's very different.
15:59 It's been a journey for me too,
16:01 I think getting to (speaking in foreign language)
16:04 because (speaking in foreign language)
16:07 It was like, I don't know what it was.
16:09 It just came to me.
16:10 It was a couple months after you passed
16:12 and I was just like, it's time.
16:13 (speaking in foreign language)
16:15 Of this like regional Mexican wave of new artists.
16:18 I started working on my album about two years ago.
16:21 And I was really feeling like,
16:24 (speaking in foreign language)
16:25 I would always say like, I wanna do a mariachi album.
16:28 I wanna do a band album.
16:29 I wanna do, obviously you grow up watching
16:32 amazing artists like yourself.
16:34 You're just like, I wanna do this one day, you know?
16:36 And,
16:37 (speaking in foreign language)
16:41 You know, it's like, it's amazing.
16:45 It's incredible.
16:46 And so I think for me,
16:47 it was one of those things where it literally came to me.
16:50 (speaking in foreign language)
16:51 Yeah, (speaking in foreign language)
16:53 There's a video I have.
16:54 I was singing to my papi on his 70th birthday
16:57 called mariachi.
16:58 And like this is a familia in Inglewood in the front yard.
17:02 And I'm singing these songs to him.
17:04 (speaking in foreign language)
17:05 And I was, you know, maybe like 12 years old.
17:08 And I was just like, no, I've been doing this
17:10 with my family for so long that I think maybe it's time.
17:13 And so when we started,
17:14 (speaking in foreign language)
17:16 I love it, girl.
17:17 (speaking in foreign language)
17:18 We love you, bro.
17:19 (speaking in foreign language)
17:19 I know, right?
17:21 I'm like, can you share one with me?
17:22 (laughing)
17:23 (speaking in foreign language)
17:25 Oh my God.
17:25 (speaking in foreign language)
17:28 And so talented.
17:29 She's adorable.
17:30 And he's really helped me.
17:32 (speaking in foreign language)
17:36 Yeah, he's a great collaborator.
17:42 Love that.
17:43 And so, yeah, so the project for me,
17:45 (speaking in foreign language)
17:46 my opportunity to really share my experience.
17:50 (speaking in foreign language)
17:52 What really inspired the finalizing
17:55 of the concept of the album for me
17:56 was preparing my set for Coachella.
17:58 'Cause I was like, what am I gonna represent?
18:00 This is one of like the biggest global stages.
18:03 (speaking in foreign language)
18:04 Oh, it was crazy.
18:05 (speaking in foreign language)
18:06 Wild.
18:07 The four minutes, the four minutes
18:08 when you're waiting right there.
18:10 Okay, you have to wait like--
18:11 Yeah, you're waiting.
18:12 (laughing)
18:13 Four minutes you're there.
18:15 It's go time.
18:15 (speaking in foreign language)
18:19 (speaking in foreign language)
18:21 When you feel the first blast.
18:23 Yes, well, that's the amazing part.
18:25 Like I closed my eyes
18:26 and I can remember the feeling exactly
18:28 because one of the things for me was like
18:30 the visualization that I do even prior to going on stage.
18:34 And you don't get to sound check for Coachella.
18:36 I didn't get to like, you know,
18:38 see my set or anything before.
18:40 Like this is just, you're just going.
18:42 That's it.
18:42 You know, and you're working through tech stuff.
18:45 Like the old days radio shows.
18:47 Yeah, exactly.
18:49 So I felt so calm, so serene and very prepared.
18:53 And I think it was because I knew what I was representing
18:55 on that stage.
18:56 And it was to me, the 200%.
18:58 I'm a hundred percent proud to be from Inglewood,
19:01 from Los Angeles,
19:03 but I'm also a hundred percent proud to be Mexican.
19:05 Cecil came, we had a (speaking in foreign language)
19:09 They killed it.
19:10 I mean, for me, it was just like,
19:12 this is us.
19:13 This is what, this is it, you know?
19:16 And so for me with the album,
19:17 it's representing that 200% story of, you know,
19:20 I'm Chicana, I'm Mexican-American.
19:22 And my experience with (speaking in foreign language)
19:26 the music, the everything, it's different.
19:28 - It is beautiful. - It's proud.
19:30 Nonetheless, we're very proud.
19:32 So much to the point where I claim that I am Mexican.
19:35 (laughing)
19:36 But yeah, no, I think the album for me as well,
19:39 it's come almost like (speaking in foreign language)
19:44 that's like, I know has always been there, you know?
19:47 So it's like finally having--
19:48 (speaking in foreign language)
19:49 Yeah.
19:50 (speaking in foreign language)
19:51 To like come out of me as an artist
19:54 and really just enjoy it.
19:56 - Ah, it's getting nice.
19:58 And what is the favorite part of this process,
20:02 of this album?
20:04 - I think that taking my time and,
20:06 (speaking in foreign language)
20:08 like how organic the sounds are.
20:10 (speaking in foreign language)
20:13 It was me, Peso, and Edgar, we were in the studio.
20:15 And it's like, we wrote the song in like 45 minutes.
20:18 (speaking in foreign language)
20:21 And it came out.
20:22 And then the vocals even, I feel like
20:24 it was a vocal presentation
20:26 that was different for me as an artist.
20:28 So different that I think some people are like,
20:30 "Nah, we prefer the reggaeton Becky.
20:32 "We prefer the pop Becky."
20:33 But I think my proudest thing was like,
20:34 but this is the Becky that is now.
20:36 (speaking in foreign language)
20:37 In this moment as an artist, this is where I wanna be.
20:39 This is what I wanna make.
20:41 And I was just like, this feels good.
20:43 I really like that you're defending that
20:46 because that vocal that you did for that song,
20:51 it is so different.
20:53 And it's you exploring a part of yourself
20:57 that for somewhere, somehow you put it on the side,
21:02 but it's coming out now and it's so organic
21:04 and it comes out so easy.
21:06 - Thank you.
21:07 (speaking in foreign language)
21:12 - Yeah, (speaking in foreign language)
21:13 I don't know.
21:14 - I like how you are feeling it.
21:16 - Yeah.
21:17 (speaking in foreign language)
21:18 - Thank you.
21:19 (speaking in foreign language)
21:21 - Yes.
21:22 - We sang everything.
21:23 - Yes.
21:24 - We did everything.
21:25 And that is a special vocal, I have to say.
21:27 - Thank you.
21:28 - Beautiful.
21:29 (speaking in foreign language)
21:30 - That means a lot to me.
21:31 I'm blushing again.
21:32 (speaking in foreign language)
21:36 - For so many years in this world,
21:41 telling another colleague, (speaking in foreign language)
21:46 was the worst thing.
21:48 - Really?
21:49 - It was like a war always in other decades,
21:53 in other times.
21:54 - You're spilling the tea, girl.
21:55 - You know?
21:56 And now it's just like everything is just so like,
21:58 we're here.
21:59 We're here supporting each other.
22:01 Like how it should be.
22:03 - You know what's so funny?
22:04 I just, I wanted to share this
22:06 because I can only imagine today,
22:09 you like came into my dressing room,
22:11 (speaking in foreign language)
22:12 you know, I feel like there was a time also in my career
22:15 where I would go knock on people's dressing room
22:17 and like, it's like, "Oh no, she's not ready yet."
22:19 And it's like, you know, now it's like,
22:20 I wanna hang out after the show.
22:23 You know, let's go to dinner.
22:24 Let's do stuff together.
22:25 It's so nice.
22:26 - But this is like, you're like also nervous.
22:29 You don't know, like the other people
22:30 have their own crew and things
22:32 and you never know how they're gonna react.
22:34 But right now it's like, who cares?
22:35 It's just like, people after the pandemia,
22:39 I think everybody just caught all the freaking bullshit.
22:43 You know, everybody's like, you know what?
22:45 Let's enjoy life.
22:46 Let's be ourselves.
22:49 I'm gonna tell you I love you.
22:50 I'm gonna tell you I hate you.
22:51 I don't want you in my life, bye.
22:52 - Yeah, just being authentic.
22:53 - Don't lose time anymore, you know?
22:56 And be authentic and be in the moment.
22:58 - Love without reservation.
23:00 I think one of the things, as you were saying that,
23:03 that's really funny that maybe not everybody knows,
23:05 which is really wild.
23:08 So.
23:09 (speaking in foreign language)
23:11 No, no, no, I was gonna say,
23:13 a billion views on Sin Pijama,
23:15 over a billion views now on Sin Pijama,
23:18 over a billion views on (singing in foreign language)
23:23 And we shot those music videos back to back
23:26 with Daniel Duran.
23:27 - Yes, back to back.
23:28 - I shot Sin Pijama con Nati the one day.
23:30 (speaking in foreign language)
23:32 And I went to the set.
23:34 - To the club, yes.
23:35 - To the club.
23:36 And you guys, oh my God, I'll never forget this.
23:38 You guys were going overtime.
23:39 This woman's amazing.
23:40 She's like doing her own makeup.
23:42 She's doing her outfit changes.
23:44 And I remember I looked at Daniel,
23:45 I was like, do you guys need help?
23:46 I started pushing parts and wrapping wires.
23:48 And I had the gaffer's tape and I was like,
23:50 how can I help?
23:51 - I remember.
23:52 (speaking in foreign language)
23:56 - So I wanna say that we were all just rubbing
23:58 all over each other the billion views energy.
24:00 And now we're just billions of views all together.
24:04 - Seriously, let me tell you something.
24:05 Those two days were magic.
24:07 - They were. - Magic.
24:09 (speaking in foreign language)
24:13 - (speaking in foreign language)
24:14 That's very true.
24:15 We love you, Daniel.
24:15 - She stopped with you and went and set up my video.
24:20 - Yeah, I know.
24:21 - Right there, and Nati too.
24:22 Like, she, I think she slept there
24:24 in the car outside like she was sleeping.
24:25 - Yeah, it was crazy.
24:27 (speaking in foreign language)
24:29 (laughing)
24:30 (speaking in foreign language)
24:35 (speaking in foreign language)
24:37 - Oh no, that video's fire.
24:38 (speaking in foreign language)
24:40 - It's so good.
24:40 (speaking in foreign language)
24:44 - Incredible.
24:45 It would look like the colors, the theme,
24:47 the intention, different, but I don't know.
24:51 (speaking in foreign language)
24:52 - So good.
24:53 But I wanted to share that
24:54 because I don't think anybody knew that.
24:56 We literally, the sets and the shoots
24:59 were all down in New York and they were back to back.
25:01 (speaking in foreign language)
25:04 - Yeah.
25:05 - Oh my God.
25:07 (speaking in foreign language)
25:09 - Yeah, I was so full.
25:10 I was like, wow, this is iconic.
25:12 This is so cool.
25:13 - So from that, that is kind of like pop urban, right?
25:18 (speaking in foreign language)
25:21 - Is that a new genre?
25:22 (speaking in foreign language)
25:24 - Okay.
25:25 (speaking in foreign language)
25:27 Right?
25:28 (speaking in foreign language)
25:29 - Yeah, it's in here, yeah.
25:30 (speaking in foreign language)
25:34 - Yeah.
25:35 (speaking in foreign language)
25:39 - Yeah.
25:57 (speaking in foreign language)
26:01 I think that's the thing about, for me,
26:04 when it comes to like artistry,
26:06 it's like, they're all a part of me.
26:10 Why do I need to sacrifice this to have this?
26:12 And that's why, you know, I refer to myself as 200%.
26:16 Not 50/50 anymore.
26:18 (speaking in foreign language)
26:19 I don't want to give up a 50% for this attitude.
26:20 (speaking in foreign language)
26:23 And so we're like thousand percenters at this point
26:26 with all of the parts of us that exist.
26:28 But I think, you know, as an artist,
26:30 it's really important that all artists out there know
26:33 that you can do what your creative heart desires.
26:36 And it's not about the numbers.
26:38 It's not about the streams.
26:40 It's not about, yeah, that's really cool.
26:42 And it's really, really great.
26:44 And don't get me wrong,
26:44 the amount of fans and supporters
26:46 on a daily basis is incredible,
26:48 but your journey's your journey, you know?
26:50 And if people only follow you up until your pop era,
26:53 that's cool.
26:54 'Cause you'll make new fans
26:55 when you go into your country era.
26:56 And when you, you know,
26:57 and then you'll make new fans
26:58 when you go into your rock era.
27:00 As long as you are being yourself
27:02 and you are making music and art that you love,
27:04 that's all that matters.
27:06 (speaking in foreign language)
27:09 It takes time to understand that.
27:10 - Yeah.
27:11 - Because you get caught in the system
27:12 and you get caught in the industry.
27:13 (speaking in foreign language)
27:14 - In the industry. - They get so frustrated.
27:16 They're like, "She doesn't know who she is."
27:17 And I'm like, "No, I know exactly who I am."
27:20 - But I don't read comments.
27:22 I just learned to don't read any comment.
27:24 I just my eyes. - I just learned that.
27:26 - No, no, my eyes are trained
27:28 to find the words that are key.
27:31 Love, happy emojis, music, incredible, ha ha ha.
27:36 My eyes see that.
27:38 I don't see any other bullshit.
27:39 I don't, I don't. - Oh my God, it gets deeper.
27:41 - I train myself to do that. - Amazing.
27:43 - And what I learned is like,
27:46 I do projects for my fans.
27:48 And for the Talia, they want a here and they want to see.
27:53 But parallel to that universe,
27:57 I do projects for Ariadna Talia, me.
28:02 So I do two things that cause so much satisfaction for me.
28:06 To please my fans and to please me.
28:09 So the last album. - El Balance que we were talking about.
28:12 - Previous, this album, my previous album
28:14 is all about rock and Espanol.
28:17 So it's like something that it was,
28:19 I needed to do that to re-explore those songs
28:23 that made my teenage years the happiest ever.
28:28 And I sang with my heroes and all these incredible artists
28:32 that did those anthems.
28:34 And that album was so precious to me.
28:36 And I put so much time and effort and love into it
28:40 that I'm so, so proud that I did it.
28:44 It's like it's in here, like a gem in my heart.
28:47 - It's necessary, it's so necessary.
28:49 - Yeah, and this album, Este Tumbado, is amazing.
28:53 And it makes me so happy and it makes me so proud
28:56 and makes me have fun and feel romantic and sexy.
29:00 And the lyrics are so epic and it feels so me too.
29:05 It's just like so weird.
29:07 - Yeah, but that's what I mean.
29:09 I think it's beautiful that as an artist
29:11 you can kind of go where your creative heart desires.
29:14 - Claro, como, que sera?
29:16 Como un anfibio, como cuando vives en el mar
29:19 y te sales y regresas.
29:21 No, somos como anfibios.
29:23 - Yeah, no, for real.
29:25 But I think too, like I said, it's part of the...
29:29 A mi me encanta estudiar, like I love to learn.
29:32 And so I think that's also for me,
29:34 like the process is like, okay,
29:36 I learned a lot about this.
29:37 Now I feel like it's time to keep growing.
29:39 How do I learn about this now?
29:41 - And that's life.
29:42 - You know, and that's life.
29:43 - That's life, yeah.
29:44 Congratulations because, bien, estas graduada
29:47 porque it's chapters in your life.
29:51 There's different chapters.
29:53 That's what it is.
29:54 We are an enciclopedia
29:55 and there's little chapters that you have to do
29:58 and they're different.
29:59 - They're all different.
30:00 - But they're part of you.
30:01 - I'm excited for this chapter.
30:03 - Yes, yes!
30:04 - Woo!
30:05 (cheering)
30:07 (whooshing) (clicking)