Bijan Robinson's Football Return: Protocol & Team Choice

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Yesterday, B. John Robinson said
00:06 he didn't feel all that well.
00:08 I believe only got one carry in that game.
00:10 From your expertise on the sideline,
00:11 is there a protocol in place?
00:13 Are there IVs that you give?
00:14 Is there medication?
00:14 Or basically, is it just up to how the player feels
00:17 to be able to go back in that football game?
00:19 - Well, you know, it's a combination.
00:22 Return to play is always medical clearance,
00:24 which he probably had because he was suited.
00:28 His desire, which was probably there,
00:31 knowing B. John Robinson,
00:33 but then it becomes the team, i.e. coaches.
00:36 Does he give you the best option to win?
00:39 Now, I won't say who on this one.
00:41 One time we did send a guy home, literally true,
00:45 and it was a night football game,
00:48 because guess what?
00:49 He couldn't hold down fluids and he had the runs,
00:52 and he could not play, right?
00:54 And that's just a practical matter.
00:55 And so there are times that you send guys home
00:58 when he just can't play,
01:00 and I'm not trying to be grotesque there.
01:01 It's just the facts of life, right?
01:03 Sometimes you're so sick that we try everything,
01:05 IVs and medications to treat everything.
01:08 So no question he got treatment.
01:10 He did return for a one carry, which who knows?
01:12 I'm not sure of all the rules.
01:14 That probably made a lot of people mad in terms of props,
01:16 because it activated a lot of things
01:18 - That's true.
01:19 - for people on B. John Robinson.
01:24 (upbeat music)
01:26 (chimes)
