WATCH: Shop Essence Live - Get Smooth and Lustrous Skin With G.L.A.M Body Scrubs

  • last year
G.L.A.M make all natural body scrubs using all natural and organic ingredients with no chemicals, no additives, no preservatives, and no animal testing. Infused with essential oils, our exfoliants allow fresh new cells to regenerate and leave your skin looking and feeling fabulous by exfoliating and removing old skin cells, leaving you with hydrated, smooth, more lustrous skin.
00:00 Hello, hello, and if you are just joining us,
00:02 this is Shop Essence Live
00:04 in partnership with the New Voices family.
00:06 I am your host, Noni Donovan,
00:08 and this is a show where we bring you
00:10 two new black-owned brands to shop with us
00:12 every single week.
00:14 If you are shopping on,
00:16 make sure you go to the website
00:17 to purchase these incredible products.
00:19 If you're watching on Pinterest,
00:20 we have the products pinned within the episode,
00:23 so make sure you're shopping with us.
00:25 Now, if you like to walk around
00:29 with a little bit of glow to your skin,
00:31 if you like to get rid of all of the soot
00:34 and all the layers of stuff that's on your skin
00:37 and you wanna smell nice,
00:39 the people at Glam Body Scrubs is hooking you up.
00:42 First of all, I have passed by this in Target so many times
00:47 and I love Body Scrubs.
00:48 Had I known that a black woman was hooking us up with this,
00:52 man, listen, my bathroom would be full of it,
00:54 but it is now, and we are putting you on like we always do.
00:57 Let's bring in the founder of Glam Body Scrubs, Tiffany.
01:02 Hey, queen.
01:04 - Hey there, thanks so much for having me on.
01:07 - Absolutely, okay.
01:09 So we're gonna get into all of these scents.
01:11 We're gonna get into all of the intention
01:13 that was behind this brand,
01:15 but first I want you to tell us, how did you get here?
01:19 How did you come up with this incredible line?
01:21 - Absolutely, absolutely.
01:22 Talk about a journey.
01:23 So this all started in my kitchen
01:25 when my daughter Taylor was born with eczema.
01:27 I never dreamed of launching a natural skincare line
01:29 or anything like that.
01:30 I was a mom and my daughter had eczema
01:32 and I didn't want to use any harsh chemicals on her skin.
01:35 So I literally got in the kitchen
01:36 and started mixing natural organic ingredients.
01:40 And the good news is they worked.
01:42 And now here we are in Walmart and Target stores nationwide.
01:46 - First of all, this is life-changing.
01:47 My daughter has eczema as well.
01:49 And I did not even think of using the Glam Scrub.
01:54 I'm just trying to smell good, but this is like,
01:57 this is like life-changing.
01:58 So you have, it's not just cosmetic, right?
02:03 You have so much intention behind it with no animal testing.
02:07 Can you talk a little bit about why you wanted
02:10 to be so ethically sourced with your product?
02:13 - Absolutely.
02:13 You know, I'm a firm believer that
02:15 when you put something out there,
02:16 this was developed with my daughter in mind.
02:18 And I know that just as though I never want to put anything
02:21 harsh or dangerous on my daughter's skin,
02:23 no one else would either.
02:24 And so this was actually created with other moms,
02:27 aunties, grandmoms, family members in mind.
02:30 And so for that reason, it was very, very important
02:33 because if it's safe enough for my daughter's skin,
02:35 you best believe it's safe enough for yours.
02:37 - Oh, I love that.
02:39 Okay.
02:40 I'm dying to open these and sniff them once again,
02:42 'cause they just bring me joy.
02:45 Imagine starting your day just with this whiff of joy
02:48 every single day.
02:50 That's what this is gonna give you.
02:51 And your skin is gonna be skinning too.
02:54 But okay, what's the first one
02:56 that you want to go through here?
02:57 - Absolutely.
02:58 The one you have in your hand actually there,
02:59 that is the Lavender Lush.
03:02 And what's wonderful about this scrub is that
03:03 that one is actually infused with lavender essential oils.
03:06 So not a fragrance oil, but lavender essential oils.
03:10 And, you know, as we emerged from COVID and the pandemic,
03:13 it's so important, we learned that it's so important
03:15 to be able to relax, to release, to relate, to rejuvenate.
03:19 And so that's all captured in that Lavender Lush.
03:23 It's gonna exfoliate and moisturize the skin,
03:25 but it's also gonna leave you with the calming effects
03:27 from the actual lavender essential oils.
03:29 So very calming, very relaxing at the end of a long, hard day
03:33 is the perfect, perfect pampering idea for you
03:36 for self-care.
03:37 - Oh my gosh.
03:39 Okay.
03:40 So that's another thing I skipped over.
03:42 Lavender has such relaxing properties.
03:45 It's such a natural, relaxing property.
03:48 And even as I was using every single one
03:50 of the scrubs today, I love it.
03:53 As I was using it, there's a sensory like massaging part
03:58 to it when you're going up and down your legs,
04:01 you kind of feel it all over your body.
04:03 - Exactly.
04:04 That's the idea.
04:05 And that's part of why exfoliation is so important
04:07 because when you're exfoliating,
04:09 you're actually improving that circulation.
04:11 You're actually getting those new skin cells
04:14 to come up to the surface and you're getting rid
04:16 of all of the dead skin cells.
04:17 So it definitely serves that purpose,
04:19 which is why it feels so good going on.
04:21 And mine is a two-part system because the sugar
04:24 or the coffee or the brown sugar,
04:26 that's actually exfoliating,
04:28 but the oils are designed to seal in the moisture.
04:30 So if you notice when you're done,
04:32 your skin is satiny smooth.
04:34 You don't need to slather on anything else.
04:36 You're good to go.
04:37 So you've got your breakfast, you're smelling good
04:39 and you're looking good as well.
04:40 - Let me tell y'all how much this has completely cut down
04:44 my shower routine.
04:46 'Cause I absolutely, after I get out of the shower,
04:48 you put this harsh soap on your body,
04:50 it dries out your skin.
04:52 Then you have to slather top to bottom
04:55 on some kind of lotion or butter or something with this.
04:59 When I tell you my skin is smoother than ever
05:02 and I didn't have to do that step, you hooked us up.
05:06 - Thank you, that's the idea.
05:08 That's the idea.
05:09 We want to make sure that we exfoliate
05:11 with the time that we have in the mornings
05:13 and the evenings as well.
05:14 So, absolutely.
05:15 - So good.
05:17 What's the next thing you want to highlight?
05:19 - Also have lemon, our lemon love.
05:21 Now that one is infused with lemon
05:23 and that's a perfect pick me up in the morning.
05:25 It's got the bright yellow.
05:26 So it's like designed to start off your day
05:29 with a lemon burst, if you will.
05:31 It's a great pick me up.
05:32 It's a great wake me up.
05:33 It's just the opposite of the lavender
05:35 because it's designed again to stimulate those sensory cells
05:37 like you said, and get you up and going.
05:39 And it still exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time
05:42 in the same way that the lavender does.
05:45 - Oh, she's got us covered morning, noon and night with this.
05:48 This in the morning is literally like sunshine.
05:51 You're just exfoliating with sunshine,
05:54 waking you up in the morning.
05:55 Lemon is such a natural, like nice rejuvenating scent.
06:00 And then you've got the lavender natural
06:02 to calm you down at night.
06:04 Really, really great.
06:06 All right, she's not done.
06:07 She is not done.
06:08 - There's definitely more.
06:09 We've got the bubble and brown sugar.
06:11 Now the bubble and brown sugar, that's our signature one.
06:14 In fact, that one is available in an eight ounce,
06:17 but also a lot of people,
06:19 they wanted something they could travel with
06:20 that would be TSA approved.
06:22 So that one's in a two ounce as well.
06:23 So when you're in your Target store,
06:25 you can check in the mini section
06:27 and you can actually see that two ounce size.
06:29 And when I tell you the bubble and brown sugar,
06:31 I call it the signature one because it has just been amazing.
06:34 Everyone is like to try it is to buy it.
06:37 And that was actually the first one that we started with.
06:39 And it's perfect for fall because it kind of has that warm,
06:43 kind of buttery honey, brown sugar,
06:45 really, really sweet and fragrant.
06:47 And yet the brown sugar is a great humectant.
06:50 It's great for exfoliating
06:52 and the oils are moisturizing the skin as well.
06:55 - All right, I would like to think I'm smart,
06:56 but I don't know what humectant means.
06:58 Can you talk about that?
07:00 What is that?
07:01 - All of them, it's just bringing in that moisture,
07:03 sealing it in and helping to combat the dryness.
07:06 As we shift and we transition from summer into fall
07:09 and then into winter, it is so imperative and so crucial
07:12 that we seal in moisture every way that we can
07:14 and that we make sure that our skins
07:16 are getting the oils that they need
07:17 so that we can avoid the dryness, the chafing,
07:19 the itching that comes sometimes with the fall season.
07:22 - That is so good.
07:23 And if I could just, this scent right here,
07:27 this bubbling brown sugar,
07:28 it's literally like you could put it in the oven
07:31 and make a cookie.
07:31 Like that is what is given.
07:34 It is so delightful.
07:37 It is so absolutely delightful.
07:39 And I love, love that.
07:40 All right, she's not done.
07:41 Still not done, y'all.
07:43 Keep going.
07:44 - Oh, absolutely.
07:45 We've got also Strawberry Crush.
07:46 Now the Strawberry Crush,
07:48 that one is a nice fruity, pick-me-up, wonderful one too.
07:51 And it actually smells of fresh strawberries.
07:54 And so that's a great, fun scent.
07:56 It smells really good.
07:57 It smells like fresh strawberries,
07:58 but at the same time, it's still going to exfoliate
08:01 and moisturize the skin at the same time.
08:04 - The strawberry, y'all.
08:07 Again, another like,
08:11 oh, it smells so good.
08:12 And they all, every single one of them
08:15 has great moisturizing properties and great exfoliates.
08:18 You feel like you have new skin after.
08:21 - Absolutely.
08:22 Yeah, absolutely.
08:26 - I love this one too.
08:28 - Is that the Mad About Mango?
08:30 - This is Mad About Mango.
08:32 You make it really, really hard here.
08:33 'Cause if I had to pick my favorite,
08:35 it would be impossible.
08:36 Like seriously.
08:37 - You know, it's funny.
08:38 I get asked that all the time.
08:38 They say, "Well, what's one of your favorite?"
08:39 I'm like, "That's asking a mom
08:41 to choose who's her favorite child."
08:43 And you know, we can't do that.
08:44 So yes, the Mad About Mango is absolutely wonderful.
08:47 For people who love the scent of fresh mango,
08:49 they just think like, "Oh my God,
08:51 this is absolutely amazing."
08:52 And the wonderful thing is just like the other ones,
08:54 there's no animal testing, no harsh chemicals,
08:56 no added artificial preservatives or anything like that.
08:59 And yet they still leave you smelling amazing
09:02 and leave your skin completely exfoliated
09:04 and moisturized as well.
09:06 So they all have the same wonderful healing properties
09:08 for our skin, but they smell so awesome.
09:11 And it's designed, as you can see,
09:12 you can see that it's a thick scrub.
09:14 It's not designed, it's not water-based at all,
09:16 which means that you're able to actually cup it
09:19 in your hand and you're actually able to apply it directly
09:22 to the skin and you're actually able to apply it
09:25 and directly exfoliate.
09:26 In other words, it's not gonna run through your fingers.
09:28 You're gonna actually cup it and exfoliate for as long
09:31 or as little time as you may have.
09:33 You get to control the amount of pressure as well.
09:35 If you really want it, like we fix those heels
09:37 and you wanna get the back of those heels
09:39 really, really good, you just cup it
09:40 and you exfoliate for as long as you want to.
09:42 But if you're in a quick hurry,
09:43 you just want a quick rub down, then you can do that too.
09:46 - So good.
09:48 Okay, so if somebody is not about that scrub life,
09:51 how, and they're just starting with Glam Body Scrub,
09:55 'cause come on, y'all need to try this out here.
09:58 How often would you recommend?
10:00 Like if I'm doing lavender at night
10:03 and then lemon in the day,
10:05 or should I do that every other day?
10:06 Like how many body scrubs is good?
10:09 - Sure, and it depends on your skin type.
10:11 And if you have sensitive skin,
10:12 you may not wanna exfoliate every day,
10:14 but I'll tell you what, as we get into the colder weather,
10:16 when it comes to our heels and our feet,
10:18 I think exfoliation is like daily.
10:21 It's a daily necessity.
10:22 And the heels, our feet are usually,
10:24 that skin is thick enough and tough enough
10:26 that it can actually handle that.
10:28 So again, if it's the feet daily, especially at nighttime,
10:31 because they say that's the best place
10:32 for the oils to really get in
10:34 and to provide the most healing,
10:35 it's through the heels, the soles of your feet.
10:37 So that one I can recommend like every day.
10:39 If you're just getting started,
10:40 you wanna do it just a few times a week
10:42 as opposed to every day.
10:43 But then as your skin, as you exfoliate
10:45 and that wonderful, those new skin cells
10:48 come to the surface,
10:49 then you're able to be a little more tolerant
10:50 and you can exfoliate more often should you wanna do so.
10:53 So, but yeah, knees, elbows, and heels,
10:56 you gotta hit them as often as you can.
10:58 - Come on, hit them as often as you can.
11:00 I love that.
11:01 And there might be somebody sitting at home right now,
11:04 like, hmm, I might need to be exfoliating.
11:06 I put on lotion and by the afternoon,
11:09 I'm looking ashy, like I've been kicking some baby powder.
11:14 It's probably 'cause you have layers and layers
11:15 of dead skin.
11:16 You need to be exfoliating life here.
11:20 - Yes, absolutely.
11:20 - Tiffany is hooking us up.
11:22 - Absolutely.
11:23 - I love, love, love, love.
11:26 This is, if you're shopping with us,
11:28 you can shop right here or go to their website.
11:31 If you're looking on Pinterest,
11:32 we're pinning the products for you.
11:34 Also, she's available in big box stores,
11:37 like Target, like Walmart.
11:39 You know you got one within 10 miles of you.
11:41 Definitely do check this out.
11:43 You probably pass it all the time
11:45 and didn't even know the greatness
11:46 that was waiting for you on the shelf.
11:48 Okay, so, so good.
11:50 So Tiffany, you are also a member of the New Voices family,
11:54 who is our partner here at Shop Essence Live.
11:56 Can you talk a little bit about what that has been like
11:59 for you in scaling your business?
12:00 - Absolutely.
12:01 I'll tell you, being a part of the New Voices family
12:04 has been absolutely incredible.
12:06 You know, oftentimes, I talk about it all the time,
12:08 that you know what,
12:09 I am not a third, fourth generation entrepreneur.
12:11 I'm a first generation entrepreneur,
12:13 and I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth.
12:15 I didn't grow up knowing entrepreneurship,
12:17 didn't grow up knowing business.
12:18 You know, my mom hails proudly
12:20 from the projects of Inkster, okay?
12:21 So when you're out here,
12:23 jumping into this uncharted territory
12:25 called entrepreneurship,
12:27 it presents a unique set of challenges
12:29 that, you know, other people may not face.
12:32 And so to have a support system,
12:34 to have access to programs,
12:36 to have information available,
12:38 to have the camaraderie and the support
12:40 of other black female founders,
12:42 in my own description, I call it priceless.
12:45 Because, you know, it's one thing when you're going through it
12:48 but as a founder, you have a unique set of issues
12:50 that you deal with on a daily basis.
12:52 And if a person is not grinding every day
12:55 and they're not in that same mode,
12:56 it can be kind of hard to relate.
12:58 They're not necessarily relatable as a black founder.
13:00 And so to have others that you can, like I said,
13:02 talk to and just share the, like she said,
13:06 the joys, the highs and the lows with,
13:08 that is absolutely incredible.
13:09 And the training and the resources,
13:12 I'll tell you what, it was like,
13:14 this is, where have you been all my life?
13:15 Honestly, it's like, it's everything that you need.
13:17 And I am so thankful and so eternally grateful
13:20 just to be a part of the New Voices family.
13:23 - Oh, so, so good.
13:24 And I do hope that I see you at Essence Festival
13:27 or at one of our events 'cause New Voices,
13:30 it's all in the ecosystem.
13:32 And I think that's also great as well.
13:34 So happy to have you on today's show.
13:37 Tiffany, you are so amazing.
13:38 And I am so grateful for the exfoliation
13:42 is now part of my every single day.
13:44 - Beautiful.
13:45 - Rather with a moisturizer after
13:47 'cause we are fully moisturized, new skin every day.
13:50 I love it.
13:52 But thank you, thank you so much for joining us.
13:54 And thank you everybody at home for watching.
13:56 Make sure, first of all, this is a really great gift.
13:59 You need to get a headstart, okay?
14:00 Get the whole bundle, get every single one of them
14:03 'cause whoever is on the receiving end of that,
14:05 I guarantee they will love it, okay?
14:09 Tiffany, thank you, thank you so, so much.
14:12 And you guys keep watching.
14:13 We're here every single week
14:15 with two new black-owned businesses
14:17 on Shop Essence Live in partnership with New Voices family.
14:19 I am Noni Donovan.
14:21 Thank you for watching and bye.
14:22 Bye!
