The Chargers: Why You Should Be Done Betting on Them

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Mike, I gotta tell you, if there's one team
00:04 that I'm sick and tired of betting on and counting on,
00:08 'cause they never come through, it's the Chargers.
00:11 I'm done, I can't take it anymore.
00:13 I bet on them the other night and I'm done with it.
00:15 I'm done with them, they suck.
00:17 They never win, they never win anything that matters ever.
00:20 And this guy is overrated.
00:23 That's just all there is to it.
00:25 - I'm tired of this guy being put up there
00:27 on that elite tier of quarterbacks in the league.
00:31 He's not there yet, he's very talented.
00:35 He's not there yet.
00:37 - So are you.
00:37 - At the top of the mountain with these other guys.
00:39 (upbeat music)
00:42 [MUSIC]
