Hasbro Star Wars Asoka Press Mailer Box UNBOXING!

  • last year


00:00 Move over Anakin, it's time to give attention to your apprentice.
00:04 What's inside the Hasbro Star Wars Ahsoka Mailer Box?
00:08 A huge thank you to the folks over at Hasbro that did take the time to provide this quite large Ahsoka box that we could open up.
00:24 Of course the contents inside we don't know just yet because I haven't yet taken the liberty of cutting the top flap here, but we'll do that more in a moment.
00:32 But just though before we do that I did want to show you guys the artwork that they have featured on the front of the box.
00:36 There's of course Ahsoka there to the side and down below of course we have the also Star Wars and the new Ahsoka series.
00:43 Who of you, how many of you have actually watched the new Ahsoka series and let me know your thoughts of the show down below in the comment section.
00:49 But without further ado though I've got myself a pair of scissors here we're going to cut the tape carefully on the top.
00:55 Now let's check out the contents inside.
00:57 And without further ado let's go ahead and open up the flap here.
01:03 Hopefully I've cut the tape well enough to, there we go, to open up and reveal the contents.
01:07 Now again these were nicely provided to me from the folks over at Hasbro.
01:11 There we go just opening the tape on the other side.
01:13 We've got ourselves some packing paper we can put that also to the side.
01:17 Now let's check out the contents that we got shipped here.
01:19 First of all we have the, from the brand new Ahsoka series.
01:22 Here's the Star Wars Ahsoka from the Black series.
01:25 You can see there's the character right there she has her dual lightsabers those look really cool.
01:30 I like also the artwork that they have featured on the side of the box.
01:33 And a nice little read up there also featured on the back as well.
01:36 Now along with Ahsoka they were also nice enough to provide we've got ourselves Ezra Bridger.
01:42 Ezra Bridger there with lightsaber and also blaster.
01:45 They also provided here as well we have Sabine, I think it's Sabine Wren.
01:51 And of course she does have a couple of blasters also as well.
01:55 Helmet, lightsaber, really nice artwork there featured on the side.
01:59 And of course the read up there also on the back.
02:01 And they were also nice enough to provide we have Morgan Elsbeth.
02:06 There's the character right there.
02:08 Like the artwork, the artwork actually is really good on the side here.
02:11 I'm glad that they are using kind of like the consistent black and white.
02:15 Especially if you're going to have these all stacked on your shelf.
02:17 And you're one that is a collector that likes to keep all your things still sealed on card.
02:21 They're actually nice little boxes.
02:23 And actually too you don't even really have to open up and have the figures loosen out on display.
02:28 You can easily see the figures still inside the boxes.
02:30 Really nice box I always like the way they do with the of course the Black series.
02:34 Then we're just going to move this to the side.
02:36 This looks to be the contents once again just to let you guys know that that was again provided from the folks over at Hasbro.
02:42 For the slightly younger Star Wars collectors out there there's the Star Wars Mission Fleet.
02:48 And this is the T6 Jedi Shuttle.
02:50 I really like the design of this one.
02:52 And of course it does come with a tiny little Ahsoka complete with of course her lightsabers.
02:57 We will be of course looking at these all in upcoming videos.
03:00 So it looks like they're on the back as well.
03:02 I really like the color scheme of that particular starship.
03:05 The red and the white really work quite well.
03:08 And reaching also inside we have an Ahsoka helmet.
03:12 Well it's a helmet for a kid at least but it's supposed to be the headdress, the hairpiece that she has on her head.
03:19 This is something that a kid will just wear.
03:21 And I don't know if it, oh it does seem to have light up features also as well.
03:25 So just click this side here.
03:32 So it seems to be the case that just pressing the side will cycle through several audio clips.
03:39 That's pretty cool too.
03:41 Further down the box though we also got included inside the Star Wars Ahsoka Sabine Wren.
03:48 And this is one that actually comes included with a little tiny critter.
03:51 There on the back this is from actually the vintage collection Star Wars series.
03:56 Slightly smaller figures than the already looked at black series.
03:59 We're going to put that one also to the side.
04:02 Ooh nice!
04:03 Hasbro was also nice enough to include Chatterback, the Chatterback Chopper.
04:08 Motorized it also has 40+ sound and movement combos.
04:13 Now a while ago we had a look at one from Obi-Wan.
04:18 It was the Lola or Lola.
04:21 This is going to pair really nicely with the Lola we've already had a look at.
04:25 Put that to the side.
04:27 We also have a larger version of Ahsoka Tano.
04:31 Now this one has lightsabers.
04:33 Oh there's little buttons here on the side.
04:35 Let's see if I can actually press the buttons.
04:37 So not only does she cycle through audio but she also as well lights up her lightsabers.
04:46 That's pretty cool.
04:47 As for the remaining couple of items we have still packing paper.
04:52 So we just kind of get that out of the way.
04:54 I don't know if there's anything actually buried underneath the packing paper.
04:57 I don't think there is.
04:59 There's two more things inside the box.
05:02 I'm just making a complete mess over there.
05:04 Another one to go along with the Starship that we looked at earlier.
05:07 There's an R2-D2 Ahsoka Tano.
05:09 Oh it also comes with Grogu and Luke Skywalker.
05:13 I was going to say was Luke Skywalker also included with the set or is it just an advertisement for another set that you can pick up.
05:18 But it seems to have Ahsoka, R2-D2, Grogu and Luke Skywalker.
05:24 All the contents there are featured on the back.
05:26 Also comes included with the frog and a little carrying case.
05:29 A little backpack that he can carry around.
05:31 Luke Skywalker can carry around Grogu.
05:33 That's pretty cool.
05:34 And the last thing that they were nice enough to send my way is a Star Wars lightsaber force.
05:40 And this is of course Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber so it should light up white.
05:43 It doesn't.
05:45 Oh it's the little button.
05:46 I've got to press the right button here on the side.
05:48 Maybe it's probably the case I have to include batteries or I have to install batteries.
05:52 It has both audio clips and also light up a hilt.
05:55 So you can see there on the side.
05:57 So you've got the blade.
05:59 You've got the cap.
06:00 You've got the cover and the core.
06:02 Put all of those together and then from there you can have yourself a lightsaber.
06:05 And then advertised featured on the back several of the other force effect lightsabers that you can also get as well.
06:12 I did leave that one.
06:14 Is that one Darth Maul?
06:15 I'm seeing by the fact that there's the blade on the top there.
06:17 Blade's down below.
06:19 Pretty cool though.
06:21 I wasn't as big of a fan.
06:23 I like Ahsoka's lightsaber.
06:24 I don't know if I really like the white beam myself.
06:26 I'm always kind of more of a traditional green blade myself.
06:29 But that's a really cool lightsaber either way.
06:31 So once again a big big thank you to the folks over at Hasbro that did provide quite a large mailer box containing inside the brand new Star Wars Ahsoka Tano line.
06:42 We have various different Star Wars Black Series figures of course we will be looking at in upcoming reviews.
06:47 We also had as well vintage series Star Wars Mission Fleet for the younger collectors out there as well.
06:53 The Chatterback Chopper and also some role-playing helmets that the kids can also wear as well.
06:58 Of course this will be leading up to a whole bunch of Star Wars reviews coming here on to this channel.
07:03 So again a big big thank you to the folks over at Hasbro that did provide all this free product we can have a look at here.
07:08 Have you guys been enjoying the Star Wars Ahsoka series?
07:11 Let me know down below in the comments section.
07:13 Or if you haven't had yet the chance to check out the show is that a series that you guys would like to watch?
07:18 Let me know your thoughts down below in the comments section.
07:20 Once again if you guys enjoyed this video I want to hit with a like.
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07:34 Of course as always guys thanks for watching.
07:36 See you guys next time.
07:38 [Outro]
