Shannon Sharpe Says Brock Purdy is a Product of the 49ers System

  • last year
Shannon Sharpe recently argued that Brock Purdy is a mere product of the San Francisco 49ers offensive system.
00:00 Shannon Sharp, who played, who called me?
00:03 Shannon Sharp, who played for Mike Shanahan,
00:07 and might have Mike Shanahan on speed dial,
00:08 I don't even know, maybe he's calling him
00:10 and talking about Brock Purdy all the time.
00:12 On his show, said that Brock Purdy is a product
00:16 of the system and is not an elite quarterback.
00:19 Is that an outrageous thing to say?
00:21 I mean, you can't really say that in the Bay Area.
00:25 Like, you're not allowed to say that,
00:26 but I don't know, what do you think?
00:28 He's not an elite quarterback, he's not, come on.
00:31 I mean, he's true on that.
00:32 If anything, what he said that really bothered me was,
00:35 "All Purdy has to do is go out there
00:37 "and not throw turnovers."
00:38 And I was like, "What do you mean go out there
00:39 "and not throw turnovers?"
00:40 All of a sudden, not throwing turnovers is so easy to do,
00:44 'cause everyone does it and it's so common.
00:46 It's pretty much accepted now.
00:47 So the fact that he's been doing that,
00:49 has not been doing that since week 17 of last season,
00:53 that's damn impressive.
00:54 That's a skill in itself.
00:56 So I don't think it's so much just strictly the systems.
00:59 We've seen the system the same way
01:01 under Jimmy freaking Garoppolo.
01:02 - That's what I was gonna say.
01:03 - And it was considered galore.
01:04 - That's what I was gonna say.
01:05 - So I think it's like, okay, that's,
01:08 if anything, that's an elite trait in itself.
01:10 And maybe he's trending towards that direction,
01:12 but he needs to play at least out of the season
01:14 going into next before I even talk about him being elite.
01:17 Other than that, Sharp also mentioned,
01:20 if you take away Deebo, George Kittle,
01:22 he pretty much said,
01:23 "If I take away every Niners quarterback,
01:25 "every Niners skill player,"
01:26 I'm like, "Okay, you pretty much just make your argument."
01:29 So if I basically put them on the Giants,
01:30 like no doubt, why do you think those guys look that bad?
01:32 'Cause there's no one around them.
01:34 That's the point.
01:35 I mean, I think it's funny
01:36 that they're trying to use this to discredit him
01:38 because we've seen examples of other quarterbacks,
01:41 AKA Jimmy Garoppolo in this situation, not do Jack.
01:45 I always compare it to,
01:46 I always compare Jimmy Garoppolo
01:48 as someone at the dinner table
01:49 where he leaves half of his food
01:51 of the dinner plate still left over.
01:53 It's like, dude, there was so much left to be had.
01:55 For Purdy, there's only probably like 10% left
01:56 of the food on there.
01:57 He makes the most of the opportunity.
01:59 He lifts up, he taps into the potential of everyone.
02:01 So to me, it's like, he's more than the system quarterback.
02:04 He's optimizing it.
02:05 - Yeah, to say he's a product of the system,
02:09 first of all, what does that even mean?
02:10 Like to me, a product of the system means
02:13 that he wouldn't even be good if it wasn't for,
02:16 like he'd be bad.
02:17 And to me, that's Jimmy Garoppolo.
02:20 Look at Jimmy Garoppolo this year.
02:21 That's exact, he was a product of the system, no question.
02:24 I don't think Brock Purdy's a product.
02:25 He does too many things well
02:28 to say that he'd be bad on another team.
02:30 Now, does the system enhance his numbers?
02:33 Does the supporting cast enhance his numbers?
02:36 Yeah, but I mean like, just because he's in an offense
02:40 that fits him perfectly, why is that a bad thing?
02:43 Like so was Jalen Hurts.
02:45 Jalen Hurts is in an offense that fits him perfectly
02:47 with a great supporting cast.
02:48 Like no one really knocks him for that.
02:51 Or you know, how about in the 80s, Joe Montana?
02:54 He was in the perfect system for him.
02:55 They built it for him.
02:57 And he had Roger Craig, Brent Jones, Jerry Rice, John,
03:00 like I'm not saying Brock Purdy's Joe Montana,
03:04 but he's in the same situation.
03:05 The Raiders literally wouldn't have wanted Joe Montana.
03:07 It would have been like, sorry, can't throw down the field.
03:11 - They need someone with a bomb back.
03:11 - Doesn't fit our system.
03:13 Yeah, it doesn't fit our system, sorry.
03:14 It doesn't fit our team.
03:15 So I mean, you could say that about a lot of,
03:17 Tom Brady was a system quarterback too, I would agree.
03:20 Threw a lot of short passes.
03:21 So I don't think you can really knock a quarterback
03:24 for being on a team that uses a system that's right for him.
03:27 Like that's just good coaching.
03:29 You're supposed to do that.
03:30 Every quarterback is supposed to have that luxury.
03:32 - You know what else reminded me of this?
03:33 I remember, I don't know if we also had a topic
03:35 once upon a time, like two years ago of this,
03:37 but I remember like, at least with friends and family,
03:39 like, man, did the four errors mess up
03:41 by not drafting DK McGaff instead of Debo Samuel?
03:44 And to me, it was always like, no,
03:45 I think both players went perfectly where they were.
03:48 Why? Because it fits.
03:49 And I'm thinking that's kind of the first thing
03:51 I thought about when Shannon Sharp was talking to all that.
03:53 It's like, look, DK McGaff might be
03:55 the better pure right receiver.
03:56 I think he is, but he wouldn't fit in the four and iris
03:59 offense as well as Debo Samuel does.
04:00 Cause it's not what Kyle Shanahan
04:02 literally pertains to with running.
04:04 You know, that's what he's got Brandon Ayoub for.
04:05 Even Ayoub doesn't do so much of,
04:07 he does a lot more like shifting his and cross,
04:09 like he just does everything.
04:10 So you just need that one guy.
04:11 McGaff is really more like just the bombing guy
04:14 that they don't really need or utilize too much.
04:16 Debo Samuel is the one that they really have
04:19 do all that shape shifting and everything
04:20 in terms of receiver running back and just utilities, man.
04:23 I don't see Brock pretty being that system quarterback
04:25 because again, it's been too much too many times now
04:28 where you need to tell me it's Kyle Shanahan
04:29 has the system so well that they're able to score
04:31 30 plus points practically every game,
04:34 except for two Dallas playoff game in Seattle last year
04:38 that he can do it.
04:40 If that, again, that was the case.
04:41 Why didn't the other quarterbacks do that?
04:42 I only say grapple because, you know,
04:44 we've already seen backup quarterbacks in the system
04:46 before other than grapple, but it's just, no,
04:49 I think I've seen enough where it's like, no,
04:51 he's definitely the uplifting figure
04:52 that someone who optimizes it and puts them in control
04:55 and literally makes everyone play to the potential
04:58 and doesn't leave enough to be had.
05:00 - Yeah, is he elite?
05:02 You can't say that after 14, 13 career games,
05:06 but he is incredibly consistent and what he does well,
05:11 he does every week.
05:13 Like it's not, it's hard to say it's a fluke
05:16 or it's like, remember Jeremy Lin when he went on that run
05:19 and people called it Lin sanity and everyone was like,
05:21 this is a lot of fun,
05:22 but like this is not going to sustain and it didn't.
05:25 I think we're past that with Brock.
05:27 This feels like he's here to stay
05:30 and it doesn't mean he's gonna be an MVP,
05:33 but it feels like he's gonna be the starting quarterback
05:35 for a long time here unless he gets hurt again.
05:40 - Grant, we were just literally months away talking about,
05:42 was he gonna have Tommy John on his freaking elbow?
05:44 And he's coming back now.
05:46 We've seen the sample size before and after
05:48 and it's like, I don't see anything different.
05:50 I don't see anything different.
05:52 - Leading the league in pass rating.
05:54 - No picks on throwing arm.
05:58 Remember this is the throwing arm,
05:59 not the arm where he just holds the ball
06:01 and this is his throwing arm.
06:02 That's insane to me.
06:03 I mean, honestly, I really thought
06:06 there was gonna be a point in time now
06:07 and maybe it will in the next three games,
06:09 but that he would have started getting a little bit more
06:12 exposed or coming down to earth
06:13 because they had more film on him last year.
06:16 He didn't have time to work on himself,
06:17 but it's like, shoot, maybe it wasn't so much
06:20 he didn't have time to work on himself.
06:21 Maybe he just didn't have enough time
06:22 to show what else he had to show enough
06:25 that he was actually a pretty solid quarterback.
06:27 And so far, it's looking like more than that
06:30 than what I thought my theory was gonna be
06:32 that he was gonna get more coming down to earth
06:34 because again, he didn't have time to work on himself.
06:36 It was just working on how to throw again.
06:39 - What's interesting to me about this comment
06:41 from Shannon Sharp is again, he played for Mike Shanahan.
06:45 He's one of the best players
06:46 that Mike Shanahan ever coached.
06:48 And the way I understand coaches is
06:51 they love their best players like their children,
06:56 like their personal, like you made,
06:59 I created you to an extent and you made me look good.
07:03 So I'll love you forever.
07:05 I would imagine Shannon Sharp has Mike Shanahan's number
07:09 and I would imagine they have a close relationship
07:12 and they could talk about stuff like this.
07:14 I wonder if Mike's side of the story is,
07:17 yeah, Brock Purdy, nice little story,
07:19 nice little quarterback, but he is just a function.
07:24 He is a product of my kids' offense.
07:27 Let's be honest here.
07:29 I feel like the Shanahans aren't that modest.
07:33 You know what I mean?
07:34 Like they're pretty, they're not that modest
07:38 and they take a lot of credit for stuff.
07:39 I just, I wonder privately if the two of them,
07:42 Kyle and Mike are like, it's me, it's us.
07:47 This is all a product of what we do.
07:50 - I feel like, especially with Mike,
07:54 I don't think it's Kyle, at least not yet,
07:56 but I feel like with Mike,
07:57 I agree with that theory a thousand percent
07:58 'cause there's one thing that all these insiders,
08:01 like former athletes do is like,
08:02 they don't come with you on the fly.
08:04 They're talking to these people
08:05 and they're putting it off as their own opinion.
08:08 Like no one's, that's why,
08:09 why do you think they're called analysts or experts?
08:11 They're not really experts.
08:11 They're experts at knowing people, there's a difference.
08:14 So I think in your sense, I'm with you.
08:16 I just don't think it's necessarily Kyle
08:17 and Mike talking to each other.
08:18 I think it's Mike like,
08:19 oh dude, that's all my son's doing, Shannon.
08:22 Like, come on, are you serious?
08:23 Come on, that's my system that he built upon.
08:25 Like that's not, that's more my system.
08:27 - Why are they so enthusiastic about Sam Darnold?
08:31 Because I think the Shanahans think
08:35 that Brock is a product of their system.
08:37 So if Lil Brock Purdy can lead the league
08:40 and pass a rating on this team,
08:42 imagine what Sam Darnold could do.
08:45 Now maybe he's not as good as Brock,
08:47 but I feel like they think their system
08:49 and this team can pretty much create any quarterback.
08:52 And at this point, there's no use in paying for it,
08:55 which maybe is true.
08:56 We'll see.
08:57 I don't know about Sam Darnold, but we'll see.
08:58 - I think that's a fact because again,
09:00 they had the Scrappler looking like a top 15,
09:02 top 20 quarterback, 15 to 20 quarterback,
09:04 not top 15, but 15 to 20 range quarterback with him.
09:07 And now he's bottom five.
09:09 So I think if they're them, they're not looking,
09:11 they don't look in their system as like, all right,
09:13 I look, they don't look at players like,
09:14 oh, I'm judging them so much of what they did before.
09:17 I'm judging them kind of off that.
09:18 And what can I do when I put them with us?
09:21 What can I do with my system?
09:22 What can I do with the players around us?
09:24 So that's why I think ultimately why they think
09:26 Sam Darnold can actually be a capable,
09:27 competent and sufficient quarterback
09:29 if he does need to step in at any point.
09:32 - That's why I feel like Niner fans don't get it.
09:35 They're always so fiercely defending their quarterback.
09:38 I think their own head coach
09:41 is usually as skeptical as anyone.
09:44 - Yeah.
09:45 - About how good the quarterback actually is.
09:46 Like, hey, we can win with him
09:48 and he can operate my system and I like him,
09:52 but come on, it's all me here.
09:55 And people that are saying that Brock Purdy's a lead
09:59 or taking this kind of stuff personally
10:01 might wanna remember the fact that
10:03 the Shanahan's father and son probably feel the same way
10:07 as Sanisar privately.
10:09 So.
10:10 - Yeah, probably don't get him
10:11 as an irreplaceable quarterback just yet.
10:13 But again, it's only been five games into this season,
10:15 seven to eight from last.
10:16 So by the time the season ends,
10:19 maybe a lot of our tunes change.
10:22 - They probably think they can win the Super Bowl
10:24 with Sam Darnold if it comes down to it.
10:25 I bet they do.
10:26 - I feel like Purdy has a better decision-making
10:29 on his hand than at least Darnold does.
10:31 That's the one thing I think I feel confident.
10:32 - No question.
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