Putin declares Russia has always supported the creation of a Palestinian state

  • last year
Russian president Vladimir Putin said at the plenary session of the Russian Energy Week that Moscow has always advocated the implementation of the UN security council's decision on the creation of an independent Palestinian state. teleSUR
00:00 And Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the plenary session of the Russian Energy
00:05 Week that Moscow has always advocated the implementation of the UN Security Council
00:10 decision on the creation of an independent Palestinian state.
00:15 Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that the US tried to replace solutions to
00:20 political problems with handouts to Palestine.
00:23 According to the Russian leader, if the fundamental political issues are not settled, the main
00:28 one, which is the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,
00:34 the whole problem cannot be solved.
00:36 He also denounced that at the time of the creation of Israel, there was also talk of
00:41 immediately creating a sovereign Palestine, something that was never fulfilled.
00:51 Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the events unfolding amid the conflict between
00:55 Israel and Hamas are terrible.
00:58 Putin noted the need to strive to minimize or reduce the zero losses among the civilian
01:03 population, among women, children and the elderly.
01:09 What's happening is terrible.
01:11 We understand that there is a very big tightening on both sides.
01:14 But no matter the level of tightening on both sides, they still need to strive to minimize
01:20 or reduce to zero losses among the civilian population, among women, children and the
01:26 other people.
01:27 If men decide to fight among themselves, let them fight with each other.
01:33 Leave children and women alone.
01:35 This applies to both sides.
01:41 The Palestinian issue is in the heart of every person in this region who professes Islam.
01:47 This is how life turned out.
01:49 These are obvious things.
01:50 Everything that happens, not only now, but over the course of decades, all this is perceived
01:55 as a manifestation of injustice, raised up to some incredible degree.
02:03 Putin also said that he did not understand why the United States sent aircraft carrier
02:07 groups to approach Israeli borders.
02:10 He added that such actions aggravate the situation.
02:15 I don't understand why the United States moved aircraft carrier groups to the Mediterranean
02:20 Sea.
02:21 They more or less announced it at the second.
02:24 I really don't see the point.
02:25 Are they going to bomb Lebanon or what?
02:29 What are they going to do?
02:30 Or did they just decide to scare someone?
02:33 There are people there who are not afraid of anything anymore.
02:37 This is not how you have to solve problems.
02:39 You have to look for compromise solutions.
02:42 This is what they have to do.
02:44 Of course, these kinds of actions aggravate the situation.
02:50 Earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to Al-Gad TV media, broadcast
02:55 by the Russian presidential press service.
02:58 When he was asked about Russia's possibility to participate in this resolution process,
03:03 he mentioned the following.
03:04 Let's listen.
03:05 Well, why not?
03:09 We have very stable business relations with Israel.
03:12 We have had friendly relations with Palestine for decades.
03:15 Our friends know about this.
03:17 And Russia, in my opinion, could also make its contribution to the peace process.
03:24 When he was asked about the Israeli call for the Palestinians to leave Gaza and move to
03:29 Egypt, he replied.
03:31 Let's hear it.
03:32 It's difficult for me to make any assessments.
03:35 This is the land on which the Palestinians live.
03:38 This is their land, historically their land.
03:40 Moreover, it was supposed to create an independent Palestinian state here.
03:45 In my opinion, this is not something that can lead to peace.
