Kid to Kid Fall Fashion Show!

  • last year
“Kids grow faster than paychecks” that is the principle Kid to Kid was founded on. Since 1992 the stores have been providing ways for families to save money on safe resale items from clothing and shoes to strollers and toys. Make money by selling gently used items and update your child’s wardrobe at 70% less than retail pricing. With 4 stores around the valley there is a convenient location to find something every growing family needs! Keep your kids in sustainable style and help the environment today! For more information visit
00:00 All right, fall is here and it's time to break out those fall fashion staples.
00:04 Idalia from Kid2Kid is here to show us what the kids are wearing this season.
00:09 So Idalia, welcome.
00:11 Thank you.
00:12 So today we're doing a specific fall fashion show.
00:16 These are not your, you know, everyday kind of wear throughout the year.
00:20 This is specifically for fall.
00:23 So what does that mean?
00:24 What are the kids going to be wearing?
00:25 Like nice summery kind of stuff?
00:27 No, more like orange colors, warmer colors, long sleeves now.
00:33 Okay.
00:33 It's Arizona, so it's still a little warm out, but...
00:37 Still not super fall.
00:39 And all of these fashions are stuff that we're going to see today.
00:41 All of these fashions are stuff that they got at Kid2Kid, which is like a consignment shop.
00:45 That's what I was going to say. Explain a little bit about what Kid2Kid is.
00:47 It's not consignment.
00:48 It's actually a thrift store for kids.
00:51 So we actually buy and like purchase items from our customers
00:56 and we price it right out.
00:58 Like consignment is where you wait out or wait for the item to sell.
01:02 But here we take it right away and we offer store credit or cash.
01:06 So those people bring in the clothes, you buy it from them,
01:10 and then you guys put it out on the racks for other people to come and buy.
01:13 And what's really neat too is that this is an opportunity for those families
01:16 that might have gently used clothes that they need to get rid of
01:20 and also need to pretty much dress the kids on a budget, right?
01:24 Yeah, exactly.
01:25 And I've been noticing that sometimes you guys come in here and I'm seeing them in Adidas.
01:28 I'm seeing them in Nikes.
01:30 I'm like, oh my goodness.
01:30 Really nice brand.
01:31 Yeah, and like all of a sudden like I'm like, well, that must be like at least $100.
01:34 Like, nope, $14, $19 for those outfits.
01:37 It's amazing.
01:38 Yeah.
01:38 Great.
01:39 Okay, so I just had a baby and he's almost three months.
01:42 So he's already kind of growing out of those newborn clothes.
01:46 So what's the age range?
01:48 I mean, could I bring in his stuff and then buy stuff for him when he's a couple years old?
01:51 Yeah, so we purchase preemie up to 14, 16.
01:55 Sometimes we'll take 18 because we, you know, we have children who wear bigger sizes.
01:59 Sure.
02:00 We also take maternity clothes.
02:03 But yeah, kids grow out of all sizes.
02:05 So we like to make sure that everyone just tries to come in here
02:08 so they get something that's a nice range.
02:11 Yeah.
02:12 Yeah, that's awesome.
02:13 Yeah, and so what is the average price?
02:14 Because Brad was just saying, okay, so we're seeing some Adidas stuff,
02:18 but the average prices are a little bit lower than what you would pay retail, right?
02:21 Yeah.
02:21 Yeah, so it just kind of depends on what you're getting to.
02:25 The more expensive brands are obviously a little bit higher.
02:28 Sure.
02:29 But maybe $10 for just like a top for Nike.
02:34 But yeah, that new is like maybe $30 to $40 new.
02:38 So you're getting a really, really deep discount.
02:40 I love that.
02:41 Hey, let's get the fashion show going.
02:42 Yes, let's start the fashion show.
02:43 The kids are hungry about this.
02:44 They want to get the fashion show going.
02:45 All right.
02:46 So who's our first model?
02:48 Come on over here.
02:50 Who's this?
02:52 Hi.
02:52 Hi, you look great.
02:54 Okay, so I see we have these gorgeous boots going.
02:57 We also have kind of this fall inspired dress a little bit with the flowers.
03:01 Yeah, can you give us a little turn so we can see?
03:04 So Adalia, tell us a little bit about what she's wearing.
03:06 So the boots and the dress she got from our location in Peoria.
03:11 If we look at the tag, the dress is $8.99.
03:16 Wow, that's great.
03:17 Go ahead and turn a little bit more forward.
03:19 Can we turn that way so the kids can see?
03:20 Right there.
03:20 Everybody wants to see this great outfit.
03:21 There we go.
03:22 Look at that.
03:22 Really beautiful.
03:23 How cute.
03:24 And this is great because, you know, we're looking for those fall fashions to go take pictures and stuff and don't want to spend a lot of money because kids do grow so fast.
03:31 Absolutely.
03:32 Yeah, and this is something great that she could wear to like a pumpkin patch or something fun like that.
03:35 Really cute.
03:36 Okay, so maybe our next model.
03:37 And the boots, $6.99.
03:39 Oh my gosh.
03:39 Oh wow, that's great.
03:40 $120 for the whole outfit.
03:41 Wow.
03:42 That is awesome.
03:43 That's awesome.
03:44 Okay, our next model.
03:45 All right.
03:47 You look really cool.
03:49 I love this.
03:50 So, okay, what do we have on here?
03:52 We have Jace here.
03:53 He has a polo shirt.
03:56 Let me see the price on that.
03:57 This one is $14.99.
04:02 Wow.
04:02 That is very nice.
04:03 Do you want to turn around so we can see your whole outfit here?
04:05 And I know these kind of sneakers, the bigger kind of like chunkier sneakers are really in right now, right?
04:11 Yeah.
04:12 Yeah, we get those a lot as well.
04:14 It's more popular for like the older kids.
04:17 Sure.
04:18 So we try to make sure that they're in gently used condition as well.
04:20 And shoes are tricky because, yeah, if they grow out of anything quick, it's probably the shoes are the first ones to go.
04:26 I love it.
04:27 Great.
04:27 Very cool.
04:28 All right, our next model.
04:30 Come on out.
04:31 Oh, here we go.
04:33 Look at this outfit.
04:34 Wow.
04:35 You're wearing a great costume, too.
04:36 Yeah.
04:36 All the wind's coming up.
04:38 Turn this way for the camera so they can see you.
04:39 You look beautiful.
04:39 Yeah, will you turn around so they can see you?
04:40 Turn this way so they can see you.
04:41 Turn right there.
04:41 Thank you.
04:42 Perfect.
04:42 Look at that.
04:43 How cute.
04:44 Okay, Adalia, what's she wearing?
04:45 She is wearing one of our Kid to Kid dresses.
04:48 The dress is new, and it is $10.99.
04:51 Wow.
04:51 Oh, my goodness.
04:53 You want to give us a little twirl so we can see your whole outfit?
04:55 And Adalia, that's something that you guys do, too.
04:57 You kind of like let people know if it's gently used or if it's new.
05:00 Yeah, we put the brands.
05:01 We put new items.
05:04 We try to make sure that that stands out because we want that stuff to sell to our customers, as well.
05:08 Yeah, the right thing.
05:09 Adalia, tell me a little bit about her bow.
05:11 Can we get in on her bow?
05:13 Look at that Chanel bow.
05:14 Wow.
05:15 We got Chanel going on up there.
05:16 Yes, we have bows, too, at our store.
05:17 And are those bows -- you guys make those yourselves, right?
05:20 We have someone that we order them from.
05:22 That's amazing.
05:23 Okay, great.
05:24 So those are new at the store.
05:25 Yeah.
05:26 I love it.
05:27 Let's see our next-to-last model.
05:28 Okay.
05:29 We're going to come in.
05:30 There she is.
05:31 Oh, look at this.
05:32 Wow.
05:33 There she is.
05:34 You look fantastic.
05:35 And she looks cute.
05:36 Let's see what she -- I like the little purse with her, the boots and everything.
05:40 Adalia, tell us about this look.
05:42 The whole outfit is from Kid to Kid, as well.
05:45 The shirt -- let's see -- is $450.
05:48 Okay.
05:49 Wow.
05:50 We got the skirt that's $499, and it's actually discounted, as well.
05:53 We have stuff that's discounted with stickers, so that's 25% off.
05:56 I love -- look at her.
05:58 Fantastic.
05:59 Oh, there we go.
06:00 That's the model right there.
06:01 Oh, yeah.
06:02 That is great.
06:03 Thank you.
06:04 What I love, too, is that the kids kind of get involved with the shopping, too.
06:07 I like how they can kind of, like, show, "Look, Mom.
06:09 Look at my pricing."
06:10 So I love it.
06:11 All right.
06:12 Adalia, tell us where everybody can find more information on Kid to Kid.
06:14 So we have four locations in the Valley.
06:17 We have Awatukee, Gilbert, Tatum, and Peoria.
06:21 We all have our own discounts, so just make sure to call the nearest location just to
06:26 make sure what we have going on.
06:27 Fantastic.
06:28 I love it.
06:29 All right.
06:30 Stick around.
06:31 More mix after this.
06:32 [end of transcript]
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