Kid to Kid DIY Halloween Costume Fashion Show

  • last year
Halloween will be here before you know it! New costumes can be expensive! Kid to Kid has gently used costumes and they also have affordable clothing that can be incorporated into last minute DIY costumes! The best part about DIY costumes is that you are using key items that they can wear all year round!
At Kid to Kid you can make money by selling gently used items and update your child’s wardrobe at 70% less than retail pricing. With 4 stores around the valley there is a convenient location to find something every growing family needs! For more information visit
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - We're almost here, and if you still don't have a costume
00:05 for your little one, like me, unfortunately,
00:08 we have some great ideas for last minute costumes.
00:11 Angel is here to tell us more.
00:12 Angel, thanks for being here.
00:13 - Yeah, thanks for having us.
00:15 - So first of all, tell everyone
00:16 a little bit about Kid2Kid.
00:19 - So Kid2Kid is a resale store,
00:20 so we have four value locations.
00:22 You will buy and sell your gently used kids items.
00:25 - And that goes from everything from regular,
00:29 like everyday clothes to, you have things like strollers,
00:33 all kinds of stuff.
00:33 - Yeah, so equipment, toys, shoes, clothing,
00:36 all seasons, all year round, holiday stuff.
00:39 So it doesn't matter, you don't have to hold onto it,
00:40 you get paid cash or more in-store credit.
00:42 - I love that.
00:43 So it is the season for Halloween costumes.
00:45 Obviously, Halloween is coming up really soon.
00:47 So let's take a look at some of these options
00:49 that you guys have here,
00:50 'cause you have so many great ideas.
00:52 First of all, Cinderella.
00:54 This is such a cute idea.
00:56 Look at these little glass slippers, if you will.
00:58 This is great.
00:59 - Yes, so, so cute.
01:00 We wanted to kind of show everybody
01:01 that you could still come in
01:02 and kind of put together an outfit
01:04 with everyday finds that you could find at the store.
01:06 And not only that,
01:07 you can wear these items more than once.
01:09 So more than for Halloween.
01:11 - Right.
01:11 - You can add them, you can mix and match.
01:12 We have some cute accessories
01:14 that are gonna be available at different locations,
01:16 but definitely find,
01:18 put some pieces together and find things.
01:20 - Yeah, 'cause this is such a great idea
01:21 because it's not like an actual costume.
01:24 You have put together ideas.
01:26 - Yes.
01:27 - So you even have things down there,
01:28 like you have the little ears,
01:29 you have the little tail.
01:30 - Yeah, so like we had this cute little mouse dress,
01:33 and then we got these in after.
01:34 So you can always find some unique items.
01:36 We have a Harry Potter.
01:38 We have the little glasses, a wand, some little flats.
01:41 And then of course the dress,
01:42 but that could work.
01:43 Those accessories could work for boy or girl.
01:44 So you can dress it up however you want.
01:46 Cowboy boots, you can keep all year round.
01:48 Use it for a little cowboy or Woody.
01:51 - So cute.
01:52 Yeah, this is a great idea
01:53 because you're not just ordering something online
01:55 that you're gonna wear one time,
01:56 and then you won't use again.
01:57 These are actual pieces that you could use again
02:01 in their everyday wardrobe,
02:02 but you've crafted them and made them
02:04 into a perfect costume.
02:05 - Yeah, especially for the babies.
02:07 You know, they're gonna wear it one time.
02:08 They might not even wear it the full night.
02:10 So you wanna grab something that they could also wear later.
02:13 - I love that.
02:14 Okay, so we also have some cuties here
02:16 to show off some of the costume ideas.
02:20 - Yeah.
02:21 - So shall we start our fashion show?
02:23 - Yeah, so we have Henry's,
02:24 our first little model with his outfit
02:27 put together at Kid2Kid.
02:28 He's a little scarecrow.
02:29 So mom added the little patches,
02:31 but we have the overalls, the hat, everything Kid2Kid.
02:35 And if he didn't grow so quickly,
02:37 he could wear them again.
02:38 - You're right.
02:39 (both laughing)
02:40 - So that is just a plus, a plus, a plus for those items.
02:43 - Really, really cute.
02:44 And again, these are things that you guys just put together
02:47 and made into a costume.
02:48 This isn't something that came as a costume.
02:50 This is something that you kind of crafted
02:51 and put all together.
02:52 - Right, and head to toe,
02:53 it's gonna be less than $15.
02:54 So that is a great steal for something
02:56 that he could wear in the future.
02:58 - I love it.
02:59 Yep, that's fantastic.
03:00 - And we have our next little DIY animal,
03:03 our little cheetah leopard girl.
03:04 (both laughing)
03:06 So again, $15 or under with the shoes,
03:09 the velvet dress she can wear over the rest of the winter,
03:12 the onesie and the little hair clips as well.
03:15 So that one, again,
03:17 she had a little nose to put it all together,
03:18 but wiped it off.
03:19 So.
03:20 (both laughing)
03:21 - So cute.
03:22 - Plus for the DIY costumes,
03:23 'cause again, they can just wear it again and again,
03:25 reuse it for multiple occasions.
03:27 - That's great.
03:27 And how much do you think this was in total?
03:29 - So this one was probably 15
03:30 with the hair clips and the shoes.
03:32 - Got it.
03:33 All right, again, super affordable,
03:34 great last minute option and things you can reuse.
03:36 Awesome.
03:37 Let's pull out our next model.
03:38 - And then we have Savannah.
03:40 Come on down.
03:41 She's our little cheerleader.
03:43 - Savannah.
03:43 - So this is actually a actual costume sold at Kid2Kid.
03:46 So this one was $10.
03:48 This is about 35 retail.
03:49 And then we always have the hair accessories to add to it.
03:52 But, so we do still have gently used costumes
03:55 'cause we do buy them all year.
03:56 We're still getting them in every day.
03:57 So you never know what you're gonna find,
03:59 what we're gonna have, but we do have them still.
04:01 - That's great.
04:02 So they can find actual costumes like this.
04:04 This is obviously cheerleader.
04:06 She looks fantastic.
04:07 She's ready for the big game.
04:08 - Yes.
04:09 - But yeah, so you can find actual costumes
04:10 and things that you could put together to make a costume.
04:12 - Yes.
04:13 - This is so, so cute.
04:14 Thank you, Savannah.
04:15 You're an awesome cheerleader.
04:16 I love it.
04:17 - So our next model, our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle,
04:20 the red turtle coming up,
04:21 gonna show us his shell and everything.
04:24 So this one's $15.
04:25 This is at least $30 brand new at any big major retailer.
04:29 So really popular.
04:30 They had a movie this year.
04:31 So this is a great costume.
04:33 And we get all those that are like it,
04:35 the superheroes, all of that stuff.
04:37 - So something like this, is this,
04:38 did it come with all of these accessories as well?
04:40 The mask and the shell?
04:42 - Everything together.
04:43 Or if we do get them without,
04:45 we also have accessories that come in
04:47 from different people as well.
04:48 - Okay, I love that.
04:49 So yeah, you can buy the full thing, like we said.
04:51 You can pick and choose and kind of put something together.
04:54 But yeah, this is fantastic.
04:55 Are the shoes also from Kid2Kid?
04:57 - The shoes are from Kid2Kid.
04:58 - Love it.
04:59 Okay, great.
04:59 Bring out our next model.
05:00 - All right, and then we have Hosanna.
05:02 She is Princess Moana.
05:03 So princesses are always huge.
05:06 - Yes.
05:06 - They always have a great selection
05:07 if you're not doing the DIY and you wanna come grab one.
05:10 And we get multiple.
05:11 So this one's about $15 at Kid2Kid,
05:14 probably 35 plus at the Disney store.
05:16 - Oh yeah.
05:17 Anything Disney is so expensive.
05:19 Absolutely.
05:20 And she has like the little layers, the sequins.
05:23 So it's really cute.
05:24 I think that is the Disney store one.
05:26 - This is great.
05:27 Yeah, this is fantastic.
05:28 Again, super cute shoes.
05:29 I love it.
05:30 The whole look is from Kid2Kid.
05:32 - Yes.
05:33 - I love it.
05:33 Fantastic.
05:34 And our very last model, come on out.
05:37 - And then we have Lightning McQueen.
05:39 (all cheering)
05:41 - He looks fantastic.
05:42 - And so we have Lightning McQueen.
05:44 He has this one.
05:44 This one was a great find
05:46 'cause Lightning McQueen is such a cute, awesome character.
05:48 This one is $45 at like the Spirit store.
05:51 And this one was only 9.99 at Kid2Kid.
05:54 - That is a great deal.
05:54 - 'Cause this is my son, so I had to grab it.
05:56 Oh, I love it.
05:56 Great deal.
05:57 He looks fantastic.
05:58 Everybody looks great.
05:59 These are some awesome ideas for a last minute costume.
06:02 Halloween is this weekend
06:03 and you can find all this information
06:05 at Kid2Kid on their website.
06:06 - Yes.
06:07 - Go in, put something together or grab an actual costume.
06:09 All right, guys.
06:10 Thank you so much.
06:11 - Thank you.
06:11 - Great job to our models.
06:12 - Thank you.
06:13 (upbeat music)
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