Raiders' Jimmy Garoppolo's Post Win Over Green Bay

  • last year
The Las Vegas Raiders (2-3) Jimmy Garoppolo spoke after beating the Green Bay Packers (2-3) 17-13, and we have everything he said for you.
00:05 >> Jimmy, I guess, you can stop it there.
00:07 Jimmy, I guess coming out of the game, I know you played the whole game, but
00:10 obviously you're facing a different pressure protocol after you decided to
00:14 play New York basketball in terms of, do you feel unwell after the game or
00:17 what happened?
00:18 >> Yeah, some of the doctors and those guys came and grabbed me after the game.
00:23 Evaluation happened and everything and yeah,
00:26 it's just the NFL's rule of protocol is what it is.
00:29 It's not much fighting it.
00:33 >> Did you feel at that point like it may have been a pressure or
00:36 what was your feeling towards ending that game in the last two plays?
00:39 >> Yeah, it was a tough game, just dealing with a lot of different stuff.
00:43 We didn't play our best, but it was just a weird situation.
00:47 Had to get through it last week, but we made it through and we're rolling now.
00:51 So we're getting ready for Green Bay.
00:54 >> You've been obviously practicing since last week,
00:56 kind of limited today was your first full day since the concussion.
01:00 How are you feeling just in terms of preparing for
01:02 the packers and being ready to go?
01:03 >> Feeling good, man.
01:04 I think we're in a good spot.
01:06 Guys had good practice out there, we had a good rhythm, good tempo to us.
01:09 It's about doing the little things right now.
01:11 So that's what we're focused on.
01:12 >> How frustrating was it that you played a couple games here and
01:15 then have to kind of hit the brakes and hit reset again?
01:18 >> It was tough, it was tough, but it's what it is.
01:22 Kind of moved past it at this point, just been focused on Green Bay,
01:24 like I said, so it makes everything easier when you got opponents next week and
01:28 you got to focus on that.
01:29 So just training ain't stopping, you got to jump on and keep rolling with it.
01:32 >> What do you see from the Packers?
01:33 You got a little bit of history with them.
01:35 What do you see from them this year coming in?
01:37 >> Fast defense, man.
01:38 They could fly around, got some speed at linebacker.
01:42 Good D line, talented group, they'll make it tough on us.
01:45 But yeah, just a good group overall, some good players in key positions.
01:51 >> What gives you confidence?
01:53 The offense is close to turning it around and kind of getting more points on the board.
01:57 >> Just the guy's mindset, I think.
01:58 I think that's where it starts, just guys having the right mindset out here at
02:01 practice, and then just transferring it over to the game.
02:04 It's not the easiest thing in the world, but
02:06 just making the practice execution become game reality.
02:09 I mean, that's what we're trying to do, and it's gonna happen here.
02:12 >> How close are you guys to turning that corner then?
02:16 >> We're getting there, I mean, every day.
02:17 I mean, that's what we're trying to do.
02:19 I got to take care of the ball start with myself.
02:21 I think that's where it all starts.
02:22 But after that, it's just about making plays, letting the guys,
02:24 I mean, we've got playmakers all over the field, man.
02:26 Just got to give them the rock.
02:28 >> What's the turnovers?
02:29 Do you feel like enforcing it at all in terms of some of the decision making or
02:34 just kind of naturally having some control of the game or-
02:38 >> Yeah, I think everyone's a little
02:39 different.
02:41 None of them are good, obviously.
02:43 But yeah, you just got to be smart.
02:44 I got to be smart with it.
02:45 Just play's not there, be willing to throw it away, move on to the next play,
02:49 things like that.
02:50 Just live in the fight another down really.
02:53 But yeah, it's football.
02:55 Stuff's gonna happen and we just got to react to it.
02:58 >> What'd you see from Aiden last week watching the game when he was out there
03:02 at your place?
03:03 >> I thought Aiden handled himself well.
03:05 Some tough circumstances, Khalil had a career day, so you got to tip your hat to
03:10 good players sometimes, they make plays too.
03:12 So it was tough out there, but for a rookie being his first start,
03:16 I thought he handled it well.
03:16 >> How are you watching the game?
03:18 Not disrespectful, are you?
03:19 How are you watching?
03:20 Can it be beneficial to you in terms of your reacclimation back to the offense?
03:25 >> I think so, yeah.
03:26 You get to see the game from a different perspective.
03:30 You get to see the defense and special teams in situations that you usually
03:33 wouldn't get to.
03:34 When you're out there, you're just so focused on the offense,
03:37 what you're doing in the next series.
03:39 But it honestly gave me a lot of confidence,
03:41 seeing the defense special teams, what they were doing.
03:44 And there's opportunities there, we just got to take advantage of it.
03:48 >> When you're watching the game like that, are you out of your chair yelling?
03:50 Are you calm?
03:51 How do you kind of react to it?
03:53 >> You guys have learned I'm pretty calm overall.
03:54 So yeah, just right down the middle, man.
03:59 I don't know, this is how I naturally am.
04:01 But yeah, some ups and downs obviously, but it's just weird.
04:07 I don't know, it's a hard one to describe.
04:08 I don't like the feeling to be honest.
04:10 >> Remember the exact play when you think that the concussion might happen or
04:15 was it just kind of accumulation of hits?
04:17 Cuz even Josh said he didn't know when it happened.
04:20 >> Yeah, I mean, there were some hits that game, so
04:22 I mean it could have been a number of different ones.
04:24 But no, it was really just after the game, the docs grabbed me,
04:27 started going through it, and next thing I knew I was in the protocol.
04:30 So it was a weird situation, but we got through it.
04:33 >> I know it's nothing new to target Devontae a lot, but
04:36 this is a game he's gonna probably want a lot of targets for personal reasons.
04:39 I mean, do you have to balance that out with a game plan, that sort of stuff, and
04:43 what he wants kind of thing?
04:44 >> Yeah, game plan, what the defense is doing,
04:46 what they're trying to take away, how they're playing him.
04:48 I mean, everyone seems to have a different plan for him, so
04:50 kind of just have to feel it out as the game goes.
04:52 But yeah, I mean, this is a big one for him, sure, obviously, but
04:56 they're all big at this point, man, so we gotta make them count.
04:58 >> All right, thanks.
05:00 >> All good?
05:00 All right, thanks, guys.
05:01 >> Thank you.
