• 2 years ago
Adverts I came across in an old recording of the film Sense and Sensibility during it's TV premiere on May 31st 1999. Among the familiar faces are Johnny Vaughan, Andie McDowell and Neil Morrissey, plus possibly Holly Willoughby in a bra advert (though I can't be sure). There are 4 ad breaks, and they are as follows:
1st break: Lloyd's TSB (Graduate photo); Ford Mondeo Zetec car; Colgate toothpaste; L'Oreal Line Eraser (Andie McDowell); Imodium Plus (father & daughter diarrhoea); Vanish washing powder (shop demonstration); One2One phones, and Lloyds TSB again.
2nd break: McDonalds fries & coke (dating couples); Sainsbury's (bored friends in cottage holiday); Strongbow beer (Johnny Vaughan - Went to a funeral); HSBC (new name for Midland Bank advert); Clairol Herbal shampoo (garage repairs); Rover 75 car (Brian Sewell); Royal Mail (I thought of you - Balloon); and BT ad.
3rd break: Pretty Polly bras (Holly Willoughby?); Rivella (milk drink - Neil Morrissey); Renault Megane car; Direct Line (Would I like to be 18? chap); Natwest weird cartoon; and Martini Citro (female sponge divers).
4th break: Swindon Honda Civic car (Garage retirement); Whiskers catfood (Angus the cat); Standard Life (Talking baby at pond); Gold Blend coffee (Late night flatmates); BT ET ad (Chess match); Barclays bank, and Swindon Honda Civc (kids "When I grow up").

