• last year
The Gold Award winner for Sustainable Leadership: Homestays - Dongrama Homestay

From solar lights to rooftop rainwater harvesting and waste management systems, Dongrama Homestay has made a conscious effort to reduce its carbon footprint. It also celebrates Garo culture, especially through its traditional Nok-a-chik lounge, and champions social change by adopting a local school and sponsoring sports and cultural programs.

Video credit: Ink Creative Consultancy and Ka Knup Creatives

#Meghalaya #IRTSA #IndianResponsibleTourismStateAwards #MagnificentMeghalaya #SustainableTourism #ResponsibleTourismIndia #SustainableTourismindia #ResponsibleTourism #CelebratingPeople #CelebratingIndia
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 In our traditional huts, called Nukacet,
00:06 we have veranda, and after the veranda,
00:08 we have a special room for the guests.
00:12 Where there is a fireplace,
00:13 there will be musical instruments.
00:15 There will be a place for the guests to spend the time.
00:18 That room is called Nongrama.
00:20 I could employ some locals
00:24 who help me in running my homestead.
00:26 We have rainwater harvesting.
00:29 We collect the rainwater in a pond.
00:32 That pond replenishes the groundwater.
00:34 We have dug a small well on the side.
00:37 And then, to give back something to the society,
00:41 we have adopted one school in our locality.
00:45 We are trying whatever possible
00:47 to give back better opportunities,
00:50 better facilities to the students
00:51 and to the teachers as well.
00:53 (upbeat music)
00:55 (upbeat music)
00:58 (upbeat music)
