• 2 years ago
Heres a special bonus for fans of our Roadkill show! Its a question-and-answer session with hosts David Freiburger and Mike Finnegan of HOT ROD magazine


00:00 (car engine revving)
00:03 - This is a bonus episode of Roadkill
00:08 where we're going to show you some behind the scenes stuff
00:11 of our project cars that are mostly rotting away
00:13 in our shop, but also getting some work done.
00:16 First, we're gonna answer some questions from fans
00:19 that were posted on the Roadkill Show Facebook page.
00:21 What is the cars you miss because of selling them?
00:27 And greets from Finland.
00:28 - Oh, I think this was actually in the last one.
00:31 Definitely for me, 71 440 six pack four speed road runner,
00:35 triple black car, should have never gotten rid of it.
00:38 How about you?
00:39 - I had a 1997 Toyota Tacoma with a turbocharger in it
00:43 and airbags and it drug on the ground
00:44 and threw sparks everywhere and I got a lot of tickets in it.
00:47 - And you bought it new and ruined it after how many days?
00:50 - Like a week.
00:51 I bought it brand new, brought it home.
00:54 My parents were out of town.
00:55 I still lived with them at the time.
00:57 And when they got back from wherever they were--
00:59 - So you were like 35.
01:00 - No, 32.
01:01 (laughing)
01:02 And when they got back, I had pushed my mom's Corvette
01:06 out into the snow in New York and blown my Tacoma apart
01:09 in their three car garage.
01:10 - Perfect.
01:11 - They could not get in there.
01:12 They were not happy with me.
01:13 Okay, next question.
01:16 Let's see.
01:17 Chris Pollitt says,
01:20 I'd love to know if you guys are ever coming to the UK.
01:25 You've done Oz after all.
01:27 You can come and see my dad's 55 Mild Custom T-Bird
01:30 if you like and I'll buy a beer.
01:32 - We've thought about UK quite a bit.
01:33 Hill Climb event there, talking about going
01:35 and hanging out with Wacky Mick,
01:37 who was at Drag Week with us.
01:38 So that might happen.
01:40 - Mick didn't offer to buy us beer, this guy will.
01:41 - Oh, okay.
01:42 - So I see no reason why we shouldn't go there.
01:45 All right, Paul Carlucci wants to know,
01:47 and I think he's asked this several times on Facebook,
01:50 are you selling the muscle truck?
01:52 It's an important question, I need answers.
01:53 - I've gotten that a bunch of times.
01:56 That has gotta be the fifth or sixth time
01:58 people have asked me if we're gonna sell that thing.
02:00 And I think it's probably because it looks like garbage
02:02 and they assume that I'll sell it for 1200 bucks
02:04 when it in fact has like 25 grand worth of drive train in it.
02:07 - You'll sell it for 1200.
02:09 - Yeah, I'll sell it for 1800 bucks.
02:11 No, not for sale currently.
02:12 We're putting MSD Atomic EFI on it right now
02:15 and figuring out how to make the nitrous work
02:16 with that again.
02:17 So that's sort of a magazine project.
02:19 - You know what's ironic about that truck is
02:21 there was a period where you were really into it,
02:23 then you weren't into it at all.
02:25 Then we cut the really bad roll cage out of it.
02:27 - And then I was into it again.
02:28 - Now you're into it again.
02:29 And you have a lot of other really amazing cars,
02:32 but that one for some reason
02:33 I don't think you're getting rid of.
02:34 - I tend to flock to the beaters, don't know why.
02:37 Don't like paint.
02:38 - Put that on a t-shirt.
02:40 Flock to beaters.
02:41 All right, let's see.
02:45 Max Newman says, how many piles of (beep)
02:49 that would fit perfectly into a road killer
02:51 are still left in Freiburger's garage?
02:53 Well, if only they were in the garage, that would be good.
02:56 I only have outdoor storage.
02:57 What do we have that has not been on road kill?
03:00 The '68 Suburban, the Jeep M38A1, the '79 Bronco,
03:05 the '65 F250, yeah, there's other stuff.
03:08 - Freiburger, do you still drive the Gremlin?
03:10 - No.
03:11 This we actually answered on the Drag Week coverage.
03:13 The Gremlin was sold to Travis
03:15 who's standing right behind the camera.
03:17 He drives that thing as much as he possibly can,
03:19 although we have to fix a deadly exhaust leak.
03:22 He doesn't have the same tolerance
03:23 for carbon monoxide poisoning that we do.
03:25 - You gotta build up to that, you really do.
03:28 - Yeah, it's a lifetime of death.
03:30 - All right, Nick Toth says,
03:33 I was watching the Jeep Rod episode.
03:35 How the hell didn't that thing get impounded
03:37 for no plates, no reg, and being a pile of crap?
03:40 Thanks guys, huge fan from New Jersey.
03:42 - We're above the law.
03:44 Next question.
03:45 - Oh my God, we're going to jail now.
03:48 We have a lot of luck, really.
03:49 - Yeah, that was fun.
03:50 - When you get right down to it,
03:51 'cause there's a lack of planning,
03:54 a lack of preparation, a lack of permits
03:56 every time we do one of these,
03:58 and so far, so good.
04:00 - Yeah, next one obviously, disaster.
04:03 - Yeah.
04:03 Julian Roberts, how many finished
04:13 and drivable cars does Freiburger have?
04:16 - Define drivable.
04:18 - Why couldn't that be Julia Roberts?
04:20 - Here's how my friend Rick Payway defines,
04:22 like if you can decide if your vehicle is driving.
04:26 If you cut off your arm while working on it
04:29 in your own driveway, could you get to the hospital
04:32 by yourself in that car?
04:33 So therefore, you know, if it needs
04:36 to have a transmission put in, probably not.
04:38 If you need to take a battery out of another car
04:40 and put it in there, yeah, you could probably
04:42 pull that off before you bled to death.
04:43 So by that litmus test, probably about three.
04:47 - There's a lot of gray area there.
04:49 (laughing)
04:50 Andy Holton says, how many folks do you really take along
04:53 as backup when you do road trips?
04:55 Just the videography, just the videographer,
04:58 or a van full of tech support guys?
05:00 - Nope, it is just video people.
05:03 It's two or three video people.
05:05 We do not have a support crew working on the car for us.
05:08 - Which is why when we're drunk and they blow a tire,
05:12 we still have to change the tire for them
05:13 on the side of the road.
05:14 - No, you did that while I barfed in the backseat.
05:17 - True story, at the end of the Rat Rod Jeep episode,
05:21 the van people, or the video people,
05:23 are hauling us out in their van because--
05:25 - 'Cause remember, we sold the Jeep.
05:26 - We sold the Jeep and we were drunk.
05:28 So we're riding in the back of the van
05:29 and they blow a tire on the trail out of Parker
05:32 and they didn't know how to change it.
05:33 And so while he's barfing out the side of the van,
05:36 I'm trying to change a tire, (beep) house drunk.
05:38 (laughing)
05:40 And I did.
05:41 - You gotta watch the end of that episode, it's bad.
05:43 - So no, no support whatsoever.
05:46 - All right, Trevor Timbrook has a non-Roadkill question.
05:50 Will Drag Week ever make it to the East Coast?
05:53 - Well, if it's on that side of the Mississippi,
05:56 to us, that is East Coast, it is every time.
05:59 No, probably not. - Just offended a lot
06:00 of people.
06:00 - We try and keep that right in the middle of the country
06:03 so that people can show up from both sides
06:05 and we can have big participation.
06:07 So probably not all the way East.
06:09 - All right, Chuck Conley,
06:12 whatever happened to the Junkyard Barracuda?
06:14 - Junkyard Barracuda, oh, that was a cool episode.
06:17 That's where we went to Texas
06:18 and made that Junkyard Cuda run and drive
06:20 through nitrous on it and drove it down
06:22 to Lucas Oil Raceway and drag raced it.
06:24 And we auctioned it off at the end.
06:26 And what's her name, Massengill
06:29 from School of Automotive Machinists bought it
06:32 and then immediately flipped it to like the nephew
06:35 or cousin of the guy that we bought it from.
06:38 And it went back to the same junkyard where we got it.
06:41 So if you do the math, we bought it for 3,800,
06:45 probably dumped another three grand into it.
06:48 And the guy we bought it from at the junkyard got it back
06:50 for 2,600 bucks or something like that.
06:54 - He ended up making like four grand on the deal
06:57 and got the car back running and driving
06:58 with a nitrous system on it and new tires.
07:01 - That's why he's more successful than we are.
07:03 - That's the roadkill plan, buy high, sell low.
07:06 - All right, will we ever see a roadkill
07:09 with one of Finnegan's boats as the vehicle?
07:12 I don't know.
07:13 - A couple of boats have been in there, sitting in your shop
07:14 pushing out no motor in it.
07:16 - We've talked about it.
07:17 - We've talked about going to the river,
07:18 driving to the river with a muscle truck
07:20 with a big block in it, pulling the big block out,
07:22 putting in a boat, street racing it for the weekend,
07:24 taking it out of the boat,
07:25 putting in the truck and going home.
07:26 - That sounds like fun.
07:27 - It would be fun.
07:28 That would be a riot.
07:29 - We should do that.
07:30 All right, let's see.
07:32 Is it possible for you to do a roadkill show
07:37 with other Motor Trend hosts, maybe as guests,
07:39 or at least a crossover episode like you both drive a car
07:43 that will also be featured in Head to Head?
07:45 That came from Michael M. Long.
07:47 - Oh, that's tying it all together.
07:48 I've talked to Fred on Dirt Every Day
07:50 about doing Dirt Every Day with my scrambler.
07:53 So that might be coming next year.
07:55 I don't know.
07:56 He'll have to decide if he really wants to do that or not.
07:58 - If you had to own a non-American car, what would it be?
08:02 And that came from Alex Norman.
08:04 - Anglia, gasser.
08:06 - Little tiny thing.
08:07 - Yeah.
08:08 Or maybe a Fiat Topolino, altered.
08:11 Maybe Toyota Land Cruiser.
08:12 That's the only foreign car.
08:14 No, I take it back.
08:15 I've owned two foreign cars.
08:17 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ40 and a Volkswagen Bug.
08:21 - That's really a better question for you than me,
08:22 'cause I've had a lot of foreign cars.
08:24 - Yeah.
08:25 - So it's not a stretch for me to go get one.
08:28 Let's see.
08:29 - Where's the Z?
08:29 - It's back there.
08:30 - The 240 is here?
08:31 - I picked out that Datsun 240Z back there.
08:34 - We've never revealed the car.
08:36 So here it is.
08:37 We built it for one reason, and now we really have--
08:41 - And then we didn't use it.
08:42 - We didn't use it, and we have no idea
08:43 what we're gonna do with it.
08:44 There's the blown up Bonneville motor.
08:46 You can see that that's disassembled
08:47 and has been completely analyzed as to what went wrong.
08:51 (laughing)
08:52 Yeah.
08:53 So check it out.
08:54 We got a Chevy V6 in this thing.
08:56 It's like out of a S10, and it's got an S10 5-speed in it.
09:01 - Should we reveal the cheat?
09:03 - The cheat?
09:04 - Yeah.
09:04 So the story with this car is we bought it
09:07 from our friends up in Washington, Matt and Darren,
09:09 and it was like a $400 car.
09:11 We bought it 'cause we were gonna go run a lemons race.
09:14 - Same guys we got the Dragwar from.
09:15 - Yeah.
09:16 And they sold the motor out of it,
09:18 so we were into this thing for like 100 bucks,
09:20 and David had this Vortec V6
09:23 that had been broken on the dyno.
09:25 I rebuilt it.
09:27 It makes like 295 horsepower,
09:29 but looks like absolute junk.
09:31 So our plan was to enter this car in a lemons race,
09:34 and try to finish, but we haven't done that.
09:37 I don't remember why we haven't done it.
09:39 We just haven't done it.
09:39 - I never noticed before the real high quality
09:43 solid engine mount here.
09:45 - Yeah.
09:45 - It's really, really good.
09:46 - It's lemons worthy.
09:48 That's for sure.
09:49 - Well, we can't lemons it now
09:50 that you've revealed to everyone
09:51 that there's probably like $6,000 in this car
09:54 as it sits right now.
09:56 So.
09:57 - They'll just penalize us a whole bunch,
09:58 and we'll just bribe them with alcohol.
10:00 - Yeah.
10:01 So this is the muscle truck.
10:03 It's here in the Hot Rod Magazine shop.
10:05 Unfortunately, I haven't actually been working on it.
10:07 Grant, who's our shop manager here, has done this.
10:09 It's a MSD Atomic EFI conversion
10:12 that we're doing with this BBK intake.
10:14 This used to have a carburetor on it with a nitrous system,
10:17 and I'm doing the nitrous again with the fuel injection here
10:20 and it's basically just to test the new product.
10:23 It'll be a story in Hot Rod Magazine,
10:24 probably run it again,
10:25 and see if the truck's any faster with it.
10:27 I hope it doesn't ruin the exhaust sound.
10:30 It probably won't.
10:31 This thing has the best exhaust known to man.
10:34 As a matter of fact, a lot of people noticed that
10:35 even on that episode.
10:37 - I think that's the reason you get so many people
10:39 wanting to buy it from you.
10:40 - 'Cause it sounds like a F1 car.
10:42 - It's the greatest sound on earth.
10:43 (engine revving)
10:45 - This is full manual valve body, right?
10:48 - Yeah.
10:48 (engine revving)
10:50 - Dude, dude!
10:52 Oh my God, that's great.
10:53 - You can't do that in a parking lot.
10:55 - Oh, I forgot.
10:56 (engine revving)
11:00 (laughing)
11:01 - So I know it doesn't look like we've made
11:03 a lot of progress, but actually we have.
11:04 - That's because?
11:05 - No, we actually have.
11:07 If you notice, the roll cage is sort of tilted in the car
11:10 because it's half built and it actually needs to go
11:13 through the floor to some outriggers
11:15 we're gonna weld to the chassis.
11:17 But we can't do that yet because we realized
11:19 we never primed or painted the bottom
11:21 of the floor of the car.
11:22 So the body's gotta come back off,
11:24 but before the body comes off,
11:25 we needed to put the firewall back together,
11:27 which we had cut out because the Hemi didn't fit.
11:31 And then I had strips of steel sheared two inches wide,
11:36 and I'm recessing the whole firewall back
11:38 to clear the valve covers so we can actually work on this.
11:41 - Yeah, and actually since people last saw this on Roadkill,
11:44 they don't even realize that the quarters have been done,
11:46 it's all been primered, all the rest is gone.
11:49 - Yeah, we had it media blasted and that revealed
11:52 a whole bunch of problems with the car.
11:53 It had a whole bunch of Bondo here.
11:55 It looks like there used to be a visor here.
11:57 But the main thing it revealed was that the car
11:59 had been rear-ended worse than we thought.
12:01 And it actually required new floors,
12:05 new quarter panels, new trunk floor.
12:08 So actually there's been a lot of sheet metal work
12:10 done to this by the guys over at Hot Rods and Hobbies
12:14 in Signal Hill, California.
12:15 And now that it's back here,
12:17 we can actually start working on it ourselves.
12:19 So we're gonna finish the cage, get the firewall back in.
12:22 The real Hemi for this is actually at my shop,
12:24 and it's about halfway built.
12:26 And then put that engine in, start wiring and plumbing,
12:30 and with any luck, hit the road next summer.
12:32 - Three days, it's almost done.
12:33 - Yes.
12:34 (laughing)
12:35 - We can get it done.
12:37 And then there's this, which is a brand new,
12:39 actual steel '32 Ford five-window body.
12:43 This is a reproduction from a company called United Pacific,
12:46 and it's just like a stock Ford.
12:48 I hope to turn this thing into a El Mirage
12:51 and Bonneville race car with flathead Ford power.
12:53 I was just talking, actually, the guys at Hot Rod Ranch
12:55 who were in the episode with the Merc
12:57 are gonna help me out with this thing.
12:58 We figured out what to do for the frame this morning.
13:00 So, there you go.
13:02 That'll probably happen right away.
13:05 So that's a wrap on our Q&A session.
13:06 This is the first one we've done on the Motor Trend channel.
13:08 Let us know if you wanna see more.
13:10 Meanwhile, check out facebook.com/roadkillshow,
13:14 and also on Instagram, we are also @roadkillshow.
13:18 So check that out, and we'll see you next time.
13:20 Stay tuned for the next episode of Roadkill
13:23 that's gonna air Friday, November 15th.
13:25 We finally went racing at 24 hours of lemons,
13:28 and that 240Z would have made way too much sense,
13:31 so instead we ran a '73 Plymouth Fury.
13:35 Watch for it.
13:36 (upbeat music)
13:38 (upbeat music)
13:41 (upbeat music)
13:43 (upbeat music)
13:46 (music fades)
