• l’année dernière
00:00 Today in Roblox we are playing color or die
00:03 And we have to click this to open up
00:05 Now this is how to play
00:06 Pick up the first color, okay let's pick this up
00:09 There we go
00:09 So I'm pretty sure what we have to do is hide against the red walls
00:12 Otherwise we die, that's literally all this is explaining
00:15 So as you see from the top left we have to find 13 different paint brushes I think
00:19 And then we have to hide from this weird looking cartoon sketchy man whatever
00:24 Is he close?
00:24 Oh he's right over there!
00:25 How'd he get so old?
00:26 Oh my god that was close
00:28 As you can see that guy is pretty scary and you don't want to get caught by him
00:31 Because otherwise you will die
00:32 But we do have to keep moving
00:34 Oh my god this guy is just not leaving
00:36 Alright oh he's right there, okay hide against the red wall
00:38 And as you can see we can also find other buckets to open up other colors
00:41 Yeah you're right, right, right, right, right, dude
00:43 Oh, oh, oh my god
00:46 Oh we found a paintbrush, nice
00:47 Alright we have 1 out of 13 so it's basically kind of like Slender Man
00:50 Oh safe zone
00:51 Oh this is where we started, nice
00:53 Alright let's go through again though because we do want to find these paintbrushes as soon as possible
00:58 Oh another one, let's go
00:59 Alright 2 out of 13, nice
01:01 What is this?
01:02 Might need a tool to get through this
01:04 Seems like we need some type of screwdriver, okay
01:06 Red kick to open
01:07 Let's open this up
01:09 There we go
01:09 Oh my god you can no longer hide on red walls, be careful
01:13 I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, he's right outside
01:15 Nevermind okay
01:16 We found the screwdriver
01:17 Let's just quickly run to the other place which was I think right over here
01:21 Here it is, here it is
01:22 Alright open this up, there we go
01:23 What the flip is going on here?
01:25 Some type of obby we have to complete now?
01:27 Oh my god I did not sign up for this
01:29 Oh my god that person in front of me just died
01:31 Oh that was close
01:32 That was way too close
01:34 Oh my god
01:35 Okay come on, come on
01:36 Ooh nice and easy, take it real slow
01:39 It's so hard because everything is black and white
01:42 Alright there we go, I think we got in the bag
01:43 No we don't!
01:44 Oh we don't die, we just have to retry okay
01:46 Yes sir, stop playing with me
01:49 Yes sir, yes sir
01:51 Yes sir, too easy
01:52 Alright we got the next color which is orange
01:55 Okay now we have 3 out of 13
01:56 And now we need teal for this to open
01:58 We don't have the color teal but we do have orange now
02:01 I'm guessing this is orange right?
02:02 I love orange, it's my favorite color
02:03 Now all we have to do is just keep looking for other places
02:07 So we have yellow over there
02:09 Now we need to find the orange door that we can open
02:11 I don't see the cartoon sketch guy
02:13 So I think we'll go another one, nice
02:15 Take that
02:15 Hey you're getting closer, nice
02:17 It's opening!
02:18 Orange wolf, orange wolf, orange wolf!
02:20 Orange wolf!
02:20 He's right behind me, he's right behind me
02:22 Oh my god that was damn scary
02:24 Please, please stop jump scaring me like that
02:26 Stairs that go up?
02:27 Some type of maze
02:28 Huh, another paintbrush, nice
02:30 Pretty much halfway done, okay what is this?
02:32 Is this some type of path I have to take?
02:33 So first right, left, right, left, left
02:37 And then we're there
02:38 Alright let's move
02:39 Ooh, okay I'm lost, I have no idea where to go
02:42 Whatever, who cares
02:43 We'll figure it out soon enough
02:45 I gotta find the orange door that I can open though
02:48 Where could it be?
02:49 So we have green over here
02:50 Nest you brunning
02:51 Orange, orange, orange, where are you?
02:54 Orange!
02:55 Ooh another paintbrush, thank you
02:57 A nice addition to your collection, oh yeah
02:59 Oh he's right over there but luckily I have the orange wall
03:02 You cannot kill me, you cannot kill me
03:05 Get out of here
03:06 Oh he's coming back
03:07 Chill, chill, chill, chill, chill
03:08 Oh chill, chill, chill
03:11 Alright, now we can move again
03:12 What do we have in here?
03:13 Oh yeah this is a room without a screwdriver
03:15 But how do I open this?
03:16 Oh I need a tool for it, some type of hammer
03:18 And then we get pink?
03:19 Is that pink or purple?
03:20 We need to find that orange door man
03:22 I've been looking for so long now
03:24 Maybe this way?
03:25 Anything in here? No
03:26 Okay let's go through here
03:28 And then let's enter through the other side
03:29 Maybe it's somewhere here
03:30 Oh let's take a right here
03:33 Then a left
03:34 And another right
03:34 Ooh another paintbrush, nice
03:36 We already got 7 out of 13, are you kidding me?
03:37 This is sick
03:38 Now I don't already know what happens if we get 13 paintbrushes
03:41 Uh but I guess we'll find out
03:42 Okay we got yellow over there
03:43 We've already seen that one
03:45 Oh my god the guy's there
03:46 No, no you're not gonna kill me today
03:47 Not today, I'm gonna survive
03:49 Orange, oh I found it
03:50 Let's go
03:51 Alright let's open this up
03:52 There we go
03:53 You can no longer hide on orange walls
03:54 Be careful
03:55 Okay, well we have yellow though
03:56 All I need to do now is find yellow
03:57 Here it is, here it is
03:58 I can hide on this
03:59 Wait, I've seen yellow before
04:01 I just gotta go back
04:02 From where I came from
04:03 Oh
04:04 And just dodge the guy and I think we should be good
04:06 I think yellow was like somewhere over here
04:07 Just hide on the yellow
04:08 I heard him
04:09 Now let's keep moving
04:10 Where was the yellow door?
04:11 I swear I saw it somewhere over here
04:14 Oh wait, the safe zone, nice
04:15 What I did to find the yellow door was go through here
04:18 And take a right
04:19 And then I think I took another right
04:20 And I went through here
04:22 And then
04:23 It was somewhere here
04:24 I swear it was
04:25 Uh
04:26 Where is it?
04:27 Does it always switch up?
04:28 Am I getting trolled?
04:29 Is the maze always changing?
04:31 Oh the guy's super close
04:32 Ooh
04:34 It's glitching
04:34 Oh my god
04:36 Okay that was super creepy
04:37 Alright we have green over here
04:38 Oh the guy's coming again
04:39 Oh ba ba
04:40 No no no no no no no
04:42 Sorry, I'm sorry
04:43 I'm on yellow, I'm on yellow, I'm on yellow
04:45 Oh my god he just killed someone next to me
04:47 Oh he's coming back
04:48 He's super aggro now
04:50 He's super aggressive
04:51 Alright let's keep moving
04:52 Oh my god that person's dead
04:53 That person's 100% dead
04:54 Rest in peace
04:55 He literally one shots them
04:56 Are you kidding me?
04:57 That person's dead as well
04:58 Wow, there's so many people dying around me
05:00 Alright now keep moving
05:02 Where in the flip is the yellow door?
05:04 You cannot be serious right now
05:06 Let's go up these stairs again
05:07 I still don't know what that map means
05:09 And that's kinda creeping me out
05:10 We have blue over here
05:11 Where's the safe zone?
05:12 I gotta get to the safe zone again
05:14 Green
05:14 Oh no I hit the guy
05:15 Oh my god get away
05:17 I'm hiding in a cancelled flipping yellow wall
05:19 There's some footprints over here
05:20 I don't know if they're supposed to help me
05:22 But let's just follow them
05:23 Oh my god the guy's right there
05:24 It's kinda risky to keep running that way
05:26 But I think that's the way I have to go
05:27 Oh oh oh
05:28 I'm not gonna die today
05:30 I'm not gonna die today
05:31 I'm not gonna die today
05:32 I wanna live
05:33 Oh he's coming back
05:34 Woah dead
05:34 Oh my god this guy
05:36 Why does he keep baiting him?
05:37 I'm dead
05:38 I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead
05:39 I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead
05:41 No I live I live I live I live
05:43 Oh my god
05:44 Why did I run?
05:45 Alright let me leave let me leave
05:47 Oh jeez Louise
05:48 Oh the stairs again
05:50 I cannot find the yellow flipping wall
05:53 Oh my god
05:53 Is he gonna come right under me?
05:55 Alright let's just take a left here
05:56 And then a right
05:57 And then another right
05:58 Let's just keep moving
05:59 Ignore everything else
06:00 Oh oh oh oh oh
06:02 Yay man
06:03 Don't mind me
06:04 Oh it's his footstep
06:05 I see
06:06 Oh he's coming back
06:07 Oh by the yellow I found it
06:08 Nice
06:08 Alright normal paint left
06:09 Okay cool
06:10 Um we need a chainsaw for this
06:13 Wait is there a chainsaw?
06:13 No it's a handsaw
06:15 Okay we gotta go through this weird thingy again
06:17 Is it another obby?
06:18 Yeah it is okay
06:18 Woah this looks super trippy
06:20 Oh my god
06:21 Okay let's see if we can do a first try
06:22 I'm guessing we just have to go in a straight line
06:24 No
06:25 We have to jump on this then
06:26 And do we just have to get all the way to the top?
06:27 Is that what it is?
06:28 Seems easy enough
06:29 Alright boom
06:30 Just keep moving
06:31 Just keep grooving
06:32 It's like a optical illusion
06:34 An optical illusion mania
06:35 Yeah yeah yeah yeah
06:36 That's what-
06:36 Oh
06:37 They looking really tight
06:38 I don't know if you respawn in this one
06:40 So I have to really watch out
06:42 Oh my god I'm stuck
06:43 I'm dead
06:44 I'm dead
06:44 Oh lucky you respawned
06:45 Okay cool
06:46 Cool cool cool cool cool
06:47 Let's just do the same thing again
06:49 Then just keep jumping
06:51 Go this way
06:52 I'm pretty sure I was on the right track
06:54 So
06:54 Look I changed my pathing
06:56 This way
06:57 And then
06:57 This way
06:58 Jump jump
06:59 And then
07:00 Go this way
07:01 Jump on top of it
07:02 There we go
07:03 And now where do I go?
07:04 This way
07:04 And then jump on this cube
07:06 And then jump up these things
07:08 That is so trippy
07:09 But I think we made it
07:10 Nice
07:11 Oh
07:11 We got a new paintbrush
07:12 Nice
07:13 Oh we have the green color
07:14 You can now open up the green door and hide on green walls
07:16 Perfect
07:17 Okay what is this?
07:18 We need a key for that
07:19 Which we sadly don't have
07:20 But
07:20 I found a green door multiple times
07:22 I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead
07:23 There's no green wool in here
07:24 Oh I'm dead I'm so dead
07:25 Unless I can find a green wool somewhere
07:27 Oh right over here
07:28 *Gasp*
07:28 *Mumbling*
07:32 You cannot kill me
07:34 Ha ha
07:34 Just leave me alone bro
07:36 Let me get to the green door
07:37 Jeez
07:37 Alright that's where I'm-
07:38 The green door
07:39 Where are you?
07:40 I saw you multiple times
07:41 But now I need you
07:42 Maybe the green door was this way?
07:44 Uhhh
07:45 Green door green door green door
07:46 Come on come on come on
07:47 Where's the green door?
07:48 Bro this maze is actually so weird
07:50 Like
07:50 I don't know if it's changing
07:52 Or maybe it's just that I'm stupid
07:53 But I cannot find the places I've been to
07:55 Oh no I hit the guy again
07:56 Okay let's walk this way
07:57 Pink
07:58 I need a green wool
07:59 Need a green wool
08:00 Green wool
08:01 Where are you?
08:02 A safe zone again?
08:03 Brother I have no idea where the green one is
08:05 Maybe if I take a left straight away
08:08 And then
08:08 Another left
08:09 And then another left
08:10 What does this lead me to?
08:11 Anything here?
08:12 No that's a safe zone again
08:13 Oh my god
08:15 Why did bro have to jump scare me like that?
08:16 That person's dead
08:17 That person behind me is 100% dead
08:19 Yep rest in peace
08:20 Oh my god I have to hide again
08:21 Jeez
08:22 That person's dead
08:23 Nope he somehow survived
08:24 Oh my-
08:25 Finally
08:26 Finally
08:27 Okay what is this?
08:28 Another paintbrush
08:29 And then we have teal paint
08:31 Okay what is this though?
08:32 We need a triangle
08:33 We don't have enough for the puzzle
08:35 No we have the blue paint in there
08:36 Okay
08:37 I'm guessing we just have to find the teal door now
08:39 There is not a lot of teal walls though
08:41 So we're ready to watch out now
08:42 So we got the pink door here
08:44 Let's see
08:44 I don't know if I actually saw a teal door to be honest with you guys
08:48 Maybe through here?
08:49 No
08:50 No this is not-
08:50 This is so confusing man
08:52 Maybe it's in a room that I've already opened before
08:55 And I'm just being stupid right now
08:57 Let's see
08:57 Wait
08:58 Oh
08:58 Oh yes
09:00 Yes now I remember
09:01 The teal door was inside of this place
09:03 Oh I fell down
09:05 As you can see it's right over there at the end
09:06 Now all I have to do is just kind of speed run across it again
09:09 Oh my god I'm so bad
09:10 Come on come on come on come on come on
09:12 One swift motion
09:13 Apple
09:13 Alright this time surely
09:14 *Mumbling*
09:16 Alright this is actually the one
09:17 This is actually the one
09:18 Nice
09:18 Alright now we can open up the teal door
09:20 Let's go
09:21 I wonder why paint open these doors
09:24 Okay
09:25 Uh anyways
09:25 Oh we got the triangle now
09:27 And another brush
09:27 So so close
09:29 Oh wait we didn't get another color
09:30 This is not-
09:31 Oh
09:31 Oh oh
09:32 Oh my god
09:33 Did you guys see that?
09:33 I nearly died
09:34 It didn't give me another color
09:35 How am I supposed to survive now?
09:37 I just have to make a run for it?
09:38 I forgot which one I even had to go to
09:40 Oh I'm surely dead bro
09:41 There's no way I survive
09:42 I should know I believe in myself
09:44 I'm gonna make it
09:45 I'm gonna make it 1000%
09:46 Alright back to the safe zone
09:48 I'm pretty sure I have to go to the...
09:51 Green door
09:52 And I have no idea where it is
09:54 Oh no
09:55 Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
09:57 I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead
09:59 I'm dead I have no color I have no color I'm dead
10:01 I survived
10:02 Okay
10:02 I'm a pro
10:03 Was it over here maybe?
10:04 No
10:04 That's not it
10:05 Oh
10:05 I found it I found it
10:06 Oh my god okay
10:08 Let's put the triangle in here
10:09 Then we get a new bucket
10:10 Which is the blue bucket
10:11 I've seen a blue door so many times
10:13 So this should be pretty easy
10:14 Alright
10:16 I hit the monster
10:16 Oh my god I'm dead
10:17 I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead
10:18 I'm actually dead
10:19 Oh
10:20 I survived
10:20 Oh my god this game is so stressful
10:22 Why does it have to be so stressful?
10:24 Come on man
10:25 Just let me find the blue wool please
10:27 Oh I found it I found it I found it
10:28 Just wait for the monster to go away
10:30 Alright there we go
10:30 Blue wool
10:31 Oh it's purple
10:32 Wait maybe it's a work
10:33 No okay
10:34 Oh
10:34 It's a monster
10:35 Let's just keep running
10:36 Come on
10:36 Blow
10:36 Yes
10:37 Oh
10:38 Thank goodness
10:38 No more hiding on walls for a while
10:40 What?
10:41 Alright we got the soul
10:42 Pretty sure it was the yellow door
10:44 But where in the flip was the yellow door?
10:47 Remember I cannot hide on any walls
10:49 So if the guy comes I'm dead
10:51 Alright we got pink over here
10:52 But where the flippity flip is yellow
10:54 Is this yellow?
10:55 No this is a flipping puzzle room
10:57 Come on
10:57 Oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead
10:59 Nevermind I'm alive
11:00 Yellow where are you?
11:02 Alright we're back to the safe zone
11:03 Okay so this isn't the door we need
11:05 Oh my god he keeps coming back for me
11:07 Maybe over here
11:08 Oh I found it
11:09 I found it let's go
11:11 Oh my god oh what is this?
11:13 A makeshift bridge maybe?
11:14 How do I place it down then?
11:15 Ah whatever I'm just gonna speedrun it
11:17 Yellow
11:17 Oh wait wait wait
11:18 Wait there's red paint
11:19 What does that mean?
11:20 Does red paint mean we're gonna die?
11:21 Oh my god I don't wanna risk it
11:22 Okay let's just do this safely then
11:25 Alright come on
11:25 Seems easy enough
11:27 Oh
11:28 Yes
11:29 Yes
11:29 It's easy
11:31 It's way too easy for me
11:32 Alright there we go
11:33 You can now open up the purple door
11:35 And hide on purple walls
11:36 Okay dope
11:36 Now what the flip do I do with this bridge thing?
11:38 And where was the purple door?
11:40 Purple door where are you?
11:42 Oh my god what was that sound?
11:44 Sounded like a goat
11:45 In pain and agony
11:46 I hope he's alright
11:47 I purple nice
11:48 We're on a roll
11:49 Alright there we go
11:50 Bucket is now empty
11:51 But we can climb up this thing
11:52 Okay where does this lead to?
11:54 Uh KO
11:56 Interesting looks super dope
11:57 And we have another brush over here
11:59 Ah we're missing one more
12:01 Okay is this where my makeshift bridge comes in handy?
12:03 How do I use it?
12:04 Oh it worked
12:05 Nice
12:06 And I was at the hammer
12:07 Oh my god yo
12:09 We're actually gonna complete this
12:10 I can't believe it
12:11 Alright now what we need to do is find the red room
12:13 So I'm pretty sure
12:15 If my memories aren't mistaken it should be this way
12:17 But oh my god the monster's coming this way
12:19 No
12:20 No no no no
12:21 I'm so close
12:21 I'm so close
12:22 Please
12:23 Okay wow
12:25 We're getting camped by the flippin monster
12:26 This is no good
12:27 A red room is this way
12:28 So we have to somehow make it there
12:30 Come on
12:31 Come on come on come on come on
12:33 Red room should be somewhere over here
12:34 I'm pretty sure
12:35 No that's the safe zone
12:37 That's not where I need to go
12:38 Ah
12:39 I'm dead
12:40 I'm dead
12:40 I'm dead
12:41 All my hard work was for nothing
12:43 Everything I did was for nothing
12:44 I'm gonna die here
12:45 It's over
12:46 Nevermind I survived okay
12:47 I really need to stop stressing so much you know
12:49 Is that it?
12:50 Is that the right room?
12:51 It is
12:51 Nice
12:52 And we can open this up
12:53 Pick up the pink door cutter
12:54 Huge W's today
12:56 Alright now let's go find that flippin pink door bro
12:58 Oh my god the monster's so close
13:00 Yo Joe Joe
13:01 Joe why are you standing in front of me?
13:03 What is going on?
13:04 Is it camping me?
13:05 Oh it just disappeared okay
13:06 What the flip did I just watch?
13:08 Oh he's right behind me
13:09 Okay I'm gonna hide on this wall
13:10 Whoa what is that behind it?
13:11 You guys see that?
13:12 That looks crazy
13:12 Alright okay I think it's time to move now
13:14 Let's go over here
13:16 I'm pretty sure this was the orange room
13:18 So I'm pretty sure pink should be somewhere around it
13:21 There is
13:22 Pink
13:22 Oh my god oh my god oh my god
13:24 Let's open this up
13:25 Here we go
13:25 Okay we got the key
13:26 Now where the flip was it?
13:28 Oh my god it was that black area
13:30 But which door was it man?
13:31 Oh my god and the monster's coming
13:33 Guessing it was on the yellow room
13:35 Which should be somewhere over here
13:37 Yellow room middle room where are you?
13:38 Wait is this it?
13:39 Oh it is it is
13:40 Oh my god okay which door do I take?
13:42 Left or right?
13:43 Oh it was that stone
13:44 I think it was the right one
13:46 And then this parkour
13:47 Yeah all the way to the top
13:48 Yeah I remember now
13:49 Okay I just need to complete this annoying optical illusion
13:52 Uh obby
13:52 And then uh we should be good
13:54 Okay just this way
13:55 And then it was this way I think
13:58 This actually looks super dope
13:59 And now I think we need to go on this line
14:02 And then jump here
14:04 And then jump over here
14:06 Oh this one's so weird
14:07 But we are professionals
14:09 So it's no problem for us
14:10 And we made it to the flipper room
14:12 Is this it?
14:12 Is this the last room?
14:13 Oh a walk in the park
14:14 We have the last brush
14:15 You have them all
14:16 Something should have opened
14:18 Okay I have no idea what we need to look for
14:21 But let's just go for it
14:22 Apparently something has opened
14:23 I have no idea what
14:24 You guys we don't even have any color
14:26 I don't like this one bit
14:27 Oh we have the safe zone over here
14:29 Okay let's just keep walking
14:31 You guys see anything?
14:33 Anything out of the ordinary?
14:34 Because I don't
14:35 Wait is this it?
14:35 Is this it?
14:36 No oh my god that's the wrong one
14:38 It's a ladder thing
14:39 But maybe it's in here though
14:40 Mmm no I don't think so
14:42 Oh my god the monster is right below me though
14:44 That person's dead
14:45 He somehow survived
14:46 Interesting
14:47 Okay let's just run away from that
14:48 And let's go down here
14:49 Oh my god the monster's coming
14:50 No no no no no no
14:53 Please please
14:54 Where is the secret door bro
14:56 Please just help me
14:57 I've played enough
14:59 Oh my god the flipping monster
15:01 Oh I'm dead
15:02 I'm alive
15:02 Oh the monster
15:04 Where is it?
15:04 Where is it?
15:04 I don't know where it is
15:05 I'm sorry
15:06 I'm sorry
15:06 I'm sorry
15:07 Is that the room?
15:08 Is that the rise?
15:09 I think that's it
15:10 I made it
15:11 I made it
15:11 I make it
15:11 Oh my god
15:13 I made it
15:14 What the flip is going on here
15:16 This is insane
15:17 There's like smiley faces
15:19 There's like a house over there
15:20 Some hot air balloons
15:21 Or wait is that a light bulb?
15:23 I don't even know
15:24 What is this light?
15:26 Is that the final bucket?
15:27 To reach the end you must seek the beginning
15:29 You have to go back to the safe zone
15:31 Oh my god
15:32 I have not died once
15:33 I'm a flipping pro
15:35 All I have to do is get back to the start
15:36 No problem
15:37 I'm pretty sure I came from this way
15:39 Well let's just keep running this way then
15:41 No monster in sight so far
15:43 Oh never mind
15:45 Never mind
15:46 He's right behind me
15:47 Ah okay
15:48 Run through here
15:49 We're good
15:50 We're good
15:50 Ladder room
15:51 Okay
15:51 Just keep running
15:52 Come on the safe zone is the easiest to find
15:54 Oh he's right there
15:55 Ah he saw me
15:56 He saw me
15:56 I'm dead
15:57 I'm dead
15:57 I'm dead
15:58 Never mind
15:58 Okay he's not running off from me
15:59 Oh my god
16:00 This is so stressful
16:01 Safe zone
16:02 Safe zone
16:03 I'm back
16:03 I'm back
16:04 Where do I go?
16:04 Where do I go?
16:05 Oh what?
16:06 Complete the game to open
16:07 I can open it now
16:08 You have escaped or did you?
16:10 What are these four doors?
16:12 Which door do I take?
16:13 Uh I don't know
16:14 Eenie meenie miney moe
16:17 Uh catch a quabble cup AI by the toe
16:19 There's this one boys
16:20 There's this one
16:21 Let's go let's go through here
16:22 What is going on here?
16:23 Wait eight seconds
16:24 Seven seconds
16:25 What's happening?
16:26 What's gonna happen?
16:27 This is a run situation?
16:28 What?
16:29 Why am I being chased?
16:30 After all of this I'm being chased
16:32 What do I do?
16:33 What do I do?
16:33 What do I do?
16:34 What is going on here bro?
16:35 Please
16:36 I'm guessing we have to survive until this thing at the bottom runs out
16:39 Okay there's the door here
16:40 Do I go through the door?
16:41 YOLO
16:42 Okay I went through the door
16:43 Okay we're good
16:44 Right?
16:45 AHHHHH
16:48 Oh my god I'm dead
16:50 Oh oh
16:50 It was a nightmare
16:51 It was a nightmare
16:52 Okay we're good
16:52 Uhhhh
16:54 Interesting
16:54 Jump over the flippin' bookshelf
16:56 Oh this is super creepy
16:58 This is super creepy
16:59 Let me out of here
17:00 Oh my god I don't wanna play this anymore
17:02 We're halfway through though
17:03 Another door?
17:05 I'm just gonna run straight for the door bro
17:07 I don't even wanna know what happens
17:08 Yeah just go towards the door
17:10 It was a giant flippin' snake finger bro
17:12 We nearly made it to the door con
17:14 Come on it's so close
17:15 AHHHHH
17:15 What?
17:16 It just switched
17:17 It just switched what's that on the floor?
17:18 It's a bunch of paintbrushes
17:20 Come on come on come on
17:20 Keep running keep running
17:21 We cannot fail here bro
17:23 This took way too long guys
17:24 I don't think you understand
17:25 Bro
17:27 So much pain and agony
17:28 Come on give me another door
17:29 Please
17:30 Oh thank you
17:31 Thank you
17:32 Oh Michael what is this?
17:34 RGB?
17:35 What am I looking at?
17:36 The time is nearly up
17:37 Did I win?
17:37 Is that it?
17:38 What am I running towards?
17:39 You escaped
17:40 Let's goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
17:43 Anyways guys I hope you enjoyed
17:44 Click one of these two videos to see more
17:46 And I'll see you in the next one