What is the GREATEST Fortnite Chapter_

  • avant-hier
00:00Today, we will look at every chapter in Fortnite.
00:03I will be ranking the chapters in a tier list and find out which chapters are the greatest and the worst of all time.
00:12All right, ladies and gentlemen, let's go through it a little bit, man.
00:14We got Chapter 1 through Chapter 5, tier list, and it's not particularly close.
00:19We go with Chapter 1, we're gonna start with the greatest. It goes S-tier.
00:23For multiple reasons. In Chapter 1... Oh, never mind.
00:28I just want you to know...
00:31I think we would win every single game if we didn't land tilted.
00:34No. There are tryhards that land outskirts.
00:37No, I'm not gonna land there. I'm gonna bomb.
00:39Let's go here. Let's go. Nope, we're going here.
00:41We're playing outskirts, dude. I'm gonna show you what happens when we land on the outskirts.
00:45I was explaining why we left.
00:57Look at that.
01:01We already have two kills.
01:06The good news is, they don't know where I am. I also have a sniper.
01:10Glad to know you're being helpful here.
01:12He's pushing. He's pushing right now.
01:13I hear you. Get ready to fight, because here they are.
01:18You're so... dude.
01:20All right, back to the tier list.
01:21It starts with Chapter 1, S-tier, and it's not particularly croche.
01:25It's not croche at all.
01:27Chapter 1, Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Season 8, Season 9.
01:35Season 10 was the worst season, arguably, in Fortnite history.
01:37Only to be bested by Chapter 5, Car Season, Mad Max.
01:42So it is obvious OG, Chapter 1, S-tier.
01:46It'll be S-tier for the rest of its entire life.
01:48We'll finish the rest after this game.
01:52Okay. I forgive you.
01:56Just follow your instructions.
01:57I mean, this is the worst gun in the world.
01:58I somehow hit this guy for 30 twice with a blue shot.
02:08Literally a solo. I'm like, what?
02:10Yeah! Here we go!
02:12Footprints were right here, dude.
02:14I think he's in there. I think he's in there.
02:17Underneath. I mean, I just saw footprints right there.
02:20I got two guys on me.
02:21What did he say?
02:22I got three guys on me.
02:26Your stream is trash.
02:28What the f**k did you say to me, you little s**t?
02:30Thanks, bro. I appreciate it.
02:36Got his teammates down low.
02:37Cracked him. I cracked him.
02:39He's one-shotting me. I'm going for him.
02:41Okay. His buddies are right down there. I see them.
02:45Yes, I do.
02:47Yes, I do.
03:04Okay. That was nice.
03:09There you go.
03:10Yep, thanks.
03:16I'm W-king this guy in that bush.
03:18Actually, hang on. I lied.
03:22My back!
03:23I'm here. I hit him. Shot him.
03:29This guy's in the tree here. I'm going to knock him down.
03:34Good job.
03:35Got him. Two in here.
03:37Maybe in a bush.
03:43One-shot, JB.
03:44I'm looking. I'm looking.
03:45I'm here.
03:46Let's go!
03:49One important site in that game.
03:50My goodness.
03:51Good job, JB.
03:52That's just the way to follow me.
03:53Stay alive.
03:54That's a nice victory royale.
03:56All right, ladies and gentlemen.
03:57Back to the tier listing.
03:58Arguably one of the worst chapters in my personal opinion,
04:01but it's not the worst,
04:03so we're going to put it,
04:04Fortnite Chapter 2,
04:05we're going to put this at a C, okay?
04:07I'm going to give you two reasons we're doing this.
04:09Number one, Chapter 2 had the longest season
04:12in Fortnite history of over like 130 days.
04:16All right, 130 days.
04:17One singular update.
04:20They added a harpoon.
04:22A harpoon.
04:23What the heck does this harpoon gun do?
04:25You want to know?
04:26That's what it does.
04:28Go get yourself a damn harpoon gun.
04:30Not to mention we had the prime season.
04:33Terrible season.
04:34Primal, thank you.
04:35Yeah, it was the primal season.
04:36I loved the crafting aspect,
04:38but the primal season was also one of the worst seasons of all time.
04:42And let's be clear here, ladies and gentlemen,
04:44Fortnite Chapter 2 is what completely led this game to down spiral
04:47in its popularity and then some.
04:50Yes, they had some great seasons in Chapter 2.
04:52The Iron Man season was out of this world.
04:54Incredible, right?
04:55That Marvel season was actually spectacular.
04:57But yeah, this shit was ass.
04:58I quit in this season and came back super late.
05:00I'll never forget.
05:01Moving on to Fortnite Chapter 3.
05:03Fortnite Chapter 3,
05:04this one's going to be a little bit tough.
05:05We're going to start out at a B,
05:06and I'm going to walk through with you guys in the chat right now
05:09what were some of these good seasons and what were some of the bad seasons.
05:12I'm going to be honest.
05:13I actually kind of liked Chapter 3.
05:15I didn't hate it.
05:16This is when I came back and I actually started playing the game again.
05:18This is where a lot of the Spider-Man mythics were in the game,
05:22and it was arguably one of the best mechanics in the game.
05:24Spider-Man mythic, right?
05:27This is when no builds came in,
05:29and in my personal opinion,
05:30zero builds saved the game for me.
05:32I definitely think there were some questionable seasons as well in Chapter 3.
05:37But all in all,
05:38the thing that sticks out the most to me about this season was zero build
05:41and the Spider-Man mythic.
05:42And somehow Fortnite and Epic got the Spider-Man mythic,
05:45the mechanics of it,
05:46almost better than the Spider-Man game itself
05:48and any other game that's ever tried to duplicate it.
05:52One good season doesn't redeem an entire chapter, right?
05:55And when I think of Chapter 2, dude,
05:58all I can think of is how trash the first season...
06:00I mean, the first season of Chapter 2 literally killed...
06:02It killed Fortnite for a very long time.
06:04And there's no even debating that.
06:06That happened, right?
06:07So people quit the game.
06:08People stopped playing Fortnite
06:09because of how ass and garbage the first season was of Chapter 2.
06:13It was 130 days, right?
06:15Almost a quarter of a year, maybe more,
06:16without a single update.
06:17All they added was a harpoon.
06:19Bro, it makes no sense.
06:26I mean...
06:37Hey, one-pun me.
06:38I needed to heal and say,
06:39I'm so bad.
06:40I love how this guy's teabagging me like he knows it's me.
06:43I'm dead, by the way.
06:44Again, so I need you to keep hiding.
07:06I'm dead.
07:07I gotta reset.
07:08I can't believe that guy
07:09didn't get knocked away from that shockwave, dude.
07:11I would've had a 1v.
07:13Dude, he jumped right at the last second.
07:17He has one shot above us.
07:22I'm looking, I'm looking.
07:23I got him, I got him, I got him.
07:25Coming to me right now, Ty.
07:26Right here.
07:27I got him.
07:28I got him.
07:29I got him.
07:30I got him.
07:31I got him.
07:32I got him.
07:33I got him.
07:34I got him.
07:35Coming to me right now, Ty.
07:36Right here.
07:39And as you can see,
07:41I am not dead.
07:45Oh, this guy might shit on us.
07:46There's another guy here.
07:47Absolutely, Gibby.
07:48You're probably gonna die.
07:49It's fine.
07:50Just reset.
07:51I got one, I got one.
07:52Did you?
07:53That was a team wipe.
07:54Damn it.
07:55Nine seconds.
07:56Oh, did he actually just shock?
07:57I'm dead here.
07:58This guy's gonna knock.
08:00Yeah, I'm dead.
08:02You have Sloan's AR, bro.
08:04It's just so unfortunate.
08:06Alright, let's finish off this chapter tier list, shall we?
08:08Ladies and gentlemen.
08:09Well, as I said.
08:12I've already given my explanations for these first three chapters.
08:14We're gonna move on to chapter four.
08:15Arguably the greatest chapter in history.
08:19Besides chapter one.
08:20I know what you're thinking.
08:23Are you gonna put this at A tier?
08:27We're gonna put chapter four at S tier.
08:29And let me tell you why, dude.
08:30Chapter four belongs at S tier for multiple reasons.
08:32Number one.
08:33Mega City.
08:35Arguably one of the greatest POIs ever added since Tilted Towers.
08:38And it's not particularly close.
08:40The Hammer.
08:41One of the most fun movement abilities of all time.
08:46The Katana.
08:47I love you.
08:50Chef's Kiss, dude.
08:51The Katana was also arguably one of the best movement pieces of all time.
08:55In general, the entire map was solid.
08:58Rock solid.
08:59You wanted to land anywhere.
09:01Everywhere had solid loot.
09:03They had some really good mythic chests, too.
09:05In certain POIs.
09:06They weren't mythic, but you know what I mean.
09:08Like special chests.
09:09And of course, they gave us one of my favorite rifles of all time.
09:12It was the Red Eye.
09:16This is gonna be the gun.
09:18The Red Dot, right?
09:19Red Eye?
09:21Very good chapter.
09:22Tim to tap.
09:23It was good enough for Tim and those guys to come back and play with it as well.
09:25Even Dennis played this chapter.
09:28Chef's Kiss.
09:29It belongs right up there with chapter one.
09:30Is it better than chapter one?
09:32I don't think anything can beat the nostalgia and the classicness that is chapter one of Fortnite, ladies and gentlemen.
09:36And it never will.
09:37Moving on to one of my favorite chapters of all time.
09:40One of my favorite chapters of all time to shit on.
09:42Let me introduce you guys to the worst chapter in Fortnite history, ladies and gentlemen.
09:48Chapter five.
09:49Or as I like to call it, the hashtag ad.
09:51Don't get me wrong.
09:52I enjoyed the green little teleports for a little bit.
09:57But then at the end of the day, it just became annoying.
09:59Those fights were annoying.
10:03This movement is unbelievable.
10:08Chasing someone with a katana was like, right?
10:10You knew that there was going to be charges that they were going to run out of eventually.
10:13And then you can make your move, right?
10:14Not if you're sitting in the green goo.
10:16Boring chapter.
10:17Boring chapter.
10:18Boring seasons.
10:19They introduced the worst season in Fortnite history, arguably besides chapter one, season ten.
10:24The cars.
10:25We all know it.
10:26No hitscan guns.
10:28Hashtag ads.
10:31Just garbage.
10:33It's trash.
10:34Everything about this chapter, I don't like.
10:36And you don't need to watch this video to hear my thoughts on why I don't like this chapter.
10:40Just look at anyone clickbaiting anywhere about me complaining.
10:43We can't get chapter six soon enough.
10:45And we can't get the OG map coming back, which I believe, unfortunately, is going to be chapter two.
10:49But I think it'll still be fun.
10:51Because hopefully they add a little bit.
10:53I mean, honestly, I'll take anything at this point, right?
10:55I'll take anything at this point.
10:57There's my tier list.
10:58Or my tier list.
10:59And by the way, this is accurate.
11:01I know some people are like, chapter two?
11:03Is a C?
11:05Because it had one of the most boring seasons of all time.
11:11Which puts it at C.
11:12And that's where it belongs.
11:13I don't think Epic's ever come out and talked about it also.
11:17Look at the updates.
11:19The bi-weekly updates that they came out with for the entirety of chapter one.
11:25There was a new season every month or two.
11:29There were new guns being added in the middle of those seasons.
11:33What were they thinking?
11:34COVID or not, bro.
11:35Put a five-year-old in one of the freaking development rooms and have him smack his head on the keyboard and add in any item that they probably had.
11:42I mean, they could have added old guns.
11:43They could have added anything.
11:45Reload saved Fortnite, baby.
11:46Zero build saved Fortnite, personally.
11:48And if they didn't add this reload playlist, I wouldn't be playing this game right now.
11:51I wouldn't have.
11:52I would have played anything else.
11:54I would probably switch to Valorant or League of Legends or something months ago.
11:56If you ever quit Fortnite, dude, we can always just play NHL 25.
12:00You're so funny when you say shit that'll never happen.
12:12Dude, I'm so sick of those glitches.
12:14Chat, I'm so good at this game.
12:19Right next to you?
12:22Where the f*** did this kid go?
12:25Frodom, he's one.
12:26He's one. Any gun, right here.
12:27I'll reset.
12:28Right at the top of the hill.
12:30Good combo.
12:31He's about dead.
12:32Jack went on a really good rant.
12:33I really liked it.
12:34This guy's here.
12:40He went on a really good rant about what made Fortnite so much fun, right?
12:49Any gun.
12:51He said it was how hard it was to get a win.
12:54It was so hard to get a win.
12:56That's how all Battle Royales are, by the way.
12:57Even if you're playing COD, unless you go in with a four stack of the sweatiest four stack in the world, you lose a lot.
13:04Epic just had it in their head.
13:06Again, I love it.
13:07I love everything they've done.
13:08I want to point this out.
13:09I love everything they've done.
13:10I love Fortnite.
13:11I wouldn't be in the position that I am.
13:12Again, I owe everything to them.
13:14But I'm still going to speak about mine.
13:15Let's add guns that aim for you.
13:17Let's add jetpacks and a turret that follows people around.
13:22Hey, we want everyone to get Victory Royales.
13:24And it's like, no.
13:26People were still playing the game.
13:29A win was the greatest thing in the world.
13:31If you got a Fortnite win, especially if you've never had one before, you're shitting your pants.
13:35Don't grab it.
13:41I'm not going to do it.
13:43Reverse disable.
13:44That guy's dead for the game.
13:46I have to leave.
13:49I got a guy right on top of me.
13:50I got a guy right on top of me.
13:52Hit him right.
13:5639 white.
14:00I need your help, Gibby.
14:01You got to come in.
14:02You got to come.
14:03You got to come.
14:04You can go in and kill them.
14:05They're both one shot.
14:06Go in there now.
14:12I killed his teammate.
14:14He's healing.
14:17Kill him.
14:20Yeah, they're bouncing us out.
14:22It's fine.
14:23I got to make it.
14:24Can you get back to me?
14:25I got to make it on top of me.
14:26He just sniped me in the face.
14:27Watch that.
14:28That was impressive.
14:30He's throwing tomatoes at me.
14:41What a gift.
14:42He's actually chasing me.
14:43You're so dumb.
14:44You're so...
14:45He literally...
14:46He pushed me instead of reviving his teammate.
14:48And now look at him chat.
14:49Look at this dipshit.
14:51Great play, dude.
14:52Good play, dude.
14:53He's literally dead.