المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لـ Saxo Bank لـ CNBC عربية: المحادثات بشأن عجز الولايات المتحدة موضوعاً متداولاً بشكل دائم

  • last year


00:00 It goes way back from since we had inflation in the 70s and 80s.
00:05 And then we saw the rate of inflation, the interest rate, increasing, increasing,
00:09 and the pressure to ease the amount, and the pressure to pay the money, and the accumulation of debts.
00:13 And then we have the highest levels of debt that the world has ever seen.
00:17 And Sakso Bank started talking about inflation in the beginning of 2021
00:22 when everyone was saying that inflation will not happen because we haven't seen it for a long time.
00:28 And all of that is changing now.
00:30 And that's because people didn't think that we would face inflation,
00:34 and then they thought that the interest rates would not rise a lot.
00:39 And then they thought that inflation would end.
00:42 But what happened was the presence of geopolitical tensions,
00:46 and then production moved to India and other places in South and East Asia,
00:51 and at the same time, there were still talks about the United States being unable to do anything about it permanently.
00:58 So there is more spending than income, and that's bad,
01:02 because if we get to banks and spending, that means we're going to have high interest rates.
01:08 And in the end, if we lose confidence, that's a big problem.
01:12 And then the borrowing of money is the price.
01:15 But I think that the interest rates will rise over the short term, and the interest rates will not end soon.
01:21 And I don't think that's over.
01:23 And if we look at the price of bonds for 30 years,
01:26 it has gone down to $87 in a year and a half or two years.
01:30 And it's not going to end soon.
01:32 We've been working with AI and big data for several years.
01:36 And I think that in addition to helping with the operations and helping with the allocation,
01:41 it also helps to change the model of services completely,
01:45 so that the work is done at the right time and in a reliable way,
01:49 and the client's service is better in terms of ideas, diversity, and risk management.
01:54 And I think that's interesting, and it will change the rules of the game,
01:58 and provide a better service, designed according to the client,
02:02 so that everyone can use a good digital platform, like the Saxo platform.
02:06 And provide a personalized service to everyone using a good digital platform like the Saxo one.
