• 2 years ago
Derek John Fernandez from the MCMC gives a sobering view on how fast the laws have to be able to evolve in order to catch scammers.
00:00 laws are being passed in the European Union
00:03 and in other countries that talk about allocation
00:06 of risk for loss, that whose responsibility is it?
00:10 And more and more now, the governments of the world
00:14 are pushing that responsibility to those
00:16 who provide the platforms,
00:17 that they must protect their customers.
00:20 So an e-commerce site should first of all know
00:24 who is hosting products and services on their site.
00:27 They must be a know your customer policy.
00:30 Number two, that person who is hosting goods and services
00:35 must be disclosed so that if there's any fake goods,
00:39 there is legal recourse from the buyer
00:42 against the entity or person,
00:44 not somebody hidden anonymously or in records
00:48 that are not made public to the police
00:51 or to the law enforcement operators.
00:54 It's a bit like this.
00:55 If we have this room here,
00:57 what traditionally was the argument
00:59 is I only provide the trading room.
01:00 You all come in, you all sell to each other,
01:02 that's all your business.
01:03 It's not my responsibility to prepare that forum.
01:07 But I really wanna enter the room, let's pay a fee.
01:09 So more and more people are saying that,
01:11 but if so many criminal activities are taking place
01:14 in that room, I think you have a responsibility
01:17 to ensure who is entering the room
01:19 and to be responsible for the safety of others in that room.
01:22 That thinking is now emerging in terms of trying
01:26 to combat what is an evolving threat.
01:29 And there are always a few steps ahead with the technology.
01:32 And that's understandable because they're dedicated.
01:34 We have to get it right all the time.
01:36 They only have to get it right once.
01:38 And so they have the edge in that.
01:40 And that has to be met by everybody playing their role,
01:42 putting a multi-level approach,
01:44 including those who run the platforms
01:48 and who run the telecommunication services.
01:50 So in fact, MCMC is now trying to regulate
01:52 what we call OTT platforms.
01:53 And I think way over everybody is doing that now
01:56 and the debate is going on.