Clarity of policies vital to generate confidence in foreign, domestic investors, says PM

  • last year
Clarity of policies is important to generate confidence in foreign and domestic investors, said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The Prime Minister said in his closing remarks at the Khazanah Megatrends Forum 2023 on Tuesday (Oct 3) that he would be more optimistic about the outcome of the future if the government manages the economy with clarity of policies and plans ahead to achieve results while dealing with problems with tenacity.



00:11 With all the resources that we have, we do manage the
00:16 economic well, plan ahead, and have the resolve, the
00:24 necessity to deal with these problems with a
00:30 clarity of policies.
00:33 I'm rather more optimistic of the outcome of the future.
00:40 You see, I'm ignoring my text after
00:43 listening to the synopsis.
00:44 I don't want to be deemed completely irrelevant.
00:51 So my central thesis in this government is, number one, to
00:56 acknowledge that we have encountered these difficulties
01:04 due to poor governance and endemic corruption.
01:11 And if we do accept that, then we should be able to have this
01:16 greater sense of confidence to forge ahead, number one, with
01:23 clarity of policies.
01:26 We have the modern economy.
01:29 We have the energy transition, followed by the new
01:35 industrial master plan.
01:37 And even in our mid-term review of the 12th Malaysia plan, we
01:43 have departed from the traditional way or manner of
01:49 reviewing plans, but to make shifts and adjustments
01:53 considering the challenges that we face at present.
01:58 So clarity of policies is important to generate
02:01 confidence.
02:02 I think before you talk about foreign investors or even
02:07 domestic investors, confidence in the general public, because
02:11 there is a trust deficit among not only political leaders,
02:17 but elites in general.
02:19 Policies that have been carved out to benefit the elites at
02:25 the expense of the majority of our population.
02:27 So this shift in governance and the attitude is, to me,
02:32 critical.
02:34 I've always accepted the notion that the resistance to
02:39 change is not necessarily by the poor, uneducated masses.
02:47 Resistance to change, oftentimes, is from the elites.
02:53 I used to know, either through abuse of power and
02:59 position or corruption or just standard practice, to what we
03:06 consider as the necessary changes, either policy shift
03:14 or paradigm shift.
03:15 Even for those among the elites who have been harping on the
03:19 issue of paradigm shift, has not actually moved according
03:24 to what Thomas Kuhn referred to as paradigm shift.
03:27 Because what did happen is some adjustments, minor
03:31 adjustments, IT is an example, on a more sophisticated
03:40 manner of practice in terms of management, both in
03:43 government and in the private sector.
03:45 But what we mean by paradigm shift is to acknowledge the
03:49 limitations of the past and take a new course, policies
03:56 and ways of doing things that is critical to move our
04:01 society.
04:01 It's the same like Schumpeter's gale of creative
04:07 destruction.
04:08 You have to accept that the center cannot hold, things
04:13 fall apart.
04:14 There will be years.
04:16 But things fall apart because of some fundamental flaws in
04:23 the system.
04:25 And therefore, there must be preparedness to shift,
04:31 formulate new policies, and to part from the past manner of
04:42 doing things.
04:43 That's why you talk about gale of creative destruction from
04:49 the past flaws.
04:50 That's why I think in our Madani philosophy, we are
04:57 prepared.
04:57 We have focused on the issue of the need to challenge
05:02 Malaysians generally to accept some stark new realities.
05:08 The race card, religious bigotry, that has been part of
05:16 the nationality for decades has to end.
05:22 And whilst we are proud, and I am too proud as a Malay, my
05:28 culture, my civilization, and as a Muslim, a practicing
05:32 Muslim who believes strongly in the ideals and what Islam has
05:40 to contribute to international society, but it cannot be a
05:49 blinker view of ignoring the importance of the role of
05:56 other races and other religions in this country.
06:00 There's no two way about it.
06:03 There's no compromise in so far as ensuring that this
06:08 country for the future has to deal with policies that will
06:14 deal with fundamental issues and problems in society.
06:20 Poverty, regardless of race.
06:22 The vast majority are the Malays.
06:24 We have to recognize this fact, which means all this
06:30 talk about new economic policy, the focus on the so-called
06:37 Malay survival, whilst has improved in terms of social
06:43 mobility, undeniably so, through education, educational
06:48 opportunities, but has failed miserably because it has been
06:56 used and abused to benefit a small coterie of individuals
07:03 linked to the political elites.
07:05 And this must end.
07:08 So the new policy, for example, has to be courageous
07:12 enough to state the fact that we have to deal with the
07:16 problem of poverty, which means all the new policy
07:21 directions cannot continue whilst ignoring this basic
07:26 fact that you cannot allow Malaysia to succeed and
07:31 continue to grow, robust growth.
07:33 Yes, we need, but it cannot allow for tolerance of abject
07:38 poverty, of gross inequality.
07:42 And naturally, the majority of the Malays would benefit, but
07:47 you cannot ignore the pockets of the poor among the
07:49 indigenous tribes in Sabah, Sarawak, Chinese, the urban
07:54 areas, or more so, the Indians.
07:57 And I've said this publicly, I'm probably the first Malay
08:00 leader that had the courage to say in Parliament that the
08:06 majority of the poor are Malays, but the poorest of the
08:10 poor in the peninsula are the ethnic Indians.
08:14 It is better that we deal with this situation frankly and
08:19 openly and transparently in order to be able to persuade
08:24 the masses to understand why there must be a genuine
08:29 policy shift from what I consider obsolete policies to
08:35 be focused entirely on the issue of race.
08:39 Having said that, if we want government, for example, to
08:43 make that shift, the private sector, including the non-Malays
08:47 must also acknowledge this fact and shift radically from
08:52 this race notion, because the race trend or the race card
08:58 is not necessarily from those in the political arena among
09:05 the Malays, but also from the ethnic non-Malays.
09:08 I've been appealing to them to showcase that while there is
09:12 this shift in government policy, there must be also a
09:16 shift among our friends, colleagues, among the non-Malays
09:21 to be trusted by the majority of the Malays that there is
09:27 no longer this siege mentality or feeling of insecurity
09:32 because of the tendency to ignore the plight of the poor,
09:39 most of the Malays.
