Leo Frank Trial - Hugh Dorsey Closing Arguments Part 4

  • last year
⁣The two most crucial facts in this audio passage are that there was no blood at the scuttle hole and that blood was discovered on the factory's second floor. Even though it was a holiday, the factory's foreman, Lemmie Quinn, entered and informed the narrator that he couldn't keep him away from the workplace. The narrator then collected their papers and went upstairs to visit the boys who were on the top floor.

Mrs. White claims that she passed by and noticed the narrator at 12:35. In order to see the boys on the top floor, the narrator then collected their papers and went there. In order to see the boys on the top floor, the narrator then collected their papers and went upstairs to visit the boys who were on the top floor. The most crucial information in this passage, according to the narrator, is that Albert didn't eat anything and came in close to 130. Before leaving and catching the car, he went to the dining room sideboard and stood there for a while.

The story was related to Craven by Manola McKnight's husband, who said these things to the officers, and he didn't consume anything in the dining room. If Gordon had not said it, then he was not deserving of the title of lawyer because he was down there and could have said it. The most crucial information in this passage is that Manola McKnight's attorney, George Gordon, sits there and watches as she puts her fist to the paper and makes a false swearing declaration that could land her in jail. Her attorney, George Gordon, could have obtained a writ of habeas corpus to have her released from custody as soon as he could have reached a judge.

But Craven and Albert were present, and Minola McKnight was seated there with her attorney, George Gordon, who was eager to introduce something into the case that these men had been requesting for a long time but had never been able to until he took the stand and swore that she had said something that was untrue as you can see from the questions I asked him. The two most crucial information in this passage are that Albert McKnight is accused of lying to the detectives and that he was reluctant to take over their operations for fear of alienating them. Additionally, he is charged with lying to a photographer as well as his wife, Mrs. Selig.
Additionally, Mrs. Selig and a photographer were allegedly deceived by Albert. Additionally, he is charged with lying to a photographer and his wife, Mrs. Selig. In addition, Mrs. Selig, Albert's wife, and a photographer are both charged with lying to them. He is also charged with lying to a photographer and his wife, Mrs. Selig. Additionally, Albert is charged with lying to a photographer and his wife, Mrs. Selig. ⁣The key information in this audio recording is that George Gordon, a man who is passing himself off as an attorney, permitted a woman to put her fist to a piece of paper and swear to it, sending her to the penitentiary.


