• 2 years ago
Ve el episodio completo en: https://www.wearenotzombies.com/canales/life/mexas/enfrentar-el-miedo/


Para Diosa Quetzal estar en un ring significa enfrentar los miedos. Y como en la lucha libre, la vida golpea con dureza y hay que defenderse. Su fuerza no proviene únicamente del cuerpo, también está en su familia, en la energía que desbordan los espectadores, en saberse capaz de pisar la lona y dar lo mejor de sí. A veces se pierde, otras se gana, se sacrifican cosas, pero se debe encontrar una motivación para continuar.

Enfrentar el Miedo suena con “Cocaína” de G-Flux

En Septiembre celebramos que somos una plataforma MEXA, lanzando cada día del mes una historia de humanos mexicanos chingones.

Mexas son historias que muestran los pensamientos y las experiencias de quienes conforman la esencia de lo mexicano, aquí conocemos a humanos apasionados por lo que hacen, relacionados con la música y el arte, la cannabis, héroes, luchadores, tatuadores, empresarios, la mexicanidad en su infinita expresión.

Súmate al Movimiento No Zombie:
Web: https://www.wearenotzombies.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearenotzom...
Youtube: https://bit.ly/39FViiC
00:00 [Music]
00:09 I think it's just a great group of people.
00:12 It's a group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:16 I think it's a really good group of people.
00:18 I think it's a great group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:20 I think it's a great group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:21 I think it's a great group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:22 I think it's a great group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:23 I think it's a great group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:24 I think it's a great group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:25 I think it's a great group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:26 I think it's a great group of people that really take the work out of each other.
00:27 So one of the things this is exciting about,
00:30 some people are starting to add more
00:33 to their existing business on that and
00:37 they really do so because there is so much
00:40 new variation and rush and
00:43 a lot of different advances.
00:45 Obviously this business is newly
00:49 seen in our board and
00:53 our commission can help for better
00:55 and I think that's a very valuable piece of information.