• last year
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Les élections de l'année prochaine s'annoncent comme un test crucial pour le président américain Joe Biden, qui se concentre déjà sur les élections générales. Pendant ce temps, les candidats républicains se sont réunis en Californie pour le deuxième débat primaire du parti en vue de la saison électorale de 2024. Lors de son discours en Arizona, Biden a fait allusion à l'ancien président Donald Trump, clairement au cœur des préoccupations. Le vote de 2024 est perçu comme un référendum sur l'avenir de la société américaine et le rôle du pays dans le monde, selon Biden.
Le président américain exprime une inquiétude face à un mouvement extrémiste qui remet en question les valeurs démocratiques fondamentales du pays. Il a averti que la mise en œuvre d'un programme extrême, tel que celui promu par le mouvement MAGA, aurait des conséquences profondes sur les institutions démocratiques des États-Unis. Biden insiste sur le fait que les décisions prises aujourd'hui auront un impact durable sur le pays et le monde entier. Il présente la politique comme une lutte pour l'âme de la nation, affirmant que la démocratie est en jeu face à des forces dangereuses.
#Élections2024 #DémocratieVsExtrémisme #PrésidentBiden #Trump #CampagneÉlectorale #ChoixCrucial #AvenirDeLAmérique #BataillePourLâme #Référendum #DémocratieEnDanger #ÉlectionsPrésidentielles #EnjeuxPolitiques #Vote2024 #Amérique #ÉlectionsAméricaines #VoteResponsable #SauvegarderLaDémocratie #CombatPolitique #DirectionPourLAmérique #DécisionsImpactantes #frt
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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Eben Media TV and also share the video.
00:13 Do not forget to like and leave your point of view in comment.
00:16 The elections next year will be a major test for the American president Joe Biden, who
00:21 has already started to focus on general elections, while Republican candidates
00:26 met in California for the second primary debate of the 2024 election season.
00:31 During his speech pronounced in neighboring Arizona, Biden alluded to a candidate
00:37 notably absent from the GOP event.
00:39 Without mentioning his name, it was clear that former American President Donald Trump
00:44 was at the center of concerns.
00:45 For the fifth consecutive time, American voters will have to speak on his
00:51 report and his prospects for 2024.
00:53 But this time, according to Biden, a major difference is being felt.
00:59 The vote is now perceived as a referendum on an essential aspect of American society
01:04 and the role of the country in the world.
01:05 The president has expressed his concern about an extremist movement that questions the
01:10 fundamental values ​​of American democracy.
01:13 He warned that the implementation of an extreme program, such as the one promoted by the
01:18 MAGA movement, would have profound consequences on the democratic institutions of the country.
01:22 Biden stressed that the decisions taken today will determine the course of the country and
01:27 the world for the decades to come.
01:29 He reiterated his argument that something dangerous is happening in America and that
01:34 democracy is at stake.
01:35 This is not the first time that Biden presents politics as a struggle for the soul of the
01:40 country.
01:41 He has already described the events of January 6, 2021 as an existential threat to American
01:46 democracy .
01:47 Biden's team is convinced that this argument was politically effective, contributing to
01:52 a better democratic performance than expected during the elections of Mamonda last year.
01:56 Thus, this argument has become a key element of his presidential re-election campaign.
02:02 The question now is whether this argument will withstand the test of next year's vote.
02:08 Biden seems certain that this will be the case.
02:11 While his potential opponent, Donald Trump, faces several inculpations related to his
02:17 contestation of the 2020 elections, Biden's advisers bet that the chaos
02:22 created by Trump will remain anchored in the minds of voters.
02:25 However, it is important to note that this question also has a personal importance
02:31 for Biden himself.
02:32 While the United States is facing many crises, including immigration,
02:37 inflation, abortion and workers' rights, Biden may choose to focus on
02:42 a potentially abstract subject, that of democracy.
02:56 (air whooshing)
