Outline Of Practice ( The Teaching Of Bodhidharma अभ्यास की रूप रेखा )

  • last year
MANY roads lead to the Path, but basically there are only
two: reason and practice. To enter by reason means to
realize the essence through instruction and to believe that
all living things share the same true nature, which isn’t
apparent because it’s shrouded by sensation and delusion.
Those who turn from delusion back to reality, who meditate
on walls, the absence of self and other, the oneness of
mortal and sage, and who remain unmoved even by
scriptures are in complete and unspoken agreement with
reason. Without moving, without effort, they enter, we say,
by reason.
To enter by practice refers to four all-inclusive practices:3
suffering injustice, adapting to conditions, seeking nothing,
and practicing the Dharma.
First, suffering injustice. When those who search for the
Path encounter adversity, they should think to themselves,
“In countless ages gone by, I’ve turned from the essential to
the trivial and wandered through all manner of existence,
often angry without cause and guilty of numberless
transgressions. Now, though I do no wrong, I’m punished by
my past. Neither gods nor men can foresee when an evil
deed will bear its fruit. I accept it with an open heart and
without complaint of injustice.” The sutras say, “When you
meet with adversity don’t be upset, because it makes
sense.” With such understanding you’re in harmony with
reason. And by suffering injustice you enter the Path.


