Salute: Colesterolo e rischi cardiovascolari, agisci prima per proteggerti

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano ancora oggi la principale causa di morte in Italia e nel mondo, ma attorno all’argomento c’è ancora tanta disinformazione. Se ne è discusso a Milano all’incontro organizzato da Sanofi “Agire prima contro il colesterolo: quanto conta il fattore tempo per proteggersi dai rischi cardiovascolari”.


00:00 Cardiovascular diseases are still the main cause of death in Italy and around the world.
00:10 There is still a lot of misinformation around the topic.
00:14 This aspect is highlighted by a research conducted by SVG, promoted by Sanofi,
00:19 on a champion of over 1,200 citizens of age between 45 and 74 years,
00:25 which discussed during the meeting organized in Milan "Acting against cholesterol first,
00:30 how much time factor counts to protect from cardiovascular risks".
00:35 In the world of cardiology and hypercholesterolemia,
00:39 we know that 80% of the population knows that there are cardiovascular diseases,
00:48 but less than half follow an intervention.
00:55 They don't know the difference between good HDL cholesterol and bad LDL cholesterol.
01:04 It is something to be kept under control.
01:07 But we must never forget, if we are in therapy,
01:11 to follow the therapy that the doctor advised us.
01:15 This is called adherence to therapy. This is very important.
01:20 Therapy solutions that can intervene quickly and effectively
01:24 to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol have been available for several years.
01:29 We should keep using drugs as evidenced.
01:36 Statins should be part of the general background, if the patient can actually tolerate it.
01:42 This is the beauty and simplicity of the therapy of dyslipidemia.
01:47 We know from studies how much we can expect to reduce LDL cholesterol
01:53 with the use of various drugs.
01:55 Support of associations such as Conacuore is essential for patients
02:00 who have suffered a cardiovascular event.
02:03 We are the transition between leaving the hospital and returning home.
02:10 We help patients to return to reality through meetings, information and the like.
02:20 But before getting to the treatment of the pathology, it is important to raise awareness.
02:26 Sanofi has promoted the campaign "Win against cholesterol, prevent heart attack, act first".
02:31 A project sponsored by the Italian Society of Cardiology, the GISE Foundation,
02:36 the Italian Foundation for the Heart, Conacuore.
02:39 An app dedicated exclusively to dyslipidemia, available on the website,
02:47 which helps people find the correct information related to the cardiovascular risk
02:52 linked to high levels of LDL cholesterol and specialized centers closest to them.
