Roni Dean vs Klaudia Ferenczi (28-04-2023) Full Fight

  • last year



00:00 Well here we go with another female contest here in a very noisy York Hall.
00:18 This six two minutes and a debut for Ronnie D from Thetford in Norfolk.
00:23 All black with well the leopard trim around the band. The 28 year old well has
00:31 been waiting for this moment as has her expectant family and friends many of
00:35 whom have made the journey from Norfolk and she's in against an incredibly
00:39 seasoned operator wearing the black and red Claudia Ferenczi the 30 year old
00:43 who has already had 130 professional fights but Ronnie D is setting a
00:49 blistering pace and really trying to take it early to Ferenczi who's as
00:56 durable as they come could be an awkward opponent but she's trying to establish
01:01 authority in there and has done so it says relentless on the back of the
01:05 shorts and I think it's very aptly McGregor this is but a good start from
01:09 Ronnie D in her professional debut. Yeah for sure and you just mentioned it
01:13 there professional debut she's come out letting the hands go very early on
01:18 looking very good solid very impressed so far I know we're only a minute in but
01:25 very impressive and obviously with it being her debut straight in the six rounds
01:31 obviously want to push Dean quite quickly I'd imagine.
01:36 Yep looking forward to this she's brought a bit of an army from Norfolk
01:43 with her. Her cousin Rocky Dean used to do the same and she's keeping the family
01:51 name flying now. You can see Ferenczi she's coming in low every time I'd like
01:56 to see Dean bring that right upper cut in. I think it was right on cue there I think she let that one go there.
02:01 She'll find success with that definitely every time Ferenczi's coming
02:06 down with a head low.
02:11 Good start.
02:13 Well you mentioned it earlier when we were watching Amy Andrew that the
02:17 rounds can run away with you a little bit the two minute rounds and you have
02:20 to set a pace and certainly that's what Ronnie Dean has done with this and she
02:25 has the final say in the opening round and looks pleased with her work there and you can barely hear a thing in here now can you?
02:31 I think she won everything she's won.
02:34 I think she won every second of that round. Very impressed.
02:42 First round her professional debut that's I think that's how you want them to go.
02:49 Well she's in as well against a girl in the shape of Claudia Ferenczi who's been
02:54 in with everybody as you would imagine she's had 130 fights already anyway
02:58 she's only 30 but she's seen it all and again it's not often you see her a
03:04 little bit nonplussed as she was in that opening round.
03:06 Yeah it's crazy to think Ferenczi's had 644 rounds and that was Ronnie Dean's first
03:13 professional round. She's yeah obviously been around a lot Ferenczi's been in with
03:19 all the fighters knows her way about but I think she I don't think she's had
03:26 many first rounds with an onslaught like that from Dean.
03:30 I think she's she's ready to come out this second round and do
03:33 the exact same start the way she finished the first.
03:37 Well she does just that she's set the pace again Ronnie Dean
03:41 tries to go to work certainly holding center of the ring.
03:46 Obviously very fit as I can see I know she went on a holiday camp
03:51 and actually took took her pads with her she's obviously very keen on her fitness
03:55 and you can tell you can tell that she she trains hard
03:58 and she's in good shape and she's she's putting a real dominant display in here.
04:03 She's got a mat a dad mat behind her obviously Graeme Everitt in the corner.
04:13 Big team.
04:16 Yeah I seen she just half through that uppercut there but
04:21 only half out and I'd like to see her follow through that she'll definitely
04:24 land it because Ferenczi is coming up her head low every single time.
04:28 She's wide open for that right uppercut or the hand over the top
04:33 right on cue there as Dean landed it.
04:36 There's a good left hook from Dean there as well
04:41 and again.
04:44 And now the right. And these I know it's women fighters and
04:52 but these shots actually look quite heavy like she looks like she's
04:56 quite heavy-handed as well Dean as well as being relentless and fit.
05:01 Very impressive especially for it being her first fight and I can now understand
05:05 why she's went straight in a six-round contest in a professional debut
05:09 because relentless pace and like you said a professional debut so
05:17 obviously going to wanting to move and progress
05:20 quickly can understand why.
05:25 Oh she's taken one the nose is a bit
05:30 bloodied though Ronnie Deans there's a little uppercut at the end
05:34 from Ferenczi. She's trying to work on that damage to the nose that's the
05:39 wily experience. Yeah welcome to professional boxing Ronnie Dean.
05:44 She's dominating the fight winning clearly and sometimes
05:48 sometimes these things happen a bloody nose or
05:52 whatever does not tell the story how the fight is going.
05:56 Ronnie Dean is in full control and like said winning the majority of every
06:02 single round but this is again why we keep saying it
06:07 this is why these fighters these fighters that come here you could say
06:12 to lose or especially Ronnie Dean's the favorite to
06:15 win here but they keep you switched on for the full
06:19 duration of the fight and again so important for the development of
06:24 the young up-and-coming prospects coming through.
06:28 Obviously Ronnie Dean a little bit older
06:31 at 28 but and going into straight six I don't
06:37 think she's she's wanting to wait around too long
06:40 wanting to move at a fast pace.
06:48 Well the nose is bleeding quite heavily actually
06:52 from Ronnie Dean. Yeah it actually is yes.
06:56 Well I wonder if it's gonna bother her and Julie if she can get through that
07:00 but it isn't a bad bleed. Ferenczi just might
07:05 she needs to be a little bit buoyed by that. Yeah she needs to try and block that
07:08 out sometimes fighters can let that negatively affect them and she's just
07:12 worked on her big right hand there as well she needs to settle back down and
07:16 pick up her shorts and get back to what she was doing in rounds one and two.
07:19 She's now drilling out and probably fleeing into Ferenczi's hands
07:23 now especially with the with the mess on her face.
07:28 Well it has certainly turned a little bit scrappy in this third round
07:34 and this is what Ferenczi wants really she wants it to get a little bit ugly
07:39 like this she was having very little success in the opening
07:41 couple of rounds and was a little bit taken aback by the ferocity I think of
07:45 Ronnie Dean as you said you can tell she's got
07:48 plenty of power behind those punches as well but it's
07:51 just got yeah scrappy. I was very surprised
07:55 with how quickly Dean did come out she's now walking on the right hand she does
08:00 really need to be careful here and she did set a very fast pace in the first
08:04 two rounds she slowed down a bit here I do think
08:07 the nose is an issue that has bothered her she
08:11 needs to get back to doing what she was doing and not let
08:14 the nose affect her. This is now turning into Ferenczi's
08:18 fight a fight that Ferenczi wants
08:22 but again very exciting for the fans as you can tell
08:27 you can hear the noise very loud in here the fans are loving it and these are the
08:31 kind of fights that they come and pay their heart their money to see.
08:36 Well if they wanted blood they've certainly got it those that have come to
08:43 watch Ronnie Dean's debut against an extremely experienced
08:48 Claudio Ferenczi who looks exhausted actually in her
08:51 corner Ronnie Dean is supremely fit
08:55 not too much water I think thrown on by coach there in the Ferenczi corner
08:59 but she does look to be struggling with the pace but that was
09:03 obviously a better round for her which she took advantage of the damage to the
09:06 nose of Dean. Yeah and also you need to remember that
09:10 Ronnie Dean's debut here and going straight at six rounds normally
09:16 in your first couple of fights it's normally you can do four rounds
09:19 easier way into it so this is going to test her here we're going to see
09:24 how much a fighter Ronnie Dean really is but she's going to have to dig in here
09:28 she's got a bloody nose that last round didn't go as well as the
09:31 first two so I think this round we'll see really what
09:35 she's all about but I think the way she got up off that stool she's
09:39 she's wanting to go in and she's ready for more action so
09:42 she's not lacking don't need to question her spirit and heart certainly
09:46 and she starts the round well again she's gone back to boxing a bit
09:49 Ronnie Dean which is what we want to see really
09:54 she got embroiled in a bit of a scrap in that third round
09:59 yeah I can see I can understand why she did
10:06 get carried away in that last round and did start drilling it out with Frenzy
10:10 because she had the better of that in the first
10:12 two rounds she really took it to Frenzy and she bossed
10:15 she bossed the first two rounds she bullied Frenzy
10:18 then the nose went Frenzy started maybe gaining a bit of confidence
10:22 can imagine Dean it was upsetting her rhythm
10:26 and then yeah she's she's come back out here and I feel like she's
10:29 started boxing a bit more and having a little bit more success
10:34 so now with the situation with the nose I would like to see her just
10:39 get back to boxing and just get through this fight where
10:42 with no more marks and push on after this one
10:46 try and make it as easy as possible
10:50 but we're all fighters and we can all we all sometimes just get dragged into a
10:55 fight and I can tell that's that's what Dean
10:58 wants she wants a she wants a fight she's not taking any
11:02 backward steps
11:05 very exciting fight though well it's been breathless stuff really hasn't it
11:12 Frenzy's just kind of using some tricks here holding on and
11:26 very much feeling the heat very high pace you can tell they're both
11:32 they're both feeling it now
11:35 oh good right hand from Dean at the end of the round
11:44 and the gun shields out from Frenzy that was a really good shot that
11:49 well if there's any doubt she had the final say in that round
11:54 again another fighter that's a bit of a promoter's dream at this stage isn't it
12:03 the amount of tickets that she can ship and the way she fights as well yeah
12:07 she's she's got the name right on her shorts
12:10 relentless she said and there's that
12:15 so
12:18 well we've got four more minutes of this all action
12:25 non-stop
12:28 Ronnie Dean who came to boxing very late she wasn't even a sporty kid she said
12:33 she didn't do anything and again like we've seen so often you get
12:37 the book for boxing and that's it
12:41 so
12:44 to get back doing the job here trying
12:56 start getting back in control this fight
13:00 and she's being urged on by Frenzy who wants to
13:04 to get back involved in a brawl again but
13:07 oh good right hand out of that clinch as well from Dean and
13:10 buoyed on by everybody on the feet inside the York Hall
13:15 if I was Dean's coach I would be saying I would be saying
13:18 get back behind the jab get boxing get working but then
13:22 she'll have those flurry inside she'll land some big shots and she gets success
13:26 so you can understand why she is going in
13:29 the trenches but very frustrating for her coach I would
13:31 imagine she's winning this but she could probably
13:35 think be winning this a lot easier than what she's having
13:38 but this is what the fans want and I think it's what she wants
13:42 it looks like it
13:45 and the corner Graham Everett in the corner he wants to see speed I think he
14:01 wants to see more of the boxing obviously
14:05 oh she needs to be careful again about your hand over the top
14:14 just dropping that left hand walking on the one now and again
14:18 Frenzy just putting her head down and swinging over with that right hand
14:23 very tough very tough though
14:29 I say the most exciting fight of the night so far
14:35 unbelievable great action
14:38 well we're about to go to the sixth and final round I mean how would you score
14:49 this Luke I would say Dean as as in as a head she is
14:54 winning but again she could be winning this
14:57 more easily she could be in control and like I said wouldn't have to be
15:03 taking as many shots as she is but she's obviously that type of fighter
15:08 she likes to work inside she likes to be involved in a fight in a hard
15:11 grueling fight she'll learn from this though and I'll
15:14 do her I'll do a massive she'll go on and it'll
15:20 be very good for her career going forward she'll learn a lot from this
15:26 yeah I would say Dean's a head I'd say she's winning but
15:31 Frenzy's been in it every round after the first two rounds she had a
15:37 good round three Frenzy and they battled out these last two just
15:42 to be sure I'd like to see one of them get back to her boxing here
15:45 and win this round clearly well both absolutely going for it in the sixth and final round
15:54 I mean Frenzy has shown that she's phenomenally tough as well both
15:58 of these women you don't have as many fights as Frenzy had unless you can
16:04 get through these kind of fights these real wars and she's had plenty of them
16:10 but this is now on the front foot again she's really trying to move
16:13 Frenzy around the ring and land those heavy shots
16:20 so
16:25 there you can see Frenzy's looking for that winging right hand over the top as
16:36 Dean's bouncing and coming in got that low left hand
16:41 that's a little feints in between they will upset Frenzy and
16:48 throw off her timing
16:51 good she's just making sure she's doing enough work in the inside
16:56 Dean it's getting a bit scrappy but she's just making sure she's
17:00 starting and finishing the exchanges which will be
17:04 key to winning the fight really because when it's scrappy like this very
17:08 hard to score you've just got to go with who's working harder it's Dean on
17:12 this occasion
17:16 good clean shots from Dean as well and that's got
17:20 well the Norfolk crowd going once again
17:24 okay final lockers of this one who's going to have the final say and
17:35 it's Dean is still swinging Frenzy still in there
17:39 very tough but Dean will want to just close the show well there you go
17:43 respect between the two a bloody war between
17:48 two very game operators Ronnie Dean on her professional debut
17:52 and Claudio Frenzy her 131st professional contest a tough debut
17:58 for Ronnie Dean I'll say again welcome to professional boxing
18:02 six rounds against somebody that last time out in the UK was
18:06 going six rounds with Lucy Wildheart who we saw in the game against Michaela
18:10 Mayer that's the kind of quality that Frenzy mixes with on a regular basis
18:14 so an excellent debut really from Ronnie Dean to get in with a girl as
18:17 tough as Frenzy and with the nose damage as well and everything
18:21 that went wrong with her in the third round didn't it?
18:23 She could have had a much smoother and easier professional debut
18:28 obviously her coaches and team believe that she was capable to go on the summer
18:33 like Frenzy and she has done that she's come through
18:36 I believe she's won this fight and for her to step in and go right
18:40 through right in the sixth round it's obviously
18:44 they're obviously keen on pushing her and wanting to push her quickly
18:49 well those girls have made their way to our referee Mark Bates he's the scoring
18:52 referee let's get his scorecard from our MC Ruff
18:56 Huff Ruggie. Ladies and gentlemen may we please have a round of applause for these
19:00 two contestants
19:05 after six rounds of boxing we go to the referee's scorecard
19:11 referee Mark Bates scores the bout 60 to 54
19:15 and your winner Ronnie Dean
19:23 so Ronnie Dean off to winning ways in the professional career
19:31 60-54. I thought that was a bit harsh on Frenzy she done well she
19:37 I'd argue she won a round or two there but the right
19:41 the right fight I want that's that's the main thing
19:45 yep so there we have it Ronnie Dean gets off to a fly it was brutal at times it
