Aaron McKenna vs Uisma Lima (16-06-2023) Full Fight

  • last year
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00:00 [crowd cheering]
00:02 Gentlemen, there's no instructions in the dressing room and you know what I expect.
00:06 Obey my commands at all times and protect yourselves at all times.
00:09 Touch wood.
00:10 Here we go.
00:13 Honestly, the intensity, the intimacy of this place.
00:17 It is everything you could possibly want in a boxing arena and then some.
00:21 And the stare down told you everything.
00:29 They're scheduled for ten or fewer.
00:32 For the vacant WBC International Middleweight title,
00:35 McKenna in the blue and white, in the orthodox stance, the right-hander stance.
00:40 Lemur boxing out of the southpaw stance.
00:44 The shorter of the two gets up tight there and looks to walk McKenna back towards the ropes.
00:50 Came a bit square there, Lemur, as he looked to throw that left hand.
00:58 The back leg came round and he fell forward slightly.
01:01 He'll have to be careful about that.
01:04 McKenna could just take a little step back if he could draw him in
01:09 and make him pay for those kinds of mistakes very early on though.
01:14 I think the southpaw stance of Lemur will mean it's a bit more difficult
01:23 for McKenna to bring the normal pressure, the normal work rate.
01:28 Let's go, boxing!
01:30 Lemur's last couple have been in the UK, Wales, in Scotland.
01:41 There's not that much infrastructure for pro boxing in Portugal.
01:45 It's on the increase, he tells me, but still not too many opportunities.
01:49 So he will travel where he needs to, but he's been in the home corner for those two.
01:55 This one, as I mentioned, a relatively short-notice job,
02:00 but these are the kinds of opportunities you must take if you're in his kind of position.
02:06 McKenna's been very active, he's done a bit of a roll,
02:10 picking up some good wins and gaining experience all the time,
02:14 building his reputation as well.
02:16 So it's a big opportunity for Lemur to kind of nick that,
02:19 lose the spring, the upset here, then it really catapults his career.
02:25 Got a pop-up from McKenna.
02:29 Lever trying to fire back with that left hand.
02:34 When they get uptight like they are there, he's the one of the two
02:38 who can just make a little bit of room and try and work.
02:41 McKenna doesn't really have space in here,
02:43 so wants to try and disentangle and fight this at longer range,
02:48 or mid-range as he was there at the very least.
02:50 He gives that right hand again.
03:12 I'd like to see a bit more use of the jab from McKenna, as I say.
03:16 He needs to try and create that distance between the two of them.
03:19 Ideally, he's got the tools to box in that fashion,
03:23 but he's been drawn into a close quarters,
03:26 gruelling kind of fight at the minute,
03:28 which is what Lemur, you would fancy, will prefer.
03:32 Yeah, the shorter guy in the lower centre of gravity
03:35 in a stronger position where they aren't together.
03:38 So there's a QR code, give that a scan, get involved,
03:46 score the fight, let us know what you think.
04:36 So both of these two quickly out at the start of the second.
04:39 Wasn't an awful lot in that opening round.
04:41 No, I think Lemur's trying to get close.
04:43 He's looking for the straight left to the body,
04:45 and he likes it when they're up close and it's physical.
04:47 I think McKenna's going to try and time him
04:49 with the straight right hand as he comes in.
04:51 You can often, with Southpaw Orthodox fighters,
05:05 you can see the lead hands cancel each other out a little bit
05:08 and it can be a battle of the back hands.
05:10 Again, Lemur just loses his balance as he comes forward there,
05:17 but he commits to it, ends up on McKenna's shoulder almost,
05:21 and if you follow it in like that, it makes it quite hard to counter.
05:25 Throws a one-two again there, Lemur.
05:27 Little feint there from McKenna.
05:35 Just walking in there, McKenna.
05:40 The right hand was cocked and ready to go,
05:42 but Lemur just snapped off a jab.
05:44 And there's a straight left hand again from the Angolan-born fighter.
05:49 Is McKenna just waiting a bit too long?
05:51 Yeah, he is. He is. He is.
05:53 I think he just needs to throw that right hand.
05:55 Doesn't have to be perfect,
05:57 just speed and accuracy as opposed to power.
06:02 He's got the height, he's got the reach.
06:10 You know, usually you can gauge the distance with your lead hand,
06:13 but then step in and throw the right hand and just throw it fast.
06:16 You know, fast, sharp, accurate.
06:19 Don't have to load up on it, don't have to try and generate too much power.
06:22 Don't worry about planting your feet, just bang, throw it.
06:25 As soon as you see the opening, just a fast, quick right hand straight away.
06:31 Good exchange at close distance there.
06:37 McKenna just looking to try and land the left hook,
06:39 but Lemur has got plenty to say
06:41 when the fight's in that kind of territory
06:43 into the final minutes of round two.
06:45 Yeah, especially early on here, just speed and accuracy
06:47 is what's important here for McKenna.
06:49 You know, as the fight develops and progresses
06:53 and it slows a little bit the pace,
06:55 then maybe you can look to plant your feet
06:57 and get some power in your shot.
06:59 But right now, I think you should be just looking for speed and accuracy.
07:02 Nice straight left to the body there from Lemur,
07:14 just dipped his knees, dropped his height
07:16 and fouled a home for that one.
07:18 This is a good contest so far.
07:25 I haven't seen him with anybody like McKenna up until this point,
07:28 but he's giving a good account of himself here.
07:30 And again, the second round, like the first,
07:32 there's little to pick between the two of them.
07:35 OK, Fidel Riley in action later on.
07:38 Let's go backstage. These are JD.
07:40 Fidel, this one, you naturally had bad blood in the first fight.
07:45 You give him the opportunity for a rematch in the second fight,
07:48 even though you scored the TKO yourself.
07:50 So how does your mentality go into this one
07:52 to make it more conclusive this time?
07:54 It ends today. That's it. That's all I have to say.
07:57 It will be conclusive and it will be finished business today
08:00 since it was titled "Unfinished".
08:02 This is interesting because I asked you then,
08:04 does it start from round four or is it a fresh fight altogether?
08:08 It starts from when I put hands on him.
08:10 So I guess that's round one.
08:12 I like it. No words, just action.
08:15 We'll see very shortly how conclusive he makes it.
08:22 They make an odd couple, Fidel Riley and Anis Taj,
08:25 but they're very entertaining as a pair.
08:27 It was really enjoyable being around them for the first fight.
08:30 It's been the same again this week.
08:33 They kind of rip off each other, but they've got business to settle in there.
08:36 And both of them are determined that they will settle it.
08:40 Taj says he'll just need a couple of rounds.
08:43 Fidel Riley is a little bit more reserved when it comes to his predictions,
08:47 but he knows that this is a big, big night for him,
08:50 the biggest night in his career so far.
08:53 And it's the biggest night of their careers for these two as well.
08:56 McKenna just throwing the one-two there, got through,
08:58 but just before that, a left hand landed from Lima.
09:01 Yeah, and he's targeting the body as well.
09:03 He's doing the right thing, Lima, because McKenna's tall, upright,
09:07 big target there at the body, so Lima doing the right thing to target that.
09:11 Just fell short with the right hand there, McKenna.
09:17 His feet were kind of stuck.
09:20 Lima threw the left uppercut and made a glancing kind of blow.
09:24 It's quite awkward, Lima.
09:26 As I said, he loses his balance every now and again,
09:29 can tend to stand quite square, but just finds nice little angles.
09:34 Uppercut on the inside just before that, a straight left hand into the body.
09:45 And the jab there.
09:48 They're not bothering McKenna with these punches when they land.
09:50 He's not showing any ill effects from them at all, but they are landing.
09:53 Good jab there from McKenna.
09:55 I think Lima's just getting into better positions.
10:07 McKenna's just struggling with the southpaw stance and the shorter man as well.
10:13 He's struggling to find any real rhythm in the fight.
10:18 Through the right hand, McKenna then just rolled away.
10:26 Lima looking to try and get on top of him.
10:30 [crowd cheering]
10:33 McKenna just giving himself a little bit of space there, pushing Lima back.
10:50 Physically maybe just getting on top of him a bit towards the end of this round.
10:54 We've been talking about the conditions in here.
10:57 Getting into better positions.
10:59 You might be the stronger guy, but if you're tall and upright, you're not in a strong position.
11:04 And Lima being shorter and getting underneath and getting inside his foot of McKenna.
11:10 He's in a stronger position to nudge him back, although McKenna, this is better.
11:14 Coming forward here and backing Lima up against the ropes.
11:17 Closing stages of round three and McKenna, I think just, as I said,
11:22 physically maybe beginning to get on top of Lima towards the end of this round.
11:26 Left hand to the body.
11:27 The knees dip, but I think that was a balance issue more than anything else.
11:31 He took a big step back there.
11:33 McKenna as Lima was trying to shoot that left down the middle.
11:36 It was balanced, but it was a good shot as well from Lima.
11:40 [applause]
11:44 [music]
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12:20 [whistle]
12:33 So that's the scene at York Hall.
12:35 Nothing better than this place on a midsummer's evening.
12:40 Yes, the mercury is rising.
12:43 But you don't want air conditioning in boxing arenas.
12:46 There's no place for that.
12:48 First three rounds have been grueling between these two at times.
12:51 It's been physical.
12:53 Just some signs towards the end of that third round that McKenna was
12:59 beginning to bring the greater size of his to bear a little bit,
13:03 but Lima using those feet nicely there, tries to go down to the body again.
13:07 He has taken this at fairly short notice, Lima.
13:10 Let's not forget that.
13:11 He was in great shape at the weigh-in yesterday,
13:13 but it's different when you're peaking for a night,
13:16 which McKenna has been doing.
13:17 Yes, but I wonder, you know, short notice for McKenna too,
13:20 particularly if it wasn't a southpaw he was intending to box initially,
13:25 because for me, he's struggling a little bit with the southpaw stance of Lima.
13:30 You know, he's not really, his accuracy isn't the best.
13:36 I'd say maybe he's trying to look for power a little bit too much.
13:39 I mentioned it earlier, but with the height and the reach that he's got,
13:48 if he could use that jab, plant that jab a bit more,
13:51 catch Lima on the way in with it.
13:54 Looks for the right hand there, he opened out,
13:57 but that left hand could do some heavy lifting for him here
14:02 against an opponent like this.
14:03 He throws it that time, but we haven't seen much of it.
14:08 That's better.
14:09 Like I said, the jabs can cancel each other out a little bit on the jab.
14:13 You've got further to go to land it,
14:16 and he's got the, you know, he can parry your jab and come back with his own jab,
14:19 but the straight right hand against the southpaw,
14:22 that's the best shot, and then come back with the left hook.
14:26 Keeson right hand there from McKenna.
14:35 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
14:38 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
14:41 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
14:44 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
14:47 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
14:50 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
14:53 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
14:56 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
14:59 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:02 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:05 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:08 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:11 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:14 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:17 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:20 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:23 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:26 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:29 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:32 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:35 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:38 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:41 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:44 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:47 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:50 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:53 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:56 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
15:59 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:02 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:05 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:08 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:11 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:14 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:17 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:20 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:23 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:26 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:29 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:32 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:35 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:38 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:41 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:44 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:47 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:50 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:53 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:56 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
16:59 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
17:02 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
17:05 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
17:08 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
17:11 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
17:14 He's got the right hand there, he's got the right hand there.
17:17 Good left hand there though from Lima.
17:20 And another left just sneaking through there from Lima.
17:30 McCandle just measuring for that right hand, lets it go.
17:38 He didn't quite reach the target that time.
17:41 He didn't quite reach the target that time.
17:44 Got through with the right there Lima but just before that
17:57 McKendrick landed two or three shots, none of which got through
18:00 cleaner I don't think but they're accurate enough.
18:04 Oh!
18:07 Look for the uppercut to the body there McKendrick.
18:22 He's just standing off a little bit at times.
18:25 I think maybe he's sensing Lima is just fading a touch
18:30 and he's trying to tempt him in.
18:33 Knowing that his reactions aren't quite as quick as they were
18:36 but a left hand down the middle there from Lima got through.
18:39 Got through.
18:42 Quite tidy and scrappy here at times that
19:06 you know coming together, smothering each other's work.
19:09 Referee just having a word with the pair of them.
19:16 Final stage is round five so nearly at the halfway point.
19:19 This is a first scheduled 10 rounder for McKendrick.
19:22 He's been eight rounds twice.
19:25 First scheduled 10 rounder for Lima also.
19:29 Come on!
19:32 Well good finish to the round as Lima takes a seat
19:45 just to the right hand side of us and they'll look to do
19:48 a little bit more work on that cut.
19:50 It doesn't seem to have got too much worse.
19:53 Let's see if we can pick up where it came from.
19:56 That's most likely you would say.
19:59 I thought it was a punch originally
20:02 but you can just see it materialising there.
20:05 I think that must be it, that clash of heads.
20:08 We're beyond the completion of four rounds and there's no
20:11 danger that the fight's going to be stopped because of this cut
20:14 anyway so I don't think it's going to have any bearing in that sense.
20:17 If the fight were to be stopped because of it then
20:20 we'd be in a lot of trouble.
20:23 Because of it then we would go to the cards if the referee
20:28 has a judge that it's from a clash of heads but that's not going to happen.
20:33 No, it's not a bad cut.
20:36 So into the second half.
20:43 As I say, neither of these two have been down the stretch over 10 rounds before
20:46 and if you had to pick a first night to do it this probably
20:49 wouldn't be the one. We've been talking about the conditions
20:52 and they are real. Anyone who's been here mid-summer
20:55 will know that under the lights. I wouldn't like to guess what the temperature is in there
20:59 but you can see what it's taken out of other fighters.
21:03 Isaac Chamberlain, as I was stood next to him for that post-fight interview
21:07 was absolutely pouring with sweat and these two
21:11 exactly the same. Right hand from McKenna just caught Lima
21:14 high on the head but Lima has started this round with some
21:17 tempo here. Yeah, he's come out quick here.
21:20 He's landed some good straight lefts through the head and to the body.
21:24 Lima's certainly looking to initiate
21:28 and force the pace here.
21:31 McKenna's looking to try and answer but the swelling has been coming up underneath
21:34 the right eyebrow of McKenna for two or three rounds now.
21:37 It's not really threatening to slip down over the eye.
21:41 When McKenna throws the straight right
21:45 it usually lands but he doesn't throw it often enough.
21:49 I think he just needs to, like I say, speed and accuracy.
21:52 Just keep pumping that straight right hand out.
21:55 Lima is there. He is static. He is open for the right hand.
21:59 And as you said, a conscious effort made there by Lima at the start of this round.
22:08 The second half of the fight to pick things up. Good shopping right hand there from Lima.
22:13 McKenna's trying to answer back.
22:16 In terms of the scoring, this is quite interesting because the first three rounds
22:19 there wasn't very much in them at all. The fourth round was definitely McKenna's.
22:23 The fifth, again not much in it. This sixth,
22:26 it's Lima who's brought the greater work rate and I would say
22:30 the heavier volume of clean punches as well.
22:34 Nice little short uppercut to the body from Lima on the inside.
22:40 Like I say, when they come together, he's the shorter guy.
22:43 He's the one who's lower. So he's in a stronger position.
22:47 McKenna just pushing him back onto the ropes or trying to.
22:54 Lima did well there to turn off the ropes.
22:57 McKenna though, straight back on him. He's got that kind of spidery strength to him.
23:01 Just pushing down on the back of the head, the top of the shoulders.
23:04 And that will take it out of Lima. The referee having a word about it
23:07 but it's decent tactics. I think fitness is definitely going to come into this now
23:11 because there is a physicality factor here. A lot of pushing
23:15 and it's physical on the inside and very hot as well.
23:19 Good right hand from McKenna. Just before that,
23:22 there was a cracking left hand in there from Lima too.
23:25 And this has been a grueling, grueling round. A mouthpiece has come out there.
23:29 I think it's Lima's. There's quite a lot of blood around the forehead,
23:32 around the eyebrows. I think there might be another cut in there for Lima as well
23:36 as he lets his hands go on the inside. And this one really catching fire in the sick.
23:41 The referee calling a timeout right at the end of the round.
23:45 [crowd cheering]
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24:10 [whistle]
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27:27 [bell ringing]
27:45 [crowd cheering]
27:49 So, coming up top of the bill we've got Fraser Clark and Marius Vak
27:54 and all our fighters doing their bit for the environment today
27:57 taking a stroll down to York Hall on foot.
28:00 It's about half a mile from the hotel.
28:03 He's an experienced campaigner, Marius Vak,
28:09 and that's exactly what he's looked like all week.
28:13 These two know each other through being around
28:15 Anthony Joshua's training camps.
28:18 They've worked as sparring partners for Joshua in the past,
28:21 the pair of them.
28:23 And this is a massive night for Fraser Clark because
28:26 with all that business around Fabio Wardley, Matt,
28:28 he'd have been bruised by that, his pride would have been hurt,
28:32 he would have been itching to say so many things and he couldn't.
28:35 He said during the week to Andy on the podcast,
28:37 "I've got nothing to prove in brackets, but I'm going to do it anyway on Friday."
28:41 It's that kind of night for him, isn't it?
28:43 Yeah, absolutely. He'll want a big performance tonight.
28:47 So into the eighth here, and again, Lima just comes out
28:53 at the start of the round looking to try and get some work done
28:57 nice and quick.
28:59 Yeah, he's trying to initiate the attacks, he's trying to push McKenna back.
29:04 (crowd shouting)
29:07 So the referee just calling time-out,
29:17 warning McKenna about sticking the shoulder in,
29:20 saying that that's the second time that he's spoken to him about it.
29:23 McKenna on the inside, when Lima's getting on top of him,
29:26 he just tries to shoulder him off just to create that little bit of room.
29:31 It's a habit I think sometimes that fighters pick up in the gym
29:34 because when you see fighters on the back, they shoulder the back off all the time
29:37 just to create that little bit of space. It's something you get used to.
29:41 Nice one-two there from McKenna.
29:45 That's good work from McKenna, just letting fast little flurry goes.
29:52 And that's exactly the range that he needs it at.
29:56 There's nothing that Lima can do about it from there.
29:58 Up here, a close range. Again Lima's just chipping in.
30:02 Nice right hook there from him and he's really digging in here with Malema.
30:07 Good uppercut on the inside but McKenna is trying to get to work.
30:11 Yeah, both men having their successes.
30:14 I like it when McKenna puts those three and four-punch combinations together,
30:17 just short, fast, accurate shots, snapping the head back.
30:21 Landed that one-two, that reverse one-two almost again there.
30:26 McKenna leading off with the right hand and then following it with the left hook.
30:30 And Lima again just allowed himself to kind of fall forward onto the shoulder.
30:34 Every now and again he throws that one-two that you've been asking for.
30:42 The right followed by the left, McKenna.
30:44 And then kind of falls forward. Good left hand there from Lima.
30:47 But McKenna just setting his feet.
30:50 Yeah, both men exchanging here.
30:52 Lima having success.
30:54 Then McKenna coming forward and straight back at him.
30:56 Lima just turning out of the corner.
31:01 And every time he looks to me like he's going to be in trouble, Lima.
31:04 And there have been a few times when I felt like he might unravel.
31:08 He is bogging and he has found something.
31:10 This is some effort for both of these two, it really is.
31:13 Both of them digging in. Lima looks the more tired of the two to me.
31:17 That's a good shot from McKenna.
31:22 Uppercut on the inside from Lima.
31:25 These two just letting their hands go as they have done,
31:29 particularly in the second half of the fight.
31:31 And the ref just had a really good look at Lima there actually
31:40 as he split the two of them apart.
31:42 Yeah, looks very tired.
31:43 Still trying to work the body, Lima.
31:50 And I do feel in this second half that McKenna has had the better of it.
31:55 And I do feel in this second half that McKenna has had the better of it.
31:58 [MUSIC]
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32:45 Those are the McKenna supporters, plenty of them inside York Hall as well.
32:49 Yeah, good work from McKenna, letting his hands go, combinations,
32:56 three short, fast shots.
32:58 So two rounds to go, Lima coming forward again.
33:03 He's always looking to start the round nice and quick.
33:05 I think he feels that he needs to try and fill his own sails if you like.
33:11 Make a good start and that can kind of carry him through
33:14 because I do think that in the second half of the fight,
33:16 as we say he's coming at short notice, that he's been feeling this
33:20 and he's taken a real strong will from him to keep himself going.
33:25 It's been a great effort from Lima.
33:27 I think he fades as the round goes on, then he gets a minute rest in between
33:32 and comes out pretty sharp again at the start of each round.
33:34 But again, fades, two rounds to go now.
33:38 Good left hook there from Lima, then a good left hook up from McKenna.
33:42 And a good left hook from Lima, then a good left hook up from McKenna.
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43:28 And a good left hook up from McKenna.
43:30 And a good left hook up from McKenna.
43:32 And a good left hook up from McKenna.
43:34 I don't think Lima didn't get much from them, but it was very competitive right...
