Moroccan representative talks about how his country has set out to recover from earthquake damage

  • last year
Speech by Omar Hilale, Chairman of the Delegation of Morocco, at the closing session of the 78th Session of the UNGA. teleSUR
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - We return to the UN headquarters
00:07 to listen to the statements of the chair
00:09 of the delegation of Morocco.
00:11 - Francis, for your election to preside over the 78th session
00:16 of the General Assembly of the United Nations,
00:19 I wish you success in your endeavor.
00:23 I would also like to commend the special efforts
00:26 of His Excellency Mr. Chabakoros,
00:29 your predecessor who presided over the previous session.
00:32 Allow me to seize this opportunity
00:34 to reaffirm our support to the initiatives
00:38 by His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres,
00:40 the Secretary General of the United Nations,
00:43 to empower our organization so that it can address
00:48 the urgent global challenges included in our common agenda.
00:56 We look forward to participating and contributing
00:59 in the summit of the future in 2024.
01:04 Mr. President, allow me to express the deep thanks
01:10 and appreciation of the Kingdom of Morocco
01:13 to their majesties, highnesses, and excellences,
01:16 kings, princes, heads of state and government,
01:19 and ministers that express their solidarity
01:22 and support to Morocco following the earthquake.
01:27 I would like to thank them for their readiness
01:29 to stand with my country to fight the repercussions
01:34 of this natural disaster.
01:35 The Kingdom of Morocco has faced the repercussions
01:39 of this earthquake, which led to the death of 3,000 people
01:43 and injured 5,700 others.
01:47 It also led to grave material losses.
01:50 We face those repercussions with determination,
01:53 seriousness, and solidarity,
01:55 and these are the values of Morocco.
01:58 Since the beginning of the earthquake,
02:01 His Majesty King Mohammed VI, God bless him,
02:06 gave his noble instructions to mobilize
02:09 all state institutions, including the Royal Armed Forces,
02:14 the government institutions, local authorities,
02:17 public forces, and civil prevention teams
02:21 to take all the necessary urgent actions
02:25 to accelerate the rescue and relief of the injured
02:28 and to provide assistance to families affected.
02:33 We immediately established an inter-ministerial committee
02:38 to develop an urgent program for the reconstruction
02:43 and rehabilitation of affected areas.
02:46 The Kingdom of Morocco was under the effective leadership
02:51 and the direct supervision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI,
02:56 God bless him, and we passed from rescue and relief,
03:00 urgent rescue and relief, to reconstruction
03:03 and rehabilitation of affected areas.
03:05 His Majesty gave his noble instructions
03:09 to adopt a well-studied and ambitious program
03:13 to provide strong, consistent, and quick response
03:18 to all the repercussions of this natural disaster.
03:21 We allocated about $12 billion for this program
03:26 from our budget for the next five years.
03:30 The first phase of the project covers all affected areas
03:36 and provides services to 4.2 million people.
03:43 This program was adopted following the identification
03:47 and detailed assessment of needs.
03:51 It includes programs for the reconstruction of homes
03:54 and the rehabilitation of affected infrastructure.
03:57 It also promotes socioeconomic development
04:00 in the affected areas.
04:02 This will be funded, this multilateral program
04:06 will be funded from the state's budget,
04:11 from the contributions of the committee,
04:13 and the special solidarity account established
04:16 to address the repercussions of the earthquake,
04:20 as well as from international support and solidarity.
04:24 His Majesty the King stressed the need
04:26 for the rehabilitation and reconstruction
04:30 to be consistent with the architectural specificities
04:33 and the traditions of the areas.
04:35 It must respect the dignity of its people
04:38 and their norms and traditions.
04:40 In line with these measures,
04:42 all the components of the Moroccan community
04:45 inside the country and abroad took part in national efforts
04:49 to provide assistance to those in need.
04:53 This proved the strong national solidarity
04:56 in our society in these difficult circumstances.
05:00 Mr. President, the earthquake in Morocco,
05:04 as well as the tornado and floods in sisterly Libya,
05:07 as well as climate change, continue to represent
05:11 the biggest challenge to humanity in the globe.
05:17 This is why today, more than ever,
05:20 there's a need to promote prevention,
05:22 resilience, international cooperation,
05:27 as part of the international community's priorities.
05:35 This session is being held in a very critical global context
05:42 that is facing different geopolitical tensions,
05:46 climate change, poverty eradication, migration,
05:50 terrorism, hate speech, pandemics,
05:54 and natural disasters.
05:57 However, the pace of current technological
06:02 and scientific progress might be a source of hope,
06:06 provided that current challenges
06:09 lead to international solidarity and cooperation
06:13 to promote scientific research,
06:16 including artificial intelligence,
06:19 and to encourage the equal sharing of their benefits
06:22 in strategic priorities,
06:24 such as health security, energy transformation,
06:29 food and water security, modern technologies,
06:32 and fighting natural disasters.
06:35 The current circumstances require national policies
06:39 in line with or consistent with our international commitments
06:43 by focusing on the promotion of resilient societies
06:48 through a comprehensive approach based on equity
06:51 and social justice to achieve sustainable development.
06:55 This also requires us to promote a multilateral system
07:00 based on solidarity and cooperation
07:04 with the U.N. at its center.
07:06 This approach was adopted by the Kingdom of Morocco
07:12 in line with the noble instructions
07:14 of His Majesty King Mohammed VI -- God bless him --
07:18 to launch structural workshops,
07:20 especially the new development model,
07:24 to promote sustainable development,
07:27 energy transformation, social coverage,
07:30 and fight natural disasters as part of a comprehensive vision
07:34 that is in line with the sustainable development goals.
07:38 His Majesty King Mohammed VI attaches great importance
07:46 to the empowerment of women and the family in general.
07:51 This is why today he sent a noble message
07:55 to His Excellency the Prime Minister
07:58 to review the personal status codes through consultations
08:06 with the participation of all stakeholders
08:09 to submit amendment proposals for this code within six months.
08:17 Mr. President, the Kingdom of Morocco expresses deep concern
08:22 regarding the spread of hate speech,
08:25 especially through social media.
08:29 This sows the seeds of division within societies,
08:33 cultures, and states,
08:35 and exacerbates violent extremism.
08:40 It is rather the main factor of global instability.
08:44 This is something stressed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI --
08:51 God bless him --
08:52 in his noble message to the participants
08:56 in the ninth session of the Global Forum
08:58 for the Alliance of Civilizations,
09:01 held in Fes on the 22nd and 23rd of November, 2022.
09:05 He said, and I quote,
09:08 "Our civilization has never confronted such risks.
09:14 Coexistence has never faced such tremendous daily challenges.
09:22 Rarely did we fear and suspect others like today,
09:28 and rarely was every trigger event used to instigate fear
09:34 and hatred like today."
09:40 End of quote.
09:42 We reaffirm Morocco's full rejection and condemnation
09:51 of every assault on religious symbols and sacred books.
09:57 We strongly denounce the desecration
10:00 and burning of the Holy Quran.
10:02 This insults more than 2 billion Muslims around the globe.
10:06 This is a violation of the basic rules of human rights.
10:12 The relevant countries should take all the necessary measures
10:15 to stop such violations.
10:18 In line with this position,
10:19 the Kingdom of Morocco tabled in July this year
10:24 a resolution on fighting hate speech
10:26 adopted by consensus, by member states,
10:30 at the United Nations General Assembly
10:33 to condemn this desecration of sacred books.
10:37 For the first time, it classified such acts
10:41 as a violation of international law.
10:44 The resolution also called upon the Secretary General
10:47 of the United Nations
10:48 to organize the first conference on hate speech in 2025.
10:53 We recognize the important role of sports
10:59 in bringing states together
11:01 and spreading a culture of peace and tolerance.
11:05 This is why the Kingdom of Morocco submitted a candidacy
11:09 jointly with Spain and Portugal to host the 2030 World Cup
11:14 finals.
11:16 His Majesty King Mohammed VI, God bless him,
11:23 stressed the importance of this candidacy
11:30 by saying how unprecedented it is.
11:32 It brings together two continents
11:36 and two civilizations, Africa and Europe.
11:39 It unifies the two banks of the Mediterranean
11:42 and promotes the aspirations and ambitions
11:46 of the people of the region for further cooperation,
11:51 understanding, and communication.
11:53 Mr. President, we remain attached
11:55 to a final political solution
11:58 for the fabricated regional conflict in the Moroccan Sahara
12:02 to promote development, stability,
12:06 and peace in the region and the African continent.
12:12 Morocco continues to support the efforts of His Excellency
12:16 the Secretary General of the United Nations
12:20 and his special envoy to relaunch roundtables
12:24 with the same format and the same participants,
12:27 especially Algeria, the main party to this conflict,
12:32 in line with Security Council Resolution 2654.
12:39 We reaffirm once again that the final solution
12:43 can only be political, realistic,
12:47 and practical based on consensus.
12:50 The Initiative for Autonomy,
12:54 as part of the Kingdom of Morocco's territorial integrity
13:00 and national sovereignty,
13:02 remains the only solution
13:04 to this fabricated regional conflict.
13:08 There is no alternative for this solution.
13:11 On this basis, more than 100 countries today
13:17 from all over the world
13:19 support the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative.
13:22 More than -- or around 30 states and regional organizations
13:28 opened consulates in the Sahara.
13:34 As part of our new development model for the southern regions,
13:41 we allocated, until today, $10 billion,
13:46 and we implemented about 81 percent of this project
13:50 to promote the socioeconomic development of this region.
13:54 This made it a regional hub for trade
13:56 between Africa and the rest of the world.
13:58 The special representative --
14:00 or the special envoy of the Secretary General,
14:03 Mr. Stephen de Mistura,
14:05 saw firsthand these achievements during his visit
14:09 of the two cities of Al-Ayun and Al-Dakhla
14:12 in the Moroccan Sahara in the beginning of this month.
14:15 These great efforts are part of the noble instructions
14:22 of His Majesty the King,
14:23 included in his speech to commemorate
14:29 the 47th anniversary of the Green March
14:32 on November 6th, 2022.
14:34 He said, and I quote, "Our defense of the Moroccanness
14:41 of the Sahara is based on a comprehensive approach
14:46 that includes diplomatic and political work,
14:49 the promotion of social, economic,
14:54 and humanitarian development of the region."
15:00 The Kingdom of Morocco expresses deep concern
15:04 regarding the catastrophic humanitarian situation
15:08 in the Tindaf camps in Algeria.
15:11 Algeria, the host country, delegated its authority
15:16 illegally to a separatist armed group
15:23 with confirmed close links
15:25 to criminal and terrorist networks.
15:29 This perversion requires the attention
15:31 of the international community
15:33 because Algeria refuses to register
15:37 and count the people detained in the Tindaf camps.
15:40 This is a blatant and clear violation of international law
15:45 and the repeated calls by the Security Council since 2011.
15:50 The non-registration of people detained in the Tindaf camps
15:57 allowed for the looting of humanitarian assistance
16:01 sent to them.
16:02 This was confirmed in reports by international,
16:06 regional, and non-governmental organizations,
16:09 latest of which a report by WFP in January 23.
16:16 Mr. President, we stand in full solidarity
16:23 with sisterly Libya following the unprecedented floods
16:30 that led to grave losses in lives and properties.
16:35 We express our full, genuine condolences
16:40 to the people and state of Libya
16:42 as well as to the families of victims.
16:48 We wish the injured a speedy recovery.
16:51 In line with the noble instructions of His Majesty
16:54 the King, God bless him,
16:56 we will always stand with the legitimate Libyan institutions
17:00 and we support international efforts
17:02 to solve this crisis in this country
17:05 in line with the agreements reached
17:09 by different Libyan parties,
17:11 especially the U.N. efforts to reach
17:14 a permanent political solution to the Libyan crisis
17:18 in line with the Sukhoirat Agreement of 2015.
17:22 In this vein, Morocco hosted a series of meetings
17:27 that led to an agreement between the Speaker of the House
17:30 and the Chairman of the Libyan High State Council
17:33 in October 2022 to implement the outcomes
17:37 of the Boussaniqa meeting to unify the executive.
17:44 In Boussaniqa, from May 23rd to June 6th, 2023,
17:50 a meeting was held for the joint committee,
17:55 the 6+6, which includes the House of Representatives
18:00 and the Libyan High State Council,
18:03 to prepare for the electoral laws.
18:06 It led to major agreements
18:10 on the organization of elections in Libya.
18:13 Mr. President, the Palestinian question
18:17 is a national priority
18:18 and it is a cornerstone in our foreign policy.
18:21 We call for avoiding any escalation and violence
18:25 so as to prevent the situation from getting out of control.
18:28 We call for sparing the Middle East further tensions,
18:32 which derails the peace process.
18:36 His Majesty King Mohammed VI, God bless him,
18:40 as President and Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee
18:44 and the OIC, expressed the importance
18:47 attached by the Kingdom of Morocco
18:49 to the Palestinian question by saying, I quote,
18:53 "With the same seriousness and determination,
18:56 we stress Morocco's position to ensure a just solution
19:01 to the Palestinian question
19:02 and the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people
19:05 to establish an independent state
19:08 with East Jerusalem as a capital
19:10 to protect the stability and security
19:13 of all the peoples of the region."
19:15 End of quote.
19:16 We reject all unilateral measures
19:19 that jeopardize the historic and legal status
19:23 of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
19:25 We support the Palestinian authority
19:30 led by His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas
19:34 and its decisions to protect the legitimate rights
19:38 of the Palestinian people
19:40 to achieve their ambition
19:43 to establish an independent state
19:45 with East Jerusalem as a capital
19:47 on the lines of 4 June 1967,
19:50 in line with the internationally agreed-upon
19:52 two-state solution,
19:54 and in respect of the principles
19:59 of international legitimacy and relevant resolutions.
20:02 Mr. President, in conclusion, it is our responsibility,
20:07 as member states,
20:08 to provide the necessary conditions
20:10 to ensure the success of our organization
20:13 by providing it with the necessary resources
20:16 and political will to ensure its reform
20:19 so that we can build a more just
20:22 and human multilateral global order based on solidarity.
20:28 His Majesty King Mohammed VI, God bless him,
20:31 has already stressed this in his noble speech
20:35 before the 59th session of the General Assembly,
20:38 where he called for the following,
20:40 and I'll quote, "promoting trust in the United Nations
20:45 as our humanity's living conscience,
20:48 as the cornerstone of a new global order
20:52 based on comprehensive peace and security,
20:56 collective development, equality, tolerance,
21:01 democracy, and fraternity."
21:03 End of quote. May the peace, mercy,
21:05 and blessings of God be upon you.
21:07 (Applause.)
