Throwback To Kim & Kourtney Kardashian's Infamous Christmas Card Showdown

  • last year
Kim and Kourtney Kardashian still may be feuding in the upcoming season of the 'Kardashian's' however, it's not the first time the two sisters have been at odds.


00:00 Starting off with an oldie but a goodie,
00:01 and no, I'm not talking about when Kourtney
00:03 had to remind Kim that losing her diamond earring
00:06 in the ocean isn't the end of the world.
00:08 - Kim, there's people that are dying.
00:10 - I'm talking about in 2018 when Kim and Kourtney
00:13 got into their infamous fight over the photo shoot schedule
00:15 for the famous Kardashian family Christmas card.
00:17 In case you forgot, Kourtney had an issue
00:19 with the time at which Kim scheduled the photo shoot
00:21 because she wanted to pick her kids up from school.
00:23 Kourtney then suggests that Kim reschedule
00:25 her business meetings in order to accommodate her,
00:28 and Kim absolutely flies off the handle.
00:31 - Maybe if you had a (beep) business
00:33 that you were passionate about,
00:34 then you would know what it takes to run a (beep) business,
00:36 but you don't, so don't even act like
00:39 you know what I'm talking about.
00:40 - Kourtney then proceeds to storm out when Kim goes off,
00:42 and then that is when Kim delivers
00:44 one of her most iconic insults in Kardashian history.
00:48 - She's the least exciting to look at.
