FTS 8:30 22-09: Kenya discusses mission to Haiti with the U.S. Secretary of State

  • last year
FTS 8.30
*Argentina: bill to eliminate income tax awaits Senates’ approval
*China: president’s Xi Jinping and Bashar Al-Assad meet
00:00 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Kenyan President Mullah Roudhoudh are met
00:15 to finalize the details of the international mission to Haiti.
00:23 In Argentina, the Senate's budget and final committee has ruled in favor of the bill modifying
00:28 income tax that will benefit thousands of workers.
00:35 And on Wednesday, the President of China and Syria held a meeting in Hassout City in the
00:39 eastern area of the Asian country.
00:53 Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Isabel from the Dallas studios in Havana,
00:58 Cuba, with the Cuban news.
01:15 The third day of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York closed
01:20 on Thursday and is set to resume the debates on Friday at 9 a.m.
01:25 The third day of the debate focuses on the theme of restoring trust and providing solidarity,
01:31 as well as accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals
01:37 for Peace, Prosperity, Progress and Sustainability for All Nations.
01:41 During the meeting, several presidents and heads of state expressed their projections
01:46 of unilateral coercive measures and a need to cooperate to face global challenges with
01:51 ideas of solidarity, justice and respect.
01:55 Prime Minister from European Union, Mian Mowgli, and Prime Minister from Haiti, Ariel Henry,
01:59 Adamo the Speaker, scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly on his fourth
02:04 day of ongoing general debates.
02:16 In his speech at the United Nations General Assembly today that day in Las Vegas, Prime
02:20 Minister Keith Rowley regretted the increasing wave of gun violence being suffered by his
02:25 country and many of the small Caribbean island and blamed the gun manufacturers and traffickers
02:30 for it.
02:31 It is the proliferation and use of illegal firearms in our society which, just like in
02:38 other jurisdictions, bring untold suffering to many families and communities and the nation
02:46 as a whole.
02:48 Only today, Mr. President, we experience the loss of life of five members of one family
02:54 killed by an assailant with an assault weapon.
02:58 Mr. President, this situation has worsened largely because of the accelerated commercial
03:05 availability coupled with illegal trafficking from countries of manufacture into the almost
03:13 defenseless territories of the Caribbean.
03:16 The Prime Minister of the Caribbean nation also referred to the current crisis in Haiti
03:21 and expressed that President Vega is committed to participate in the solution of the conflict.
03:27 We, the United Nations gathered here, must prioritize authorization for the external
03:35 help that Haiti desperately needs.
03:38 Mr. President, just like anywhere else in the world, Haiti deserves peace.
03:45 Haiti deserves prosperity.
03:48 Haiti deserves progress.
03:50 And Haiti deserves sustainability.
03:53 Haiti requires the intervention of the United Nations now.
03:58 I wish to assure you that Trinidad and Tobago, as an honest broker, remains fully committed
04:04 to working with the Government of Haiti and all other stakeholders to arrive at an indigenous
04:11 solution to comprehensively adjust the crisis in that country.
04:17 Mr. President, Trinidad and Tobago is of the view that in order to rebuild trust and reignite
04:24 global solidarity, there must be universal adherence to the Charter of the United Nations
04:31 and international law.
04:34 Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states must be paramount
04:40 and permanent.
04:43 Vice President of the People's Republic of China, Han Zeng, stressed the interconnection
04:48 of the security of all countries and called for the promotion of one-way negotiations
04:53 and international cooperation.
04:56 Uphold equity and justice and safeguard peace and security.
05:01 The security of all countries is interconnected.
05:03 Indeed, the security of one country has an impact on that of other countries.
05:08 It is important to follow the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable
05:13 security and embark on a path to security featuring dialogue over confrontation, partnership
05:20 over alliance and win-win outcomes over a zero-sum game.
05:25 The Chinese Vice President also called for the cessation of hostilities and called for
05:30 presumption of peace talks as the only way to end the Ukrainian conflict and stressed
05:35 his country's willingness to continue playing a constructive role to that end.
05:40 Cessation of hostilities and presumption of peace talks is the only way to settle the
05:45 Ukraine crisis.
05:47 China supports all efforts that are conducive to the peaceful resolution of the Ukraine
05:51 crisis and stands ready to continue playing a constructive role for the early attainment
05:58 of peace.
05:59 And Uganda's Vice President, Jessica Alupo, highlighted the role of her country within
06:04 the United Nations and other international forums as the common chair of the Non-Aligned
06:10 Movement.
06:11 The Non-Aligned Movement remains a key player in handling current and emerging global challenges
06:18 within the United Nations.
06:21 The movement remains relevant in serving the interests of its member states in line with
06:27 its founding principles and purposes.
06:30 In this regard, Uganda, as the incoming chair of NAM, will closely work with other NAM countries
06:38 to further strengthen the tenets and values of the organization and the important role
06:44 that the movement plays within the United Nations and other international fora.
06:51 United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Kenya's President Willow Root, who have
06:56 met to finalize details of the international mission to Haiti.
07:01 The meeting took place in parallel to the high-level week of the United Nations General
07:05 Assembly.
07:06 During the meeting, the fundamental details of the international mission that the African
07:11 country has offered to combat the Haitian security crisis were discussed.
07:16 The head of the United Nations diplomacy highlighted the Kenyan leadership that has offered to
07:21 deploy 1,000 agents.
07:23 On Friday, the United Nations will discuss the definition of an intervention for the
07:28 Caribbean country that will have to be endorsed by the Security Council.
07:33 While Haitian interests are divided, social organizations have demonstrated against a
07:38 foreign intervention that results as harmful as past ones, where multiple human rights
07:43 violations were registered against the population.
07:46 I was in the United States with President Joe Biden and I held a meeting with his Ukrainian
08:03 counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, who told him that they would lose the war if foreign aid
08:08 stops.
08:09 Their recent visit by President Zelensky to the United States was not as successful as
08:14 his previous trips.
08:16 Despite his efforts, Congress did not allow him to give a speech, and the Senate's support
08:21 was lacking.
08:22 During the brief 30-minute meeting with the U.S. President, an additional $24 billion
08:27 budget was pledged.
08:29 But some members of the Congress, including some Democrats, are hesitant to approve the
08:33 request.
08:35 President Zelensky understands the importance of this visit and has labeled it as critical.
08:40 However, if Congress does not approve the request by September 30, it is unlikely that
08:45 any further funding will be allocated for the rest of the year.
08:49 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tiktok @DallasTutEnglish, where
08:57 you'll find news in different formats, new dates, and more.
09:03 World Studies coming up, stay with us.
09:24 Welcome back.
09:25 The former ambassador of Venezuela to the United Nations, Samuel Mankato, presented
09:30 on Wednesday in the framework of the United Nations General Assembly the blog and map
09:34 that shows the consequences of the imposed unilateral coercive measures.
09:40 The geopolitical map of sanctions registers data and unilateral coercive measures and
09:45 offers a ranking of the most sanctioned countries.
09:48 In response to President Nicolás Maduro's call for the creation of an anti-blogging
09:52 law, the Venezuelan government created the map, which includes methodological notes and
09:58 a new section of unilateral coercive measures and fights against policies that violate the
10:04 UN Charter and the right to development.
10:07 The tool highlighted that until August 2023, 26,162 measures are imposed on 30 countries,
10:15 mostly by the United States and the European Union.
10:19 Venezuela is the fifth most sanctioned country with a total of 930 measures imposed in just
10:25 90 years.
10:31 Unilateral coercive measures are weapons of economic policy.
10:36 They are weapons of economic policy in the literal sense because they are political weapons
10:42 whose objective is the political control of weaker nations by the powerful nations that
10:49 control the world economic system.
10:53 They abuse their position of dominance in the world economic system and use that system
11:01 as a weapon against weaker nations.
11:05 Venezuela's Deputy Minister of Anti-Blockade Policies, Julian Castillo, described the implementation
11:10 of unilateral coercive measures as a search tool to condition international policy.
11:18 The use of unilateral coercive measures has become a recurrent practice since 1950.
11:23 A recurrent practice since 1950 as instruments of foreign policy.
11:30 In other words, together with other instruments that include, of course, wars, military and
11:34 political pressures, the unilateral coercive measures have become an instrument that seek
11:43 to use economic decisions, decisions in the field of economy, to condition the political
11:51 behaviors of nations, as the sanctioning agents themselves say, to modify behaviors or achieve
12:01 regime changes.
12:04 The Bolivian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rogelio Maite, has signed an agreement with
12:08 his Honduran counterpart, Enrique Reina, on the abolition of visas.
12:13 The agreement will facilitate mobility for tourism, cultural and business purposes between
12:17 both countries.
12:19 It was signed during the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
12:25 The aim of this new pact is to abolish the requirement of visa or entry authorizations
12:30 for tourism or visits for a national of the two countries of which to visit the other
12:36 territory, where they hold ordinary diplomatic or official passports.
12:45 The Brazil High Court reaches a majority in favor of indigenous people in a crucial trial
12:51 on the future of their lands, considered a barrier against deforestation.
12:56 With the vote of the two new judges on Thursday, seven of the eleven magistrates of the High
13:01 Court rejected the so-called "temporary framework", a thesis defended by the powerful
13:07 agricultural lobby that only recognizes as indigenous territories those occupied by them
13:13 when the Constitution was promulgated in 1988.
13:17 The Instituto Socioambiental confirmed that the thesis threatened almost a third of the
13:23 more than 700 indigenous reserves already identified in Brazil, the majority of them
13:29 in the Amazon.
13:30 However, due to the decision reached, the Court has now to decide whether to provide
13:36 compensation for the landowners whose lands would be transformed into reserves.
13:46 The Budget and Finance Committee of the Argentine Senate has ruled in favor of the bill modifying
13:52 income tax that would benefit thousands of workers.
13:56 On Thursday, the norm proposed by the Executive and already approved by the deputies with
14:01 a significant consensus gained majority support, thanks to the senators contributing by the
14:06 ruling Interbloc of the Front of All.
14:09 The objective of this project is to eliminate the fourth category of income tax and change
14:15 the formula used for calculating it.
14:18 This change could potentially prevent taxes from affecting wage increases and provide
14:23 tax relief to the working class.
14:25 According to senators of the Committee, the norm is expected to be sanctioned next week.
14:36 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
14:39 channel at El Cerdo English.
14:41 There you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, subseries, special broadcastings and more.
14:47 Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
14:51 world's most recent events.
14:55 Until the break, don't go away.
15:17 Welcome back.
15:18 On Wednesday, the President of China and senior Russian PM and ambassador Al-Assad held a
15:22 summit meeting in Hazur city, located in the eastern area of the Asian country.
15:28 According to official media accompanying the meeting, the heads of states announced the
15:32 establishment of a China-Syria-East-Frategi partnership.
15:37 The meeting has been described as a remarkable milestone in the history of bilateral relations.
15:44 President Bashar al-Assad is making his first trip to the Asian nation after almost two
15:48 decades.
15:50 In addition to the meetings with the highest Chinese authorities, the Syrian leader will
15:53 attend the opening of the Asian Games this Saturday.
16:03 Canada is adjusting the preferences of its diplomatic staff in India, while New Delhi
16:08 is holding visa services in Ottawa as it disputes over the murder of Canadian citizen Zippines.
16:15 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday cited supposedly "believed intelligence information
16:20 before the House of Commons that agent of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government
16:25 may be linked to the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar."
16:28 45 Nijjar, a prominent Sikh leader who advocated the Ghalasan movement, was shot and killed
16:36 June 18 in front of the Guru Nagasik Gurdwar in Surrey, British Columbia.
16:42 Trudeau did not elaborate on the evidence available to Canadian intelligence services.
16:48 India, for its part, feltly denied the allegation and accused Ottawa's harboring Khalistani
16:53 terrorists and extremists.
16:56 Also warned its citizens in Canada to exercise utmost caution.
17:01 Both nations spelled their respective diplomats.
17:09 On Thursday, Kenyans gathered to commemorate the deadly attack on September 21, 2013, infamously
17:15 known as the WestJay Mall attack.
17:17 It's been 10 years since a group of Somali al-Jabaw militants attacked a major shopping
17:23 mall in Nairobi, Kenya, killing more than 60 people.
17:27 On that day, a four-man command and team raided the upscale Westgate shopping mall in the
17:32 Kenyan capital, throwing grenades and firing indiscriminately at shoppers and business
17:37 owners, killing anyone on sight.
17:40 A four-day siege ensured, during which Kenyan security forces launched a series of assaults
17:45 to retake the mall and subdue the attackers.
17:49 Sixty-seven people were killed and more than 150 people were injured.
17:54 The attack was claimed by Al-Jabab in retaliation for Kenyans' military intervention in southern
17:59 Somalia in 2011.
18:02 Only two people have been convicted over the atrocity, receiving separately a 33-year and
18:07 an 18-year-old prison sentence.
18:11 "I hope that it won't happen again.
18:16 I'm still scared sometimes.
18:17 I still have that flashback.
18:19 Today I'm really remembering the people that passed away, but I'm also remembering that
18:24 I had this chance to live and I'm grateful.
18:28 And I pray.
18:30 I think the first two or three years I went through trauma, but after that I remembered
18:35 like why would I be going through trauma and I'm living.
18:39 So they convinced me to come back.
18:42 The security was tight.
18:44 And I thought about it, I was like I don't think it could happen again.
18:48 So I build up the strength to come back."
18:51 "Ten years ago, on this very day, our city and our nation were thrust into a darkness
19:03 that none could have ever imagined.
19:06 The images of that fateful day will forever be in our collective memory."
19:11 In Libya, flood-hit city of Darna, the Mediterranean sea breeze mixes with the inaugurated trench
19:31 of human remains buried under the Molkhei trouble.
19:35 Ten days after a tsunami-scale flash flood ripped through the coastal city, razing entire
19:40 neighborhoods, many of the traumatized survivors are still waiting to learn the fate of missing
19:45 relatives.
19:46 Bodies are still trapped inside shattered buildings and below the mountains of Monout
19:51 turning into chugging dust as emergency response crews up with a grim search.
19:58 A total number of people were swept away by the raging waters and into the sea, went to
20:03 upstream dams first, later, at the night after some dune-yellow serration lanes latched the
20:08 area.
20:09 Hundreds of bodies have since washed back onto the shores.
20:13 The official dead toll stands at more than 3,300, but the eventual count is expected
20:19 to be far higher with international aid groups giving estimates of up to 10,000 people missing.
20:27 "All my family survived except my brother.
20:31 He was injured after his arm was hit by an arrow and bark, and was bleeding for over
20:35 four hours.
20:37 The water was blocking the house door.
20:39 We couldn't take him out because the door was blocked.
20:42 We all have relatives here.
20:44 We have no clue.
20:45 We don't know whether they are alive or dead.
20:48 Shall we hold funerals for them or keep searching?
20:51 The situation is very hard and catastrophic."
20:55 On Thursday in Colombia, authorities reported the forest fire in Altos de Manga, located
21:00 in the city of Cali, south-west of Colombia.
21:04 The report issued by local authorities confirmed that the fire, which started early on Thursday,
21:10 possesses other residents of the area fearing for the integrity of their homes.
21:15 The fire department has not been able to contain the veracity of the flames that can be seen
21:20 from several points at the capital of the department, Valle del Cauca.
21:24 In the meantime, reports also indicate that a fire is approaching the area of Chipechapec.
21:30 Preliminary investigations indicate that the fire originated due to the strong winds and
21:35 high temperatures that hit the city of Cali.
21:44 We have come to the end of this news brief.
21:46 You can find this and many other stories on our website at www.tellassaultenglish.net.
21:51 And join us on social media at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
21:59 For Tell Us Saudi English, I'm Ana Razawal.
22:00 Thank you for watching.
22:10 Mhm. Yeah.
