• last year


00:00 [Music]
00:02 [Singing]
00:04 [Music]
00:06 [Singing]
00:08 [Singing]
00:10 [Singing]
00:12 I'm the lone rider on the trail With a heart steady, bright and on the way
00:23 'Tis the sun or the blinding rain There's a job and I must do it, and I'll do it without fail
00:37 I'm the lone rider on the trail
00:45 I'm the lone rider on the trail
00:51 I'm the lone rider on the trail
00:57 [footsteps]
01:15 [footsteps]
01:37 All right, let's get 'em up. Looks like I got here just about the right time.
01:44 Help Lefty, I'll get the money.
01:47 [footsteps]
02:12 You better beat it, Dirk. Those guys probably woke up the whole town.
02:18 Here they come now. Get going. Lefty, make it look good.
02:30 Guys, I got everything under control.
02:34 Glad you're here, Sheriff. Come on inside.
02:36 Walk, let's go.
02:38 All right, fellas, break it up.
02:40 What's going on up here?
02:43 Lefty and I were just coming from the saloon when we spotted a light in here.
02:47 Found the back door open, night watchman shot, this fellow raffling the safe.
02:52 Tried to make a break for it and I creased him.
02:56 I don't ever remember seeing this waddy around here before, do you, Sheriff?
03:03 No, he's a stranger to me.
03:06 I'm strangely familiar about him. Don't know what it is.
03:11 Get some bandages.
03:12 You'll find some in the washroom, Lefty.
03:16 He wasn't playing a lone hand either, Sheriff, because the cash has gone from the safe.
03:20 I thought you said you caught him at the safe.
03:22 We did. His partner beat it out the back door when we came in. Got away during the fight.
03:28 Tell Walt, if he lives, maybe he can name the gent who was helping him.
03:32 Someday this metropolis of Pecos City is going to have its own doctor.
03:37 All right, get going, Lemp. You want to reach Riverton shortly after sunup.
03:42 Walt, after Doc picks him up, stick till I come over.
03:46 I want him to do some talking.
03:48 Right. Let's go.
03:51 [Helicopter sounds]
04:07 If that kid lives, he's liable to dinner for me.
04:10 Mort would get his face right in the light.
04:12 That's the pretty kettle of fish.
04:14 The only reason I agreed to your plan for robbing my bank was to...
04:17 Take the cash and collect the insurance too.
04:19 You can't play both ends against a middle carson without taking risks.
04:22 But this isn't settling our problem.
04:24 Are you sure he didn't talk to the Sheriff before he was taken to Riverton?
04:27 He never came to.
04:28 Right. He's just dying to pin something on us and you know it.
04:31 Well, what are we going to do?
04:33 I ain't the mayor, I ain't head of the Cattlemen's Association, and I ain't a banker.
04:38 But me and my boys can take care of the matter if you just say the word.
04:41 Go ahead, Dirk. You know what to do.
04:43 They've got to go through Eagle Pass to get to Riverton.
04:45 But you can beat them to it by taking the Indian Trail.
04:48 Let's go, Lestie.
04:50 I like to see the Sheriff's face when he finds out he's going to a funeral instead of a trial.
05:00 ♪ Cowboy is playing his rusty guitar ♪
05:08 ♪ All his thoughts go astrayin' 'neath a western star ♪
05:16 ♪ As he sings to his loved one, sayin' he'll come back someday ♪
05:23 ♪ When roundup time is through, he'll be ridin' the trail ♪
05:32 ♪ Now he sits and strums as he hums and hums ♪
05:36 ♪ Till the good word comes, work is over ♪
05:39 ♪ He'll eat his franco pal from the old corral ♪
05:43 ♪ With the fowl no more will he roam ♪
05:48 ♪ But when cowboys start ridin', he'll be where they are ♪
05:56 ♪ And once more he'll be singin' with his old guitar ♪
06:04 ♪ When a cowboy is playing his rusty guitar ♪
06:12 ♪ All his thoughts go astrayin' 'neath a western star ♪
06:20 ♪ As he sings to his loved one, sayin' he'll come back someday ♪
06:27 ♪ When roundup time is through, he'll be ridin' the trail ♪
06:35 ♪ Now he sits and strums as he hums and hums ♪
06:39 ♪ Till the good word comes, work is over ♪
06:43 ♪ He'll eat his franco pal from the old corral ♪
06:46 ♪ With the fowl no more will he roam ♪
06:52 ♪ But when cowboys start ridin', he'll be where they are ♪
07:00 ♪ And once more he'll be singin' with his old guitar ♪
07:14 [horses galloping]
07:40 - How's Smokey got to Pecos City all right?
07:42 - Sure. More than that, he's probably had three fistfights, one gun battle, and fallen for some cute little blonde.
07:47 - I hope he don't tip off old Bill Hastings, what we're aiming to do.
07:50 - Don't worry, he's got a good head on him.
07:52 - So does a glass of beer.
07:54 - Let's wait. They've got to come through here.
08:04 - There they are now.
08:06 [horses galloping]
08:13 [horses galloping]
08:23 [horses galloping]
08:31 [gunfire]
08:43 [horses galloping]
08:56 - Sounds like it came from over the ridge.
08:58 [horses galloping]
09:06 [gunfire]
09:21 [gunfire]
09:31 [gunfire]
09:41 [gunfire]
09:51 [gunfire]
09:59 [horses galloping]
10:07 [gunfire]
10:17 [horses galloping]
10:21 [gunfire]
10:23 [horses galloping]
10:29 [horses galloping]
10:39 - Why, it's smoky.
10:41 - He's all right. Go get some water.
10:43 [horses galloping]
10:50 [horses galloping]
10:52 [horses galloping]
11:17 [sighs]
11:21 - Howdy, fellas.
11:24 - Hope you like the circus.
11:26 - Never mind the circus. Let's get him back to town, find a doctor.
11:29 - Better not.
11:31 - They're very popular in Peckers City.
11:36 - What do you think he meant by that, Tom?
11:38 - It's pretty plain he doesn't want to be taken back to Peckers City.
11:41 - We'll have to doctor him ourselves.
11:43 - Give me your hand.
11:45 [horses galloping]
12:00 [horses galloping]
12:10 [horses galloping]
12:17 - Sheriff, Len's dead. Outside in the buckboard.
12:20 - What? How'd that happen?
12:22 - Four men attacked us. They got Len, but I made a getaway.
12:24 - How about the young stranger?
12:26 - I don't know, Miss Betty. After the fight, I found Len on the buckboard, but the kid was gone.
12:29 - Come on, Walt. We'll have to call the cops.
12:32 - I doubt we'll find him alive, though.
12:34 - Bye, Betty. I won't be gone long.
12:36 - Do be careful, Uncle Bill.
12:38 - Don't you worry about me, honey.
12:40 - After two weeks of our expert care and some new duds, you look as good as new, Smokey.
12:54 - I feel swell.
12:56 - I sure owe you and Fuzzy a lot.
13:02 - You might as well forget it. You'll never be able to repay us.
13:06 - Hey, Fuzzy, why don't you send for that widow in El Paso?
13:09 - She'd just love to help you mend your clothes.
13:11 - Will you make him stop reminding me of my previous mistakes?
13:15 - Now, that's not very flattering to the widow.
13:18 - Oh, never mind the widow. I'll sure be glad when I get back in civilization again.
13:22 - That's fine, 'cause that's just where you're going today.
13:25 - We're heading for Peker City.
13:27 - Peker City, Tom?
13:30 - Yep.
13:31 - You think I can get by without being recognized?
13:33 - Sure. You're all healed up, no scars showing.
13:36 - I don't think anybody will recognize you in this new outfit,
13:39 - especially with that alfalfa off your face.
13:42 - If you say so, I'll risk it.
13:44 - I'm afraid to wait any longer.
13:46 - Anything could happen to Sheriff Hastings by this time.
13:48 - If it has, somebody's gonna do plenty of wishing it hadn't.
13:51 - Old Bill adopted me when I was knee-high to a hopcoat. He's the only dad I ever knew.
13:55 - Now he's in trouble, maybe I can repay him.
13:58 - You sure he didn't recognize you the night of the holdup?
14:01 - No, no, I know he didn't.
14:02 - I left Peker City 15 years ago.
14:04 - A fella changes a lot in that length of time.
14:06 - Well, come on boys, let's get started.
14:08 - Uh, Fuzzy, haven't you forgotten something?
14:16 - Nope, like an elephant, never forget.
14:18 - I'll bet you a quarter you've forgotten something.
14:20 - Put up or shut up.
14:22 - You win.
14:31 - You win.
14:33 - What do you think of that?
14:35 - I don't know.
14:36 (Helicopter blades whirring)
15:05 - There they come.
15:06 (Gunshots)
15:34 (Gunshots)
15:54 (Gunshots)
16:11 (Gunshots)
16:22 (Gunshots)
16:25 (Gunshots)
16:31 (Gunshots)
16:46 (Gunshots)
16:59 (Gunshots)
17:11 - After 'em boys.
17:13 (Gunshots)
17:27 (Gunshots)
17:37 (Gunshots)
17:51 (Gunshots)
18:01 - Let's separate.
18:03 - We can't afford to be recognized.
18:05 - Well, I reckon we changed their minds.
18:20 - Come on, let's get back and see how Tom's doing.
18:46 - The outlaws were too far away for us to see their faces, Sheriff, but we might recognize their horses again.
18:51 - Hastings, when are you going to get these outlaws? Something's got to be done. The whole town's up in arms.
18:58 - I'm doing the best I can.
18:59 - That's not good enough. Mayor Blodgett and I have been talking it over and we think you ought to resign.
19:03 - That's right. As Mayor of Pekos City, I think it's a good idea.
19:08 - Fellow citizens, Mr. Saunders here has just suggested, in view of all the unsolved crimes in this community, that Sheriff Bill Hastings resign in favor of younger men.
19:19 - That's what I'm saying.
19:20 - I think you people all ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Uncle Bill Hastings helped found this town.
19:26 - He gave the best part of his life to making it a safe place for you and your families to live in.
19:30 - That's not helping manners now, Betty.
19:32 - No.
19:33 (Indistinct chatter)
19:35 - All right, Tom.
19:36 - If you don't quiet down, I'm going to get out of my office.
19:39 - Well...
19:40 - If I wanted to, I could talk about a lot of things. About the years I've given to Pekos City.
19:48 - I could mention more than a few of you that I've helped out of scrapes.
19:52 - And I could take hours to name the crooks I've sent to jail.
19:56 - But you know all those things.
19:59 - Just like you know that I'll never rest until the robbing and killings that are now going on are stopped.
20:05 - And those that are responsible for it are caught.
20:08 - Law and order is coming again to this county, and I'm going to bring it.
20:12 - You elected me sheriff, and as long as my term runs, I'm staying. Now get out.
20:18 - We know you well, Bill.
20:22 - Good for you, Uncle Bill.
20:24 - Any luck?
20:29 - Nah, the old glute stubborn of Team of Mules.
20:31 - Well, the best way to move a bulky mule is to build a fire under him.
20:35 - Yeah, maybe you're right.
20:37 - Oh, I'm sorry, boys. Betty Tolliver, my niece and secretary. Tom Cameron, Fuzzy Jones, and...
20:49 - I don't think I've got your name, young fella.
20:52 - Uh, De... De...
20:54 - Denton Elms.
20:55 - I'm awfully glad to know you all, and I want to thank you for what you've done.
20:58 - Say, how did you know about the holdup? I didn't see you until after the fireworks started.
21:02 - Oh, the whole town knew it before the bullion wagon had come to a halt.
21:05 - Denton's face is mighty familiar. Seems like I must have seen him somewhere before.
21:11 - Not unless you've been to El Paso, sheriff. That's his home.
21:13 - Why don't you boys drop in for supper tonight?
21:16 - Betty's a pretty swell cook. Even she has lived in the East up in a couple of months ago.
21:20 - Say, you ain't never ate nothing yet until you taste some good old New England codfish balls.
21:25 - And potato pancakes, and then top it off with a great big berry...
21:27 - Yeah, I think that's enough, Fuzzy. The sheriff hasn't got time to listen to a whole menu.
21:31 - We'll be there, sheriff. Thanks a lot.
21:33 - Uh, coming, Denton?
21:35 - Oh, yeah, yeah. I'll be with you in just a minute.
21:37 - How would you like to have company on the way home?
21:42 - Oh, I'd love it.
21:43 - Then wait just a minute. I have to speak to Tom.
21:45 - Oh, Tom!
21:48 - Just a minute.
21:49 - Just a minute.
21:50 - Say, Mort Saunders is one of the men I saw robbing the bank the night I was framed.
21:55 - Are you sure?
21:56 - Couldn't forget his face.
21:58 - Well, that complicates things. Apparently Mort Saunders is one of the most influential men in town.
22:03 - You're sure you're not mistaken?
22:05 - I'm positive.
22:06 - Well, that gives us one important clue to start working on.
22:09 - I mean, um, Fuzzy and I will take time out to do something about it.
22:14 - See you later.
22:16 - All right, Fuzzy, we got work to do.
22:18 - Yes, sir.
22:19 - Hey, look. Pekka City Saloon.
22:26 - And hotel.
22:27 - You know, Tom, my throat feels just like my name, Fuzzy.
22:32 - All right, all right, I get it. Maybe that's not such a bad idea. We might be able to pick up a little gossip.
22:37 - Why, it's just a place to do it, you know. Everybody comes in here and...
22:40 - ...place to take a coffee, you know.
22:42 - Uh, give me a drink.
23:00 - This is one of the jobs we've got to get to that million-riding boys.
23:10 - That's all right.
23:11 - All right, set him up for the boys. We'll get the drinks around me.
23:17 - Hi. - Hi.
23:21 - Hey, did you see that fellow Cameron that I came in with?
23:25 - Yeah.
23:26 - He's a good opera singer.
23:27 - Opera singer?
23:28 - Yeah. Maybe we can get him to sing, huh?
23:30 - Sure. Why not?
23:31 - I'll drink.
23:32 - Oh, yeah.
23:33 - Oh, Fuzzy, I...
23:38 - That's enough.
23:39 - Where you been?
23:41 - Oh, I just...
23:42 - Say, I understand you're quite an opera singer, Cameron.
23:45 - Who, me?
23:46 - Yeah.
23:47 - Who told you that?
23:48 - Your pal here.
23:49 - You sing as well as you fight, stranger, or is it the other way around?
23:53 - Well, one of them's pleasure and the other's business.
23:56 - My name's Mort Saunders. This is my brother Jed.
24:00 - My name's Tom Cameron. I'm glad to know you.
24:02 - How are you?
24:04 - How are you?
24:05 - I'd like to have a little private talk with you, Cameron.
24:07 - All right. I don't mind if I do.
24:09 - I like the way you talk, Cameron.
24:22 - I like the way you act.
24:24 - Thanks.
24:25 - You know these parts pretty well?
24:27 - Why?
24:29 - Oh, just wondered if you were planning on staying in Pega City.
24:33 - I might.
24:34 - That depends.
24:36 - Posse on me are looking for work.
24:38 - You're not too particular.
24:42 - How'd you like to be sheriff?
24:44 - Sheriff?
24:47 - What's the matter with the one you got?
24:51 - Bill Hastings is too old. He's lost his punch.
24:55 - Yeah, but not his friends.
24:57 - I'm a stranger in these parts, Saunders.
24:59 - What chance would I have against a man like Hastings?
25:02 - You heard what happened out there.
25:03 - You needn't worry about that.
25:05 - Ward can swing enough votes around here to cinch your election.
25:08 - If Hastings was out of the way,
25:10 - there'd be plenty of chance for a smart sheriff to do all right by himself.
25:14 - I mean all right.
25:15 - Well, that sounds interesting.
25:19 - Hastings has a fine reputation as a peace officer.
25:22 - He'd be hard to defeat.
25:24 - Maybe. I'll take care of that.
25:26 - I don't know.
25:30 - I tell you, I can swing the votes.
25:33 - After what you and your pals did this morning, you'd win hands down.
25:37 - Saving that bullion wagon was pure accident.
25:40 - We're not especially anxious to help out the law.
25:43 - He's never done anything for us.
25:46 - He's our man, all right, Ward.
25:49 - What do you say?
25:50 - When's the election?
25:55 - Three weeks.
25:56 - All right, Saunders, it's a deal.
26:02 - But if you should happen to cross me up...
26:04 - Don't worry, we won't.
26:12 - I thought Tom Cameron was your friend.
26:18 - So did I.
26:19 - Well, this certainly doesn't look like it.
26:20 - Of all the mean, vicious stabs...
26:22 - Calling names don't win fights, Betty.
26:24 - This calls for action.
26:26 - Well, what are you going to do, run him out of town?
26:28 - I can't do that.
26:29 - Cameron's within his rights running against me.
26:31 - He knows that I'll have to campaign harder.
26:33 - You know, the fellow Cameron didn't strike me as being the kind of a number that would sell out the Saunders crowd.
26:40 - Well, he's not. He's as fair and square as...
26:42 - And how do you explain this?
26:44 - Well, I can't. Not right now.
26:46 - Where are you going?
26:47 - I'm going to ask some money and...
26:59 - I turned out to be.
27:00 - Are you talking to me?
27:01 - Yes, I'm talking to you.
27:02 - Well, then I suggest we discuss it in private.
27:05 - It's good work, Smokey.
27:11 - After that, that gang will never guess what we aim to do.
27:15 - What are you talking about?
27:17 - We're all right. We're alone. Relax.
27:21 - I meant every word I said.
27:22 - I never thought you'd pull such a low-down trick.
27:27 - Selling out to the Saunders crowd and letting them run you for sheriff.
27:29 - Oh, that.
27:31 - Do you really think I'd go and run against Sheriff Hastings?
27:34 - What else am I to believe?
27:36 - Hey, is this a private argument or...
27:38 - Horny. Go ahead. Sit down and join us.
27:40 - Thanks.
27:42 - Now, why don't you be sensible, Smokey?
27:44 - The only reason I took Saunders up on his proposition is to find out who the rest of his gang are.
27:49 - And I'm beginning to get a line on them.
27:51 - You expect me to believe that?
27:54 - If that's true, why don't you talk the idea over with Fuzzy and me and the sheriff?
27:57 - Don't you think we ought to have something to say about it?
27:59 - Hey, what's the matter? Is that little love bug bit you again?
28:02 - Leave Betty out of this.
28:04 - Ah, she got you all mixed up.
28:05 - Now, the only thing that's important is that Smokey understand my motives.
28:09 - I understand your motives.
28:11 - You're trying to double-cross the best friend I have in the world.
28:13 - But you're not going to do it.
28:15 - I'm going back and telling him the whole story.
28:17 - Who I am and why we're here.
28:19 - Now, that won't do anybody any good.
28:22 - It'll tip Saunders off and call our hand before we're ready.
28:24 - But you see, kid, Tom knows what he's doing.
28:27 - Well, I hope so.
28:29 - But I'm warning you, if you try to go through with this election, I'll upset the apple cart.
28:34 - Don't worry.
28:36 - Now look, for the time being, go on acting sore.
28:40 - It'll keep Saunders' crowd believing me.
28:44 - All right, if that's the way you want it.
28:48 - But I'm through.
28:51 - You got his feathers all ruffled up.
28:52 - Beat that, Cameron.
28:56 - Straight.
28:58 - All right, I will.
29:00 - A flush.
29:02 - Not so fast, partner.
29:04 - You almost got your fingers burnt, Sheriff.
29:07 - Oh, I wouldn't mind.
29:09 - You really think I can get hold of that title?
29:11 - That'll be a cinch.
29:13 - My brother runs this town and whatever he says goes.
29:15 - After tonight, Mort, I'll have the election sewed up.
29:18 - What makes you so sure?
29:20 - Well, the workmen at Eagle Rock Mine are all for Sheriff Bill Hastings.
29:23 - But they won't be after tomorrow.
29:25 - Why tomorrow?
29:27 - It's payday, and the bullion wagon carrying the cash will reach Devil's Pass around midnight.
29:31 - Now something might happen.
29:33 - Shut up, Jed. You talk too much.
29:36 - Sure glad I'm not a miner.
29:38 - Good deal, Lefty.
29:41 - We gotta think of some way of stopping this holdup.
29:46 - Let's tell the Sheriff.
29:49 - No, that's not it.
29:50 - The law's stepped in, Jed and his gang will know just where it came from.
29:53 - I'll have to do this alone.
29:56 - I've got it.
30:01 - If I left here soon enough, I could get to the Badlands in time to warn 'em.
30:05 - That's a long run. How could you get back here before Saunders misses you?
30:09 - Why, you boys placing a relay of horses on the trail between here and Devil's Pass.
30:12 - That's a good idea. What else can we do?
30:16 - You might show yourselves around town tonight. It'll help establish my alibi.
30:19 - Leave me a little dough, we got...
30:21 - ♪ Hill Prairie Trail, running, winding, rolling down the plain.
30:30 ♪ Prairie Trail, Prairie Trail, lead me to that valley once again.
30:43 ♪ Take me to the buffalo where the longhorn cattle play.
30:49 ♪ That's where I want to go, where I first saw light of day.
30:55 ♪ Prairie Trail, Prairie Trail, running, winding, rolling down the plain.
31:09 ♪ Prairie Trail, Prairie Trail, running, winding, rolling down the plain.
31:18 ♪ Prairie Trail, Prairie Trail, lead me to that valley once again.
31:30 ♪ Take me to the buffalo where the longhorn cattle play.
31:38 ♪ That's where I want to go, where I first saw light of day.
31:44 ♪ Prairie Trail, Prairie Trail, running, winding, rolling down the plain.
32:04 [applause]
32:06 - Hey, Cameron. You leaving so soon?
32:11 - Yeah, I'm tired out. Although I'd hit the hay.
32:15 - Why don't you join us? We need another hand.
32:18 - You mean you need another victim. Good night.
32:22 - Good night.
32:23 [footsteps]
32:26 [clanking]
32:41 [footsteps]
32:55 [footsteps]
33:10 [footsteps]
33:22 [shouting]
33:24 [footsteps]
33:29 [silence]
33:34 [thunder]
33:40 [footsteps]
33:53 - All right, up with them.
33:55 All right, you, bring that payroll down here.
33:59 Come on, make it snappy. We ain't got all night.
34:03 - Neither have I. Drop your guns and reach.
34:05 All right, boys, get these guns.
34:11 Take these hombres into Paca City and deliver them to Sheriff Hastings.
34:15 I'm sure he'll be surprised to see 'em.
34:18 If I were you, I'd wrap 'em up good and tight.
34:26 - How do you do, sir?
34:29 [fire crackling]
34:34 [fire crackling]
34:42 [fire crackling]
34:55 [fire crackling]
35:11 [silence]
35:21 - Unsaddle 'em and turn 'em loose.
35:24 - Yes, sir.
35:25 - That's all that there is.
35:34 - What's the matter? Couldn't you sleep?
35:39 - Ah, it was too much racket.
35:41 No use trying to sleep. Might as well deal me in a hand.
35:45 - Sure. - Corporal Sheriff.
35:47 - How may I be offered?
35:52 - Well, let me think.
35:53 - Well, let me think.
35:54 - Well, let me think.
36:23 - Now then, you boys will just sign this complaint against Pete and Jed,
36:26 while we'll, uh...
36:28 - What's the meaning of this?
36:30 - Oh, just a complaint. A robbery complaint.
36:32 - You know what I'm referring to. Where's Jed?
36:34 - In jail. - I want him released at once.
36:36 - Oh, no. Too hard to catch him turning loose that quick.
36:39 - What about bail? - Well, that's up to the court, sir.
36:42 - But court doesn't sit again for three days.
36:44 - I know it. Well, if you'll just sign it.
36:46 - Do you mind if I talk to your prisoners a few minutes?
36:49 According to law, they're entitled to counsel.
36:52 They better not take yours if they're anxious to get out.
36:54 Go ahead.
36:56 Oh, wait a minute. Let me have your gun.
36:59 - You and that fine pair.
37:09 Letting yourselves get caught by one man.
37:11 - It was a trap. And the army that pulled it was Tom Cameron.
37:14 He's all dressed up in a fake outfit and wearing a mask.
37:16 - You're crazy. Cameron was here in town last night.
37:19 I was playing poker with him.
37:21 - What about those two pals of his?
37:22 - Same goes for them.
37:24 - Was Cameron with you all evening?
37:26 - Well, except a couple of hours when he was upstairs trying to get some sleep.
37:28 But he's no magician.
37:30 He ain't a horse living that could make a return ride to Devil's Pass in one night.
37:33 - Well, maybe you're right.
37:35 - Now, don't worry, boys. I'll stall things along until after election.
37:38 As soon as Cameron gets into office, things are going to be a lot different.
37:40 Now, don't get any ideas and don't do any talking.
37:43 See you later.
37:45 - He'll tip the sheriff once enough pressure on him.
37:50 - I know Jed Saunders. He's yellow inside.
37:52 - This puts us all in a dangerous spot.
37:54 - Oh, what are we going to do? Are we going to shut him up?
37:57 - Just give me leave to go ahead.
38:00 - Well, it says here that you're going to meet a tall, dark man.
38:06 - Really?
38:08 - Wearing a blue shirt, dark trousers.
38:10 - Yeah, it's gone.
38:12 - And, oh, yes, he'll arrive with two friends.
38:15 But don't pay any attention to them, especially the one with the whiskers.
38:19 - Oh, did you get your prisoners all bedded down, Sheriff?
38:22 - Yes, and I'm thinking about doing the same to myself.
38:25 Walt will be along in five minutes to take over.
38:28 - You know, I used to have a youngster by the name of Dennis.
38:36 Looked a little like you, too.
38:38 - Well, I reckon I got a face like a lot of people, Sheriff.
38:41 How long since you've seen this boy?
38:43 - Oh, 15 years. I raised him from a pup.
38:48 Then he had the wanderlust, liked to drift.
38:51 Lost track of him, finally.
38:54 - Well, he'll turn up.
38:56 Knowing what a fine number you are, he's bound to.
38:59 - Thanks. I'd give my left arm to see him again.
39:03 (whistles)
39:08 - Hey, Jed.
39:10 (whistles)
39:12 - Oh, Jed, Jed!
39:14 - What's up?
39:17 - I just heard the Sheriff found out about the whole set-up.
39:20 (yells)
39:22 - You stay here, buddy.
39:29 - Why'd you kill him?
39:42 - Kill him? I didn't kill him.
39:45 I was asleep in the bunk, and I heard a noise and jumped up,
39:48 and there was Jed lying in the corner.
39:50 I looked out the window and saw a fellow running away that looked like Dirk Larkin.
39:54 - I'm afraid your story won't stand up from the looks of things.
39:57 - Well, I tell you, that's the way it was.
39:59 I looked around and picked the knife up off the floor and--
40:01 - What happened, Sheriff?
40:03 - Jed has just been murdered. Remove the body.
40:05 Then go over to the saloon and tell Mort.
40:07 Coming, son?
40:09 - Yep.
40:12 - Frankly, I don't believe this story about my brother being killed by some mysterious murder.
40:16 Hastings had it done because Jed wouldn't talk like he wanted.
40:20 Something's got to be done now, or there'll be more crime, more killings.
40:24 (crowd cheers)
40:26 - That'll be Lynch and Sheriff Hastings if Mort keeps that up.
40:33 - What are we going to do, sit here and twiddle our thumbs?
40:36 - It's up to you, folks.
40:39 You put Hastings in office, you'll have to take him out.
40:41 Here's the man who's going to be your new sheriff.
40:44 Let's see what he's got to say about it.
40:46 - I don't blame you folks for being upset.
40:49 Robberies and killings have been going on around here for some time.
40:52 The law doesn't seem to be able to check 'em.
40:54 - That's right, Sheriff.
40:56 You think you can do it for us?
40:58 - Bill Hastings has been a great sheriff in his day,
41:01 but he's too old to cope with this modern crime.
41:04 Either he should be forced to resign or he should be shot.
41:08 Either he should be forced to resign in three days,
41:10 or he should be impeached.
41:12 This reign of terror has got to stop.
41:14 (crowd cheers)
41:16 Come on, let's go over to his house and get him.
41:18 - Yeah, let's go get him.
41:20 - That won't be necessary.
41:22 Thanks, neighbors, for your confidence.
41:24 But remember, I'm still sheriff for three more days.
41:28 - Come on, Betty.
41:31 - Stay with your friends, you knew what they were up to.
41:33 - Oh, Betty, you've got to understand.
41:35 - I understand enough.
41:38 - Come on, boys, the drinks are on me.
41:39 Everybody.
41:41 - Hey, what's the idea?
41:55 - Oh, come on upstairs, I'll explain it to you.
41:57 - You've got plenty of explaining to do.
41:59 - Now listen, you hot-headed young scamp, cool off.
42:01 You've been acting like a two-year-old.
42:03 - How do you expect me to act
42:06 when you're so close to me downstairs?
42:07 - You don't mean to tell me you believed it.
42:09 - I believe my own ears.
42:11 I thought you were my pal,
42:13 if you're interested in helping me
42:15 get Uncle Bill out of trouble.
42:17 - Now that's just what I am trying to do,
42:19 only you're too dumb to realize it.
42:21 - Are you denying you told half of the town
42:23 Uncle Bill was too old for the job?
42:25 - Why should I deny it?
42:27 I don't want Saunders to get suspicious.
42:29 If he gets wise now, all our work would be for nothing.
42:31 - Don't you think it's time to stop acting?
42:33 - Now listen, Smokey,
42:35 have you ever known me to pull a crooked deal?
42:36 - I don't know, but there's always a first time.
42:39 - Well, this isn't it.
42:41 - You've been telling me that for days,
42:43 and I believed you,
42:45 but after the way you talked to that crowd, I'm through.
42:47 I'm gonna find Uncle Bill
42:49 and make a clean breast of everything.
42:51 - Besides, it's too late to stop now.
42:55 - I'd rather have it that way
42:57 than go on the way we are.
42:59 - Why don't you listen to reason?
43:01 - There's no use to keep on arguing with me, Tom.
43:04 I'm gonna tell Uncle Bill who I really am
43:05 and what happened the night of the bank robbery.
43:07 - Yes, and 10 minutes later, all of Pecos City will know it.
43:09 - I don't care if the whole world knows he's my foster father.
43:12 And I'm also gonna tell him that Mort Saunders was there
43:14 the night the watchman was shot.
43:16 - Oh, no, you're not.
43:18 Now listen, Smokey, Saunders has got witnesses.
43:20 The sheriff will be forced to take their word against yours.
43:22 It'll put a rope right around your neck.
43:24 - Well, I'll have to take that chance.
43:26 - Now wait a minute.
43:29 (knocking)
43:30 - Hey, Lefty, have you seen Cameron around?
43:40 - Yeah, I just come past his room.
43:42 He and Smokey seem to be having a little trouble.
43:44 - Oh, thanks.
43:46 - What's the matter with him?
43:55 Don't he like to sleep in bed?
43:57 - I'm sorry, Fuzzy, I had to do it.
43:58 Looked like he was gonna lose his head and talk out of turn.
44:00 - You mean you had to do it?
44:02 - Yeah, I'll fix it up with him later.
44:04 He'll understand.
44:06 Now you take care of him, and don't let him get away.
44:08 - Where are you heading for?
44:10 - I'm going over to Saunders' office.
44:12 I think he's mixed up in this.
44:14 I'm gonna take a look around.
44:16 Maybe I'll find something.
44:18 (clattering)
44:19 (clattering)
44:21 (clattering)
44:22 (clattering)
44:25 (clattering)
44:36 (clattering)
44:45 (clattering)
44:46 (clattering)
44:59 - And that Fuzzy showed up and I had to beat it.
45:01 - Gotta hand it to Cameron for bringing that kid back here
45:03 right under our noses.
45:05 - It's bad if the kid talks to the sheriff.
45:07 - Don't worry about the sheriff.
45:09 I've got an idea that'll take care of him and the kid.
45:11 Stick around.
45:14 (footsteps)
45:15 I've just overheard something that'll interest you men.
45:19 Lefty overheard Smokey admit that he was the emery
45:23 that killed the night watchman in the bank
45:25 when it was held up a few weeks ago.
45:27 (crowd murmuring)
45:29 Wait a minute, men.
45:31 He also found out that Smokey
45:34 is Sheriff Bill Hastings' adopted son.
45:37 That's probably why he sent him by buckboard to Riverton.
45:40 He arranged for the buckboard to be set up
45:42 and the kids escaped.
45:43 (crowd murmuring)
45:45 You can understand now why Sheriff Bill Hastings
45:49 hasn't been making any arrests.
45:51 He's probably mixed up in all the crooked businesses
45:53 going on around here.
45:55 (crowd murmuring)
45:57 Wait a minute, men.
45:59 Mr. Meadow, lynching Smokey ain't the way
46:01 to handle this, fellas.
46:03 But we can hand him over to the sheriff
46:05 and make Hastings hang his own adopted kid.
46:08 (crowd murmuring)
46:11 (gun clicking)
46:12 (sighing)
46:14 Now take it easy, Smokey.
46:16 You're gonna stay here whether you like it or not.
46:18 And I'm here to see that you do.
46:20 (gun clicking)
46:25 What good is that gun doing you?
46:27 No bullet to your head.
46:29 (gun clicking)
46:31 (crowd murmuring)
46:33 (gun clicking)
46:35 (gun clicking)
46:37 (gun clicking)
46:40 No bullets in it.
46:41 (gun clicking)
46:43 (gun clicking)
46:45 (birds chirping)
46:47 My, that's pretty.
46:53 Smokey, I'm marching him over to the sheriff's office.
47:01 All right, he's up in Cameron's room.
47:03 Come on!
47:05 (crowd murmuring)
47:07 (men shouting)
47:09 Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute!
47:10 I've done anything, that's for us to decide.
47:12 (crowd murmuring)
47:14 (men shouting)
47:26 Let him speak, let him speak.
47:28 Maybe he's got something to say for himself.
47:30 Go ahead, Mr. Dennis Moore,
47:32 and tell the boys why you shot the bank watchman.
47:34 And which one of your pals knifed my brother Jed.
47:38 Come on!
47:39 All right, so I am Dennis Moore,
47:41 but I didn't shoot anybody, and I don't know who killed Jed.
47:43 (crowd murmuring)
47:45 Are you gonna let them hang me without a trial?
47:47 I'm not sure.
47:49 However, I would save the taxpayers money,
47:51 and I believe I'll turn the responsibility
47:53 over to your adopted father.
47:55 (crowd murmuring)
47:57 I say hang him now.
47:59 (crowd murmuring)
48:01 (men shouting)
48:03 (gun clicking)
48:05 (men shouting)
48:08 (men shouting)
48:09 (men shouting)
48:11 (men shouting)
48:13 (men shouting)
48:15 (men shouting)
48:17 (men shouting)
48:19 (men shouting)
48:21 (men shouting)
48:23 (men shouting)
48:25 (men shouting)
48:27 (men shouting)
48:29 (men shouting)
48:31 (men shouting)
48:33 Hey, Tom, they're fixing to get Smokey a necktie park.
48:36 What are you talking about?
48:37 He got away from me, and they caught him.
48:39 Saunders found out who he is, and about the bank robbery.
48:41 They're all steamed up and going local.
48:43 He also told them that Smokey shot the night watchman
48:45 and killed Jed, and we gotta do something.
48:47 All right, come on.
48:49 I got an idea, Pussy, but we gotta work fast.
48:51 Now let's go to the jam, we'll talk to Pete.
48:53 (crowd murmuring)
48:55 That mob at the saloon is sure working up to something, Sheriff.
48:58 Reckon they're after Pete?
49:00 Well, if they are, we'll be ready for 'em.
49:02 Your move, Johnson.
49:05 (ball bouncing)
49:06 Hey, Pete.
49:13 Pete!
49:17 Yeah? What do you want?
49:24 Saunders is getting the mob together,
49:26 and they're coming here to string you up.
49:28 Yeah, you're crazy.
49:30 You hear that?
49:32 Yeah, so what? I don't mean nothing.
49:34 Find out different.
49:35 I wanna make a little deal with you.
49:37 All right, I'm listening, but you're just wasting your breath.
49:40 I want you to give me a signed statement
49:43 telling the truth about the bank holdup and the murder,
49:46 and who's behind these crimes.
49:48 If you do, I might be able to save you from being lynched.
49:51 I don't know what you're talking about.
49:54 Anyhow, they don't lynch folks for robbery.
49:57 Yeah, but they do for murder.
49:59 Yeah, but I ain't killed nobody.
50:01 I just heard Saunders say
50:03 to a saloon full of people
50:04 that you shot Silas Daggett and knifed his brother Jed.
50:07 That's a good trick, Cameron,
50:09 but it won't work.
50:11 Hey, here they come now to string you up,
50:15 and I just bet there's somebody in that outfit
50:17 that feared you a squeal if you're brought to trial.
50:19 You hear that noise?
50:21 That's the mob.
50:23 I'm sorry, gents, but I ain't falling for that story.
50:29 All right, if you're knackered,
50:32 if you're knackered, it's being stretched.
50:33 Come on, fuzzy.
50:35 (men shouting)
50:37 You know, it's a funny thing, Tom.
50:43 There was a fellow down at Tombstone Way once.
50:46 Thought he was being fooled, too,
50:48 when the mob came after him.
50:50 He had a terrible time, he did.
50:52 Near burned up.
50:54 You know, he wouldn't confess,
50:56 so they just built a fire to the wooden braces
50:58 underneath the bottom of his sail.
51:01 And then, when the concrete floor got so hot,
51:02 this fellow was doing a polka
51:04 to keep his feet from blistering.
51:06 The walls caught fire, then the bars melted.
51:08 Why, even the ceiling was red hot,
51:10 and still that fellow wouldn't confess.
51:13 So they plugged the sheriff
51:15 and took this prisoner out
51:17 to the highest cottonwood tree I ever seen.
51:19 (men shouting)
51:21 And when they dragged him out of the tombstone jail
51:30 and over to the cottonwoods, what do you think?
51:31 There was a buzzard in the top branches.
51:34 Just a-waitin'.
51:36 All right.
51:40 Wait a minute, fellas.
51:42 I'll tell.
51:44 I'll tell everything, only please,
51:46 please don't let him hang me.
51:48 Don't worry, we won't.
51:50 All right, thanks.
51:52 Thanks.
51:54 (men shouting)
51:57 I'm gonna take him out.
51:58 I want it done as much as you do.
52:01 I'm gonna hang him.
52:03 What are you gonna do, Uncle Bill?
52:07 Fight.
52:09 You better get out of here, honey.
52:11 They'll be busting this way any minute now.
52:13 What's all the shouting for, Cameron?
52:15 You'll find out soon enough.
52:17 First, all of you, come on back to Pete's cell.
52:19 He wants the sign of confession.
52:21 I knew they were after him.
52:23 You've been nice to persuade him?
52:25 The more witnesses, the better.
52:26 I'm not so old I can't see.
52:42 He's dead in the mail.
52:44 That's what you think.
52:46 His real name is Denny Moore, your adopted son.
52:48 I thought I knew him.
52:54 I'm sorry, Uncle Bill.
52:55 What are you bringing me back for?
52:57 For shooting the bank watchman.
52:59 Hear that, mob?
53:02 I kind of said I'm watching you hang him.
53:04 And if you don't, you're both swinging.
53:06 Ward Saunders?
53:11 Dirk Lockett?
53:13 Lefty Higgins? Dan Blodgett?
53:15 Joe Carson?
53:17 You're all under arrest.
53:19 Are you out of your mind, Bill?
53:21 You can't do this, Sheriff. You haven't any grounds.
53:23 That's where you're wrong, Mayor.
53:24 This is Pete Haines' confession.
53:27 Implicating all of you.
53:29 And it will stand in any court.
53:31 Pete doesn't know anything.
53:33 That's a fake.
53:35 Signed by five witnesses.
53:37 And they're all more than willing to testify at your trials.
53:39 All right, start talking.
53:42 I couldn't help it, boss.
53:44 I thought the mob was after me, afraid I'd talk.
53:46 They freed me.
53:48 Why, you fool, you had...
53:50 Now, take it easy, Saunders.
53:52 I'm not going to take any more of that crap.
53:53 And Dirk killed Jed to keep Jed from squealing on the gang.
53:56 I had to do it, Mort.
54:00 Blodgett and Carson made me.
54:02 They made me. They're to blame!
54:05 (Gunshot)
54:07 (Grunts)
54:08 Come on, get up.
54:12 (Horses galloping)
54:13 (Horses galloping)
54:15 (Horses galloping)
54:17 (Horses galloping)
54:18 (Horses galloping)
54:21 (Horses galloping)
54:32 (Horses galloping)
54:42 (Horses galloping)
54:43 (Horses galloping)
54:49 (Horses galloping)
54:58 (Horses galloping)
55:12 (Horses galloping)
55:13 (All talking at once)
55:18 Sure, thanks, fellas.
55:20 I'm sure glad law and order has come to Pegas City.
55:22 I could use a lot of peaceful living right now.
55:24 Yeah, me too. You're dead right, fuzzy.
55:26 This just came to you, Tom.
55:29 Oh, thank you.
55:31 Who's it from?
55:40 Roofneaker. Another letter. Remember him?
55:41 Yeah. Has that started already?
55:44 Right.
55:47 I knew it. I knew it.
55:49 When did we start?
55:52 Right now. So, folks, I'm sorry, but goodbye.
55:54 Bye, old man.
55:57 Goodbye, Sheriff.
55:59 Hate to see you go.
56:00 Well, it's urgent. Goodbye, Miss Betty.
56:01 Goodbye.
56:03 And so long, Smokey. We'll be seeing you soon.
56:05 You sure will. I'm going with you.
56:09 But, Smokey, I...
56:10 Oh, I know, honey, but...
56:12 Well, I'll be back before...
56:14 Before Uncle Bill can beat Grandpapa Checkers.
56:16 So long, Uncle Bill.
56:18 So long, fellas. Good luck.
56:20 So long.
56:22 (Music)
56:26 (Music)
56:27 (Music)
56:28 (Music)
56:30 (Music)
56:32 (Music)
56:34 (Music)
56:36 (Music)
56:38 (Music)
56:40 (Music)
56:42 (Music)
56:44 (Music)
56:46 (Music)
56:48 (Music)
56:50 (Music)