• last year
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:01:24 It's a tough one.
00:01:26 Tough's middle name, isn't it?
00:01:28 Here we go.
00:01:29 My middle name, Jack, as you very well know, is Meredith.
00:01:33 [LAUGHTER]
00:01:34 It's a man's name, Jack.
00:01:36 Meredith.
00:01:39 A man's-- man's name?
00:01:40 It's Welsh.
00:01:41 It's Welsh.
00:01:42 Yes.
00:01:43 Meredith.
00:01:43 Yes.
00:01:44 [LAUGHTER]
00:01:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:51 Thank you, Harriet.
00:01:53 Divine as always.
00:01:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:58 [INAUDIBLE]
00:02:00 Hello, beautiful Meredith.
00:02:01 Yeah, yeah, I'm next in that line, buddy.
00:02:06 Two dates.
00:02:07 Oh, no, hang on.
00:02:08 That's right.
00:02:09 It was only one date, wasn't it?
00:02:10 Yeah.
00:02:11 Because as I waited anxiously for my beauty to appear,
00:02:15 she was kicking up her heels with who?
00:02:18 Oh, yeah, that'd be you, Jack.
00:02:20 Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:02:21 Meredith made her choice.
00:02:23 And we are all still wondering how she could have chosen you.
00:02:27 Look at this.
00:02:28 Personally, I can't actually see why she chose you.
00:02:32 Thanks, mate.
00:02:32 OK.
00:02:33 Thank you, Pete.
00:02:34 You've always been my favorite.
00:02:35 You've always had the most money.
00:02:36 [LAUGHTER]
00:02:38 Not at the moment.
00:02:39 [LAUGHTER]
00:02:41 I'm not going there for a moment.
00:02:42 But I can-- yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:02:43 I guess.
00:02:44 I guess.
00:02:45 Who's winning?
00:02:46 Wallace.
00:02:47 Wallace.
00:02:48 Meredith.
00:02:50 You winning?
00:02:51 Yeah, sure.
00:02:52 Allow me.
00:02:57 I'm not eating.
00:02:58 [LAUGHTER]
00:03:13 So what do you want to do, Harriet?
00:03:14 Six.
00:03:22 Ooh.
00:03:24 Six.
00:03:27 But we got nothing.
00:03:28 Oh.
00:03:29 And what makes you say that?
00:03:30 Something with her face.
00:03:32 Oh.
00:03:32 And what face is that?
00:03:34 It's the face of a woman who wants us to think she has something
00:03:36 when really she has nothing.
00:03:37 Oh, really?
00:03:38 [LAUGHTER]
00:03:40 You're not really cut out for this game, are you?
00:03:42 And what makes you say that?
00:03:44 This is the bell-sharp-not-lie.
00:03:47 Oh.
00:03:48 Hey, put your chips on the table and don't listen to my dear husband.
00:03:54 You know what?
00:03:54 I'm going to say you're six.
00:03:56 Oh, rats.
00:03:57 [LAUGHTER]
00:03:58 So, manly Jack, it's just going to be the two of you
00:04:02 rattling around in this dream home on 1,000 acres.
00:04:08 10, Mary, yes.
00:04:09 Let's not get carried away.
00:04:10 No, little Jacks and Harrits are certainly part of the plan,
00:04:13 but not having much luck in that department at the moment.
00:04:19 Harrits, pray up a storm now to Harry.
00:04:21 Don't mock it, Jack.
00:04:23 I'm trusting that God's timing is perfect.
00:04:26 You can trust in that old trust in biology.
00:04:28 It's not like we're getting any younger.
00:04:30 You know, the window only stays open for so long.
00:04:33 Have you given up?
00:04:34 No, no, I didn't say that.
00:04:35 I'm just dealing with your condition and--
00:04:39 Would you like us to leave?
00:04:41 No, no, no, no, don't be daft.
00:04:42 We're just dealing with facts here.
00:04:45 So, why do you assume that it's me?
00:04:49 Well, you know it's not me because I've got Toddy, so--
00:04:52 Well, Todd's 12.
00:04:53 Jack, things can change.
00:04:55 What time are those open homes on next Saturday?
00:05:05 Early afternoon.
00:05:07 Oh, right.
00:05:09 I can check them out if you want to go to the game.
00:05:12 Thanks, Harry.
00:05:13 Are you coming down here?
00:05:16 Yeah, I'm coming.
00:05:17 What's up?
00:05:24 [♪♪♪]
00:05:28 [♪♪♪]
00:05:31 [♪♪♪]
00:05:34 [♪♪♪]
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00:07:06 [♪♪♪]
00:07:32 Sometimes the most obvious things are right in front of us.
00:07:36 [laughs]
00:07:37 Have we met?
00:07:42 I'm Harriet.
00:07:43 Oh.
00:07:44 Hi, I'm Jack.
00:07:45 Oh, I don't know any Jacks.
00:07:48 Oh, I don't know any Harriets.
00:07:51 When you go, don't forget to pull.
00:07:59 Yeah, sure, I promise.
00:08:01 Are you meeting someone?
00:08:05 Um, just my boss's 50th.
00:08:08 Oh, not the fireman.
00:08:10 Yeah, how'd you know that?
00:08:12 I'm Wallace's date.
00:08:14 You're not.
00:08:15 Yes, I am.
00:08:17 Yeah.
00:08:22 Yeah.
00:08:23 [indistinct chatter]
00:08:26 [sighs]
00:08:46 Actually, I don't have to go.
00:08:50 This is only our second date.
00:08:53 Oh, yeah, I don't either.
00:08:54 I mean, he has a 50th every year.
00:08:56 [laughs]
00:08:57 Um, did you want to...
00:08:59 Yes.
00:09:01 Yeah, I do.
00:09:02 Cool, all right.
00:09:04 So, have you ever been married?
00:09:10 No, but I do have a son.
00:09:12 Cool.
00:09:13 And his name?
00:09:14 Todd.
00:09:15 Cool.
00:09:16 Same on weekends and stuff.
00:09:17 And how old is he?
00:09:19 Um, he's...
00:09:21 No, no, no, no.
00:09:22 No, no, he's, um, nine, ten.
00:09:25 Ten, yeah, no, he's ten.
00:09:26 Oh, you're a shocker.
00:09:28 No, no, he's ten, yeah.
00:09:31 So, when do I get to meet him?
00:09:34 Oh, uh, yeah, whenever you like.
00:09:37 Cool.
00:09:39 Ooh, and your ex?
00:09:41 Yeah, Amanda, yeah.
00:09:44 I see her occasionally, drop-offs, pick-ups.
00:09:46 She has a partner built.
00:09:48 [laughs]
00:09:50 Why are you laughing?
00:09:52 [laughs]
00:09:54 You'll see.
00:09:55 [laughs]
00:09:57 Would you like a photo taken?
00:09:59 Absolutely.
00:10:00 [knocking]
00:10:17 Hi.
00:10:18 What do you want?
00:10:19 Can I talk to you?
00:10:21 [sighs]
00:10:24 Okay.
00:10:25 What is it you want?
00:10:31 Um, I've been calling for a week.
00:10:34 I'm Marty.
00:10:35 I was a friend of Harriet's.
00:10:37 I couldn't come in, could I, just for a minute?
00:10:40 Uh, yeah, I suppose.
00:10:43 Okay.
00:10:45 [footsteps]
00:10:47 I'm, uh, I'm sorry I wasn't here when she died.
00:10:57 I heard you had a private funeral.
00:11:00 Yeah.
00:11:02 Lots of people miss her.
00:11:04 Yeah, I know.
00:11:06 Well, it's, um, it's getting late, so...
00:11:13 Can I come and see you tomorrow?
00:11:15 Um, I don't know.
00:11:17 I've got this thing on tomorrow, so...
00:11:19 I'll be here around nine.
00:11:21 Yeah, um...
00:11:25 [music]
00:11:42 [cracking]
00:11:44 [cracking]
00:11:46 [cracking]
00:11:53 [cracking]
00:12:05 [cracking]
00:12:07 If there is any among us who know of any reason
00:12:29 why these two people should not be joined together in marriage,
00:12:33 speak now or forever hold your peace.
00:12:36 [laughing]
00:12:38 Do you, Jack William Barton,
00:12:45 take this woman, Harriet Joyce,
00:12:47 to be your lawfully wedded wife
00:12:50 to have and to hold from this time forward?
00:12:53 I do.
00:12:56 And do you, Harriet Joyce,
00:12:58 take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband
00:13:01 to have and to hold from this time forward?
00:13:04 I do.
00:13:06 By the power vested in me,
00:13:09 I now pronounce you husband and wife.
00:13:12 Jack, you may now kiss your bride.
00:13:16 [footsteps]
00:13:28 [music]
00:13:30 [knocking]
00:13:33 [knocking]
00:13:39 [music]
00:13:44 [music]
00:13:46 Hello.
00:14:14 Jack!
00:14:16 [car driving by]
00:14:25 [music]
00:14:31 [music]
00:14:33 Jack?
00:14:54 Jack!
00:14:56 Hi!
00:14:58 Nine o'clock, door was unlocked, hope you don't mind.
00:15:01 Marnie, what are you doing here?
00:15:03 Well, you look to me, Jack,
00:15:06 like a man who needs a bit of a hand.
00:15:08 So I thought that in honour of your lovely late wife,
00:15:12 I would be that hand for a bit, if you don't mind.
00:15:15 Yeah, what if I do?
00:15:17 It's a lovely morning, remember the sun.
00:15:21 Oh, stick on.
00:15:24 You're a coffee man, aren't you?
00:15:28 [music]
00:15:30 Black, I think.
00:15:33 Yeah.
00:15:35 Thanks.
00:15:38 Great.
00:15:40 Yeah, look, I appreciate the offer,
00:15:50 but I don't really need any help.
00:15:55 Hmm.
00:15:57 Yeah, um, maybe some help, I guess.
00:16:02 Well, this is a good place to start.
00:16:06 [sigh]
00:16:08 So, um, who are you?
00:16:12 Harriet's friend.
00:16:15 And mentor.
00:16:17 What?
00:16:18 Mentor.
00:16:20 Ah, like business things for a catering client.
00:16:23 Like a spiritual thing, for the soul.
00:16:27 Ah, from the church?
00:16:30 Well, right now I'm from Brazil.
00:16:33 It's where I've spent the last six months.
00:16:36 So, I heard the church brought you some meals.
00:16:48 Yeah, they're going to be needing another casserole, I'm sure.
00:16:52 You could stand your fork up on the right.
00:16:54 The other night people haven't got the fork.
00:16:56 Yes.
00:16:58 Got a big freezer, have you?
00:16:59 I've got a big rubbish bin.
00:17:01 So, you got given lots of flowers?
00:17:08 Yeah.
00:17:10 Would you hand me some of those bottles?
00:17:14 So, um, you know Harriet from church?
00:17:19 I was the one who invited her.
00:17:22 Beautiful day, isn't it?
00:17:38 Yes, yes it is.
00:17:41 I love coming here, watching the families.
00:17:44 It's amazing.
00:17:45 Everyone always looks so peaceful.
00:17:48 Must be the salt air.
00:17:50 Mum and Dad are happy, the children are happy.
00:17:53 Well, most of the time.
00:17:56 Do you have children?
00:17:58 No, no I don't.
00:18:00 I'm sorry.
00:18:02 Are you trying?
00:18:03 How did you know?
00:18:05 A mother knows these things.
00:18:07 Sometimes miracles happen.
00:18:10 Life is a little bit more than what you might first expect.
00:18:16 I'm Marty.
00:18:18 Harriet.
00:18:20 Come on.
00:18:30 Get!
00:18:33 Ow.
00:19:00 Hi.
00:19:02 Good. Made you some.
00:19:06 Great, thanks. I'm starved.
00:19:08 What?
00:19:16 Did I forget something?
00:19:18 Not anniversary.
00:19:20 Again?
00:19:22 No, no you still have three months and five days.
00:19:27 Okay.
00:19:30 But, what are you doing this weekend?
00:19:33 Ah, this weekend, um...
00:19:37 I want you to come to church with me.
00:19:40 Church?
00:19:41 Yeah.
00:19:43 What do you want to go to church for?
00:19:45 We're not religious. You're not religious, I'm not religious.
00:19:48 I know. That's why I want to go.
00:19:51 To become religious?
00:19:52 Well, yeah. No. Well, maybe.
00:19:55 Is that okay?
00:19:57 You're not going to go weird on me, are you?
00:19:59 No.
00:20:01 What? I was just trying to give me a heart attack, mate.
00:20:13 Oh, sorry mate.
00:20:15 Come on in.
00:20:16 Yeah, just for a sec.
00:20:18 Can't stay. Just thought I'd come and see how you're doing.
00:20:21 Sorry I haven't come sooner.
00:20:26 I wouldn't have let you in anyway.
00:20:28 Yeah.
00:20:30 So, um, how was the funeral?
00:20:35 Short and sweet.
00:20:37 I miss her, Jack.
00:20:44 I really do.
00:20:46 She and I had a connection, you know?
00:20:51 She got me.
00:20:55 Yeah.
00:20:57 Yeah, she got most people.
00:21:00 So, when you're coming back to work, Chief,
00:21:12 Guy Fawkes is around the corner and the fires aren't going to put themselves out.
00:21:16 Plus there's this idiot kid running around lighting fires and, well,
00:21:21 Pete's a lousy boss.
00:21:24 Can't tie his own shoelaces, let alone manage the lot of us.
00:21:27 Yeah, I don't know. Not for a while yet, mate.
00:21:30 Shame.
00:21:32 Hey, um, what are you doing tonight?
00:21:34 Oh, just, I don't know. Just staying here.
00:21:36 Fancy some company?
00:21:38 Uh, yeah. I guess I do.
00:21:42 Thought I'd bring Valerian Stace around. She's still real keen, mate.
00:21:46 No, no. I'm not interested.
00:21:48 Why not?
00:21:49 Look, no, no. I...
00:21:50 Come on, you've got to get back on the horse sometime.
00:21:53 Yeah, nah, it's only been a few weeks, OK?
00:21:55 Well, it's a long time between cups of tea.
00:21:58 Look, I'm not interested, OK, Wallace? Alright?
00:22:00 Just, you go off and do whatever you're going to do, but just let me out, alright?
00:22:04 Maybe we could play poker sometime?
00:22:06 Yeah, OK.
00:22:08 I'll give you a call, alright?
00:22:10 OK.
00:22:12 [Phone rings]
00:22:19 Hello?
00:22:21 Harriet? Um, who is this, please?
00:22:25 It's real estate agent Kate.
00:22:29 Um, sorry, Harriet passed away recently.
00:22:36 Yeah, certainly. Yeah, I will. OK.
00:22:41 Righty-ho, then.
00:22:47 She asked me to tell you how sorry she is, and she'll give you a call tomorrow to chat about your options.
00:22:53 Alright, for future reference, Wallace, this doesn't mean the death of my wife. It just means hang up, OK?
00:22:58 Yeah. Sorry, mate. Um, better be heading off.
00:23:04 Good to see you.
00:23:16 Yeah, that's great. Come on.
00:23:20 Woo-hoo-hoo!
00:23:22 Give me a look with all the eyes.
00:23:24 Yeah, definitely.
00:23:26 I think I'm ready for February.
00:23:28 Come on, mate, come on!
00:23:30 Woo-hoo-hoo!
00:23:32 Good luck!
00:23:34 Yeah, alright.
00:23:36 Just turn around this way, mate, OK? That's great.
00:23:40 Oh, come on, Pete! Woo-hoo!
00:23:43 Come on, give it to me. Come on, come on!
00:23:46 Whoa!
00:23:51 Show us the guns!
00:23:54 Show us the guns!
00:23:56 Come on, Pete, this is for a good cause.
00:24:00 What was the cause? What's the cause?
00:24:02 What is the cause? Have you guys decided on the cause?
00:24:04 Um, yeah.
00:24:06 It's for a good cause.
00:24:08 Look at it, come on!
00:24:10 Yeah, Pete, good job!
00:24:12 Come on, Pete!
00:24:14 One more for the pride, mate.
00:24:16 Come on, Pete!
00:24:18 OK, guys, we got a call. We gotta go.
00:24:20 (KNOCK AT DOOR)
00:24:22 Right on time.
00:24:29 Well...
00:24:33 ...looks like you're getting on top of things.
00:24:38 How are you today, Jack?
00:24:40 Great.
00:24:42 I see.
00:24:43 Pretty much the same as every other day, but thanks for asking.
00:24:46 It smells good.
00:24:49 It is good.
00:24:53 Look, do you have to clean today?
00:25:00 No. What would you like me to do?
00:25:03 I, um...
00:25:05 You've just done so much, I...
00:25:08 Look, there's still quite a bit more to be done.
00:25:11 Yeah.
00:25:13 Seems doable. Let me do it.
00:25:16 OK.
00:25:18 We could go for a walk. It's a lovely afternoon.
00:25:21 A walk outside?
00:25:23 Yes, Jack. Remember outside?
00:25:26 It's where life goes on.
00:25:28 Yeah, saw a TV show about it once. It's fascinating stuff.
00:25:32 Come on, Jack.
00:25:34 Get your walking shoes on and we'll go for a bit of a stroll.
00:25:37 Something I want to show you.
00:25:39 Do you ever talk to Harriet as if she were still here?
00:25:44 Um... yeah.
00:25:47 I still talk to Wentworth.
00:25:50 Wentworth.
00:25:52 So that's funny, huh?
00:25:54 Sorry, Marley, but Wentworth?
00:25:56 It was a popular name back then.
00:25:58 Back in the 1800s.
00:26:03 So, um, what is it you wanted to show me?
00:26:06 So you talk to Harriet?
00:26:08 Yeah, sometimes.
00:26:10 What do you say?
00:26:12 I don't know. The usual stuff, I guess.
00:26:14 The usual stuff. A man says to his dead wife.
00:26:17 I don't know. I guess I ask her opinion on things as if she was still around.
00:26:21 And does she have one?
00:26:23 Harriet always has an opinion. I mean, yeah, had an opinion.
00:26:28 We all have a group of people, family and friends, I guess, who love us and whom we love.
00:26:34 We're part of their lives and they have ours.
00:26:38 You would have thought then that the pain of someone's death in that group would be lessened by this connection
00:26:47 because they live on in the hearts and memories of all those people for as long as they're alive.
00:26:54 Yeah.
00:26:56 But here's the thing.
00:26:58 As much as Harriet is living in you,
00:27:02 you're also living in her.
00:27:06 And when she died, she took that part of you with her.
00:27:11 It's like you experienced a small death of yourself in hers.
00:27:24 So, um, what is it that you wanted to show me?
00:27:27 I just did.
00:27:29 [music]
00:27:31 Hi.
00:27:57 I know it's early, so, um, sorry.
00:28:00 Actually, it's not that early. It's ten o'clock, but it's obviously early for you, Jack.
00:28:05 Anyway, you need to take Todd for a couple of hours.
00:28:08 I did try calling.
00:28:10 Look, if there was anyone else I could leave him with, believe me, I would, but there isn't.
00:28:15 I've got a job interview in town and Bill's been called into the hospital, so you're going to have to look after him, Jack.
00:28:20 Good morning, Bill.
00:28:22 Jack.
00:28:23 Good morning.
00:28:25 We've got to get going. Todd, be good, and we'll see you around about one.
00:28:29 And do put some clothes on, Jack. You look like crap.
00:28:32 And whatever diet you've been on, it's not working.
00:28:35 Where's his bag?
00:28:37 I don't know. You packed it.
00:28:39 Well, I know I packed it, but then I gave it to you when you left.
00:28:41 I don't have it, Amanda.
00:28:43 Well, check the car.
00:28:44 You check the car.
00:28:45 No, you check the car. I'm talking with Jack.
00:28:47 Why can't Todd check the car? It's his bag.
00:28:49 Just check the flipping car, Bill.
00:28:51 Do you need your bag?
00:28:52 No.
00:28:53 Jack!
00:28:55 Mum!
00:28:56 For goodness sake!
00:28:58 I'm not here!
00:29:00 Did you check the boot?
00:29:01 I checked the boot!
00:29:03 Hi.
00:29:14 Hey, Dad.
00:29:15 Did you have breakfast?
00:29:17 It's ten o'clock. I've had breakfast.
00:29:19 Right.
00:29:20 Are you cleaned up?
00:29:23 Yeah.
00:29:24 Can you put a shoe on? You're all hairy.
00:29:27 Right. You realise this is hereditary?
00:29:30 Gross.
00:29:32 Got anything to eat?
00:29:33 You said you had breakfast.
00:29:35 But it's morning tea time now. Some of us have been up since seven.
00:29:39 Right. I've got some ravioli.
00:29:41 I'll pass.
00:29:43 We should go shopping.
00:29:46 What?
00:29:47 Well, it's lunchtime soon and Mum will be really mad if you don't feed me something decent.
00:29:51 Alright, OK. Let's go shopping then.
00:29:53 Can I drive?
00:29:55 Yeah, right.
00:29:57 It's been sitting for a while.
00:30:12 Really?
00:30:14 [Engine starts]
00:30:16 How old are you again?
00:30:26 Twelve.
00:30:27 So how's school?
00:30:32 Good, I guess.
00:30:33 That's good.
00:30:34 I'm the lead in the school play.
00:30:37 Really?
00:30:38 Yeah. It's on at the end of the term when I come.
00:30:40 Um, maybe, yeah.
00:30:43 Well, I have to dance with this girl in my class.
00:30:46 Oh, really? What's her name?
00:30:48 Emma.
00:30:49 Ah, Emma.
00:30:51 She's hot.
00:30:52 She's what?
00:30:53 She's hot, yeah.
00:30:55 Hot?
00:30:56 Yeah.
00:30:57 Since when have you known whether a girl's hot or not, Todd?
00:30:59 Since forever. I'm twelve.
00:31:01 Oh, yeah, of course.
00:31:02 So there's Emma.
00:31:04 Yeah, we have to dance and have a big kiss.
00:31:06 What play is this?
00:31:07 Romeo and Juliet.
00:31:08 Oh, right. OK. So you must be Romeo?
00:31:11 Yep.
00:31:12 And Emma must be Juliet?
00:31:14 Yeah.
00:31:15 Oh, nice.
00:31:16 So, um, say a line.
00:31:19 What?
00:31:20 Say a line from the play.
00:31:22 Um, "What light at yonder window breaks?"
00:31:26 That's good.
00:31:29 Thanks.
00:31:30 So what does it mean?
00:31:32 I have no idea.
00:31:34 Oh.
00:31:35 OK.
00:31:38 [Music]
00:31:43 Happy birthday, Toddy.
00:31:44 Happy birthday.
00:31:45 Happy birthday, mate.
00:31:46 And a special birthday cake for a very special boy.
00:31:51 Yay.
00:31:54 [Applause]
00:31:56 [Music]
00:32:03 Well done.
00:32:04 [Music]
00:32:09 Michael.
00:32:10 [Music]
00:32:14 And Bill, would you like a piece?
00:32:16 I'd love a piece, thank you, Harriet. Thank you.
00:32:19 You're not going to eat that, are you?
00:32:22 Yes, I was planning on it. Is that going to be a problem?
00:32:25 Are you kidding me?
00:32:26 There's more calories in that one piece of cake than there is in an entire meal.
00:32:30 Amanda, when I said I was going to start watching my weight,
00:32:32 I did actually mean that I was going to start watching my weight.
00:32:35 Well, you're not doing a very good job of it, are you?
00:32:38 Which reminds me, Harriet, I'm really not happy about the meals you've been providing Tod when he's with you.
00:32:43 Oh.
00:32:44 All I hear about is takeaways and party food.
00:32:46 With you being a chef, I expected a little more, well, variety, frankly.
00:32:51 Vegetables are still good for you.
00:32:53 Oh yeah, vegetables are potatoes, I'm sure.
00:32:55 Mmm.
00:32:56 I'm corn, Amanda.
00:32:59 Corn.
00:33:00 That's a vegetable we eat all the time.
00:33:02 For goodness sake.
00:33:03 Well, we do eat a lot of party food, but it's mainly leftovers from functions.
00:33:09 Leftovers.
00:33:10 This is a great idea.
00:33:12 Yes, but not chips and not popcorn.
00:33:17 Cheeses, fruit platters, vegetable sticks.
00:33:20 I don't want him getting into any bad habits.
00:33:22 That he has a genetic predisposition is bad enough.
00:33:25 Bill?
00:33:28 Bill?
00:33:29 Bill?
00:33:30 You'll do yourself an injury jumping around like that after eating all that fat.
00:33:34 Alright.
00:33:36 So what have you got there?
00:33:37 Oh yeah, that's good.
00:33:38 So you've got three twos, two aces as well.
00:33:41 So that beats mine.
00:33:42 Are they kings and queens?
00:33:43 Yeah, but a three of a kind always beats any two of a kind, so.
00:33:46 You win.
00:33:48 Well done.
00:33:49 Yep.
00:33:53 That'll be mine.
00:33:54 Yep.
00:33:55 Hi.
00:33:56 Hi, Mum.
00:33:58 Ready to go?
00:33:59 Yeah, Dad's just been teaching me to play poker.
00:34:02 Great.
00:34:03 Thanks, Jack.
00:34:04 First time you've had him in weeks and you teach him something as valuable as poker.
00:34:07 Amanda, come on.
00:34:08 It was cool, Mum.
00:34:09 Excellent.
00:34:11 Right.
00:34:12 Can I come round again, Dad?
00:34:14 Uh, yeah, yeah, sure.
00:34:17 That's fine.
00:34:18 Really?
00:34:19 Yeah, yep, that's not a problem.
00:34:22 OK, I can drop him around on Friday after work and pick him up again on Saturday for soccer if you like.
00:34:27 Uh, yeah, sure.
00:34:28 That'd be fine.
00:34:29 OK, come on, champ.
00:34:31 See you, Dad.
00:34:32 See you, Mum.
00:34:33 See you, Dad.
00:34:34 See you, Mum.
00:34:35 [door opens]
00:34:36 [door closes]
00:34:43 [door opens]
00:34:44 [door closes]
00:35:07 Did someone go for a fireman?
00:35:11 [door opens]
00:35:12 [snorts]
00:35:16 [laughs]
00:35:18 Oh, Jack!
00:35:26 [laughs]
00:35:27 [laughs]
00:35:30 [laughs]
00:35:34 [laughs]
00:35:35 Man, you look like crap!
00:36:01 Yeah, great, thanks.
00:36:03 Good to see you too.
00:36:04 Well, can we come in?
00:36:05 Yeah.
00:36:06 Well, uh, anyway, um, we're here to rehabilitate you.
00:36:17 Um, what do you say? Have some fun? You up for it?
00:36:20 Oh, maybe.
00:36:22 Oh, come on, look, it's a beautiful day outside, you know?
00:36:25 We'll just go out, get some fresh air.
00:36:27 It's what the doctor ordered.
00:36:29 Yeah, right, right.
00:36:30 [slurps]
00:36:31 Right, let's go.
00:36:36 He's not dressed like that, mate.
00:36:40 [laughs]
00:36:41 Any chance of a clean shirt anywhere?
00:36:44 Some shoes, maybe.
00:36:45 Yeah, sure.
00:36:46 Oh, we'll wait.
00:36:47 We'll go outside.
00:36:48 Yeah, alright.
00:36:49 [laughs]
00:36:50 Woo!
00:36:52 [laughs]
00:36:59 [whack]
00:37:00 Sweet, still in good form.
00:37:03 Gotta get those arms back into shape, you're still our July man.
00:37:07 The shoot's on hold until you're up for it, mate.
00:37:10 You still doing that?
00:37:11 Yeah, it's the best idea you've ever had.
00:37:13 Did you say where the proceeds are going?
00:37:16 We thought we'd put it towards research and the memory of Harriet.
00:37:20 Research?
00:37:21 Yeah, I mean, someone somewhere has to work out how a gorgeous, healthy, young woman like Harriet
00:37:28 can--
00:37:29 Pull for a guy like me?
00:37:31 [laughs]
00:37:32 Yeah.
00:37:33 Oh, it must be me, then.
00:37:38 Yep.
00:37:39 You're up.
00:37:40 Yeah.
00:37:41 [exhales]
00:37:43 [whack]
00:37:54 Aw!
00:37:55 [laughs]
00:37:56 Oh man, you still suck at this.
00:37:58 [laughs]
00:37:59 Is that yours?
00:38:08 No.
00:38:10 No, this is the boss's.
00:38:12 [laughs]
00:38:14 Pub time?
00:38:17 Yeah.
00:38:18 [laughs]
00:38:19 So, how's it going, then?
00:38:24 Yeah, not bad. I'm spending some time with Todd and this chick, Marty.
00:38:29 Is she hot?
00:38:30 Hey, just checking.
00:38:32 No, no, it's not like that. She's old enough to be my mum.
00:38:35 She's just a friend of Harriet's from church.
00:38:37 Hey, you should watch out for her. She's probably, like, trying to recruit you, you know?
00:38:41 Get you while you're vulnerable.
00:38:43 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. She's cool, she's cool.
00:38:45 It just, you know, it helps.
00:38:48 She's not trying to make me all religious or anything.
00:38:53 [clears throat]
00:38:54 So, was that it, then?
00:39:22 Um, not sure. I guess.
00:39:24 You did well, guys. You did well, guys.
00:39:28 Ten points each one. We'll call it a day, OK?
00:39:31 Alright, another round?
00:39:34 Yeah.
00:39:49 Hello, Jack? Can I come in?
00:39:53 Gotta get that lock fixed. Think you can call next time?
00:39:58 Hi, Jack.
00:40:00 Coffee?
00:40:05 How about another beer? Bourbon?
00:40:09 Um, no, thank you.
00:40:11 What did you do today?
00:40:15 Stuff.
00:40:18 Hmm?
00:40:19 I, uh, I was wondering if you might like to come with me somewhere this weekend.
00:40:26 I'm not going to church.
00:40:28 Oh, nor am I.
00:40:29 So where?
00:40:31 The prison.
00:40:32 Prison?
00:40:34 Yeah. There's a guy there that I visit.
00:40:37 Why?
00:40:40 Because he has no one else.
00:40:43 What do you say to him?
00:40:45 Well, we talk about what it's like for him to be there and what he's doing.
00:40:52 We talk about life on the outside, family and friends.
00:40:57 Sometimes he talks about what he did.
00:41:01 Well, you don't know me. It sounds like you've got it all stitched up.
00:41:06 Well, he, um, he asked me if I could bring you in to meet him.
00:41:12 Why?
00:41:13 Well, because he also lost his wife.
00:41:17 Mate, he sounds like a bloody support group.
00:41:22 Well, it's up to you.
00:41:25 Oh, your son's here.
00:41:28 What?
00:41:29 That's right. Amanda here?
00:41:32 Yep. They're all coming up the path.
00:41:35 Oh, um, can you just, um, tell them I'm in the shower or something? I just can't.
00:41:42 Calm down.
00:41:44 Hi. Is, uh, Jack home?
00:41:55 Yes, he is. I'm Marty.
00:41:59 Hi, Marty. Um, this is Todd and my partner Bill and, uh, I'm Amanda.
00:42:04 Hello.
00:42:05 In you go, Todd.
00:42:07 I'll see you around nine, dressed and ready, okay?
00:42:12 Where's your gear?
00:42:13 I don't know yet.
00:42:15 Well, where's the stocking gear?
00:42:16 Oh, don't start that again.
00:42:18 Well, you took it to the car.
00:42:19 I didn't touch it.
00:42:20 Well, go and have a look.
00:42:21 You go have a look.
00:42:22 No, you go and have a look. I'm talking to Marty.
00:42:24 You can just bring it in the morning, Mum.
00:42:27 No, look, I'm sure we had it when we left.
00:42:30 Will you go and check the car, Bill? Please?
00:42:33 See you, Mum.
00:42:36 Todd!
00:42:37 Goodbye, Marty.
00:42:40 Goodbye, Amanda. Nice to meet you.
00:42:42 You too. You're...?
00:42:44 Marty.
00:42:45 Right.
00:42:47 Bye, Todd.
00:42:49 Be good for your Dad.
00:42:51 Hi, Todd.
00:42:57 Hi. Um, where's Dad? Oh, he's done with it. Oh, there he is.
00:43:01 Hi, Dad.
00:43:03 How are you?
00:43:05 Good. You're okay? You just...?
00:43:07 Um, your Dad's had a hard day, Todd.
00:43:10 How would you like to help me put some dinner on?
00:43:13 Really? Do I have to?
00:43:15 Yeah, just help Marty, alright? I'm just going to have a shower.
00:43:18 Okay. Clean is good.
00:43:19 Yeah.
00:43:20 My hair's dry, isn't it?
00:43:24 I'll be all right.
00:43:25 Yeah.
00:43:26 Are you Dad's girlfriend?
00:43:28 Oh, heavens no! I'm a friend of Harriet's.
00:43:32 And of Dad's?
00:43:34 I suppose so, yes.
00:43:36 Yeah, he needs friends.
00:43:38 Yes, he does.
00:43:40 Would you like to help me peel these?
00:43:43 Okay.
00:43:44 Oh, man.
00:43:53 I can't do that.
00:44:04 Where's Marty?
00:44:05 She went home.
00:44:06 I thought she was staying for dinner.
00:44:08 She said she'd stay Sunday.
00:44:10 What's that mean, Sunday?
00:44:11 You're going to her prison.
00:44:12 Oh, crap.
00:44:14 Willis.
00:44:25 There you go.
00:44:27 Um, no, I'm not.
00:44:29 I said dancing.
00:44:32 Uh, yeah, alright.
00:44:34 Um, tomorrow night?
00:44:36 Alright, okay.
00:44:38 Bye.
00:44:40 Who was that?
00:44:42 It was Willis.
00:44:43 He wants to take me out dancing.
00:44:46 Yeah?
00:44:47 Did you know there's a dog in your garden?
00:44:59 Yeah, there's a dog.
00:45:00 Yeah, there's a dog in your garden.
00:45:02 Yeah, there's a dog.
00:45:03 Go on, get out of it.
00:45:06 Guy Fawkes is coming up soon.
00:45:13 Oh, Dad, not this again.
00:45:15 Do we have to go through this every single year?
00:45:17 It's a dead tradition, Todd.
00:45:19 One that costs taxpayers thousands of dollars every time one of those fires gets out of hand.
00:45:22 I'm going to an organised display.
00:45:24 The soccer club's putting it on at Mount Pleasant School.
00:45:26 Alright, just be careful, alright?
00:45:28 I know the drill, okay, Dad?
00:45:30 So, are you playing today?
00:45:32 It's like Pats.
00:45:33 Think you'll win?
00:45:35 Probably. They pretty much suck.
00:45:37 Hey, why didn't you come and watch?
00:45:46 Yeah, I haven't had breakfast yet.
00:45:49 Oh, come on, Dad, you haven't seen me play in ages.
00:45:51 And I'm really good now.
00:45:53 It's cold outside.
00:45:54 Oh, Dad.
00:45:56 You're not even dressed.
00:45:57 Just come on.
00:45:59 I'll have Bill's here.
00:46:01 Hi, Jack.
00:46:10 How was he?
00:46:11 He was good.
00:46:12 The match go alright, then?
00:46:13 Yeah, we had a good time, didn't we, Todd?
00:46:14 Yeah, whatever.
00:46:15 Can we go, Bill? I'm just...
00:46:17 What's with him?
00:46:25 He wants me to watch him play soccer or something.
00:46:27 He's pretty good.
00:46:28 Yeah, maybe I'll see him next week.
00:46:30 They have a buy-in next week.
00:46:31 Yeah, maybe I won't.
00:46:33 Hey, I haven't seen you much since...
00:46:37 I'm sorry about your...
00:46:39 about Harriet, eh?
00:46:41 Yeah, thanks.
00:46:43 I didn't know her that well, but she seemed really nice.
00:46:46 Todd was really cut up about it.
00:46:49 He was?
00:46:52 Yeah.
00:46:53 I had to give him some counselling, actually.
00:46:55 Really?
00:46:56 You think you're the only one that lost her?
00:47:00 He loved her too, you know.
00:47:02 And you wouldn't even answer your phone, man.
00:47:04 That wasn't counselling he needed.
00:47:06 He needed you.
00:47:08 Still does.
00:47:09 Thanks for looking after him anyway.
00:47:18 He was really looking forward to seeing you.
00:47:21 He's a good kid.
00:47:23 Yeah, he is.
00:47:25 See you, Jack.
00:47:27 Hey, you made it!
00:47:39 Get over here, my friend.
00:47:40 What'll you have?
00:47:41 Just a bourbon, thanks.
00:47:43 Hey, you need anything else?
00:47:45 Yeah, no, it's a shabby.
00:47:46 I still hate your job, though.
00:47:49 Yeah, it's a bit 410.
00:47:50 Yeah.
00:47:51 My guys really miss you down at the station, eh?
00:47:54 You thinking of getting back to work soon, or?
00:47:57 Yeah, yeah, maybe next week.
00:48:01 Alright, Tom heals.
00:48:06 Not yet.
00:48:11 Here we go.
00:48:14 To manly Jack.
00:48:15 Manly Jack.
00:48:16 Give me a rest, guys.
00:48:18 Give me a rest, guys.
00:48:19 Hey, don't knock it till you try it.
00:48:31 It's a great place to pick up jacks.
00:48:32 Hello, Wallace. Hello, Pete.
00:48:33 How's it going?
00:48:34 Oi.
00:48:35 Who's your friend?
00:48:36 This is Jack.
00:48:37 His wife just died.
00:48:38 We've come to the right place.
00:48:42 There's nothing like a bit of ballroom to chase the blues away.
00:48:45 Great. So who's our dancing partners going to be?
00:48:48 Ah, well, tonight we've come up a little bit short.
00:48:52 Hey, you're not doing it.
00:48:54 Shut up, man.
00:48:55 This is ridiculous.
00:49:00 Don't worry, it'll be over soon.
00:49:02 Yeah.
00:49:03 I'll shout you a few.
00:49:04 Yeah, none of the pain.
00:49:05 Yeah.
00:49:06 Look at my eyes. Look at my eyes.
00:49:08 Come on.
00:49:09 It's all about here.
00:49:10 Well, at least dip me, you fool.
00:49:14 [Laughter]
00:49:16 Regular here, aren't we, Woz?
00:49:21 Oh, nothing my...
00:49:23 Oh, look who's here.
00:49:25 Hello, ladies.
00:49:28 Hello.
00:49:30 Hello, Pete. Jack.
00:49:31 Hi, how you going?
00:49:32 Great yourself?
00:49:34 Yeah, not bad.
00:49:35 And, you know, Stacey.
00:49:37 Hi, how you going?
00:49:39 Nice to see you, Jack.
00:49:40 I was hoping you'd be here.
00:49:42 [Laughter]
00:49:43 Excuse me.
00:49:47 Excuse me, ladies.
00:49:51 What's going on, mate?
00:49:54 What do you mean?
00:49:56 Don't play dumb with me.
00:49:57 I had no idea they'd be here.
00:49:59 Or the other one.
00:50:01 You've got to admit she's cute.
00:50:03 So?
00:50:04 Well, so have a little fun, man.
00:50:06 God knows you deserve it.
00:50:07 You can't keep yourself locked up in that house all the time.
00:50:10 She's not coming back, you know.
00:50:11 [Music]
00:50:12 I'm sorry, mate. I didn't...
00:50:17 [Phone ringing]
00:50:24 [Phone ringing]
00:50:25 [Phone ringing]
00:50:29 [Phone ringing]
00:50:33 [Phone ringing]
00:50:37 [Phone ringing]
00:50:41 I did try.
00:50:42 Great, thanks. Come in.
00:50:44 Thank you.
00:50:46 Did you know there was a dog in your garden?
00:50:48 Yeah, I can't get rid of the thing.
00:50:50 Looks hungry.
00:50:51 Oh?
00:50:52 You could feed it.
00:50:53 It'll never go.
00:50:54 It's not leaving anyway.
00:50:56 You know, I never actually agreed to go with you on this thing today.
00:51:00 Of course.
00:51:02 Did you ever give up?
00:51:05 On you?
00:51:06 On anything.
00:51:07 So why are we going again?
00:51:11 He wants to meet you.
00:51:13 He has something he wants to tell you.
00:51:15 Wisdom from an inmate.
00:51:19 Great, yeah.
00:51:21 So, why don't he just tell you, you tell me, and then it's all done?
00:51:24 He wants to tell you himself.
00:51:26 Oh, come on, Jack.
00:51:28 I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think he could help you.
00:51:30 Help me?
00:51:33 Help me with what?
00:51:34 Phil comes from a rocky background.
00:51:36 His dad died when he was really young and he was raised by his mum.
00:51:39 She was a con and he learned all sorts of stuff from her.
00:51:43 Anyway, he was taken into care when she was doing some prison time.
00:51:49 The couple he was living with really straightened him out.
00:51:52 Best thing that ever happened to him.
00:51:55 He joined the police force, married, and was pretty happy.
00:52:00 And then, about three years ago, his wife died of cancer.
00:52:04 He had a breakdown.
00:52:06 He drank to quit his job and hold himself up in his house.
00:52:11 Just like you.
00:52:13 Sounds sensible.
00:52:15 He made some stupid choices, Jack.
00:52:18 He went back to work, but instead of protecting the innocent,
00:52:20 he abused his position and started dabbling in all sorts of nasty stuff.
00:52:25 Drugs, protection, money.
00:52:28 All came so naturally.
00:52:29 Anyway, he was caught red-handed one day by a colleague.
00:52:34 He was arrested, went to court, found guilty.
00:52:38 Ended up serving a sentence.
00:52:41 Fine.
00:52:45 So?
00:52:46 Then he turned to God.
00:52:48 I didn't know this was coming.
00:52:51 Just listen, Jack.
00:53:00 He found hope.
00:53:02 He found life.
00:53:04 He found a reason to go on.
00:53:06 Yeah, but I don't get it. I mean, why this guy?
00:53:09 You're so similar, Jack.
00:53:11 He can help you. I know he can.
00:53:14 Yeah, I know.
00:53:15 But why this guy? Why not someone else from church?
00:53:18 Because he's my son.
00:53:20 [music]
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00:53:56 Hello, Phil.
00:53:57 Jack? This is Phil.
00:53:59 Hey, Jack.
00:54:00 Hey, how you going?
00:54:01 Mum's told me a lot about you.
00:54:02 Alright.
00:54:04 I'm sorry about your wife.
00:54:07 Yours as well.
00:54:10 Yeah.
00:54:11 Thanks.
00:54:12 So?
00:54:16 Well, I'll leave you to it.
00:54:17 So, when do you get out?
00:54:22 About a year.
00:54:25 I'm surprised if I behave myself.
00:54:26 Then what?
00:54:29 I'm thinking of heading back to Brazil with Mum.
00:54:31 I didn't realise she was going, right?
00:54:33 She always goes back.
00:54:35 You know you can see her again?
00:54:44 Sorry, I don't know what?
00:54:47 Harriet.
00:54:49 You can be with her again.
00:54:50 What do you mean?
00:54:54 Well, you're in a pretty unique position.
00:54:56 Harriet was a believer, right?
00:54:59 Well, let's assume, just for a minute, that it's not all a load of crap.
00:55:05 That when believers die, they do actually go to a place called Heaven and live there with God.
00:55:11 It's a bit of a stretch, don't you think, this whole Heaven thing?
00:55:14 I appreciate that.
00:55:15 But let's assume it's true.
00:55:17 Just for kicks.
00:55:18 Sure, okay.
00:55:20 So Harriet's sitting with God right now.
00:55:24 What do you want more than anything else, Jack?
00:55:26 To have her back.
00:55:29 When Ruth died, neither of us were Christians.
00:55:35 Mum was.
00:55:38 We both thought it was a load of rubbish.
00:55:39 It's my biggest regret, Jack.
00:55:43 Because though I am now saved and get to spend my eternity in Heaven,
00:55:47 we missed our opportunity to spend our eternities together.
00:55:53 But you, you still have that option wide open.
00:55:57 Don't you think it's a bit of a fairy tale, this whole Heaven thing?
00:56:03 Absolutely not.
00:56:04 We all have eternal life, Jack.
00:56:07 It's up to us where we spend it.
00:56:10 Okay, so this is the whole eternal burn thing?
00:56:14 So you're trying to tell me that Ruth is burning in some eternal damnation and I will too if I don't believe?
00:56:21 Pretty much.
00:56:22 For what it's worth, mate, that's a load of rubbish.
00:56:26 I don't think your wife is burning in Hell somewhere.
00:56:28 I just think it's over for her, you know?
00:56:30 End of story.
00:56:31 I wish I could believe that.
00:56:32 It would make life without her a heck of a lot easier.
00:56:35 Let's just assume it's me that's helped you Phil, huh?
00:56:38 Let's just assume that, okay?
00:56:39 Look, I've found my peace with God.
00:56:42 And all I can do is tell you where it's at for me.
00:56:46 I just don't want you to make the same mistake I did.
00:56:50 You still have options. I don't.
00:56:52 Yeah, I got that, mate. Alright?
00:56:53 Jack?
00:56:55 At least think about it, will you Jack?
00:56:57 Jack?
00:56:58 [Music]
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00:58:31 [Music]
00:58:33 [Music]
00:58:37 [Music]
00:58:41 [Music]
00:58:45 [Music]
00:58:49 [Music]
00:58:55 [Music]
00:58:57 Come on.
00:59:15 Come on. It's alright.
00:59:23 There you go.
00:59:25 There you go.
00:59:27 You like Italian, huh?
00:59:39 [Laughs]
00:59:41 Hi.
00:59:52 Thanks for coming.
00:59:55 Thank you.
00:59:56 I've already ordered.
00:59:59 What did you do? Fly here?
01:00:01 Yeah, just about.
01:00:03 I had this amazing dream last night, Marty.
01:00:06 Oh?
01:00:08 I dreamt about Harriet.
01:00:10 And there was all this light and love and peace.
01:00:15 It was amazing.
01:00:17 Dreams like that, huh, Jack?
01:00:20 Yeah.
01:00:21 It was just so amazing.
01:00:24 I just felt like I could just take on the day again.
01:00:29 That's great.
01:00:32 I don't know if you can see this, but she was with this kid, this young girl.
01:00:38 And she was stroking her hair.
01:00:41 And it was all golden and shiny.
01:00:43 And there was all this light and love.
01:00:46 I can't explain it.
01:00:51 You don't really need to.
01:00:53 But, you know, there was all this...
01:00:56 Light?
01:00:57 Love?
01:00:58 Yeah, that's right.
01:01:01 And it was just so real.
01:01:05 I just felt like I could reach out and just touch them.
01:01:12 Them?
01:01:13 Yeah, Harriet and the girl.
01:01:15 She was stroking her hair and there was all this light.
01:01:19 Jack?
01:01:20 What?
01:01:21 What does it mean?
01:01:24 I don't know, it's just a dream.
01:01:26 Really?
01:01:28 [Sighs]
01:01:30 Many people believe that when a baby is lost,
01:01:34 dies through miscarriage or abortion,
01:01:37 that that little unborn soul goes back to heaven to be raised by God.
01:01:44 You're starting to sound like your son.
01:01:46 Jack, you remember the night Harry died?
01:01:50 Yeah, of course.
01:01:53 You were playing poker.
01:01:55 Yeah, Mary's thrashing the lot of us, as I recall.
01:01:59 Harry was on the computer.
01:02:01 Yeah, no, she was chatting with you online for a while.
01:02:05 Yes, she was, but not very long because we were cut off.
01:02:10 But long enough for her to tell me something she never had a chance to tell you.
01:02:15 What?
01:02:17 Jack, Harriet was pregnant when she died.
01:02:24 And I think you just dreamt about Harriet and your daughter.
01:02:30 She wanted to wait until there were just the two of you to tell you, Jack.
01:02:36 I'm so sorry.
01:02:40 [Music]
01:02:55 It's not enough you have to take my wife, but you have to take my daughter as well.
01:03:01 Why don't you just end it all and take me?
01:03:06 Come on, big man.
01:03:09 Give us your best shot, come on.
01:03:11 You haven't got the guts anyway.
01:03:15 If you had the guts you'd be down here sorting everything out, but you're not, are you?
01:03:17 You're hiding up there, hiding behind this stupid church.
01:03:21 But I'm here.
01:03:26 I'm here.
01:03:30 I just can't do it anymore.
01:03:37 I've had enough. I've had enough of you. I've had enough of everything.
01:03:41 I just can't do this anymore.
01:03:46 [Music]
01:04:06 [Music]
01:04:23 [Music]
01:04:44 [Music]
01:04:54 [Music]
01:05:09 [Music]
01:05:19 [Music]
01:05:31 [Music]
01:05:41 [Music]
01:05:53 [Music]
01:06:03 [Music]
01:06:15 [Music]
01:06:25 [Music]
01:06:35 [Music]
01:06:45 [Music]
01:06:57 [Music]
01:07:07 [Phone ringing]
01:07:25 Who you calling? Dad.
01:07:27 Not her, mate? No.
01:07:29 Or just not answering your game? Maybe.
01:07:32 Try again later, Tori. Yeah.
01:07:35 Hey, where's mum? We need to get some milk.
01:07:38 I'm going to go for a bite round the block, okay?
01:07:41 Yeah, okay, mate. Don't be too long. Yeah.
01:07:44 It's getting late.
01:07:46 [Music]
01:08:14 [Knocking]
01:08:16 [Knocking]
01:08:21 Jack.
01:08:32 Jack.
01:08:36 [Music]
01:08:52 Hey.
01:08:54 What are you doing here, man?
01:08:56 Well, you're not answering your phone.
01:09:00 I was worried.
01:09:04 [Music]
01:09:09 Can I sit you up?
01:09:12 [Music]
01:09:21 Are you supposed to go into work today?
01:09:25 Work?
01:09:31 Yeah, you know, burning buildings, you know, flames,
01:09:35 small children, you know, saving them, saving the day,
01:09:39 that kind of thing.
01:09:41 Look, we really need you down there at the moment.
01:09:49 It's crazy. Your favourite time of the year is coming up.
01:09:54 We just need all the help we can get.
01:09:57 She's pregnant.
01:09:59 What?
01:10:01 Harriet was pregnant when she died with my daughter.
01:10:15 Well, you don't know that.
01:10:28 I found this.
01:10:30 Mate, I'm sorry.
01:10:41 I'll hold up with the kid alone.
01:10:57 [Music]
01:11:18 Hey.
01:11:20 Is Dad home?
01:11:21 Yeah, he's not really up tonight.
01:11:24 He's in the sitting room.
01:11:26 Yeah, but he's probably not...
01:11:29 Dad.
01:11:31 What are you doing here? Where's your mum?
01:11:33 She's at home.
01:11:35 Just go home, Todd.
01:11:37 Todd, just go home, alright?
01:11:40 What do you want from me? Why are you here?
01:11:43 I just want to...
01:11:45 You've got your mum, you've got Bill. What more do you want?
01:11:47 I want you, Dad.
01:11:49 You can't have me.
01:11:51 Are you listening?
01:11:53 Yes.
01:11:55 You can't have me because I don't exist. Do you know why?
01:11:58 I left when Harriet left.
01:12:00 Do you understand?
01:12:02 No.
01:12:03 Just get out of here.
01:12:09 No, I just want...
01:12:10 You've got Bill and he's a nice guy. What more do you want?
01:12:13 It's not you, Dad. Harriet's gone and I know you miss her and everything.
01:12:17 And I miss her too. But she's gone, Dad. She's gone.
01:12:20 And me? I'm still here. But I may as well not be.
01:12:24 [sighs]
01:12:25 Thanks.
01:12:49 Is, um, he going to be alright?
01:12:51 Yeah. You know, he'll be fine. He'll get over it.
01:12:54 Hey, uh, what say we, um, we head out for a bit? What do you reckon?
01:13:04 Maybe, um, you know, have to stove it up a little bit?
01:13:08 Yeah, yeah.
01:13:09 [sobs]
01:13:15 [sobs]
01:13:16 So? What's it like?
01:13:37 What a question. They're just normal guys, Ash.
01:13:40 Yeah, but they're like heroes.
01:13:42 They are pretty special.
01:13:44 Some of them are more special than others.
01:13:46 I thought you said the Hops for Jacksons forever.
01:13:48 Have you? Now, which one's he?
01:13:51 He's not here yet, but I think Pete's gone to get him.
01:13:54 So you can check him out for yourself in a bit.
01:13:56 Is he single?
01:13:57 He is now. His wife died a few months ago.
01:14:00 Awful.
01:14:01 Yeah, Stacey's really cut up about it, eh, Stace?
01:14:03 Hey.
01:14:04 So is he home?
01:14:05 He's out of your league.
01:14:07 Oh, and here they are.
01:14:09 Gotta get me one of those.
01:14:11 Well, we're off now. Come on in a few hours.
01:14:27 You alright to get home?
01:14:28 Don't you worry about him, Wallace. I'll get him home.
01:14:30 I'm sure you will.
01:14:32 [laughs]
01:14:35 [sighs]
01:15:03 Shh.
01:15:06 There's nobody there.
01:15:08 It's all been a dream. It's just your imagination.
01:15:14 She's been telling you fairy tales.
01:15:17 Just to make herself feel better.
01:15:20 You don't need her. You need me.
01:15:24 Stay here with me, Jackie.
01:15:26 [phone rings]
01:15:29 [phone rings]
01:15:31 [phone rings]
01:15:34 [phone rings]
01:15:37 [phone rings]
01:15:39 Hello? Wallace?
01:15:42 Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.
01:15:45 Oh, Mount Pleasant?
01:15:48 Yeah, I think I'm near there.
01:15:51 Yeah, I'll see you there, okay?
01:15:54 What's going on?
01:15:56 Um, there's a fire down at the school, down the road.
01:16:01 Don't worry. Nothing happened.
01:16:04 You spent the whole night talking about your dead wife.
01:16:07 Then you passed out.
01:16:09 So depressing.
01:16:11 Okay.
01:16:17 [school bell rings]
01:16:21 [school bell rings]
01:16:23 Is anyone here?
01:16:34 Dad!
01:16:35 Todd?
01:16:37 Dad, I'm over here!
01:16:40 Come and help me.
01:16:42 Help me!
01:16:48 Todd, what do you need?
01:16:51 It's okay. It's all right. Come on.
01:16:54 It's okay. You all right?
01:16:58 Yeah, I'm fine.
01:17:00 You okay? You sure?
01:17:02 You're gonna kill me.
01:17:04 I'm fine.
01:17:06 You sure you're okay?
01:17:07 Yeah, I'm fine.
01:17:09 You did this?
01:17:15 Yeah, I didn't mean to, but...
01:17:17 It's okay.
01:17:19 I'll take two.
01:17:40 Two.
01:17:42 There you go.
01:17:44 Thank you, my friend.
01:17:45 Yeah, um...
01:17:47 I'll take three, thanks, mate.
01:17:50 Sitting up here, are we, Pete?
01:17:54 Maybe?
01:17:58 Just the one.
01:18:00 Boss, four, thanks.
01:18:06 Oh, dear.
01:18:08 There you go.
01:18:11 All right.
01:18:13 What do you have?
01:18:15 Shocking hand, Jack. Shocking hand.
01:18:17 I'll take five.
01:18:19 I'm lucky.
01:18:22 And that leaves you. What will it be?
01:18:25 Not for me, thanks, Dan. I'm good.
01:18:27 Oh!
01:18:29 He's fine, you know. He's coming up, you know.
01:18:32 That's the way Todd keeps guessing.
01:18:34 You do know how to play, don't you?
01:18:38 Yeah.
01:18:40 So this, um...
01:18:45 religious thing you keep going on about, it's, um...
01:18:48 not going to make me weird or anything, is it?
01:18:52 No more than you are already.
01:18:54 First thing Harry had ever said to me was that
01:19:02 sometimes the most obvious things are right in front of us.
01:19:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:19:08 She was a wise girl.
01:19:14 Yeah. She was.
01:19:18 Are you ready?
01:19:30 Okay.
01:19:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:19:35 You take good care of them, okay?
01:19:54 Take good care of my girls.
01:20:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:20:02 Bye, Harry.
01:20:05 I love you so much.
01:20:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:20:10 [CRYING]
01:20:12 [CRYING]
01:20:38 [CRYING]
01:20:40 All right!
01:20:42 That's it. I think I'm ready for July.
01:20:47 Come on, Jackie boy! Your time to shine has come!
01:20:53 [CRYING]
01:20:57 Looking great. Come on, here we go.
01:21:01 [CRYING]
01:21:06 Come on, you get in there.
01:21:08 Come on, Tommy!
01:21:11 Yeah!
01:21:13 That's all, we're almost ready.
01:21:19 Come on, Wimberley. Come on, boy. Come on.
01:21:22 You're going to have to change his name before Phil gets out.
01:21:26 I know he likes it, don't you, Winty?
01:21:28 He's a good boy, eh? He's a good boy.
01:21:31 Oh, it's so peaceful here.
01:21:33 Harriet would have loved it.
01:21:35 Yeah, she would have.
01:21:37 I was wondering whether you could help me do some redecorating before you go back to Brazil.
01:21:45 I'll do what I can.
01:21:47 You're a good worker.
01:21:49 Hey! Hey! Come here!
01:21:54 [LAUGHTER]
01:21:57 Oh, boy.
01:22:02 [LAUGHTER]
01:22:04 [MUSIC]
01:22:06 I know where to go
01:22:09 Etched in my mind
01:22:14 Always the thought of you
01:22:17 Dreaming, looking ahead
01:22:22 Ahead of us
01:22:26 Drawing the lines
01:22:32 I'm on my feet again
01:22:36 Holding the time
01:22:41 It's all I have
01:22:45 Lessons we learned
01:22:50 All coming back to me
01:22:54 Lessons we've learned
01:22:59 We all speak the same way
01:23:03 And I fall
01:23:06 Head over heels
01:23:08 And I need you to be
01:23:10 There to catch me
01:23:12 And I'm already a fool
01:23:17 So come take my hand
01:23:19 And we'll break all the rules
01:23:21 As I fall
01:23:23 Head over heels
01:23:25 And I need you to be
01:23:28 There to catch me
01:23:30 And I'm already a fool
01:23:34 So come take my hand
01:23:36 And we'll break all the rules
01:23:42 All of the rules
01:23:46 Ooh, ooh, ooh
01:23:50 All of the rules
01:23:58 [MUSIC]
01:24:00 Listen to me today
01:24:21 Turn your worried eyes this way
01:24:27 There's no getting around
01:24:30 We'll climb up one side
01:24:33 Then we'll climb down
01:24:36 There's a storm in your head
01:24:39 I know we'll get the best out of it
01:24:44 We've got no guarantees
01:24:48 But we're closer than we've ever been
01:24:52 We'll take our chances
01:24:57 Don't get carried away
01:25:00 You know I'm beside you
01:25:06 Love is leading the way
01:25:11 [MUSIC]
01:25:19 Listen to me today
01:25:22 You look tired and you look frail
01:25:27 We've got nothing to lose
01:25:31 We've been cut up, yeah
01:25:33 We've both been bruised
01:25:35 We'll take our chances
01:25:40 Just keep looking
01:25:42 You'll see you're the one beside you
01:25:49 Love is leading both you and me
01:25:55 There'll be dust and blood
01:25:58 I'm sure we'll find
01:26:03 Just keep looking ahead
01:26:07 Don't fall behind
01:26:13 Let the weight of the world
01:26:16 Fall from your mind
01:26:23 Your mind
01:26:29 [MUSIC]
01:26:45 Listen to me today
01:26:48 I'm not scared, we're on our way
01:26:53 Let's not try and pretend
01:26:57 When we fall down we'll get up again
01:27:02 And take our chances
01:27:07 Don't get carried away
01:27:10 You know I'm beside you
01:27:15 Love is leading the way, yeah
01:27:19 We'll take our chances
01:27:24 Just keep looking, you'll see
01:27:27 You're the one beside you
01:27:33 Love is leading both you and me
01:27:40 Love is leading both you and me
01:27:49 Love is leading both you and me
01:27:54 Listen to me today
01:27:57 I'm not scared, we're on our way
01:28:03 [BLANK_AUDIO]