WATCH: BEAUTY CON: Unconventional Beauty Unleashed

  • last year
Rico Nasty & Kim Johannson share her makeover process with the audience, providing tips and insights into her techniques and choices.
00:00 Okay, up next, you are all in for a treat because we're about to get into what is for
00:06 sure going to be an unforgettable beauty demo, courtesy of none other than rapper Rico Nasty
00:14 and style influencer Kim Johnson.
00:17 Let's give it up for them, you guys.
00:20 Hi, guys.
00:23 Hello.
00:25 Thank you.
00:32 I'm so excited to be here with you guys.
00:33 I'm a huge fan of Beautycon.
00:36 Every year, you guys slay.
00:38 So I'm really happy to be here with my two favorite girls.
00:42 We're going to show you guys how to survive tour life.
00:45 One thing about tour and makeup, you sweat a lot and you are obviously prone to breakouts.
00:52 So we always started off with amazing skincare and amazing base.
00:57 I love Sunday Riley.
00:58 That is my favorite skincare brand.
01:01 We're going to get into it, though.
01:03 She obviously already has gorgeous, gorgeous skin, y'all.
01:06 Like literally look at her.
01:08 Gorgeous smile, gorgeous skin, endless lid space.
01:11 So before we start, do you guys have any questions?
01:16 All right, let's get into it.
01:19 Okay.
01:20 So recently on tour, I just did a collab with a brand I'm a fan of.
01:24 They were on Euphoria.
01:26 Their name is Faceless.
01:29 And basically this makes my life so much easier.
01:33 I have shaky hands.
01:35 Eyeliner is very hard to do.
01:37 So I'm going to work with these today and show you guys how you apply them.
01:43 So right now, Miss Kim is just finishing up the base.
01:46 She's doing a little bit of powder.
01:47 Doing some bronzer.
01:48 Yes.
01:49 Because you know, you don't really see that much sun.
01:50 You don't see that much sun when you're on the bus.
01:54 So you got to bronze it up with some bronzer.
01:56 Yes, you always have to bronze it up, blush it up.
01:59 Because when I tell you the bus is so dark, it's just like insane.
02:04 I've tried doing my makeup on the bus and I can never get it right.
02:07 I'm always shades lighter or darker when I leave.
02:10 But I think the point of tour makeup is to be durable.
02:14 Okay?
02:15 So nobody wants a face of makeup that they spent hours doing and then you sweat a little
02:19 bit and it's completely off.
02:22 So once again, when we go back, we're going to talk about this skincare, y'all.
02:26 Skincare is what's going to always make your base stay.
02:30 Okay?
02:31 So if you're not putting on moisturizer or any type of like skin, what is that called?
02:37 Like-
02:38 Primer?
02:39 Yeah, like primer.
02:40 You're going to wind up damaging your actual skin and dealing with a lot of breakouts.
02:45 So me, I'm sweating right now, but I'm a matte girl.
02:49 But I got a good primer on and I'm a matte girl.
02:51 So you keep that powder on you.
02:53 Okay, let me go over here now.
02:55 Wow, you ate that up.
02:57 What about blush?
02:58 Okay.
02:59 Oh yes, blush.
03:00 A girl's best friend.
03:01 So-
03:02 Love blush.
03:03 I don't know if any of you guys had a crazy blush phase, but I did and I would literally
03:07 pile it all over my face, all over my nose, even like on my lips.
03:14 I was like obsessed.
03:15 But right now, I just put the blush right above that contour line, similar to where
03:21 you would place the highlight.
03:22 Let's see.
03:23 You're going to look like really flushed.
03:24 Like you don't want to do too much, but this is like, oh, I'm just like blushing.
03:33 I'm just so flattered.
03:34 Yeah, you don't want to look too blushed out.
03:37 Wow, this looks good.
03:39 Right?
03:40 Come on.
03:41 This is-
03:42 Oh my God.
03:43 This is beautiful.
03:44 Give beauty.
03:45 She's giving.
03:46 She's giving.
03:47 Okay, let me open this up.
03:48 Are there any questions while I'm opening this?
03:52 Anybody?
03:53 No?
03:54 Facelace is that girl though.
03:55 It makes it so easy, like for all the eyeliners that you see that are so trendy, it's just
04:00 so simple.
04:01 You just like pop it on.
04:02 It takes two seconds.
04:03 Because who wants to spend?
04:04 First of all, she wants to spend.
04:05 I don't know if you guys are familiar with our lovely model today, but her liner, guys,
04:13 her eyeliner always eats.
04:15 I didn't even want to play.
04:16 I didn't even want to play because she'd be slaying the eyeliner.
04:18 I say I got shaky hands.
04:20 I'm not doing it.
04:21 Sorry, I'm going to turn it.
04:22 Perfect.
04:23 This is so pretty.
04:24 It is.
04:25 Okay.
04:26 Okay.
04:27 Which one do you want to do?
04:28 Should we do the corner?
04:29 Yeah.
04:30 Okay.
04:31 All right.
04:32 So we're going to start off by placing them in the corner.
04:44 Let me take my jacket off, guys.
04:50 You see me?
04:51 I'm like so hot.
04:52 Sorry, I'm pushing too hard.
04:53 There we go.
04:54 Amazing.
04:55 Damn.
04:56 This looks really cute.
04:57 Wow.
04:58 Okay.
04:59 You guys saw how easy that was?
05:00 It took literally two seconds.
05:01 Super easy.
05:02 And I know a lot of you guys are like, "Oh, isn't that going to come off with sweat?
05:14 Isn't that going to slide off your face when you sweat?"
05:18 When I'm wearing these for shows and I am sweating, I will put a little bit of glue
05:22 on the other side.
05:23 It's kind of like putting rhinestones on and I always make sure that I press it in and
05:30 I'm not moving it around too much.
05:33 We're not going to put these sticky things also on places like your crease or anywhere
05:37 where your eye moves a lot.
05:38 You don't want to be just putting stickers on there.
05:42 But on your outer corner is perfect.
05:44 I think I want to add one here too, right?
05:46 Yeah, let's do a little.
05:47 Yeah, right?
05:48 I feel like for this, she could look.
06:08 Yeah.
06:31 That's actually really hard.
06:32 Normally, when I do these, I'm not going to lie.
06:35 I have a different shape.
06:36 It's more like a cat eye looking thing.
06:40 But these are a replica of most of my eyeliner looks.
06:44 If you guys are familiar with me, I love eyeliner as well.
06:48 I am not the best at doing it.
06:49 So oftentimes, the looks that you see are free handed and just having fun with it.
06:54 So that is really the key to makeup, y'all.
06:58 Have fun.
06:59 Don't take anything too serious.
07:01 And also, one thing that I had to learn.
07:03 If you mess up, girl, don't wipe your whole face off.
07:07 Do not completely start over if you make one little mistake.
07:11 There's something that concealer or powder or a little Q-tip can always fix, okay?
07:18 That was me.
07:19 I would spend an hour doing something.
07:20 I start on my eye.
07:21 And the minute it doesn't go right, I'm not trusting the process.
07:24 I'm wiping it off.
07:25 So I've learned how to just love the mistakes of everything.
07:29 Oh my gosh, this looks so cute.
07:31 Can we get it up close?
07:33 Can we get it up close on my girl?
07:36 Yeah.
07:37 See, this is really easy.
07:40 Like if you just want to quickly...
07:42 But that only took 10 minutes.
07:44 No lie.
07:45 The timer is up here.
07:47 So I think that's the best part of it all.
07:52 On tour, you don't have a lot of time, you guys.
07:54 I would have an hour max to get ready.
07:57 And every day, I would do two looks.
08:00 I always look at shows like "Getting Married" and I feel like my fans should not see me
08:04 as the bride before I go on stage.
08:07 So I change my outfit and my makeup for meet and greet and then I change it for the actual
08:13 show.
08:14 So what I'm saying is I'd be sitting in that chair for hours.
08:18 I'd be sitting in a chair getting glam for hours, but it's always worth it.
08:23 And one thing about it is, yeah, time.
08:25 You only have an hour to do this stuff before they're like, "Rico, we got to go.
08:29 We got to go."
08:30 So I like to get it done quick so I can have some time to chill, smoke a little bit, drink
08:35 a little bit.
08:36 And that's why your skincare is so important because you do wear makeup so much that you're
08:41 just like, "Okay, I got to make sure I really take care of my skin because this does do
08:46 a lot on the skin."
08:48 Yeah, if you're not taking care of your skin and you're wearing a lot of makeup, don't
08:52 be surprised if you get a big scary pimple.
08:54 Do not be surprised.
08:55 I have gotten some big, big pimples because I didn't know what type of moisturizer to
09:00 use or I was using the really scented ones, which is why I love Sunday Riley.
09:05 Guys, when I tell y'all this, just because it smells good does not mean it works good.
09:10 I've learned with my skincare, I actually like unscented things.
09:14 They help me a lot.
09:16 I have sensory things.
09:18 And if I smell something too good, then I'm going to want to overuse it.
09:21 So I like my moisturizers to be unscented, aka Sunday Riley again.
09:26 It literally smells like nothing.
09:29 And yeah, that has prevented me from getting cystic acne, which I suffer from cystic acne.
09:34 I know you guys probably can't tell because we got the face beat, but I have a lot of
09:39 like acne issues on my chin, especially on my jawline.
09:43 So skincare will really stop all of that stuff.
09:47 Now I'm not saying it's going to cure it, but it will help if you're going to be putting
09:51 on a lot of makeup.
09:53 Now we're going to the mascara, which I also love.
09:58 I am not a lash girl.
10:00 Sorry guys.
10:02 But if I'm doing such an amazing makeup look, sometimes the lashes block it.
10:07 So I don't want to wear too big of a lash.
10:09 I still want you guys to be able to see what I'm working with.
10:12 I'm a fan of doing the little individuals like on the end, like a cat eye.
10:16 That's kind of what I'm wearing right now.
10:18 I just have like a few on the ends.
10:22 And all you need sometimes is a little like accentuation, a little cat eye.
10:25 They have this thing called false scara.
10:27 So if you don't have the time to go and sit in a lash text chair for two hours, you can
10:32 just go and buy the kiss false scara stuff and it will literally elevate your eyes.
10:37 What's insane is they put me on.
10:40 You literally put me on to the kiss lashes on tour.
10:43 They are the best.
10:44 Like how this took 10 minutes, they took 10 minutes.
10:47 You put them under here.
10:49 It's good.
10:50 It comes with like the remover, the bond, and it's kind of like mascara.
10:54 It's not a situation where you're putting the glue on these little things and you're
10:58 trying to put it on your eye.
11:00 You put it on like mascara and then you stick the lashes on it.
11:03 And they're called false scara by kiss.
11:05 Those are my fav lashes.
11:06 Yeah, I feel like I'm just babbling, babbling.
11:10 Is there anything else you guys have any questions on?
11:14 Yes.
11:15 Oh yeah, you can come up here I think.
11:22 Thank you.
11:26 Do one of my songs.
11:31 You're so crazy.
11:32 So when it comes to stage makeup, what are like your number one go-to products or product
11:37 line that you use to make your makeup stay the entire show?
11:41 Okay, my go-to products.
11:43 So for the face, for the skin, I'm always going to use Lancome.
11:48 I love Lancome.
11:49 I love their powders.
11:50 I love their concealers.
11:52 I love their pretty much everything involving skin.
11:56 When it comes to bronzer, I'm using Danessa Myricks.
12:00 Now the thing is too, I use a lot of cream stuff.
12:03 I don't use a lot of powder stuff because as you can see, I'm like a naturally like
12:06 sweaty, oily person.
12:08 And powders I feel like sink into my skin and starts to crack.
12:12 So I like that dewy, glowy vibe.
12:15 So definitely Danessa Myricks.
12:18 And Danessa Myricks also has this, it's this palette that I was using for highlights because
12:25 sometimes when you sweat, highlight can be very chalky.
12:28 It's like a gloss and you kind of like rub it and you put it on your eyes or you're like,
12:33 you can put it on your lid, you can put it on your cheek.
12:35 It's really good.
12:36 Thank you.
12:37 Yes.
12:38 Oh yes.
12:39 Hi, how are you?
12:42 Hello.
12:43 I've been a fan since I was back in college.
12:46 So shout out to seeing your career just trajectory.
12:50 And Kim, I've been seeing you since back when I was like on Tumblr back in like 2011, 2012.
12:54 So shout out to you too.
12:55 Wow, thank you.
12:56 I just wanted to know if you wear contacts or like glasses or anything like that and
13:02 like how you go about doing your makeup and eye stuff like that.
13:06 Okay, so I wear contacts.
13:08 I'm literally so blind.
13:11 I have a couple pictures.
13:12 I remember I was on tour before and I ran out of contacts on tour.
13:16 So I had to do like days wearing my glasses.
13:18 And I actually saw a hack online where this girl would trace where her glasses were and
13:24 then only do makeup within that to help make it pop.
13:28 But what I have to do is when I want to wear colored contacts, oh my gosh, I have to make
13:33 sure I take it out every night because there's a horror story that I will tell you.
13:38 This one time I was wearing contact lenses and I had been sleeping in them, performing
13:43 in them, doing crazy eyeliner as always.
13:46 And what happened was I started seeing like smudges on my contact lens.
13:53 And I was like, oh no, that's just makeup.
13:54 Like I'll take the contact out and just wipe it down, put it back in.
13:58 No, my contact was literally scratched.
14:02 It was scratched, like scratched, like probably could have gotten a hole in it if I wore it
14:07 another day.
14:08 And that was from some products that you use for makeup for eye.
14:13 They can break down your contact lenses.
14:15 So be very, very careful.
14:18 Do not sleep in your contact lenses.
14:20 I can count on one hand how many eye infections I've had, y'all.
14:24 It gets real.
14:25 So please, please wash your brushes, change your contacts.
14:29 And girl, bust out them glasses.
14:30 If you got to, bust them glasses out.
14:33 Because we all see Sexy Red wearing her glasses and we fucking love it.
14:38 Yeah, I'm here for the bifocal queens, okay?
14:42 I love my glasses, girls.
14:44 Don't be afraid to wear eyeshadow with glasses.
14:47 The only thing I don't recommend is lashes with glasses.
14:51 Thank you so much.
14:52 Thank you.
14:53 You eating?
14:54 That lip?
14:55 Yes.
14:56 Thank you.
14:57 I wanted to know, as an artist, do you get inspired by other makeup influencers or like
15:06 creatives and you're like, "I want that on my face."
15:08 So do you like search for them or do you like, "Hey, this is my artist.
15:13 Can you try to replicate that on my face?"
15:15 Well, my favorite thing to do is like, I'm a really big fan of the YouTube world.
15:20 So I really love like Lucy Garland, even though she's like doing tattoos now.
15:24 I love Lucy Garland and I love Jackie Aina.
15:26 And I feel like they were the ones that helped me find what I liked for my face.
15:32 But when it comes to like Muse and InSpo, I'll either go on Pinterest or what I'll do
15:37 is I'll scroll and scroll on my like my Finsta until I find someone and then I'll just reach
15:45 out to them.
15:46 If I really like their stuff, I'll just get them.
15:48 Because you don't ever want to...
15:51 The makeup world is very iffy about that.
15:53 You never want to piss somebody off or have someone feel like, "Oh, you got this person
15:56 to do something that I can do."
15:58 That's not fair.
15:59 So I'm very big on like, if you made that and that's your trend, baby, come over here.
16:04 You know?
16:05 Right.
16:06 Well, you are so beautiful and you like your rock music and like how you do things.
16:11 I literally created the look off one of your songs and it was like, I was going down Pinterest
16:15 trying to look for some shit too.
16:16 Oh my gosh.
16:17 But you are very inspiration and I love you.
16:18 Thank you.
16:19 Thank you so much.
16:20 Y'all are so sweet.
16:23 Look at her, bro.
16:26 She looks like a goth queen.
16:27 Hold on.
16:28 Hello.
16:29 Hi, pretty lady.
16:30 Hi.
16:31 My name is Dale.
16:32 Light the computer.
16:33 My question for you is, I'm a makeup artist.
16:38 So like when you are looking for makeup artists to travel with you and like go on tour with
16:43 you, like what are characteristics that you're looking for?
16:46 Like they're fast, they're fun.
16:47 Someone who's quiet.
16:48 Someone who's quiet because despite how much I'm talking right now, a lot of that goes
16:55 into makeup, I'm so tired when they're doing it.
16:57 So I just want somebody who's quiet, relaxing.
17:01 And I also love someone who's serious about skincare.
17:04 Like before they do my face, I love for them to give me like a lymphatic massage.
17:08 Like I love stuff like that.
17:10 I love spa treatment.
17:11 But yeah, I like for them to be fun.
17:13 But really it's the professionalism that I look for.
17:16 I want somebody who's quiet and a fast learner because I might be like, "Oh, I want my skin
17:21 matte this day and then the next day I want something completely different."
17:24 And you have to like be able to get that.
17:26 Yeah.
17:27 Okay, babe.
17:28 Thank you.
17:29 Thank you.
17:30 Wow.
17:31 Hi.
17:32 Y'all are all so pretty.
17:33 No, you are beautiful.
17:34 Hello, people.
17:35 I'm so happy to be here and I'm also a tourist, Rico.
17:36 So-
17:37 Happy birthday.
17:38 You know, we're here.
17:39 Exactly.
17:40 We're here.
17:41 Let's go.
17:42 I also specialize in like makeup in the dance performance arts space.
17:51 So I'm really curious to know, one, what's your favorite eyeshadow palette?
17:55 Because I feel like a lot of your eye looks, of course, liner is super iconic.
18:00 But I saw a few collabs that you did and I'm just curious to know like any like favorite
18:04 eyeshadow palettes?
18:05 What's been your favorite beauty collab so far that you've been able to do?
18:09 And then the last one is I'm thinking really about longevity.
18:12 So for your dancers, is there anything within your process in which inspires the beauty
18:18 trends in which you perform or you really just reach out into your creative processes?
18:25 I feel like, so the creative process for a lot of it is just based on what the outfit
18:29 is.
18:30 So if I'm dressed more edgy, then I'll be more edgy.
18:34 If I want to give more grown and sexy, I'll do something what I'm doing like today where
18:38 I'll wear more muted colors and a cute lip.
18:41 If I want to look more like childlike, I'll wear like blush and a lot of pinks.
18:46 It's really all about like the vibe and how I'm feeling.
18:49 But that one question you had in the beginning, my two favorite palettes.
18:54 Anything Natasha Denona.
18:56 Okay.
18:57 Now her palettes is like $100 for a palette.
19:00 But every palette I've bought from her, like I use it until it's like the pans are empty.
19:07 And then my other favorite is actually my collab with Il Makiage.
19:11 Il Makiage is a little bit up and coming, but I will say their foundations and their
19:15 lips.
19:16 Oh my God.
19:17 If you ever had a lipstick from Il Makiage, baby, I'm scraping the bottom of it.
19:22 Okay.
19:23 I love their stuff.
19:24 They were the first makeup brand to reach out to me and say, "Hey girl, let's make something
19:28 cool."
19:29 So my palette with them is like everyday use.
19:32 It's a lot of like glitters and shimmers and stuff like that.
19:35 And they're multipurpose.
19:37 I love that.
19:38 A shadow that can be used as a highlight or you can put it on your lips.
19:42 I love all that.
19:43 Awesome.
19:44 Well, thank you so much, beautiful.
19:45 Really appreciate it.
19:46 Thank you.
19:47 Hi Rico.
19:48 Hi.
19:49 Oh my God.
19:50 I love you.
19:51 Thank you.
19:52 Thank you.
19:53 So could you share a nugget of wisdom on how you've dealt with all the misogyny of being
20:00 a woman in the rap industry and just general oppression since you're doing great?
20:07 Well, I feel like there's been so many times where I've seen the comment or I've seen someone
20:15 say, "Why does she put all that stuff on her face?
20:18 She's so pretty without it."
20:19 Or, "Why do girls wear so much makeup?"
20:23 I feel like that's just like, girl, I just watched the Barbie movie last night.
20:27 So let me just say this.
20:28 I love being a girl and I love making hoes mad.
20:32 So that's how I feel when guys are like, "Ugh, she got all that makeup on."
20:37 I just feel like-
20:38 Just hoes mad.
20:39 Yeah, you're mad.
20:40 And that's fine.
20:41 But one thing about glam, it gives me strength.
20:45 It makes me feel like a bad bitch.
20:47 And obviously I feel like a bad bitch without glam, but it's something that just, it does
20:52 it for me.
20:54 So it's nothing that a person could say to me that'll ever make me feel like, "I'm never
20:58 wearing makeup again."
20:59 If anything, I'll buy them some fucking makeup.
21:02 Okay?
21:03 Yeah.
21:04 Thank you.
21:05 You're welcome.
21:06 Yay.
21:07 Thank you guys.
21:08 Now we back on my girl.
21:11 My girl is getting eyeliner.
21:13 Oh, this is what we were just talking about.
21:16 Multi-purpose.
21:17 See, I don't know how to pronounce this brand.
21:20 Shiseido.
21:21 If anybody has used their sunscreen, that's my favorite thing from them.
21:27 But they sent me so many of these little palettes that can be used as shadows, liners.
21:35 I use it on my lips.
21:37 Basically anything.
21:38 And that is really important for me because y'all know makeup is expensive.
21:42 So if I'm not getting different uses out of this, baby, I'm not buying it.
21:45 I'm sorry.
21:46 Sorry, baby.
21:47 I love a multi-purpose.
21:48 We're going back to Danessa Myricks.
21:50 She's so famous for the gloss.
21:52 Have you guys seen the little gloss that comes in a lip gloss tube?
21:55 You use it on your eyes, your lips, highlight.
21:58 I love stuff like that.
21:59 She has colors that come in pink, brown, black, white.
22:03 I mean, you could use it for anything.
22:05 Another one of my favorite brands that are famous for multi-use things is P. Louise.
22:14 P. Louise is...
22:16 Those are my girls.
22:17 Okay.
22:18 Anything about the London girls?
22:20 The London girls, their makeup is insane.
22:22 We talking about a base?
22:25 That's a base for you.
22:26 But I think that's pretty much it here.
22:30 She's gorgeous, gorgeous.
22:31 I want to get one more up close so you guys can see what we've done.
22:35 Not me.
22:36 Not what I've done.
22:37 I ain't did a goddamn thing.
22:38 You have a question?
22:39 Yes.
22:40 Okay.
22:41 You're my last one.
22:42 Last one.
22:43 Last one.
22:44 Sorry.
22:45 Okay.
22:46 My only question is I've been struggling a lot with keeping my eyeshadow on and I use
22:51 the sticky...
22:55 Just like the sticky base.
22:57 Makeup by Mario.
22:58 Okay.
22:59 It's in this little cube, like square thing, and it has the primer and it has the powder
23:03 and it has like a concealer type of base.
23:06 Try that.
23:07 That's what I use.
23:08 I'm sweating right now, but that's what I use to keep my makeup on.
23:10 Okay.
23:11 Thank you.
23:12 I love Makeup by Mario.
23:13 We're done though, and you guys have a special guest.
23:16 [music]
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