▌热点短视频 ▌大雄的老师大喊tarik balik?
国会昨天再次上演闹剧,因首相安华一句话,让平时走斯文路线的布城YB拉兹突然火气冲天。事后网民却发现,这位前教育部长竟然是现实版的cikgu nobita大雄的老师 ……
主持 | Celes 美伶
#安华 #国会 #cikgunobita #大雄的老师
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频
国会昨天再次上演闹剧,因首相安华一句话,让平时走斯文路线的布城YB拉兹突然火气冲天。事后网民却发现,这位前教育部长竟然是现实版的cikgu nobita大雄的老师 ……
主持 | Celes 美伶
#安华 #国会 #cikgunobita #大雄的老师
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频
00:00 Do you remember the famous cartoonist, Mr. Bear, in the Japanese cartoon, Little Bell?
00:06 Did he suddenly take over your social media platform last night and become the subject of discussion?
00:11 It is said that he even caused a ruckus in the parliament yesterday
00:14 You can laugh, but you can laugh, Putrajaya, because you did that thing, you did that thing during the election
00:21 Yes, I am right, this is a bad accusation, 36-6, I want to withdraw, I want to withdraw, Mr. Prime Minister, I want to withdraw
00:29 Putrajaya, sit down, 33 months, Putrajaya, put it back, put it back, speaker, put it back, sit down, put it back, sit down, put it back, sit down, put it back, speaker, 66, bad accusation, speaker
00:57 It turns out that this teacher, Jeku Nobita, is talking about the former Minister of Education, the National Union's non-YB, Muhammad Raz
01:04 Because the two look a bit similar, especially the middle hair, coupled with his firework performance at the parliament yesterday, they were directly copied by netizens and made into a meme
01:14 Some people even used it directly in Doraemon's cartoon
01:18 Oh, oh, oh, oh, Jeku Nobita
01:25 Putrajaya, put it back, put it back, put it back, put it back
01:28 That's funny, what is it that makes Raz so tense in the parliament and raises his voice to ask Prime Minister Anwar to withdraw his speech?
01:37 In fact, Anwar responded to the Zhaxi DNA case in the parliament during the 12th session of the Democratic Central Committee
01:45 Emphasizing that he did not intervene in the Zhaxi court case, it seemed that laughter was heard in the parliament conference hall
01:51 Anwar then pointed his head at the non-YB and said, "You did this when you were in office"
01:57 Let the inexplicably named non-YB Raz, fire three tents, directly raise a voice to protest and demand a withdrawal of speech, and there was a chaotic scene of the Jeku at the beginning of the film
02:06 Today is the scene where Raz was expelled from the conference hall after multiple expressions of dissatisfaction and the opposition camp gathered to protest
02:13 Although the opposition camp has held a press conference to condemn Anwar's accusation and ask the other party to withdraw speech
02:20 But Raz still couldn't swallow his breath and uploaded the video again to show his dignity
02:26 I am against people not speaking the truth and I will defend my dignity
02:31 I am not afraid of anyone in this world except Allah
02:35 Raz continued to protest for himself in the video, re-broadcast Anwar's speech in the parliament, and said that as a person who follows the rules of the Congress, he could not tolerate Anwar's accusation against him
02:45 And re-explained the details of the incident, emphasizing that he just wanted Anwar to withdraw his speech
02:51 Although Raz is still in pursuit of this matter, the other party's party member Anwar has left for the United States last night to attend the United Nations General Assembly
03:00 It seems that he no longer wants to respond to this incident
03:03 Do you know that you have followed this political drama that made Gugnobita a big teacher suddenly became popular?
03:08 Welcome to leave a message to share
03:10 If you like this video, remember to share it to let more people know
03:13 Remember to follow Rated Hotspot to follow more domestic political developments
03:16 budget.
03:17 [Music]
03:17 (electronic music)