• 3 hours ago
新闻报报看 | 槟城大山脚黄炎发饮食中心怀疑因为煤气泄漏,今早发生爆炸,当时正在后厨烘烤面包的老板侥幸逃过一劫。爆炸后的饮食中心遭到严重破坏,天花板部分坍塌,桌椅散落一地,场面骇人。(主播:颜江瀚、庄文杰)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30Let's take a look at the cover of Guangming.
00:46This incident took place at the Dashanjiao Yellow Rock Research and Development Center.
00:49It is suspected that the explosion occurred around 8.30 this morning due to the leak of gas.
00:54At that time, the boss who was baking bread in the back kitchen was lucky to escape.
00:58At the time of the incident, more than ten customers were having lunch.
01:02Fortunately, no one was injured.
01:04As you can see from the photo, the scene was very chaotic after the explosion.
01:09And was severely damaged.
01:12The part of the ceiling frame of the ceiling board has collapsed.
01:15The kitchen in charge of checking the water in the middle was also severely affected.
01:19The logo on the top of the stall is still hanging.
01:23But if you look at it, it really seems to fall down at any time.
01:27Another photo shows the whole scene of the dining area from another angle.
01:33Look at the red plastic chairs, tables, and all kinds of garbage scattered all over the floor.
01:38The floor is covered with debris, paper, and other miscellaneous objects.
01:42The suddenness of the accident and the strong explosion and impact of the accident are all shown.
01:48The whole scene gives people the feeling of having experienced a disaster.
01:53According to the boss, he usually starts his business around 5 a.m.
01:58In fact, before the explosion this morning, he already smelled the smell of gas leakage.
02:03But at that time, he didn't care.
02:05Because he said that he had been operating for more than 20 years and smelled the smell of gas.
02:08For him, there was nothing to be alarmed about.
02:11As a result, he didn't expect that at 8 a.m.,
02:13when he was alone in the back kitchen preparing to bake bread for customers,
02:17he suddenly heard a loud bang.
02:22The boss didn't have time to react.
02:24At that time, he just felt a black spot in front of him,
02:27and his ears were still ringing.
02:29The whole person stood still.
02:31The boss said that he was very lucky.
02:33Although there was an explosion,
02:35his face and clothes were blackened and he was not seriously injured.
02:39The boss of Xin You Yu Ji also said that after the explosion,
02:43he found that the statue of the Great Lady in the back kitchen was still intact.
02:48He said that this statue had been worshiped for 19 years.
02:52He believed that he was also under the protection of the Great Lady,
02:55so that he could escape such a serious explosion.
02:58Anyway, what was the cause of the explosion?
03:01In the end, we still have to wait for the investigation report of the authorities to prove it to everyone.
03:04In the report, it also gives you a sense of how strong the impact wave was at that time.
03:09A vendor in Fujian said that
03:11this was the first time he had such a serious accident in his business for more than ten years.
03:15His 17-year-old son also went to his stall to help because the school was on vacation today.
03:20Unexpectedly, when the accident happened, the glass in front of him burst instantly,
03:24and the glass fragments were all over the stall.
03:26Fortunately, no one was injured,
03:29but for safety reasons, all the ingredients are no longer available,
03:33so he lost five or six hundred dollars.
03:39To be continued
