"Jin ki waja se ap bahar pohnchay hain unka trial kis muh se karengay," Irshad Bhatti slams PML-N

  • last year
"Jin ki waja se ap bahar pohnchay hain unka trial kis muh se karengay," Irshad Bhatti slams PML-N
00:00 level playing field.
00:01 I have understood what is the level playing field.
00:02 And what is it in today's time?
00:03 Well, the level playing field is that everyone is allowed to fight elections, whether it
00:07 is a fair election or a fair election, everyone can run their campaign and everyone should
00:12 get an equal opportunity.
00:13 This is the bookish thing that you are doing.
00:14 You are talking about bookish things.
00:15 You are the one who has made the democracy very cold.
00:16 Today when Faisal Warda was listening, I was saying that he should keep talking if your
00:19 democracy is cold.
00:20 First of all, our democracy is a problem, democracy is not bad.
00:29 The practitioners of democracy are bad.
00:32 And the leaders of the democracy are bad, stop it brother.
00:37 What is a practitioner?
00:39 Stop it brother.
00:40 His Urdu translation.
00:41 Don't stop it, fix it.
00:42 No, no, no, it cannot be fixed.
00:43 And the one who is manoeuvring them, the one who picked up the stick, then that will also
00:47 be fixed.
00:48 Don't do that, today this person will come, tomorrow that person will come.
00:51 We have to fix his provision too.
00:53 Okay, first of all, I am a very weak man, you can put me down here.
00:57 You will do it.
00:58 This is the sorrow of the people who like democracy.
01:01 I am a weak man, I am a weak man.
01:04 Then come on the shoulders of the power of the public.
01:07 The public is the power, they have made us read bookish things and have made us crazy.
01:13 In 1970, our and your Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Sahib had raised slogans of bread, cloth and housing.
01:20 In 2023, Bilawal Bhutto is raising slogans of bread, cloth and housing and the people of
01:24 Sindh are raising slogans of bread, cloth and housing.
01:26 Leave aside Sindh, the people of Ladkana, leave aside Ladkana, if a person from a union
01:30 council has been given bread, cloth and housing, then I will raise slogans of long live democracy.
01:35 Mr. Nawaz Shiv, pay off your loan.
01:38 I started with the country's passengers and Shabaz Shiv has gone, thank God I got a loan
01:43 for nine months.
01:44 So pay off your loan and take the country's passengers and take the loan and save the
01:48 country.
01:49 This is the whole activity of this whole system.
01:51 So the basic thing is that you are.
01:53 Sir, what is the system saying now?
01:55 No, I was just on that.
01:57 I am asking you.
01:58 Suppose elections are taking place in February and Mr. Mian will also return next month.
02:04 So what will happen to the next four months of politics, which you are calling a level
02:09 playing field?
02:10 There will be a meeting at Minar-e-Pakistan.
02:12 I was reading that they have decided that Mr. Mian will be welcomed there and someone
02:16 will be kept in jail.
02:18 This is the level playing field.
02:20 Okay, now leave it.
02:21 Those old things, those old things that he went to get treatment on a stamp paper of
02:25 Rs. 50, on the guarantee of his brother.
02:27 Now he is coming back, let him go.
02:29 No treatment, no hospital, leave this too.
02:32 Leave this too that how he sat there and made the government fall.
02:36 Leave this too that he went back under the deal, according to Khawaja Sahib and is coming
02:41 back under the deal, according to Muslim League Noon, that the risk has been zeroed and the
02:45 guarantee has been obtained.
02:46 The Muslim League Noon people have told.
02:48 The issue is that Nawaz Sharif is playing the same poisonous game again.
02:52 He is repeating the same old mistake again.
02:54 Once again, he wants the establishment to stand with him.
02:57 Who are you playing with?
02:58 I am saying the same thing.
02:59 I am telling you.
03:00 Listen to me patiently.
03:01 You like democracy.
03:02 He wants that.
03:03 Democracy has questions.
03:04 You have asked the question.
03:05 Who is playing with us?
03:06 By the way, it is my favor that I am allowing you to ask questions to the republics, otherwise
03:10 no one is allowed to ask questions.
03:12 You are two different.
03:13 God forbid, if Shahji and these two come to power, then all of us will be in trouble.
03:17 No, no, Shahji and I will go on visits.
03:19 No, no, if Shahji and I come to power by mistake, then these people.
03:22 No, if they come to power, then what will happen to us?
03:25 Quickly finish.
03:26 No, no, I am not saying that.
03:28 You think that we are out of government?
03:30 Yes, you are always in government.
03:32 Then shut up.
03:33 Serial government.
03:34 You are a serial killer, you are talking about serial government.
03:37 Sorry, I am talking about books.
03:39 The issue is that my establishment is with me.
03:42 I am their supporter.
03:43 But I will try General Bajwa, General Faiz, Hamid.
03:46 Parvez Musharraf's trial is going to be in the next two years.
03:49 I am not going to be a part of it.
03:51 I am not going to be a part of it.
03:53 I am not going to be a part of it.
03:55 Parvez Musharraf's trial was done.
03:59 The trial was done.
04:01 The old mistake, the old goal, everything happened.
04:04 The old fight.
04:05 How is it possible that the person you have given an extension by giving a veto on the Quran,
04:11 the two people because of whom you have come out to London,
04:14 how will you deal with them?
04:16 With whom you have made a deal?
04:17 Yes, how will you deal with them?
04:19 So, on one hand, you are saying that...
04:21 You both agree that no confidence is the result of a deal that happened with General Bajwa.
04:27 First, tell me, why are you laughing?
04:30 First of all, I wish...
04:31 Okay, tell me after the break.
04:33 Both have questions.
04:34 The no confidence that came, the government was formed,
04:37 the table turned,
04:40 you kill us, it is not our time, your time is going on,
04:44 our time will also come.
04:45 I don't know if it will come in our life or not, but it will come.
