(Adnkronos) - “Per quanto riguardo l'Imaging diagnostico, stiamo già lavorando su una serie di programmi che andranno sul mercato nel 2024 e che comporteranno non solo il miglioramento delle immagini ma anche il triage dei paziendi e, di conseguenza, il lavoro dei professionisti del settore”. Lo ha detto il vicepresidente e Ceo di Bracco Imaging, Fulvio Renoldi Bracco, a margine del Bracco Innovation Day, svoltosi presso l’auditorium dello Human Technopole e quest’anno intitolato “Unlocking the A.I. Revolution - A Symposium on the future of the Healthcare Industry and Diagnostic Imaging in the era of Artificial Intelligence”. Al termine del convegno è intervenuto da remoto il ministro dell’Università e della Ricerca Anna Maria Bernini.
00:00 What is the role of the industry in the development of the image?
00:03 As far as the industry is concerned,
00:08 we are already working on a series of programs
00:16 that have three main purposes.
00:20 The first purpose is to improve the image quality
00:27 and to improve the quality of the diagnosis.
00:32 This is the basis of a series of projects that have already been developed
00:38 and that will be launched in the market starting in 2024.
00:43 In addition to this, we are also trying to understand
00:48 how artificial intelligence can improve the patient triage.
00:54 This is done with the logic of meeting an important need
01:00 of resources that today are not able to meet
01:05 the needs of the image diagnosis,
01:12 in the sense of being able to follow all the diagnostic phases
01:20 but above all to reduce the waiting times
01:24 to be able to face these exams.
01:28 These are tools that can be used to facilitate the triage
01:36 and therefore allow the doctor to focus on the areas of greatest importance and urgency.
01:47 The third purpose is a bit comprehensive,
01:52 in the sense that when technologies that improve accuracy
02:00 and make it more standardized and allow greater access,
02:06 this can allow an enlargement of the potential of the image diagnosis.
02:16 This can also serve areas that are not sufficiently developed
02:24 or on which there are not all the skills necessary
02:29 to be able to deal with accurate diagnoses.
02:33 These are three areas on which BRACO is working
02:36 and on which we hope to bring innovation
02:40 in order to improve the quality of life of people.