• 2 years ago
Maria Menounos chatted with SheKnows' Erika Janes about motherhood and manifestation. Read more at: https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/videos/2843890/maria-menounos-motherhood-manifestation-rx-bar/

Video credits
VP, Video: Reshma Gopaldas
Editor: Allie O'Connell


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - What was your first actual like,
00:04 oh my God, I'm a mom moment?
00:07 - I mean, I think catching her from the doctor
00:13 when she was born with her umbilical cord still attached.
00:17 I was like, oh my goodness,
00:19 this is a life that we just created.
00:23 So that's like kind of number one.
00:26 And then I have to say, I think pushing the stroller,
00:30 I felt like a mom.
00:32 It's like, I don't know, just something about that.
00:36 It was just the coolest thing in the world.
00:38 I was like, wow, I'm a mom and that's my baby.
00:41 And so I'll run around the house and I'll be like,
00:44 this is my baby.
00:45 I have a baby, you guys, can you believe this?
00:48 It was just like all day long.
00:49 - I think mine was when I got pooped on
00:51 for the first time by my oldest.
00:52 So yours are much sweeter.
00:54 - Oh my goodness.
00:55 Well, I haven't gotten pooped on yet,
00:57 but I do understand the whole spit up thing.
01:00 'Cause I was like, what is everybody talking about
01:02 that they're just spit up all the time?
01:04 And so I had spit up on me, I didn't realize.
01:07 And I went to do some cryotherapy.
01:09 And when I put my clothes back on, I smelled like spit up.
01:12 And I go, oh, that's what they were talking about.
01:15 - And did you care?
01:17 Were you just like, eh?
01:18 - No, I don't care.
01:19 She can do anything.
01:20 I love her poop.
01:21 I love everything.
01:22 (upbeat music)
01:25 I'm still figuring it out
01:27 because I do feel guilty.
01:28 I wanna be there for all the moments.
01:31 But then I realized I have to recharge
01:33 to be my best for her.
01:35 So I'm still figuring it out.
01:37 We're only two months in.
01:38 Meditations haven't been as consistent as they were before,
01:42 but they will get there.
01:43 I'll find my rhythm.
01:45 Right now, it was finding her rhythm.
01:48 And we have to balance oxygen mask first
01:53 along with baby's most important, which is a struggle.
01:57 And so I'm still figuring it out,
01:59 but I do know that my workouts are really important for me
02:04 so I can stay strong for her.
02:05 She's, like I said, tracking is a four month old.
02:08 She's heavy already.
02:09 She's big already.
02:11 I gotta be ready for what four months is gonna look like.
02:14 And meditating is really important
02:17 so that my mind is clear and I can be my best for her
02:19 and I gotta get my rest.
02:21 So we have to have empathy for ourselves as moms
02:26 and love ourselves enough to do what's right for us
02:29 so we can be our best for them.
02:31 It is not perfect ever, and it's never going to be.
02:36 But as long as you have that intention
02:39 and then you can work with the people around you,
02:41 whether it's your mom or your dad or your friend
02:45 or your husband, whoever it is to help you get those breaks.
02:48 (upbeat music)
