GEN V Full Movie

  • last year
GEN V Full Movie
00:00:00 [music]
00:00:16 Me and Blue Boy was waiters before we come to El Dorado, traveling waiters.
00:00:21 We waited on tables all over Dixie.
00:00:24 We waited on so many tables that every night my neck used to ache from all that bowing.
00:00:28 Yassa this and yassam that and thank you sir and thank you ma'am.
00:00:33 My head was like a yo-yo.
00:00:35 But we wasn't no ordinary nigger waiters.
00:00:37 We had plans.
00:00:39 Blue Boy had his heart set on making us numbers kings.
00:00:42 That's what we come to El Dorado for, to set up a numbers bank.
00:00:47 The numbers bank was Blue Boy's idea, 'cause what I knowed about numbers wouldn't a half
00:00:51 filled a gnat's brain.
00:00:54 Right now I'm sorry I ever come here.
00:00:57 I walk with the Lord every step of the way.
00:01:06 And we walk hand in hand to his kingdom.
00:01:13 My trust in him has kept me strong.
00:01:21 He's got control, he's, he loves me.
00:01:28 Yes I know the good times come and go.
00:01:36 Jesus seems to understand them all.
00:01:43 And when my time on earth is done, to him I give my soul.
00:01:59 I see the Lord and he's touching me.
00:02:07 I feel him calling softly.
00:02:15 Goodbye, goodbye to earthly woe.
00:02:23 He's come to take me home.
00:02:31 Yes I know the good times come and go.
00:02:39 Jesus seems to understand them all.
00:02:47 And when my time on earth is done, to him I give my soul.
00:03:02 Blue Boy, Blue Boy, how's your luck?
00:03:21 Good enough to make a buck.
00:03:24 And a big buck can bring us more.
00:03:28 Keeps the fun locking on the white man's door.
00:03:33 Blue Boy, I say Blue Boy.
00:03:37 Blue Boy, I say Blue Boy.
00:03:42 Me and Blue Boy commenced to saving every penny we could rake and scrape.
00:03:46 And for too long we had saved a thousand dollars.
00:03:49 One thousand smackaroos.
00:03:51 Shit, we was nigger rich.
00:03:54 The minute we had laid away a thousand, we was on the bus to El Dorado.
00:03:59 I don't know how Blue Boy could sleep.
00:04:02 I was so scared I was shaking worse than a dog shitting on a peach seed.
00:04:11 Blue kept making me nervous, saying how he was going to tell the folks in El Dorado that I was some big time New York numbers man.
00:04:18 I never even see the picture of New York, much less set foot in it.
00:04:23 So I asked Blue if those people couldn't tell just by looking at me that I wasn't from New York.
00:04:29 Blue said, "Can a fat hog sit on a flagpole on a rainy day and see his ass reflected in a mud puddle?"
00:04:37 Blue had this funny kind of way of talking, but I still wasn't set on telling folks I was from New York.
00:04:49 As scared as I was, I was still glad to stop being a waiter.
00:04:53 I took my waiter's jacket and throwed it out the window as far as I could throw it.
00:04:57 The jacket's probably still flying now.
00:05:01 Blue Boy, I say Blue Boy.
00:05:05 Blue Boy, I say Blue Boy.
00:05:09 Blue Boy, Blue Boy, show us your mind.
00:05:14 Number 10, it gets you high.
00:05:18 What a man of the book you show.
00:05:22 The hill where you has got to go.
00:05:26 Blue Boy, what you say?
00:05:28 Blue Boy, I say.
00:05:32 Sister, here come the bus.
00:05:34 Sister Carter, I hope I can get me a youngster that don't drink and don't smoke.
00:05:38 What's the cause of your doubt?
00:05:40 If I just want a younger, then help me pay my bills.
00:05:42 Or this cracker won't take my paper share.
00:05:45 El Dorado looked like the promised land when I first see it.
00:05:48 Blue Boy had his own little welcoming party at the bus station.
00:05:52 For me, I had two old sisters looking for a boy.
00:05:56 Blue Boy, oh Blue Boy.
00:06:00 [shouting]
00:06:07 Child, I got your message, but I didn't think you would come in.
00:06:10 Well now honey, you know I ain't strong enough to stay with the finest pair of legs on earth.
00:06:15 Oh, you know I'm getting fat.
00:06:17 Oh girl, now you shut that nonsense up.
00:06:19 Why, every one of your curves is winking at me right now.
00:06:22 And if they don't stop, I'm going to do something terrible, nice to them.
00:06:26 Go on, you ain't changed a bit, have you?
00:06:28 That's right, that's right.
00:06:30 Blue, move it, ho.
00:06:32 Let me go get this crazy boy.
00:06:33 Okay.
00:06:34 [shouting]
00:06:37 [shouting]
00:06:42 We missed them.
00:06:44 Watch your step, watch your step.
00:06:45 Taxi.
00:06:47 Oh Blue, what about the trunks?
00:06:49 Oh I'll have make peace pick them up, don't worry about it.
00:06:51 Big meat.
00:06:52 This is Dave Green, my protege and partner.
00:06:55 A number's man from New York.
00:06:58 My pleasure, Mr. Green.
00:06:59 Mine too, Miss Big Meat.
00:07:02 Oh boy, get in there.
00:07:04 [music]
00:07:15 Oh Lord have mercy, Big Meat.
00:07:18 How's the hair-prying business?
00:07:19 Same, no matter what, folks will always get their hair done.
00:07:22 Where to, sir?
00:07:24 There's only one place we're heading, Booker's on Vessage Beach, and that's where we shall be.
00:07:29 Seawolf Lake.
00:07:30 Blue Boy told Pig Meat how we was going to set up a numbers bank.
00:07:34 While they was talking, I was looking.
00:07:37 To me, behind every door was somebody just rearing to play the numbers.
00:07:42 Pig Meat said that there were 30,000 spooks in El Dorado.
00:07:46 I was just counting that money before we was even in El Dorado five minutes.
00:07:50 [music]
00:08:19 [music]
00:08:38 I know your plan this meal, you know that?
00:08:40 Big Meat, you can't cook good as you is.
00:08:43 I don't want anybody to talk.
00:08:45 [grumbling]
00:08:50 You got this whole thing figured out, don't you?
00:08:52 Honey, we've been planning and saving together for the last three years.
00:08:56 Daddy, piss folks out to Blue Boy.
00:08:58 Yeah, get him on down.
00:08:59 You know we've been waiting on tables everywhere the horse and the springs is?
00:09:02 Springs?
00:09:03 Ain't much springs got to do with it.
00:09:05 Oh, man.
00:09:06 Hot water springs, cold water springs, sulfur springs, piss water springs.
00:09:11 [laughter]
00:09:13 Man, wherever there's a springs, wherever there's a racetrack,
00:09:17 you're always going to find some rich white folks.
00:09:19 That's right.
00:09:20 You know, Blue Boy, you ain't never right.
00:09:22 'Cause them white folks are scared of dying.
00:09:24 If they hear about some kind of mysterious water somewhere,
00:09:27 they're going to be there trying to lap it up for us niggers.
00:09:29 Can you get there and get some of it?
00:09:31 [laughter]
00:09:35 Georgia first.
00:09:36 [laughter]
00:09:38 No more water.
00:09:40 Georgia.
00:09:41 Ain't you pretty?
00:09:43 Oh, Blue Boy, you look so good.
00:09:45 I just--
00:09:46 Oh, Blue Boy.
00:09:48 Wait a minute.
00:09:50 What you got here?
00:09:52 Three of the best.
00:09:55 Now, you all go on upstairs.
00:09:57 Yeah, you all go right on upstairs.
00:09:59 Oh, oh, oh.
00:10:00 [laughter]
00:10:02 Come on, Booker, can I have some of this chicken?
00:10:04 Come on, Georgia, sit down there.
00:10:05 Sit down there.
00:10:07 Yes, sir.
00:10:09 You're going to be fine, Mama.
00:10:10 Blue Boy, you sure look good.
00:10:13 I want to talk to you sometime.
00:10:15 About what?
00:10:16 The operation?
00:10:18 Yeah.
00:10:19 I want to show you my scarf.
00:10:21 [laughter]
00:10:24 All right.
00:10:25 And where's the nearest numbers bank from here?
00:10:27 Gaines got one over in Gaines City.
00:10:29 Now, that's about 25 miles, you mean?
00:10:31 Yes, that's right.
00:10:32 But Gaines has been talking about moving his number bank right here.
00:10:36 Oh, now, Gaines been talking about that for a long time.
00:10:39 You remember Mr. Booker?
00:10:40 Yeah.
00:10:41 Even for the first time I come here.
00:10:42 Yeah, well, has he done anything about it?
00:10:44 Not a damn thing.
00:10:45 Ever fish got fleas?
00:10:47 [laughter]
00:10:49 Well, where we get you first gets you the bacon.
00:10:52 That's what I would say.
00:10:53 Hell, that old fat nigger's going to scream.
00:10:55 Yeah, but what about Anton?
00:10:57 Anton what?
00:10:58 Anton.
00:10:59 Yeah, well, who's he?
00:11:00 Cracker boss of the white man's organization.
00:11:02 Yeah, well, has he got a greasy palm?
00:11:04 Greasy?
00:11:05 Man, that cracker's so greasy, if you give him a little, he's going to want it all.
00:11:09 Well, then, now the first rule of our organization is that the peck of woods get nothing.
00:11:32 That was some scar.
00:11:35 [laughter]
00:11:44 Come on, we got to go meet Blue Boy at the shop.
00:11:46 We?
00:11:47 Yeah.
00:11:48 I ain't got nothing to do but lay here and try to poop myself together.
00:11:50 Look, not if you're working for me and Blue Boy, you know.
00:11:53 You know anything about the numbers?
00:11:56 No, but I'm willing to learn.
00:12:00 [laughter]
00:12:05 I bet you are.
00:12:06 How you feeling this morning?
00:12:07 I'm feeling fine.
00:12:08 How about you?
00:12:09 Not so good.
00:12:10 I've been doing some thinking.
00:12:11 I mean, Blue, you're going to mess up sure as hell.
00:12:15 How am I going to make them think that I'm some big numbers banker from New York,
00:12:19 when I ain't never been no further north than Nashville?
00:12:21 Now, Dave, I told you to stop worrying.
00:12:23 Ain't none of them been there either.
00:12:25 I will tell you one thing, they're going to take a shine to you,
00:12:27 knowing that you a number man from the Big Apple.
00:12:30 As long as you don't act like you know everything.
00:12:33 Let me tell you something, son.
00:12:34 There's one thing that our yoko likes best, and that's helping us sit and stick.
00:12:39 Yeah, but--
00:12:40 Hold it.
00:12:44 No, but just keep walking.
00:12:51 Keep walking.
00:12:53 Now hold it right here.
00:12:55 Now don't turn around.
00:12:59 Now take a look.
00:13:00 I think we got a little company.
00:13:03 You mean them?
00:13:04 See what I mean?
00:13:05 Come on.
00:13:08 I wonder why they're following us.
00:13:10 As soon as we get to this window, why don't we stop and find out?
00:13:19 Now when I say get, you get.
00:13:22 Ready?
00:13:23 Yeah.
00:13:24 Go.
00:13:32 Hey, what the hell are y'all following us for?
00:13:34 Talk fast, 'cause we ain't playing.
00:13:36 No, we don't mean you no harm.
00:13:38 We knowed you two the first time we spotted you.
00:13:40 Don't nothing go on in this town we don't hear about.
00:13:43 Especially the arrival of big time bankers.
00:13:46 Or your name Flack or something like that.
00:13:48 It's Flick, blue boy.
00:13:50 Davy, this here is Kid Flick.
00:13:52 I don't know the rest of your friends.
00:13:54 Why, this here?
00:13:55 This here is Blip Blip, and this here is Billy Bolegs.
00:13:57 Y'all don't mind if we walk with you if it's all right.
00:14:00 We don't mean you no trouble.
00:14:02 I tell you what, we ain't doing nothing.
00:14:04 We just jiving around.
00:14:05 Why don't you all come out over to the wagon and have a little of that cool water melon with us.
00:14:09 All right, Spodeone.
00:14:13 All right, half a burger, sure looks good.
00:14:18 Now, what have you boys been up to?
00:14:21 Nothing happening, things just the same as always were.
00:14:24 But you sure looking fine.
00:14:27 I bet you all been traveling.
00:14:29 Oh, yeah, that's true.
00:14:30 Been working and saving.
00:14:32 As a matter of fact, that's where I met Davy.
00:14:34 Waiting table.
00:14:36 That's when we decided to go into the banking business together.
00:14:39 Right here in Arkansas.
00:14:40 Yeah, we're going to open up a numbers bank right here in the ward.
00:14:44 So what else is new?
00:14:46 That's what I tell you.
00:14:47 Hey, well you boys want a job?
00:14:48 Yeah!
00:14:50 You're going to truth well out.
00:14:53 We set up business in the back of Fig Meats Beauty Parlor.
00:14:57 Scratch started coming in from everywhere.
00:14:59 And when them folks found they could win themselves 600 to 1, no matter how much they bet, they started betting.
00:15:08 And we was doing so good, we even had a mascot.
00:15:12 His name was Junebug.
00:15:13 He just hung around.
00:15:15 Said he wanted to learn something about the business.
00:15:17 Now, ain't that a bitch?
00:15:19 He had a little side business, selling ice water to them women getting their hair hot cold.
00:15:24 Now, who would have thought you could sell water?
00:15:27 While Junebug was selling ice water and sandwiches, me and Blue was explaining the numbers to our employees in the back room.
00:15:37 Now, here's your numbers pad.
00:15:38 You got three different color sheets, pink, white, and yellow.
00:15:41 You give the pink one to the flame, save the yellow one for me, and leave the white one in the book.
00:15:47 This is the heart of the operation.
00:15:49 It's the nerve center, so it's the most important part.
00:15:51 Now, most of you guys are going to be pick up men.
00:15:53 Your job is going to be to collect money and slip from everybody in your territory.
00:15:57 When you finish, bring all the money to the house to Blue Boy and get a receipt.
00:16:01 Now, make sure you get a receipt.
00:16:03 Bring all the bet slips here to the house.
00:16:06 How you do?
00:16:07 The house must be the bank.
00:16:08 Now, Make Peace is going to be the boss of the accountant's house.
00:16:12 Now, I run the bank, but it's Make Peace who decides who gets paid.
00:16:17 Now, it's going to be an easy-ass pile.
00:16:20 Oh, by the way, David and me, our word is law.
00:16:25 Now, and one more thing.
00:16:27 Don't grumble and stay.
00:16:29 You all just grumble and be on your goddamn way.
00:16:33 [Music]
00:16:44 In no time flat, our bank was rolling.
00:16:47 Ooh, that money was coming in hand over fist.
00:16:50 I don't know where them folks was getting it from,
00:16:53 but I never seen the likes of it in all my natural-born life.
00:16:56 [Music]
00:17:01 For six months, me and Blue Boy had made so much money that we up and bought us a house
00:17:05 and plunked down the hard, cold cash, all down and nothing a week.
00:17:10 [Music]
00:17:12 Blue Boy said that he'd been to three world fairs and five goat droppings
00:17:16 and had never seen the likes of it before.
00:17:18 [Music]
00:17:29 It wasn't pretty till that old polecat cracker Antoine sent his nigger Gaines a snip around.
00:17:34 [Tires screeching]
00:17:35 What the hell wrong with you, nigger?
00:17:37 You got bumbers on your ass or something?
00:17:39 That's going to cost you.
00:17:41 [Laughs]
00:17:42 Yeah.
00:17:43 Oh, come on.
00:17:44 I'm sorry.
00:17:45 I just wanted to give you the chance of your lifetime.
00:17:48 Oh, yeah? And what's that?
00:17:49 Numbers. Gaines.
00:17:51 You ever hear of them?
00:17:53 Numbers?
00:17:57 Who told you to write numbers, boy?
00:17:59 You don't know them. They ain't from El Dorado.
00:18:01 Uh, look, uh, what numbers you want, I got to go.
00:18:04 How much them white folks paying you, boy?
00:18:07 Why they got to be white folks?
00:18:09 Now, ain't this a bitch? Crackers ain't got no monopoly on brains.
00:18:13 Oh, punk.
00:18:14 Hey, let me go.
00:18:15 Let's go, man. Let's go.
00:18:17 [Music]
00:18:27 [Music]
00:18:37 [Music]
00:18:47 [Music]
00:18:57 [Music]
00:19:07 [Music]
00:19:17 [Music]
00:19:27 [Music]
00:19:37 [Music]
00:19:47 [Music]
00:19:57 [Music]
00:20:05 Exodus tells us a story about God's people.
00:20:11 God's people here were carried in captivity down in Egypt.
00:20:16 As they were carried down there, they were placed on the hard task belt.
00:20:21 Here we have a people sold to God's blessing.
00:20:26 One day God brought some people to America.
00:20:30 They were sold here in captivity.
00:20:33 As they were sold in captivity, they were brought here to our blessing.
00:20:39 Oh, when God's people bowed down, called on his name,
00:20:44 we know how God turned it to a blessing.
00:20:47 We know how they took the Camarilles.
00:20:51 We know how the voices were took.
00:20:54 We know how the white man nicked us up.
00:20:58 God made us all just the same.
00:21:01 I know something about my name.
00:21:04 God has been good to me.
00:21:06 We say good name today.
00:21:09 We sing God praises.
00:21:12 Sing God praises.
00:21:14 Clap your hands.
00:21:16 Clap your feet.
00:21:19 We will all know it's the God.
00:21:21 Please hold his name.
00:21:23 He paid the churn of Israel.
00:21:26 He blessed the churn of Israel.
00:21:28 He blessed us.
00:21:30 For another day,
00:21:32 our blessings in the soup line.
00:21:35 Let us turn to Psalms 132.
00:21:39 One, three, two.
00:21:42 Brothers and sisters.
00:21:45 Boy, that preacher scared the daylights out of us when he called out 132nd Psalm.
00:21:50 Hell, everybody in that church played 132.
00:21:53 [music]
00:22:18 Big mean honey, where are you?
00:22:20 Listen, Billy, get away from here, will you please?
00:22:23 [laughter]
00:22:26 Now, you all know I'm the answer to all poor girls' prayers.
00:22:29 All the white girls too?
00:22:31 Boy, sit down.
00:22:32 Let me tell you something.
00:22:33 There ain't no such thing as a poor white gal.
00:22:35 Her color is her fortune.
00:22:37 [laughter]
00:22:38 That's true.
00:22:40 Hey, all we got is company.
00:22:43 [music]
00:22:54 Blue boy, green.
00:22:55 Right, why don't you all come on and sit down and have a taste of this.
00:22:58 No thanks, my stomach's been trouble me some.
00:23:00 Oh, you got the aggravation.
00:23:02 Yeah.
00:23:03 Oh, I know it's about that aggravation.
00:23:04 I remember when I was a little boy, my mama used to say to me,
00:23:07 now son, when your stomach gets all tied up in them little old knots,
00:23:11 you better get this thing--
00:23:12 Look, blue boy, I didn't come here to bullshit.
00:23:14 We ain't interested.
00:23:16 You ain't got no sense, nigger.
00:23:18 I've got plenty of sense.
00:23:20 I've got some money too.
00:23:22 I want you to understand, partner,
00:23:24 we don't need no more partners.
00:23:27 Besides, you all got a nice hunk of pie right there in Gator City.
00:23:31 Never you mind what I got in Gator City.
00:23:33 That's what I'm getting here in El Dorado that I'm talking about.
00:23:36 Hey, look, you ain't getting doo-doo squat.
00:23:38 Is that your answer too, blue boy?
00:23:40 Hey, he's my partner.
00:23:41 You know, you dudes had a chance to make a big pile of change,
00:23:44 but you fucked up, and now I'm taking it.
00:23:47 Hey, bubble butt.
00:23:48 Bubble butt.
00:23:50 I'm peeing in my pants.
00:23:53 Let's go.
00:23:54 Hoo-wee, that's a tough motherfucker.
00:24:02 Oh, he ain't so tough.
00:24:04 He's just big, that's all.
00:24:06 I'll tell you one thing, there's got to be a feeling.
00:24:09 Meaning what?
00:24:10 I smell something burning.
00:24:13 And where there's smoke, there's a peck of wood.
00:24:17 Please don't give me any of that crap.
00:24:20 There's no such thing as a nigger not playing ball.
00:24:22 But them two is different.
00:24:23 Bullshit.
00:24:24 Believe me, I tried, Mr. Antoine.
00:24:26 Give me a rope.
00:24:28 You just didn't get across to them, that's all.
00:24:30 I tried, Mr. Antoine.
00:24:31 Sure you did.
00:24:33 They're just a little smarter than you, that's all.
00:24:35 But, Mr. Antoine--
00:24:36 Now you shut up and you listen to me.
00:24:38 Now listen good.
00:24:39 Yes, sir.
00:24:40 I come down from New York, I got orders.
00:24:41 Yes, sir.
00:24:42 Well, that means you got orders too.
00:24:44 Now their operation is already running smoother than anyone else's in the territory, including yours.
00:24:49 Now I want to know why.
00:24:51 What do you want to do, boss?
00:24:55 What I want you to do, I want you to keep your eye on them.
00:24:58 Maybe lean on them a little now and then.
00:25:00 Or let them grow.
00:25:01 'Cause I want their bank to be nice and fat when we move in on them, you know what I mean?
00:25:07 Isn't that gonna be, boss?
00:25:10 Why?
00:25:11 You want a piece?
00:25:13 Listen, Gaines.
00:25:14 You're part of my organization, see?
00:25:16 Yes, sir.
00:25:17 You're with me 'cause you're smarter than them other niggers.
00:25:19 But you're letting me down.
00:25:22 Now, I want you to whip them jigs into line one way or another.
00:25:27 You understand me, Gaines?
00:25:28 Yes, sir.
00:25:29 Good.
00:25:32 Now what the hell are you standing there for?
00:25:33 Go do something about it!
00:25:35 Yes, sir.
00:26:04 Boy, does your mama know you're out here this day even.
00:26:07 [gunshots]
00:26:15 [yells]
00:26:18 [yells]
00:26:26 [yells]
00:26:36 Sam, you and me are gonna be friends for life.
00:26:39 Who sent you?
00:26:42 I said who the hell sent you?
00:26:44 God damn it, who sent you?
00:26:45 Gaines!
00:26:46 It was Gaines!
00:26:47 Listen, sonny.
00:26:48 You tell Gaines he or any of his gorillas ever step foot in Arkansas,
00:26:52 then I am personally gonna find him and kick his fat asshole through his teeth.
00:26:56 You remember that?
00:26:57 I remember.
00:26:58 All right, and you remember this, too, here?
00:27:00 Now move!
00:27:05 Business as usual?
00:27:07 Business as usual.
00:27:13 ♪ Glory, glory ♪
00:27:19 Yes.
00:27:21 ♪ Glory ♪
00:27:26 ♪ Hallelujah ♪
00:27:33 All right.
00:27:34 ♪ You've been ♪
00:27:37 That's all right.
00:27:39 ♪ Since I've been ♪
00:27:45 ♪ Down, down ♪
00:27:51 ♪ Down ♪
00:27:59 ♪ Glory, glory ♪
00:28:10 ♪ Hallelujah ♪
00:28:15 ♪ Glory ♪
00:28:19 Glory, glory, hallelujah.
00:28:23 At least I laid my burden down.
00:28:26 Can I get a witness?
00:28:27 Yes.
00:28:28 Can I get another witness?
00:28:29 Yes.
00:28:30 Can I get another witness?
00:28:32 Yes.
00:28:33 [yells]
00:28:37 Yes, glory.
00:28:39 Glory, hallelujah.
00:28:42 Now sometimes it made us feel real good when somebody hit big.
00:28:46 And it was good for business, too.
00:28:48 Now after old sister Clara hit, the money came in even faster.
00:28:53 ♪
00:29:21 [train whistle]
00:29:25 It's the police, man.
00:29:26 Oh.
00:29:32 Yes, sir.
00:29:34 You got you some heavy feet there, boy.
00:29:37 You're right, sir.
00:29:38 I'm sorry.
00:29:39 You think one of these tickets might lighten your feet up a little?
00:29:43 If you say so, sir.
00:29:45 Let me see your last.
00:29:47 I thought I had it here somewhere, sir.
00:29:56 You know what I'm going to do for you, boy?
00:29:58 Yes, sir.
00:29:59 You seem like you're a good lady.
00:30:00 Thank you, sir.
00:30:01 You work for Blue Boy Greeny?
00:30:03 That does, yes, sir.
00:30:04 I'm going to take care of this ticket myself.
00:30:06 Thank you, sir.
00:30:08 How much?
00:30:10 All of it.
00:30:11 Yes, sir.
00:30:15 You know, sir, you is a spitting image of what I thought a policeman was.
00:30:20 Ain't it, Big P?
00:30:21 My pleasure, boy, my pleasure.
00:30:23 Thank you, sir.
00:30:24 Now beat it.
00:30:25 Yes, sir.
00:30:26 [inaudible]
00:30:55 [cheering]
00:31:09 You know, the fact is, I ain't the only stud in the world.
00:31:13 Because if there was, it would be a hell of a situation.
00:31:17 [cheering]
00:31:37 Hey, you know, the way I hear it, if you go to most of them up there colored churches,
00:31:41 if you're my color, you have to sit in the last row.
00:31:44 And if you're red with nappy hair, well, you're sitting a pew in front of me.
00:31:48 And them yellow ones, well, they sit in the next.
00:31:52 And the light-haired ones with blue eyes, well, they sit right up front there with God.
00:31:59 [cheering]
00:32:01 Hey, hey, hey, Blue, guy Blue, if you have me in two years, I'll be just like Joe Louis.
00:32:05 No, you won't either, man.
00:32:07 [laughter]
00:32:09 And here I am on the back seat of the bus, you know, sitting with my grandmother.
00:32:12 And she took this grand big box of fried chicken and some light bread.
00:32:16 Uh-oh.
00:32:17 [music]
00:32:21 Fried chicken.
00:32:23 [grunting]
00:32:25 Kelly really an eyeful, ain't she?
00:32:27 You know her?
00:32:28 Yeah.
00:32:29 She's a high-yeller.
00:32:31 Campus chick, studying science or something like that.
00:32:34 They say she's got a real nice future.
00:32:37 Now that she's colored, she don't.
00:32:39 Well, look, who does she go with, huh?
00:32:41 Nobody.
00:32:42 She don't have no time for no dumb street niggers.
00:32:46 Hey, well, I ain't a dumb street nigger.
00:32:49 [explosion]
00:32:51 Now, gal, that's what I call shooting.
00:32:54 If I hadn't have seen that with my own eyes, you know I wouldn't have believed it.
00:32:57 I wouldn't have believed it.
00:32:59 Now, hold on, boy.
00:33:01 Hold on.
00:33:02 My daddy taught me how to shoot just in case situations like this.
00:33:06 Kelly.
00:33:08 Hey, baby.
00:33:09 Are you happy?
00:33:11 David, of course I'm happy.
00:33:13 Why do you ask?
00:33:14 I don't know.
00:33:16 I mean, a high-class colored gal like you coming down here in the war, it just seems strange.
00:33:22 It seems like you're searching for something.
00:33:26 I used to see you around once in a while out driving.
00:33:29 I'd come down Vassie Street just to see you strutting about.
00:33:32 [laughing]
00:33:34 It's true.
00:33:35 Right from the first, you looked like you had such a definite place to go.
00:33:39 And I just wanted to go a little bit of the way with you.
00:33:43 Well, why not all the way?
00:33:47 ♪ I wasn't sure you were the man I was looking for ♪
00:33:54 ♪ I kept on looking and you did too ♪
00:34:01 ♪ Ain't it funny to feel so easy ♪
00:34:08 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad it's you ♪
00:34:15 ♪ Once in your lifetime is lucky ♪
00:34:21 ♪ When you can give your heart to share ♪
00:34:31 ♪ What a wonder I do believe ♪
00:34:37 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad, baby, I'm so glad I found you ♪
00:34:44 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad to know you're in my life ♪
00:34:51 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad, baby, I'm so glad I found you ♪
00:34:58 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad to know you're in my life ♪
00:35:05 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad, baby, I'm so glad I found you ♪
00:35:12 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad to know you're in my life ♪
00:35:19 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad, baby, I'm so glad ♪
00:35:26 ♪ Baby, I'm so glad to know you're in my life ♪
00:35:33 ♪ Baby, baby ♪
00:35:37 Hey, I thought you were asleep.
00:35:42 Why'd you come in last night?
00:35:49 To be with you.
00:35:51 Why didn't you introduce yourself sooner?
00:35:54 I wasn't sure you were the man I was looking for.
00:35:58 Well, when did you decide?
00:36:05 When I saw what you were doing in the war.
00:36:08 You mean the money?
00:36:10 Hell no, I mean what you've done with the numbers here in the war.
00:36:15 Well, I'm in it for a reason.
00:36:20 What?
00:36:22 So I can have something to show.
00:36:24 Something I sure as hell can't have working for no cracker.
00:36:29 [whimpering]
00:36:34 Wake up.
00:36:36 [laughing]
00:36:38 Things was going so good, I knew something had to happen.
00:36:43 That cracker Antoine wasn't gonna sit on his ass forever.
00:36:46 Then one night, everybody was gone except Junebug, Eggie, and Sam, when Antoine's men struck.
00:36:52 Junebug, go get help. Get out of here.
00:36:54 [gunshot]
00:36:56 Junebug!
00:36:58 No!
00:37:03 I knew trouble was coming, but not like it come.
00:37:24 Poor little Junebug never hurt a soul.
00:37:27 Selling a little ice water.
00:37:29 No one knew where he came from, and we never asked.
00:37:32 But we all loved him just like he was our own.
00:37:35 The killings made me more determined than ever to make it.
00:37:39 But setting up a numbers bank down here is dangerous on account of them crazy crackers.
00:37:44 Man, they can't stand to see anybody with nothing.
00:37:47 Especially something that's gonna make us some money.
00:37:50 Next thing you know, they be done sick the Klan or somebody on us.
00:37:54 But me and Blueboy, we gonna stand up to 'em even if it killed us.
00:37:59 I called Blue and told him what happened.
00:38:09 He took it real bad.
00:38:12 I know one thing. If I'd have been there, I'd have killed at least one of 'em.
00:38:16 Look, look, y'all. It's gonna take at least a month to get some new pads printed.
00:38:20 They gotta be printed and shipped in from Chicago.
00:38:23 What supplies left, Makepeace?
00:38:25 We got just about enough for one week.
00:38:27 Jesus, we gotta do something about that and quick.
00:38:30 Now, Makepeace, you always talking about Gaines Joint and Gator City?
00:38:35 You really know where it's at?
00:38:37 Do I know it? I lived over there for three years.
00:38:40 Good.
00:38:42 What are you planning, Davey?
00:38:45 Me? Nothing.
00:38:48 I just think we ought to gather the boys together and have a little talk, that's all.
00:38:53 [music]
00:39:19 We hooked 'em real good anyway, didn't we, Chief?
00:39:22 Yeah, it's too bad Green and Woodward wasn't there. I sure would have gotten off knowing they got their black asses roped in.
00:39:26 Yeah, but next time, Mr. Green, next time we really gonna fix 'em. We gonna fix 'em real good.
00:39:30 [laughing]
00:39:33 Hey, them cleaners is out here. Come on, let's take a look at this.
00:39:37 Let's get the hell out of here.
00:39:47 [music]
00:39:58 Okay, hurry up.
00:40:00 [music]
00:40:29 [music]
00:40:57 Move!
00:41:00 What the hell they doing?
00:41:02 Looks like the KKK is going to the numbers game, boss.
00:41:05 They can't do that. Numbers is nigger business.
00:41:08 You gonna tell 'em that, boss?
00:41:10 [music]
00:41:25 All right, look, y'all destroy the place, yeah?
00:41:28 Oh, no.
00:41:30 Let's go. Let's go.
00:41:32 Destroy!
00:41:34 All right, get a move on.
00:41:36 Evening, y'all.
00:41:50 We didn't know you was having a little party tonight till we seen the cross.
00:41:54 Man, we know it.
00:41:56 This is Nick Gaines' place, ain't it?
00:41:58 Always wanted to give me that damn jigger, but...
00:42:01 Where he at?
00:42:03 Have you, uh, done him yet?
00:42:06 What's the matter? Don't you want to talk much?
00:42:09 Hell, that's all right. He just wants to remain anonymous.
00:42:13 Hell, that don't make sense.
00:42:16 We're all friends, ain't we? Good Christian fighters in that same crusade.
00:42:21 Good.
00:42:22 There ain't nothing better than skinning a goddamn nigger every day.
00:42:26 Hey, I knowed it. I knowed all along.
00:42:29 I knowed who you are. I recognize them boots.
00:42:32 Well, hell, yeah, that's old Cliff Hainsworth's nephew.
00:42:35 I'll bet you that is him. Come on now, fess up, ain't you?
00:42:38 Ain't you? Come on now. Ain't you?
00:42:40 Oh, I knowed it. I knowed it sure as shit.
00:42:43 Fellers, this here is Cliff Hainsworth's nephew.
00:42:47 Now, he's been spending some time in the poky for cutting out some niggers.
00:42:51 Oh!
00:42:53 Yeah.
00:42:54 Pa, I want to get some coons balls one of these days.
00:42:57 Well, yeah, old belly, it might make a man of you.
00:43:00 Yeah.
00:43:01 Now, come on. Come on. We know who you are.
00:43:04 Come on now. Come on now. Fess up.
00:43:07 He's a nigger.
00:43:10 God damn, he is a nigger.
00:43:13 Yeah, badass nigger!
00:43:16 Come on!
00:43:19 Come on! Hold that cliff!
00:43:42 Cliff, hold that!
00:43:46 Come on! Hold that!
00:43:49 What they shout nigger for?
00:43:59 'Cause... Holy shit!
00:44:02 That's just what they is. Both they niggers.
00:44:04 Those are blue boy and green boy.
00:44:14 Now, who'd have thought the damn Klan would have showed up?
00:44:17 Boy, that old grand dragon must have shit in his pants when he see Blink-Blip behind that Klan's hood.
00:44:23 I sure would have liked to see it up close.
00:44:26 But them Klans is crazy.
00:44:28 They'd rather die than see a nigger get away with something.
00:44:43 He did it!
00:44:46 He did it!
00:44:49 We're in the city!
00:44:52 All right, then.
00:44:55 Don't beat my ass.
00:44:57 Here they come!
00:45:00 Here's the tires!
00:45:11 Woo! Woo!
00:45:14 Oh, look at that! Oh, shit!
00:45:38 Are you silly? Son of a bitch!
00:45:41 Woo! Woo!
00:45:44 Woo! Woo!
00:45:47 Woo!
00:46:06 Woo!
00:46:09 Woo!
00:46:18 Where'd you get your fucking driver's license anyway?
00:46:22 See us as robots?
00:46:26 Woo!
00:46:29 Hey, motherfucker, drive!
00:46:42 Woo! Woo! Woo!
00:46:53 Where's your damn--?
00:46:55 I can't, boy! Something's coming up on the other side!
00:46:57 Well, you better! They're crawling on our asses!
00:47:00 Kill 'em!
00:47:03 Jesus!
00:47:07 Hey, watch them goddamn tires!
00:47:10 Jesus!
00:47:13 Woo!
00:47:20 Woo!
00:47:23 Hey, hey, hey, hold it, hold it, hold it!
00:47:26 We didn't stop 'em! We just slowed 'em down!
00:47:28 Yeah, and I'm out of ammo, too!
00:47:30 Goddamn it, you're hitting everything in the fucking road!
00:47:33 I missed the goddamn mule!
00:47:36 What you doing?
00:47:43 They ought to be coming over that hill any second now.
00:47:45 I'm tired of playing games!
00:47:49 Woo!
00:47:52 Goddamn!
00:47:55 That must have been a live stream!
00:48:06 Real funny, huh?
00:48:09 Hey, that's funny, you know, watching Johnny Capper
00:48:11 with a little bit of trouble.
00:48:14 Watching all that mule shit.
00:48:17 Watching all them niggas out around in them clothes.
00:48:20 You should have me worried there for a while, Mr. Stanton.
00:48:23 Thanks a lot.
00:48:25 Yeah, where'd he go?
00:48:27 Sit down, love of the dog, love of drinks.
00:48:30 Sit down.
00:48:33 Get out of my mind!
00:48:36 Real funny, huh?
00:48:44 Yeah, yeah, it was real funny.
00:48:47 You really think that was funny, huh?
00:48:50 All them niggas walking around in them robes?
00:48:53 It was a hell of a lot more than just funny, Joe.
00:48:56 Yeah, yeah, that it was.
00:48:58 Yeah, that it was.
00:49:00 It was expensive for me, and for you, too.
00:49:02 Expensive? I don't understand.
00:49:06 You will, you will.
00:49:10 [music]
00:49:36 Boss, it's not my fault.
00:49:38 I'll make it up to you, I swear, I'll make it up to you.
00:49:41 What's the matter?
00:49:43 There's nothing to be scared about, is there, Collins?
00:49:45 That's right.
00:49:46 Hey, why don't you two go out and take a little ride, get a little fresh air?
00:49:49 It'll help to relax you.
00:49:51 Please, boss, I'll fix everything.
00:49:53 Give me some more time, please.
00:49:54 Come on, Joe, you have plenty of time already.
00:49:57 You just couldn't make it, that's all, could he, Collins?
00:49:59 No, I just couldn't make it.
00:50:02 Joe, there's nothing personal.
00:50:04 There's a lot of guys who are just a little smarter than you, that's all.
00:50:07 And, geez, that's too bad.
00:50:09 I was just beginning to enjoy dealing with you.
00:50:13 Come on, gang, let's go out for a little ride.
00:50:17 Just ask one, please.
00:50:19 Please give me another break.
00:50:21 I said let's go.
00:50:23 [music]
00:50:52 [music]
00:51:07 [music]
00:51:27 [music]
00:51:47 [music]
00:52:12 I'm going to tell you one thing.
00:52:13 If them crackers ain't playing, then that's for sure.
00:52:17 Gaines got exactly what was coming to him.
00:52:20 Dave, but to do that to a man, any man.
00:52:24 Swear to God, have you forgotten so soon?
00:52:27 The color of the white Gaines was out to get us.
00:52:30 He would have liked to have seen us done in.
00:52:32 And who said that we won't be?
00:52:34 Well, I ain't scared.
00:52:35 We built that bank from start to finish.
00:52:37 Remember, the bank is ours.
00:52:39 Oh, come on now, Davey.
00:52:40 We got all the cash we need.
00:52:42 We can start again any time.
00:52:43 I ain't leaving, Blue.
00:52:45 I mean, I was a poor, scared nigger long enough.
00:52:49 And another thing, I'm not asking you to stay either,
00:52:52 because if I gotta, I'll fight for that bank by myself.
00:52:56 [silence]
00:53:12 Hey, Blue, where you going?
00:53:14 I'm going to get a little fresh air.
00:53:16 I got some thinking to do.
00:53:18 [silence]
00:53:34 Come upstairs.
00:53:36 Dave.
00:53:38 Dave, I want to talk to you just for a moment.
00:53:40 Now, listen, baby, it's not the money.
00:53:42 I mean, what me and Blue Boy got here, we made all by ourselves,
00:53:45 without having to crawl to any cracker to beg his favor to do it.
00:53:48 We just went on ahead and did it.
00:53:50 And damn it, now that that bank stands for something,
00:53:52 I ain't gonna let nobody else run it or my life,
00:53:55 'cause their skin happens to be white.
00:53:58 Dave, they're still running your life,
00:54:00 allowing you to live only until they want you dead.
00:54:03 Then bam, you're dead.
00:54:05 Oh, baby, that's just a chance I'm gonna have to take.
00:54:08 Why?
00:54:10 So you can end up dead like Gaines?
00:54:13 Or shot up like Agie and Sam and that poor little Junebug?
00:54:17 You're fighting for a principal?
00:54:20 What the hell with principal? I'm fighting for you.
00:54:23 And where would matters?
00:54:25 Not some numbers bank.
00:54:28 Kelly, Blue Boy and me.
00:54:30 Blue Boy?
00:54:32 Have you looked at Blue Boy lately?
00:54:35 Have you looked at him?
00:54:37 That ain't the same Blue Boy that used to go strutting.
00:54:40 I mean, strutting down Vessie Street,
00:54:42 tipping his hat, smiling at everyone he passes.
00:54:46 He's whipped, and the bank has whipped him.
00:54:50 And now it's gonna kill you.
00:54:52 Oh, baby, what do you want me to do about it?
00:54:55 Get out, lover, with or without me.
00:55:01 Just get out while you're still breathing.
00:55:04 You got all the money you need.
00:55:06 Oh, money don't mean shit.
00:55:08 Don't you know crackers can make money in Valor tomorrow?
00:55:11 And niggers gotta use seashells,
00:55:13 and niggers won't have no seashell.
00:55:16 I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
00:55:18 Baby, with all my money, do you think I can sit down here
00:55:21 and be the owner of a legitimate business?
00:55:23 Well, I can't, because to the white man,
00:55:25 we are all niggers.
00:55:27 And it takes real money like I got to find it out,
00:55:29 so I'm staying.
00:55:31 Well, stay, God damn it!
00:55:39 Things started to go from bad to shit.
00:55:42 I mean, if it wasn't one thing, it was another.
00:55:45 Like the police ups and raids the countin' house
00:55:48 and caught Blue Boy red-handed countin' money.
00:55:51 I was lucky enough to be out with Kelly.
00:55:54 Holly!
00:56:05 Blue Boy!
00:56:07 Blue Boy!
00:56:09 Well, fuck, close this door!
00:56:20 Come on, Jack. Here, take it.
00:56:25 You get ahold of Booker.
00:56:27 Tell him to get down here with some bail money.
00:56:34 Hold it, hold it. You got the wrong gal.
00:56:37 Meet George over here. Come on, let's go.
00:56:40 Let's turn around here.
00:56:42 You ain't too bad, buddy. Come on.
00:56:44 Let's go.
00:56:46 Hold it, right there.
00:56:51 Wow, look at all that money.
00:56:53 Jesus, look at the money.
00:56:55 Gentlemen, go right on. Help yourself. Go ahead.
00:56:58 What the hell is going on here, anyway?
00:57:01 We're just handcuffing the prisoners, Chief.
00:57:03 Well, I don't see no prisoners laying on that there table.
00:57:05 Well, hang on, sirs. We're just gathering evidence.
00:57:08 Well, I tell you what, you be damn sure you save some of that evidence for me, you understand?
00:57:11 Yes, sir.
00:57:12 Now move your lazy asses out of here.
00:57:13 Hold on.
00:57:14 I want these boys put to sleep, Fox.
00:57:16 Seen this here money ain't be coming to evidence.
00:57:29 I got to find me something that is.
00:57:32 This here sure looks interesting.
00:57:34 I bet it's some kind of international gambling code or something.
00:57:40 Jesse, get an axe and chop down this wall.
00:57:43 We are taking it in as evidence.
00:57:46 Move it back. Move it back.
00:57:48 Come on. Come on. Back.
00:57:50 Clear out. Come on.
00:57:52 Move it.
00:57:54 Come on.
00:57:58 Get your back.
00:58:01 Come on.
00:58:07 Yeah, I'm all right.
00:58:08 Come on, buddy.
00:58:09 Don't be such a...
00:58:10 Oh, Lord have mercy. White folks so damn lucky they pissing money.
00:58:16 [laughter]
00:58:18 [laughter]
00:58:20 [laughter]
00:58:22 [laughter]
00:58:24 [laughter]
00:58:26 [laughter]
00:58:28 [laughter]
00:58:30 [laughter]
00:58:32 [laughter]
00:58:34 We in America know that our own democratic institutions can be preserved and made to work.
00:58:43 But in order to preserve them, we need to act together to meet the problems of the nation boldly.
00:58:50 Lord have mercy, child.
00:58:52 Like the damn near scared me to death.
00:58:55 [TV playing]
00:58:58 What do you think you're doing?
00:59:01 Just a present for you.
00:59:04 For me? Well, I sure ain't done nothing deserving.
00:59:08 That's true, but... Well, I don't mind.
00:59:11 Now, what are you doing listening to this for?
00:59:15 Say, where's Davey boy?
00:59:17 Still at the bank, I guess.
00:59:19 You know something? That boy seems able to run that business now without me.
00:59:23 That's good.
00:59:25 Miss Kelly, I'm thinking about permanent retirement.
00:59:28 No, Davey needs you too much.
00:59:30 In two weeks your trial will be over and you'll be back at the bank crazier than ever.
00:59:35 Crazy? Come here.
00:59:39 You still mad at Dave?
00:59:42 No, but I am intending to leave him.
00:59:45 Oh, my. I don't understand that.
00:59:48 I thought you two were making the biggest blaze since Adam and Eve.
00:59:51 Maybe we were, but...
00:59:53 Look, Kelly. Don't leave Dave.
00:59:57 And if you do, take him with you.
00:59:59 What?
01:00:00 You heard me. You take him with you.
01:00:03 'Cause in a few weeks our whole operation ain't gonna be worth a damn.
01:00:07 Once them crackers get a nose full of how big we really is.
01:00:09 But Blue Boy...
01:00:12 You heard him.
01:00:14 The numbers is Dave's whole life.
01:00:17 He's gonna defend it till they kill him.
01:00:20 You sit by and watch that happen.
01:00:23 Don't. You're both young enough.
01:00:26 And the Lord knows you're enough woman for any man.
01:00:29 Get married. Have some kids.
01:00:32 Oh, Kelly, there's a whole world waiting out there for you.
01:00:37 You really do love us, don't you, Blue?
01:00:41 Kelly, God didn't see fit for me to have children of my own flesh and blood.
01:00:47 There ain't no man on Earth that loves his children more than I do, you and Dave.
01:00:53 You and Dave are my children.
01:00:58 And I, for one, am mighty proud. Mighty proud.
01:01:03 But what about you, Blue?
01:01:06 Oh, honey, don't you worry about old Blue Boy.
01:01:09 I'm just gonna sit back and relax.
01:01:12 And take it easy.
01:01:14 You see, Kelly, I'm a little tired now.
01:01:19 I just ain't got the strength to fight the world no more.
01:01:23 God damn it, Blue, I don't care what you say. I'm gonna hire you a lawyer.
01:01:33 Come on, Davey boy. Why don't you just sit on down here and relax?
01:01:36 You gotta learn how to take it easy.
01:01:38 Your head is as hard as a damn hickory nut.
01:01:40 Besides, ain't you a trial know-how?
01:01:42 Don't make no such kind of sense, you going out here hiring a whole bunch of lawyers.
01:01:46 Blue, it's our bank that's on trial. All of us gotta go free.
01:01:50 Davey, you gonna let me take care of this.
01:01:53 What we is charged with ain't no worse than a back alley crap game.
01:01:57 Well, if you really wanna make it worse, you just go strutting into that court with a bunch of fancy lawyers.
01:02:02 And that judge will really know we got something to hide sure enough.
01:02:05 So you think that you gonna go strutting in there without a lawyer and go scot-free?
01:02:09 Shit, I'd like to see that.
01:02:11 You will, son. You surely will.
01:02:14 Ellen Harris, just don't make these jobs...
01:02:19 ...down the path of righteousness.
01:02:22 For in the name of the Lord...
01:02:25 (crying)
01:02:29 ...may the world be rid of darkness, of fear, no evil.
01:02:36 No evil.
01:02:38 Lord and staff will comfort me.
01:02:42 Oh, you noise my head. Yes, you noise my head.
01:02:46 I'm noise your head.
01:02:49 I can cuff you on your nose.
01:02:51 No, I can't.
01:02:53 (crying)
01:03:00 Order. Order in the courtroom.
01:03:05 Order. Order in this here courtroom.
01:03:08 I'll have order.
01:03:10 Order. Order. Order.
01:03:15 You're damn sure they're New York gangsters.
01:03:19 Information I got.
01:03:21 Hudson.
01:03:28 Come here, boy.
01:03:32 What is this? Where's all these international gamblers like it says here in this complaint?
01:03:37 Well, your honor, there has been a plot owned down in the ward...
01:03:42 ...of a bunch of New York gangsters come down here...
01:03:45 ...and swindle these here colored boys into playing the nigger pool.
01:03:49 (chatter)
01:03:51 - Nigger pool, huh? - Yes, sir.
01:03:53 Well, where is all these New York gangsters you've been telling us about?
01:03:58 Well, sir, as a matter of fact, we nipped it right in the bud.
01:04:02 Yes, exactly what we did. As a matter of fact...
01:04:04 ...and I'll never give them a chance. No, sir.
01:04:07 They got away.
01:04:09 I'm sorry to say with all the cash evidence...
01:04:11 ...but they left these here colored boys holding the bag...
01:04:15 (chatter)
01:04:16 ...and everyone of them is guilty of a slew of offenses.
01:04:20 (chatter)
01:04:22 All the cash evidence?
01:04:27 Yes, sir.
01:04:29 What kind of evidence do you have?
01:04:32 Yeah, what kind of evidence do you have?
01:04:35 Your honor, just one second, please, if I may.
01:04:38 Gentlemen, please.
01:04:40 What is that?
01:04:44 What in the hell is that?
01:04:48 Well, your honor...
01:04:55 ...uh, that's a wall.
01:04:58 A wall?
01:05:00 Uh, you... Judge, do you see all of that writing on it?
01:05:05 Every bit of that, sir, is nigger pool code.
01:05:10 What does it mean?
01:05:12 Well, now, we haven't rightly been able to figure that out.
01:05:15 You can't figure it out, huh?
01:05:17 Well, can anybody figure it out?
01:05:19 What did the defendant say it were?
01:05:21 - Nothing. - Nothing.
01:05:23 Can anybody figure it out?
01:05:25 Well, your honor...
01:05:28 ...they all said that it was writing on the wall.
01:05:31 Order!
01:05:33 Sit down. Sit down. Sit down.
01:05:36 Hudson, I don't like this worth a damn, understand?
01:05:41 It looks to me like somebody's cooking up a stew...
01:05:43 make my nigger boys here look a little bit silly, and I don't...
01:05:46 But, your honor...
01:05:47 Quiet!
01:05:48 I'll not have this court intimidated by any so-called public servants.
01:05:52 Is that clear?
01:05:55 Yes, sir.
01:05:57 Further, long as our niggers continue to behave themselves...
01:06:00 ...mind their own business, and don't cause no trouble for no one...
01:06:04 ...I don't want to see two damn fools like you...
01:06:08 ...picking on them. Is that clear?
01:06:11 - Yes, sir. - Good.
01:06:13 If I catch any white man, local or foreign...
01:06:16 ...messing in this nigger pool business...
01:06:18 ...I am personally going to see theirs run out of town...
01:06:22 ...after they does time.
01:06:24 Is that clear?
01:06:26 - Yes, sir. - Good.
01:06:28 Case dismissed. Courts adjourned.
01:06:31 (cheering)
01:06:34 - Anoint his head, child. - Anoint his head, child.
01:06:55 (laughing)
01:06:57 I don't know about the rest of them getting dressed.
01:06:59 - I mean... - (laughing)
01:07:01 Baby! Ha!
01:07:03 Hey, son, what's wrong?
01:07:05 Listen, you won the case.
01:07:07 You tired, tired, handkerchief-head old man.
01:07:11 You made me sick.
01:07:14 Bowing and scraping and crawling on your knees...
01:07:17 ...begging them for mercy like they was your masters.
01:07:20 You made them think we ain't nothing more than a bunch of ignorant, no-count niggers.
01:07:25 Son, what they think don't matter.
01:07:28 Don't you know having the crackers' respect...
01:07:31 ...don't mean that we are one bit less niggers to them?
01:07:33 Yeah, but it still didn't give you the right to go crawling on the floor like you did.
01:07:37 Lord have mercy. Amen, Jesus.
01:07:40 - You made me sick. - Baby...
01:07:43 ...I did what I thought was best for us.
01:07:45 For you. The best way I know how.
01:07:48 Yeah, but there were other ways. I swear there were other ways.
01:07:51 Sure. I could have gone into that court in my fine blue serge suit...
01:07:56 ...trailing behind a bunch of fancy lawyers you agent hired.
01:08:00 Flash the big bankroll.
01:08:02 But none of that...
01:08:04 ...none of that would have brought a nigger justice.
01:08:07 Oh, Davey White folks is crazy.
01:08:09 They believes all that shit their grandmammy tell them about niggers.
01:08:13 They spew it out...
01:08:15 ...and their children lap it up.
01:08:17 And just as long as they believe it...
01:08:20 makes it easy for us to fool them.
01:08:24 And you call being reduced to nothing fooling them?
01:08:28 Crackers ain't that crazy.
01:08:30 Now I can see fighting them and losing them, but doing what you done...
01:08:34 Davey, do you think I'm proud of what I've done?
01:08:37 You think I've been proud all my life having to bow my head in Tom?
01:08:44 Just so that I could survive.
01:08:51 Just so that I could survive.
01:08:54 Son, I did what I done today for you.
01:09:01 For you young'uns.
01:09:04 'Cause you young'uns got to carry on the good fight.
01:09:16 Me?
01:09:17 My kind were finished.
01:09:20 But you can't do it behind bars.
01:09:23 Now, son, we walked out of that courtroom free.
01:09:29 Not lynched, not penniless, but free.
01:09:35 But even freedom ain't worth crawling on your goddamn knees.
01:09:40 You don't understand.
01:09:44 Davey!
01:09:47 Davey!
01:09:49 Davey!
01:09:51 Davey!
01:09:54 [door opens]
01:09:56 [footsteps]
01:10:24 [music]
01:10:31 Hey, Blue.
01:10:34 She's all through.
01:10:37 What you gonna do now?
01:10:42 Say, Blue, all the numbers fly away.
01:10:52 What you gonna do now?
01:10:56 What you gonna do?
01:10:59 She's all through.
01:11:02 Hey, Blue.
01:11:05 What you gonna do now?
01:11:08 There's nothing left.
01:11:11 Ain't no fun.
01:11:14 Ain't no lovin' left.
01:11:17 Young Fox went and got his tailwind.
01:11:21 Hey, Blue.
01:11:24 What you gonna do now?
01:11:27 What you gonna do now?
01:11:31 Hey, Blue.
01:11:34 Blue.
01:11:36 Hey, Blue.
01:11:39 What you gonna do now?
01:11:42 [music]
01:11:48 Hey, Blue.
01:11:50 Hey, Blue.
01:11:52 Hey, Blue.
01:11:54 [cheering]
01:11:56 [music]
01:11:58 Hey, Blue.
01:12:00 Hey, Blue.
01:12:02 Hey, Blue.
01:12:04 Hey, Blue.
01:12:06 [cheering]
01:12:08 Blue.
01:12:10 What you gonna do now?
01:12:13 Blue.
01:12:15 Blue.
01:12:16 Hey, Blue.
01:12:18 [cheering]
01:12:21 Hey, Blue.
01:12:23 [cheering]
01:12:26 Hey, Blue.
01:12:28 Dave, don't.
01:12:33 I don't understand.
01:12:35 I know you don't understand.
01:12:37 That's why I'm leavin'.
01:12:40 [music]
01:12:47 At least let me drive you to the station.
01:12:51 No, we can say goodbye right here.
01:12:55 [music]
01:13:18 [screaming]
01:13:21 Hi there.
01:13:22 Easy, easy. Take it easy.
01:13:25 You wouldn't want to get hurt now, would you?
01:13:28 Take it easy.
01:13:30 That's it.
01:13:32 Maybe we can all have a little fun at this party.
01:13:34 What do you say? Huh?
01:13:36 Oh.
01:13:38 Me and you are gonna get along just fine.
01:13:41 I can feel it.
01:13:43 We're gonna get along just fine.
01:13:47 Go upstairs and get green down here.
01:13:49 And if he gives you any trouble,
01:13:51 shoot him.
01:13:53 [music]
01:14:12 Now hold it right there, sunshine.
01:14:15 Get your hands up.
01:14:18 Get your hands up, boy.
01:14:21 Now you and me gonna take a little trip downstairs, huh?
01:14:27 -Dave! -Shh!
01:14:29 I wouldn't want to have to ugly up that pretty little black face of yours.
01:14:33 Understand?
01:14:36 Move, nigga, move!
01:14:40 [screaming]
01:14:46 [thudding]
01:14:49 -Kill him! -Nigga, pull the green!
01:14:52 I swear I'll kill this bitch!
01:14:57 Now drop the gun.
01:15:02 Drop it.
01:15:07 [thudding]
01:15:09 Hey, look, if it's the money you want,
01:15:19 you can have it all.
01:15:21 Just let my woman go.
01:15:23 He don't want your money, nigga.
01:15:25 He wants you.
01:15:26 Who wants me?
01:15:28 Me.
01:15:29 Louis Antoine.
01:15:31 I want you.
01:15:33 And I usually get what I want.
01:15:35 Well, there ain't nothing here belongs to you.
01:15:37 And that's where you're wrong.
01:15:39 It all belongs to me now.
01:15:41 Where's his partner?
01:15:43 Ain't nowhere in the house, boss.
01:15:45 Well, that's okay.
01:15:46 We got plenty of time.
01:15:48 We'll just sit around and wait for him to come home.
01:15:50 And when he comes home, we'll give him a little party, huh?
01:15:53 [chuckles]
01:15:55 And you, get something good and strong to tie this one up good and tight.
01:15:59 What about the dame, boss?
01:16:01 Why, Carlos.
01:16:04 You want her?
01:16:05 Yeah, why not?
01:16:07 Hey, you want to change your luck a little, huh?
01:16:10 Why the hell not?
01:16:11 Go ahead, take her upstairs.
01:16:12 You son of a--
01:16:13 [gunshot]
01:16:14 David!
01:16:15 You don't even touch him, bitch!
01:16:17 You understand?
01:16:18 I'll kill him!
01:16:19 [grunts]
01:16:22 The only way you're going to have me, cracker,
01:16:25 is if you kill me first!
01:16:27 Understand?
01:16:28 This one's mine.
01:16:30 You...
01:16:31 stupid...
01:16:34 nigger whore!
01:16:36 I'm going to teach you a lesson you ain't going to forget to your dying day!
01:16:43 Boy, you ain't going to teach nobody nothing.
01:16:46 Up on your feet.
01:16:48 [grunts]
01:16:50 [gunshots]
01:16:54 [gunshots]
01:16:56 [glass shattering]
01:16:59 [gunshots]
01:17:02 [gunshots]
01:17:05 [gunshots]
01:17:08 [glass shattering]
01:17:09 [gunshots]
01:17:12 [footsteps]
01:17:15 [moaning]
01:17:17 Easy.
01:17:18 Easy, son.
01:17:19 Come on now, easy.
01:17:20 All right.
01:17:21 See if we can get him up.
01:17:23 [moaning]
01:17:25 I'm all right.
01:17:26 Now, how you doing?
01:17:27 [gunshots]
01:17:29 [moaning]
01:17:33 [gunshots]
01:17:35 [moaning]
01:17:39 Don't touch him!
01:17:40 [moaning]
01:17:44 Hope.
01:17:46 Hope.
01:17:50 I didn't mean to hit you, Blue.
01:17:55 Forgive me, please.
01:17:57 Forgive me.
01:17:59 Forgive me!
01:18:02 [sobbing]
01:18:17 Get your things and go.
01:18:20 Blue is right.
01:18:22 Ain't nothing here but death.
01:18:24 No, I'm staying.
01:18:25 [sobbing]
01:18:28 [music playing]
01:18:34 Blue boy used to say you-- you never miss the water
01:18:37 till the well runs dry.
01:18:39 Well, I sure miss Blue.
01:18:41 You know, next to Kelly, I guess I ain't never loved nobody
01:18:44 as much as I loved old Blue boy.
01:18:46 I just wish now that I'd have showed it
01:18:48 when he could have seen it.
01:18:50 I was so busy trying to be a big time numbers man,
01:18:53 I couldn't see for looking.
01:18:55 I never know how much Blue cared for me and Kelly.
01:18:58 I never understood what Blue was trying
01:19:00 to knock into my thick skull.
01:19:03 To Blue boy, the-- the important thing was to pass it on.
01:19:07 Like-- like them foot races where one runner passes
01:19:11 a stick on to another runner and keeps on running and running
01:19:14 until it's time for him to pass it on.
01:19:18 Blue boy passed it on to me, and I--
01:19:20 I guess it's my turn now.
01:19:23 Blue boy took it just-- just as far as he could go.
01:19:26 And if us niggers keep passing it on, maybe someday,
01:19:30 just-- just maybe someday, we'll pull up
01:19:33 alongside them crackers and maybe--
01:19:36 maybe even pull ahead.
01:19:38 The Lord knows I'd love to see that day.
01:19:41 My trial's coming up next week.
01:19:44 Kelly wants me to get a big time lawyer,
01:19:47 but I reckon I don't need one.
01:19:50 I got to pass on more than I got from Blue boy,
01:19:54 just as he pass on more than he got.
01:19:58 Them dumb fucking crackers, they'll fall for it again.
01:20:04 Sometimes-- sometimes they just dumber than mules.
01:20:08 [music playing]
01:20:11 [music playing]
01:20:14 [music playing]
01:20:17 [music playing]
01:20:20 [music playing]
01:20:23 [music playing]
01:20:26 [music playing]
01:20:28 I see the Lord.
01:20:31 He's touching me.
01:20:35 I feel him calling softly.
01:20:38 [music playing]
01:20:41 Goodbye, goodbye to earthly woe.
01:20:49 He's come to take me home.
01:20:55 Yeah.
01:20:57 He's come to take me home.
01:21:02 [music playing]
01:21:05 (gentle music)
