Where exactly is Hurricane Lee headed?

  • last year
You've likely been hearing about Hurricane Lee for days already, and if you're in the northeastern U.S., you can expect to keep hearing about it for days to come. Here's why.
00:00 Our top story tonight is all about Hurricane Lee.
00:03 Here's a look at the current eye path for Lee.
00:06 AccuWeather was the first source to issue any forecast
00:08 for Lee, 24 hours before the National Hurricane Center
00:12 and any other source.
00:13 Our goal is to always help keep you safer
00:16 and provide the most advanced notice
00:18 so you can make the best decisions for you and your family.
00:21 A reason to get onto accuweather.com, the AccuWeather app,
00:24 or just watch us right here on the AccuWeather network.
00:26 And there's Lee's eye path, folks.
00:28 You see, it's one of those hurry up and wait scenarios.
00:31 I mean, it seems like a week ago,
00:32 we were talking about, well, Lee's coming, Lee's coming,
00:35 and it's still coming, it's still coming,
00:37 but it's not gonna get to Atlantic Canada for, gosh,
00:42 five days, maybe six days.
00:44 So it's gonna make it take its own sweet time getting there.
00:47 If you look at the track here, folks,
00:48 you see, when will it take the jog to the north?
00:51 That's the key here.
00:52 It's gonna pass west of Bermuda later this week
00:56 with tropical storm impacts on that island.
00:59 And then as it moves north,
01:01 we'll get to what happens then momentarily.
01:04 I wanna give you a quick look at the radar here, folks,
01:06 across what's happening in the northeast.
01:08 Now, here in New England,
01:09 we may be experiencing some impacts from Lee
01:12 by this upcoming weekend, but this is current radar,
01:14 and you see all those flashing boxes.
01:16 We have flash flood warnings across much of New England,
01:19 from Massachusetts outside of Boston and down to Providence.
01:23 We just got some reports here in Providence, Rhode Island,
01:25 of at least two dozen people having to be rescued
01:28 from submerged vehicles right there in downtown Providence.
01:32 So it's a dangerous situation.
01:34 And as a matter of fact,
01:36 just farther south down I-95 into New York City,
01:38 MetLife Stadium,
01:39 the shelter in place order right now for some thunderstorms.
01:45 We've also had a lot of delays at the airports too
01:47 in New York City.
01:49 But I wanna bring you back to
01:50 what's gonna be happening here.
01:51 What you need to know as we move forward this week,
01:54 as far as Hurricane Lee is concerned,
01:57 it's gonna stay well east of Florida,
01:59 Wednesday into Thursday.
02:01 And the odds are still favoring it staying well to the east
02:04 of the US East Coast.
02:05 Dangerous rip currents, however,
02:07 are gonna be a big problem for us.
02:08 And here's another look at Lee.
02:10 And one thing to consider is this,
02:11 you'll see the cone of uncertainty.
02:14 As it moves west of Bermuda later this week,
02:17 that cone is about 250 miles wide, okay?
02:21 But then you go a couple of days into the future here,
02:24 look how wide that cone is.
02:26 The center of the storm
02:29 could enter into New England this weekend,
02:31 or it could be way the heck out here
02:33 hundreds of miles off the coast.
02:36 So there's the uncertainty right there.
02:38 And this is often the case when you look at a track
02:41 of a tropical cyclone several days into the future.
02:44 That track gets wider with time.
02:47 It's a forecast certainty pretty much.
02:51 So the Hurricanes Lee rain and wind.
02:53 What you're looking at here
02:54 is from late Friday night through Sunday night,
02:57 the percent chance if you're in New England,
03:00 the Jersey shore of getting rain and wind from Lee, okay?
03:04 And as you see New York City, Long Island,
03:06 the chance is pretty low.
03:08 But as you head up the coast
03:09 toward Southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod,
03:12 and down East Maine,
03:14 right now it looks like these areas here
03:16 have the greatest threat for getting impacts
03:18 of rain and wind from Hurricane Lee.
03:21 But it wouldn't be until this upcoming weekend.
03:23 Here's a view of what's happening out here
03:25 in the open Atlantic.
03:26 We have Margo, which is also a hurricane
03:28 that will not impact the US as it moves North.
03:30 And there's Hurricane Lee.
03:31 It looks pretty ominous out there.
03:33 It's North of Puerto Rico right now.
03:35 The sustained winds are 115 miles an hour.
03:38 That makes it a category three storm.
03:41 As it moves its way to the North,
03:42 it'll be steered around that Bermuda High
03:45 as it makes its way West of Bermuda later this week.
03:48 Now, as we head through the week,
03:50 there are two scenarios.
03:51 Scenario number one,
03:53 it'll be pushed farther out to sea,
03:55 and that would be good news for the East Coast of the US.
03:58 But this is another potential scenario,
04:01 a scenario number two,
04:02 where the midweek trough doesn't really impact Lee.
04:05 So it kinda steers its way more so toward the Gulf of Maine.
04:10 And that path is less likely,
04:12 but it's something we still have to consider.
04:14 We'll keep you posted as we move on.
