Miracles for Heroes supporting our Veterans

  • last year
Get ready for an amazing time with The Spinners & The Miracles. The concert Miracles for Heroes is supporting our Veterans and also giving them an amazing night of entertainment. Saturday, September 30th at the Orpheum Theater – doors open at 5pm and the magic starts at 6pm. Learn more at www.themiraclesmusic.com
00:00 At the end of the month, there is a great way to honor our veterans and hear the sounds
00:04 of Motown, and it is at the Miracles of Heroes concert.
00:07 And joining us is the Miracles of Motown group here.
00:10 There they are.
00:11 What's up?
00:12 What's up?
00:13 Sidney here, who is in spokesperson right now.
00:15 Let's talk a little about this, because when people think of the Miracles, they go back
00:18 to, you know, the Motown, the original group.
00:21 But people have to realize, this was a group that interchanged at time, too.
00:24 And so that's where you guys have gotten the blessing to be kind of like the new Miracles
00:29 out there touring.
00:30 So tell us a little about that.
00:31 Yeah, new Miracles.
00:32 We're the new Miracles from 20 years now.
00:34 20 years.
00:35 So 20 years worth of the new Miracles.
00:38 And it's just been a pleasure, man, to follow up behind the legacy like that, you know,
00:43 from the first group to ever sign the Motown records.
00:46 And Barry Gordy, Smokey Robinson, all of those, you know, fabulous artists of Motown, the
00:52 Supremes, the Four Tops, the Temptations, all of that, you know.
00:55 So we're part of that whole family.
00:57 Yeah, I like that.
00:58 And it's been a pleasure to do this for that long.
01:01 Yeah.
01:02 Let's meet the group here.
01:03 So who do we have?
01:04 I am Eric Swindle.
01:05 Kerry Justin.
01:06 Cordell Conway.
01:07 You know, I feel like right now, I feel like Don Cornelius right now.
01:08 That was a soul-traveler right there.
01:09 Just as y'all winged in.
01:10 You know, that was the thing about this.
01:11 But what we have to mention is that you guys are actually former football players, a couple
01:24 of you here, right?
01:25 Yes, yes.
01:26 And so that is with you.
01:27 And you play for the Rams?
01:28 Myself, I play for the Rams and the Colts.
01:30 And my brother, Kerry, he played for the Seahawks.
01:33 So nice.
01:34 So we both defensive backs.
01:36 So there you go.
01:37 And that's what's so interesting is that a lot of football players do get into music
01:39 and sometimes they don't get to have this chance right here.
01:42 Being actually, as we say, having the blessing, even from Smokey Robinson, talking with you
01:47 and getting you guys knowing that that tradition is being carried on.
01:51 Definitely, definitely.
01:52 Most definitely.
01:53 So I like that.
01:54 Okay, let's talk about the big concert coming up.
01:56 This is such a very, very important event coming up and you guys are doing it at the
01:59 Orfram Theater and that is the Miracles of Honors, our veterans and stuff.
02:05 But you aren't the only ones performing, am I right?
02:07 Exactly, yeah.
02:08 We have the Spinners going to be on the show as well.
02:10 The Spinners.
02:11 It's going to be hot.
02:12 If they don't know what the Spinners are, the Spinners are hot.
02:15 They're tight.
02:16 They have to understand it's tight.
02:17 And what's really great is that tickets are available right now.
02:19 It's going to be a very important night there because there's some special guests going
02:22 to be there for this.
02:25 And we're also going to be talking about helping our veterans.
02:29 There's a pack out there right now that is very important to our veterans and this is
02:33 important to our community here, which is so great.
02:35 Most definitely.
02:36 So seeing that done.
02:37 But I've got to ask you, so growing up watching the Miracles, how does it feel being in the
02:41 group?
02:42 Oh my God.
02:43 My parents, they were always listening to the Miracles, always listening to the old
02:48 school stuff.
02:50 And when I found out that I was going to be a part of the Miracles, I fainted.
02:53 Yeah.
02:54 I know, and that's the whole thing about the group.
02:56 You know what I'm saying?
02:57 The group, you know the ladies.
02:58 I know.
02:59 You're from Detroit.
03:00 I'm from Detroit.
03:01 I'm a Motown kid.
03:02 My aunt was a teacher from Motown.
03:03 And I know this group very well.
03:04 I know the songs and everything like that.
03:06 So I'm very excited to be emceeing this event on September 30th down at the Orphan Theater.
03:11 You've got to go check it out.
03:12 You've got to be there.
03:14 So please, go get tickets right now.
03:16 It's important for our veterans, but also to see this group perform.
03:19 Alright, you going to do a little bit for us?
03:20 Yeah, we're going to do a little something.
03:21 Ladies and gentlemen, here they are, the Miracles Motown group.
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