$1.1 Billion in Sports Betting Revenue in August for New York

  • last year
00:00 uh...
00:04 uh... okay so if i'm reading this right one point one billion dollars
00:09 in sports betting revenue
00:11 in the summer here for new york uh... in august and if that is correct
00:17 i can only
00:19 do some quick math that tells me that's a lot of tax money
00:22 that's going to the state of one point one is correct
00:26 yet one point one billion credit i really want to focus on the handle
00:29 number here because
00:30 no last year uh... i think in august uh... twenty-two
00:34 new york at eight hundred seventy two million and i think what really this
00:36 goes to
00:37 show is you know jake paul and better you know he
00:40 hasn't really gotten that sportsbook off the ground that he he co-founded
00:44 uh... they've had very low handle revenue share really a rounding error in
00:47 in the states that they're in but
00:49 this august the fight between jake paul and nate diaz
00:52 i don't think people are watching celebrity boxing but apparently there's
00:54 a lot
00:55 i think tracking said it was the second most wagered
00:57 fight that it had offered
00:59 and that's just goes to show you know the power of uh...
01:02 people's brand i guess it is that
01:05 you know that that was a huge number i think that was the biggest week that
01:07 new york it had
01:08 was like a three hundred million dollar week
01:10 uh... that's just not something that happens uh... in the offseason usually
01:13 this is
01:14 no baseball tennis and golf you know
01:16 sports that are lesser bad and you get the you know the n_f_l_ preseason
01:19 finally get into the n_f_l_ season comes temper
01:21 this number skyrocket but
01:22 yet to show that maybe there's got to be more fights you know and they want
01:26 those handle and revenue numbers up
01:27 they need to rely on these these boxing these and in a uh...
01:30 matches in in the slower months because i think all
01:33 maybe s fight seem to have done huge numbers and really boost that number up
01:37 uh... yet but like you said more tax money for new york
01:39 we talked about the controversial fifty one percent number
01:42 with the tax rate that many sports books and playing about but
01:45 you know if the state's gonna continue to make lots of revenue on if there's
01:47 no reason for them to change itself
01:49 i think again that's another story line right with that whether it's college
01:51 betting pro betting whatever it is
01:53 another story line that's not going away but
01:55 your continues to crush it and uh...
01:57 their credit to take all in the back and sell a fight and i think it's all
01:59 sports but but it's really so fight
02:01 fight
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