Man Steals $1.6 Million Bucket of Gold No One Notices

  • last year
Man takes 1.6 million dollar bucket of gold bricks from a Loomis truck with out anyone stopping or noticing him.


00:00 A man walking by an open Loomis truck just grabbed a bucket of gold flakes
00:04 and walked away. I mean check out this video that was captured on security
00:08 cameras. And the security footage also shows two old dudes who are supposed to
00:11 be watching the truck or just standing there not even watching. Do you think
00:14 they have a job anymore? Probably not. And here he is struggling trying to carry
00:18 the five-gallon bucket and no one did a thing. This is like a comedy of errors.
00:23 Like this could literally be in a movie. "We all work together over at Loomis. That
00:28 strikes me as an incredible opportunity." "You talking about robbing a bank?" And
00:33 here's the crazy thing. Even with our advanced technology, police have been
00:36 looking at the surveillance footage and still haven't found this guy yet since
00:39 September 29th. At the same time it makes you wonder what do you think this guy is
00:43 doing right now? Like is he in Mexico chilling on a beach? Maybe he got like a
00:48 ton of plastic surgery so no one knows who he is anymore.
00:51 Fernando Serna comments, "Don't even bother looking for him. He's probably in
00:54 Dubai by now." And Mark Jackson says, "1. Learn how to melt gold. 2. Melt gold. 3.
01:00 Wait five years. 4. Sell gold." For more trends like these just go to
