Tensions au Niger : Macron se fait dézinguer par les diplomates français

  • last year
à é. : https://www.youtube.com/@EbeneMediaTVActu?sub_confirmation=1
Dans un contexte de tensions diplomatiques croissantes entre la France et le Niger, l'avenir de l'ambassadeur français au Niger, Sylvain Itté, suscite des inquiétudes. Malgré les demandes d'expulsion émanant du Conseil national pour la sauvegarde de la patrie (CNSP) au pouvoir au Niger, le président Emmanuel Macron a affirmé que l'ambassadeur resterait en poste, ce qui a renforcé les rumeurs circulant au ministère des Affaires étrangères. Toutefois, cette décision soulève des interrogations quant à l'intérêt et aux perspectives d'une telle maintien, dans un contexte défavorable à la présence française en Afrique. Les militaires français ont déjà dû se retirer de plusieurs pays de la région, suscitant des doutes quant à la position de la France. Malgré les pressions des autorités illégitimes, la France refuse de rappeler son ambassadeur, tandis que la junte militaire au pouvoir au Niger a levé l'immunité diplomatique de l'ambassadeur et ordonné son expulsion.
Cette situation complexe met en lumière les défis auxquels est confrontée la diplomatie française dans la région du Sahel. Les diplomates s'inquiètent de la sécurité de l'ambassadeur et de son équipe, remise en question par la décision de la junte militaire. Les perspectives de résolution de cette crise sont incertaines, car les négociations semblent au point mort et aucune élection n'est prévue. Les intérêts et les enjeux géopolitiques liés à la présence française en Afrique sont multiples, ce qui rend la situation encore plus délicate. Alors que la France cherche à maintenir sa position sans compromettre ses intérêts, seule l'avenir révélera comment cette crise diplomatique évoluera et quelles seront les répercussions sur les relations entre les deux pays.
#Macron #diplomates #Niger #France #nigerfrance #franceniger #ebenemediatv #mgm #nigerputsch #putschniger #Ambassadeur #MaintienEnPoste #Pressions #ConseilNationalPourLaSauvegardeDeLaPatrie #ContexteDéfavorable #PrésenceFrançaiseEnAfrique #MilitairesFrançais #JunteMilitaire #ImmunitéDiplomatique #Sécurité #Sahel #Géopolitique #CriseDiplomatique
' .
00:00 For a few days now, rumors have been circulating in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding
00:13 the post of ambassador of France in Niger, Sylvain Hite.
00:17 These rumors have been reinforced by the recent speech of President Emmanuel Macron in front
00:21 of French ambassadors, where he stated that the ambassador would remain in office despite
00:25 the pressure and statements of the illegitimate authorities.
00:28 However, this statement arouses concerns among diplomats, who emphasize that diplomacy
00:34 often requires a nuanced approach to find solutions on sensitive issues.
00:38 The National Council for the Preservation of the Country, CNSP, in power in Niger, had
00:44 however requested the departure of the ambassador of France under 48 hours.
00:48 A letter was addressed to Paris, announcing that the agency had ordered the expulsion
00:53 of the ambassador by instructing the police services in this direction.
00:56 The letter also specified that the ambassador no longer benefited from the privileges and
01:00 immunity attached to his status as a member of the diplomatic staff of the Embassy of
01:05 France.
01:06 This situation thus questions the security of the ambassador and his team, arousing
01:10 deep concern among diplomats.
01:13 The new Nigerian military government has announced that it has lifted diplomatic immunity
01:18 of the ambassador of France Sylvain Hite and ordered his expulsion after the expiration
01:22 of a delay of 48 hours for his departure.
01:24 In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Niamé specified that the ambassador
01:30 no longer benefited from the privileges and immunity attached to his status as a member
01:33 of the diplomatic staff of the Embassy of France.
01:36 Military leaders who took power during the coup d'état of July 26 gave an ultimatum
01:41 to the ambassador to leave the country, but the latter declined the invitation to meet
01:45 the new leaders.
01:46 France refused to recall its ambassador, stating that despite the pressure of the
01:51 illegitimate authorities, it would remain in Niamé.
01:55 This situation arouses questions among diplomats as to the interest and perspective
01:59 of a maintenance of the ambassador in Niger, given the current unfavorable context
02:04 to the French presence in Africa.
02:06 French military have already had to leave several countries in the region, and some
02:10 believe that Emmanuel Macron's position aims perhaps to show that France does not
02:14 does not put a knee on the ground.
02:15 However, the situation in Niger is much more complex.
02:19 For the moment, negotiations seem to be deadlocked and no election is planned.
02:24 The military intervention of the CDAO does not seem envisageable for various reasons.
02:29 French diplomacy is faced with a challenge of size in this strategic region of Africa,
02:34 and only the future will tell us how this situation will evolve.
02:38 Do not forget to subscribe and especially to click on the notification bell.
02:42 Like the video if you haven't already.
02:45 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:47 (air whooshing)
