• 2 years ago
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In this episode of ""Opinion,"" Mr. Sujit Nair delves into the significance of recognizing the visionary leaders of our past who laid the foundation for institutions that continue to benefit our nation today. He highlights the recent celebration surrounding Chandrayaan-3, an achievement that filled every Indian with pride and led to widespread praise for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). However, Mr. Nair underscores the importance of acknowledging the pivotal role played by leaders such as Pandit Nehru and later, Indira Gandhi, in establishing ISRO as an organization of excellence.

Mr. Nair's argument revolves around the idea that while we applaud and appreciate the accomplishments of the current government, we should not forget the contributions of our historical leaders who set the stage for such achievements. He advocates for a balanced perspective, suggesting that every national leader, regardless of their political affiliation, should receive due credit when we celebrate these successes.

In essence, Mr. Nair's perspective encourages a holistic appreciation of the nation's progress, emphasizing the continuity of efforts across different administrations and recognizing that the legacy of visionary leaders extends beyond their time in office. By doing so, he encourages a sense of unity and gratitude for the collective efforts that have propelled the nation's growth and accomplishments in various fields.

#Legacy #Chandrayaan3 #Modi #ISRO #Opinion #SujitNair #Nehru #HWNews #BJP #Congress #Institute #IIT #Trending
00:00 Welcome to another episode of Opinion.
00:02 You know, Opinion is the most favorite program of the week. It's my most favorite program of the
00:17 week. You know why? Because I can talk what I feel like. I don't have to get research data,
00:24 you know, clips and reports and all. I don't have to show you all that. I can tell you
00:30 what I feel like. Of course, as always, it's up to you what you take, what you don't.
00:35 Now, this week, I had again gone for a social function. And somebody came up to me and said
00:43 that, you know, Sujith, you made a statement which I thought was wrong, this gentleman told me.
00:49 A very senior gentleman. In fact, he is into production. Very few people in production that
00:54 I know, he is one of them. So, he is into production and all that. Large multinational
00:59 company. He is at a global level job. He came and told me, he said, listen, you know what,
01:03 India will grow, and I said this, he is right, I said, India will grow regardless whichever
01:11 government it is. India will grow regardless whichever Prime Minister sits in that chair.
01:16 India will grow because India is poised to grow. I said, no one government or no one person can
01:21 take credit of anything that has happened in India. I said that. He said, that was a very,
01:28 very loosely made statement, he told me. It's not like that. He said, what do you mean,
01:34 India will grow? He said, if there is a bad Prime Minister, if the Prime Minister doesn't work,
01:38 will India grow? Look at what happened now, in the last 10 years. Look at how we have transformed.
01:45 I mean, he said, let's just take a simple example. You know, that famous whatever cliché that is
01:50 going around, that joke that, you know, in Pakistan's flag, we have moon and in moon,
01:56 we have Indian flag. So, you know, something of that sort, he said. You know, all this is
01:59 happening. Look at what happened. You know, where is Pakistan today and where is India?
02:03 We are in the moon. So, he said, do you think that it is not because of the government?
02:08 It is not because of the current Prime Minister, who is working day and night to make all this
02:15 happen? Okay. Now, the thing is, I am not disputing that the Prime Minister is working very hard.
02:22 I'm not saying that this government has not done good work. I'm not saying all of that.
02:26 What I'm saying, and I repeat, and I stick to what I say, that India growth is not because of
02:34 one government, nor is it because of one person. And that is, I will never change my opinion on
02:40 that one. Nor will I change the opinion that tomorrow if there is another government coming
02:46 in, and if there is another Prime Minister, regardless of which that government is, who the
02:49 Prime Minister is, India will still grow because we are poised to grow. Now, I will give you a
02:55 simple example. You see, when you say that, Pakistan dekho kidhar hai, and see, look where we are.
03:04 Okay. Pakistan got independence 14th August, 1947. India got independence 15th August, 1947.
03:14 We got independence almost on the same day. In fact, Pakistan is a day elder to us.
03:18 What made the difference? What made us go to the moon and Pakistan couldn't? And I don't say this
03:27 in any condescending format, because I don't like to condescend another country saying that,
03:32 "We have gone to the moon, you have not." All that, I don't like. They have not gone to the
03:37 moon. Maybe they will. I hope they do. I hope they progress. So, I am not into that kind. I am
03:43 not there to condescend at all. But the point I am trying to make is, Pakistan has not gone.
03:48 India has gone. Can you imagine what that reason is? And the reason I tell you that it is not one
03:57 man is because it is not the Modi government that made us go to the moon. It is not the Modi
04:02 government. Because if we have gone to the moon, it is thanks to the institute that a person called
04:12 Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru built in 1947. That institute that was built in 1947, that organization
04:21 that was built in 1969 by Indira Gandhi, that organization got us to the moon today. So,
04:27 how can this credit go to one person or one political party? Unfortunately, Jinnah didn't
04:33 make those institutes. Jinnah and his team, whatever, Bhutto and all the other prime ministers
04:39 and generals and all didn't make an ISRO. Our prime ministers did. Therefore, they couldn't
04:46 go to the moon and we went to the moon. Logic. If that is the logic, how can this credit go to one
04:52 person and one government? Fundamentally, it's wrong. No? Fundamentally, it's wrong. It is
04:59 because of several governments' foresight, several leaders' foresight that we are in moon today.
05:06 And we will go to sun, maybe, God willing, grace of God, we will maybe cross our solar system one
05:14 day. It's all because of somebody's vision, somebody's foresight. And what really happens
05:25 is when the vision is right, when the foresight is right, the foundation is right. We are based
05:32 on a fantastic foundation, scientific, education-wise, we are based on a fantastic foundation.
05:41 This foundation may, building up is very easy. So, if at all I give credit to a Modi government
05:48 and the governments before that is for building on this strong foundation, call me anything,
05:55 call me I am biased or whatever you call me, but this is the fact. This is a fact. You can't deny
06:02 it. So, if you don't respect the foundation and you respect the last floor that is built in a
06:13 building, I mean, what do you say to that? What do you say to that? If you are 21st floor,
06:22 it is not the 21st floor that made the building, it is the foundation of the 21st floor that made
06:27 the building and that is how you could build the 21st floor. And that's precisely the point I wanted
06:32 to make. We were lucky to have great visionaries. We were lucky to have people with great foresight.
06:39 Now, you know why I am saying this and why I wanted to say this in this opinion?
06:44 Is because if you do not respect the people who sowed the seed, I said this even in that editorial,
06:52 if you do not respect people who sow the seeds of growth, if you do not respect them,
06:58 leaders will stop thinking about tomorrow, about day after, about 50 years. Leaders will
07:04 stop thinking, especially the kind of leaders we have currently. They will do everything to
07:11 please their voters today. Every step, every investment, every venture will be for today,
07:19 which means tomorrow's India will have no investment. There will be no ISRO that somebody
07:27 will build in 1969 so that in 2023 we can land in moon's south pole. Nobody will do that.
07:35 And that is why as a society and as a country, it is important that we rever those people who
07:44 build, who started these kind of organizations. We celebrate those people who started this kind
07:50 of organizations. And because of our political narrow-mindedness, we should not shun those
07:58 people. It is thanks to them that we are where we are. That's the point I wanted to make.
08:06 Till I see you next time in my most favorite program, like I always say, opinion. Namaskar.
08:20 (Music)
