00:00 who is that guys?
00:02 who is that guys?
00:04 oh no
00:06 oh my god
00:08 oh my god
00:10 oh my god
00:12 oh my god
00:14 oh yeah
00:16 oh my god
00:18 kissy kissy
00:20 oh yeah
00:22 oh yeah
00:24 ah
00:26 oh my god
00:28 oh my god
00:30 it's raining
00:32 are you ok?
00:38 are you ok?
00:40 are you ok?
00:42 whoa
00:44 whoa
00:46 music playing
00:48 music playing
00:50 music playing
00:52 (upbeat music)
00:54 (upbeat music)
00:57 (upbeat music)
01:25 - Come on baby, wake up.
01:27 Cooper.
01:29 Go Cooper, I'm just trying to wake her up.
01:36 (upbeat music)
01:39 (upbeat music)
01:41 (upbeat music)
01:44 (upbeat music)
01:46 (upbeat music)
01:49 (upbeat music)
01:54 (upbeat music)
02:01 (upbeat music)
02:07 (upbeat music)
02:16 (upbeat music)
02:18 You just touched your butthole,
02:39 you gonna deal with that?
02:41 (upbeat music)
02:45 Where's your baby seal?
02:47 Where's your baby seal?
02:49 Baby seal, baby seal, baby seal.
02:52 Baby seal.
02:54 (imitates car engine)
02:58 (baby crying)
03:00 (baby crying)
03:04 (upbeat music)
03:13 (upbeat music)
03:15 What do you have?
03:23 No, you're gonna take the other one now?
03:28 Drop it.
03:29 Drop it.
03:32 Drop it.
03:37 Give the sock back.
03:43 (upbeat music)
03:45 (upbeat music)
04:11 (upbeat music)
04:13 Bye bye mommy.
04:34 (upbeat music)
04:38 (upbeat music)
04:40 (upbeat music)
04:45 (speaking in foreign language)
04:57 (upbeat music)
05:04 (upbeat music)
05:06 It's a goose race.
05:23 - Leave me alone.
05:27 (laughing)
05:28 - Oh, she's cute.
05:29 (laughing)
05:32 (upbeat music)
05:35 - Hey.
05:51 (upbeat music)
05:53 (upbeat music)
05:56 - Okay.
06:04 Winston, are you gonna go to the bathroom?
06:09 Huh?
06:10 Are you gonna go to the bathroom?
06:11 Are you gonna go to the bathroom?
06:14 No.
06:15 (upbeat music)
06:18 (upbeat music)
06:20 Cucumber time.
06:42 Isn't it fun when we do this together?
06:44 I know.
06:47 You're fine?
06:48 - Yes.
06:49 - Oh, good.
06:49 Love cucumbers.
06:53 (upbeat music)
06:55 (crunching)
06:58 (wind blowing)
07:06 (upbeat music)
07:14 (upbeat music)
07:16 You make baby noises?
07:24 Do you make baby noises?
07:27 (upbeat music)
07:30 I never ask for any handouts.
07:40 What it's like trying to have a nap at my house.
07:43 (upbeat music)
07:46 (laughing)
07:50 (baby cooing)
07:53 (laughing)
07:55 (laughing)
08:01 Oh my gosh.
08:05 (upbeat music)
08:08 (upbeat music)
08:10 (upbeat music)
08:13 (upbeat music)