• 2 years ago
00:00 This leopard lacks the confidence of his intrepid neighbors. And not only that,
00:12 her energy levels are at an all-time low. At 13 years of age, she is one of the
00:19 oldest known leopards in the African bush. Her age is beginning to tell she is
00:27 not as fast or strong as she used to be. And she is struggling to catch prey. She
00:37 hasn't eaten for more than a week and she must now hunt in broad daylight. As the
00:44 rainy season wears on, food is scarcer than ever. But this leopard is determined
00:51 and extremely patient. She spends hours watching and stalking potential prey.
01:00 She even memorizes every warthog then on her patch.
01:07 Eventually, her patience pays off.
01:15 [Music]
01:39 Another warthog. This time a huge female with deadly tusks is near her baby who
01:45 is unable to protect himself. She needs to get close before she attacks. The
01:52 bushes provide the perfect cover. By mistake, the baby warthog walks past the
01:59 leopard. And that was the right moment to attack. At first she thought she has easy
02:08 prey. But seconds later, the mother attacked with her sharp fangs in an
02:13 attempt to save her son.
02:35 The rescue operation failed and in return the leopard receives a meal that
02:41 satisfies its hunger.
02:44 (sped up audio)
