Tonbridge cafe offering safe space as loneliness hits millions across UK

  • last year
Gorgeous George hosts weekly sessions for those from all walks of life.
00:00 A safe space. A place to chat, learn new hobbies and have a morning coffee.
00:07 But for gorgeous George in Tunbridge, it's much more than just a weekly meet up.
00:13 More than 3.5 million people in England reported feeling lonely between November last year
00:18 and February this year.
00:20 And for those here, combating loneliness is not only vital, but pretty close to home.
00:26 I was poorly during lockdown and I got pancreas failure and type 3c diabetes and I was very
00:33 isolated. When my friends returned to work, I couldn't return to work and I felt really
00:39 abandoned and alone. So I started coming into the shop and gradually got talking to other
00:45 people and now we've got a great support network and a band of friends.
00:50 For those who come along to these sessions, there's lots to do, whether it's making a
00:53 brand new bag, doing some needle felting or for some who just want to come along to have
00:58 a chat.
00:59 Before, obviously this group on a Wednesday, we used to pop in for coffee and stuff and
01:02 there was often like little old ladies on their own having a coffee and we'd always
01:06 have a chat to them. It's really nice. Yeah, there is quite a few that just come in on
01:10 their own.
01:11 I've got girls with special needs, so I tend not to make myself go out very often.
01:16 I had to force her to come today.
01:18 Karen's very good at making me come and I feel better for coming.
01:22 I'm a lonely child, okay, so I don't have sisters and brothers. I live with my nan.
01:28 Love my nan dearly, but you do feel quite alone. If I get stuck indoors, I feel like
01:35 it's just too much for me, so I have to get out and about.
01:38 But for some who go along, it's not just loneliness they're facing.
01:42 Between 2017 and 2022, across Kent there were more than 200,000 reports of domestic abuse,
01:50 with a little more than 35,000 every year.
01:54 We've seen less reporting most recently. We are looking at whether that is a change in
02:00 our processes or actually if we've got less offences taking place. I would say once fleeing
02:07 and when you're in a safe environment and able to do so, it's very important that you
02:11 contact us because we can assist with that ongoing safeguarding. So you can do that via
02:17 phone, email, online chat. If you call in 999 and it's appropriate and it fits a certain
02:25 criteria, we can talk to you via video at the time.
02:29 As well as contacting Kent Police, you can also get in touch with the National Domestic
02:34 Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
02:40 Sophia Akin for KMTV.
