Kathy Griffin Shares SHOCKING Results of Getting Lips Tattooed(1)

  • last year
Kathy Griffin Shares SHOCKING Results of Getting Lips Tattooed(1)


00:00 I'm back from getting my lips tattooed.
00:02 Hey, honey.
00:04 [BLEEP]
00:04 We're going to go to the Fourth of July parade.
00:08 I don't think anybody will be able to tell.
00:10 Kathy Griffin sharing the shocking result
00:12 of her cosmetic procedure.
00:14 If you've had a little work done,
00:15 it's really fun to look yourself in the mirror
00:17 because you look different, different than you did before.
00:20 Yeah, she's looking a little different, all right.
00:22 The comedian documents the process
00:24 of getting her lips tattooed in a new YouTube vlog.
00:27 OK, so first of all, I'm trying to be under the radar.
00:31 Second of all, I'm going to get my eyebrows microbladed more
00:34 because I didn't do enough lesson.
00:36 And I'm getting my lips tattooed,
00:37 but they call it blushing.
00:39 We'll see.
00:40 You ready?
00:41 Oh, yeah.
00:42 You ready to not speak for three hours?
00:43 What?
00:45 I'll say it for you.
00:48 Kathy's results look great at her appointment.
00:56 But when she got home, her husband, Randy,
00:58 got quite the surprise.
01:00 I'm back from getting my lips tattooed.
01:03 Hey, honey.
01:04 [BLEEP]
01:05 [LAUGHTER]
01:08 I'm sorry, sorry.
01:10 It's a little swollen.
01:11 OK.
01:12 Then she shares the results with her friend,
01:14 actress Kristen Johnston.
01:16 I got my lips tattooed last night.
01:19 Oh, Kathy.
01:21 I'm [BLEEP] Look at me.
01:23 What did you do?
01:23 That's not real.
01:24 Yes, it is.
01:25 [LAUGHTER]
01:27 What did you--
01:28 Well, Kristen thinks it's noticeable.
01:30 But we're going to go to the--
01:32 [BARKING]
01:33 For the July parade.
01:34 I don't think anybody will be able to tell.
01:35 I'll say it for you.
01:38 I'm pretty much out of stuff.
01:39 I mean, I got the teeth.
01:40 I got the new eyebrows.
01:42 You know, I've kind of had it all at this point.
01:45 Kathy's no stranger to talking about the work
01:47 she's had done over the years.
01:49 First of all, I've always been open about my plastic surgery,
01:51 although now I call it dental work.
01:54 So I've been to the dentist a couple of times.
01:57 But one of her experiences involving
01:59 liposuction was not so great.
02:01 That guy damn near killed me.
02:03 I will tell you that much.
02:04 I ended up in the hospital from that.
02:05 I thought, I want women to know when they think,
02:07 oh, I'm going to get some lipo.
02:09 I mean, I'm going to be a little thinner.
02:11 This is what it looks like.
02:13 You want to get liposuction?
02:15 This is what it looks like.
02:16 I regretted it from the moment the surgery was over,
02:19 meaning it was really sold to me like, oh, this
02:22 will take a couple of hours, and you'll be
02:25 recovered in a couple of days.
02:27 Not at all.
02:28 I regret going public about my plastic surgery,
02:31 only because it turned out to be more embarrassing
02:33 than I had anticipated.
02:35 Well, over 10 years later, Kathy's still an open book.
02:39 And don't worry, her lip tattoo experience
02:40 ended up not being so bad.
02:42 It all healed just a few days later.
02:45 We all know how ridiculous it is when these celebrities act
02:48 like they haven't had it done.
02:50 And you know, I just--
02:51 I really just can't keep my mouth shut, is the problem.
02:57 you
