Post Office RD: 2500 रु से करें शुरुआत, तैयार हो जाएगा लाखों रुपये का फंड| GoodReturns

  • last year
RD आप बैंक में करा सकते हैं, लेकिन Post Office में इस वक्त ब्याज थोड़ा ज्यादा मिल रहा है. ऐसे में पोस्ट ऑफिस में आरडी शुरू करके लाखों रुपये का फंड तैयार किया जा सकता है. इसके अलावा देश में केवल पोस्ट ऑफिस ही ऐसी जगह है, जहां पर जमा पैसों की सुरक्षा की गारंटी भारत सरकार देती है.

#RD #PostOffice #Savingschemes


00:00 Investors who do not take risk of market usually invest in recurring deposit i.e. RD.
00:06 Small investments in RD can make a big copper risk in a long term.
00:11 Like banks, post office also provides facilities for RD.
00:14 The biggest benefit of the Jagdhar scheme is that there is no risk in it and interest is a guaranteed income.
00:21 The government has increased the interest rate on recurring deposit from April 1, 2023.
00:26 The compounding limit of the interest is on Aadhar.
00:30 How much interest is there and how to open an account, we will tell you in this video.
00:34 You can also do RD in a bank but in post office interest is a little high.
00:39 In such a case, you can start RD in a post office and prepare a fund of lakhs of rupees.
00:44 In addition to this, in the country, only the post office is such a place where the government guarantees the security of deposit money.
00:51 Now if we talk about the interest rate, then 6.50% interest is being received on RD in the post office.
01:00 RD is for 5 years in the post office.
01:02 In such a case, you can prepare a big amount by saving some money.
01:07 And one more thing can be kept in mind here that after 5 years, you can increase this RD further and it can be increased many times.
01:16 Now if you understand a little calculation, then assume that if you have started RD of Rs. 25 in the post office at this time,
01:24 then you can prepare a very big amount through it.
01:27 RD of Rs. 25 will prepare a fund of 1.77 lakhs in today's interest rate for 5 years.
01:36 From this, your total amount will be Rs. 1.5 lakhs.
01:40 In the form of interest, you will get about Rs. 27,481.
01:44 Now if you increase this RD for 5 years, then in 10 years, your fund will be ready for Rs. 4.22 lakhs.
01:55 In this, your total amount will be Rs. 3 lakhs and the amount you will get in the form of interest will be Rs. 1.22 lakhs.
02:01 Now assume that you have increased this RD for 15 years, i.e. increased it for 5 years, then your fund will be ready for Rs. 7.60 lakhs.
02:10 In this, your total amount is Rs. 4.55 lakhs and in the form of interest, you will get Rs. 3.10 lakhs.
02:16 Now if you increase it for 20 years, i.e. increased it for 5 years, then your fund will be ready for Rs. 12.27 lakhs.
02:23 In this, you will have deposited Rs. 6 lakhs and the amount you will get in the form of interest will be Rs. 6.27 lakhs.
02:31 That is, the amount you have deposited, you will get more money in the form of interest.
02:38 Similarly, if you increase RD for 25 years, i.e. increased it for 5 years, then your fund will be ready for Rs. 18.72 lakhs.
02:47 Your deposited amount will be Rs. 7.50 lakhs and in the form of interest, you will get Rs. 11.22 lakhs.
02:55 Now assume that we have done this for 30 years, then your fund will be ready for Rs. 27.61 lakhs.
03:02 You must have deposited only Rs. 9 lakhs and you will get almost double of it, i.e. Rs. 18.61 lakhs in the form of interest.
03:10 That is, you will get almost 3 times more money in the form of interest than your money.
03:15 In the post office RD, one person can open as many accounts as he wants.
03:19 In this, apart from single, you can open a joint account up to 3 people.
03:22 You can open a guardian account for a minor.
03:25 In the post office, a loan can also be taken on the RD account.
03:28 But the rule is that after depositing 12 loans, the amount deposited in the account can be taken up to 50%.
03:35 You can pay the loan in one-time or in installments.
03:39 The loan interest will be more than 2% of the interest on the RD.
03:43 There is also the convenience of nomination in this.
03:45 The maturity of the RD account of the post office is 5 years, but after 3 years, the premature closure can also be done.
03:51 That is, your investment is very good, in which you have to invest Rs. 2500 every month.
03:58 And your fund of lakhs of rupees will be ready.
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04:11 I'm not not bullying.
