12 Times Hunters Messed With The Wrong Animals (Part 7)

  • last year
00:00 These are 12 shocking moments when hunters decided to mess with the wrong animals at
00:08 the wrong time.
00:10 Number 12.
00:11 This first intense clip begins with a man recording himself along with a couple of hunters
00:17 hunting a bear.
00:28 At first they have a hard time locating the predator, but once they finally see it they
00:32 waste no time in doing this.
00:45 Bears usually avoid encounters with humans as they know that humans are not friendly
00:49 towards them.
00:51 Despite knowing this, the hunters continue to shoot at the animal.
00:54 What happens next is taken straight from a thriller movie.
01:07 Even after getting mauled, he still puts his body on the line to give his wife the chance
01:13 to escape.
01:14 He suffered some injuries, but he luckily survived the terrifying encounter.
01:19 Number 11.
01:20 A man records a beautiful scene where he spots an elk and observes it from a distance admiring
01:26 its beauty safely from afar.
01:28 The animal is not really visible at first as the low quality footage accompanied with
01:33 the shaking due to excitement makes it hard to focus.
01:46 He then calls the elk towards him and only a few seconds later something emerges from
01:52 the trees.
02:03 The animal continues to search for the sound, which leads it to the man hiding in the grass
02:09 capturing everything on his camera.
02:21 As soon as the elk spots him, the animal immediately runs away to safety.
02:26 Number 10.
02:27 Three hunters can be seen trying to hunt an alligator in a very muddy river at night with
02:34 almost zero visibility of the predator.
02:47 In the video, it can be seen that their boat is a little flimsy and the men are not using
02:53 professional hunting equipment.
02:55 Despite this, they persevere with one of them acting as the leader coaching the men when
03:00 and where to strike after finally locating the alligator and confirming it, the leader
03:06 instructs one of the men to harpoon it only for this to happen.
03:20 The men surprisingly keep their composure yet still trying as fast as they can to lift
03:26 their friend to the boat and to safety.
03:34 Luckily for them, they manage to successfully hunt and kill the alligator.
03:40 Number 9.
03:41 The beginning of this encounter shows a leopard hiding inside a small rock formation angry
03:47 and afraid after being cornered by hunters.
04:01 Never make the mistake of lowering your guard after cornering a predator as they are at
04:06 their most dangerous when left with nowhere to escape.
04:10 He walks closer to the predator confident that it has been severely weakened and is
04:15 easy prey for them.
04:25 Unfortunately his judgment was way off and in turn he pays a very terrifying and heavy
04:32 price for his negligence.
04:42 Thankfully they eliminated the predator just before it got the chance to bite his neck.
04:49 Number 8.
04:50 Two hunters record themselves hiding in the bushes trying to find black bears to shoot
04:55 and kill from a safe distance.
04:58 Only a few seconds later, a bear emerges from the woods and catches the attention of the
05:03 two hunters, but they don't shoot it.
05:15 Moments later, another bear emerges above it and another one a little closer to their
05:20 left.
05:26 Finally, another one emerges from their left again, only now much closer, leaving them
05:36 no choice but to pray and do this.
05:47 If the predator decided to charge them to take revenge, things could have gotten bad.
05:54 Number 7.
05:55 A group of hunters can be seen traversing dense bushes trying to conceal themselves
06:00 from an elephant.
06:11 Unfortunately their cover gets blown when they get close to the large animal, which
06:15 leads to this happening.
06:26 Thankfully the herbivore immediately runs away after scaring the men.
06:31 Number 6.
06:32 A bear walks towards a man camping in a tree while searching for suitable black bears to
06:39 hunt during his trip to the wild.
06:41 The animal is visibly agitated as it is mating season and this particular stud does not fancy
06:49 any unwanted guests in his territory.
07:01 The animal, frustrated with the hunter, begins trying to scare the hunter off and assert
07:06 its dominance by doing this.
07:17 The man scares the bear back as he does not want to shoot it and tries his best to de-escalate
07:24 the situation.
07:35 Unfortunately the predator comes to its senses and leaves the hunter alone.
07:40 Number 5.
07:42 Two men ready themselves as a wild boar slowly reveals itself from the lush and thick bushes
07:49 of the forest.
08:01 A few seconds later, after getting a clear view, they shoot the boar but something unexpected
08:08 happens.
08:19 The animal gets back up after going down like a scene from a zombie apocalypse movie and
08:26 proceeds to stare them down.
08:29 After being momentarily stunned by the terrifying sight, the hunter shoots it once more which
08:34 sends the boar running.
08:43 According to the poster, they shot it once more and tracked it down successfully.
08:48 Number 4.
08:49 A man can be seen recording a giant grizzly bear blocking their path as he and his wife
08:55 were hiking.
08:56 This is only the beginning of their problems though as the bear begins walking towards
09:00 them at a steady yet fast rate.
09:13 It is always good practice to carry bear spray when hiking in bear territory as this could
09:19 increase your chances of survival by up to 90%.
09:22 The man tries to calm himself down as well as his wife trying to avoid any sudden or
09:27 panicked movements.
09:40 This is a good idea as any sudden or fast movements could trigger the large animal's
09:45 predatory instinct.
09:46 Thankfully, they managed to keep themselves calm and the bear eventually left them alone.
09:53 Number 3.
09:54 This next terrifying encounter begins with a game safari group taking pictures and videos
10:00 of a large hippopotamus nearby.
10:03 The animal seems to dislike paparazzi so much that as soon as it spots them it decides to
10:09 do something shocking.
10:19 Despite their large size, on average hippos can hit speeds of 30 miles per hour and could
10:26 have easily chased after them if it wanted to.
10:29 Even after getting charged by this tank of nature, they still continue to follow it which
10:34 could lead to a very disastrous outcome.
10:47 Panic can then be heard while the camera shakes and the video cuts.
10:53 Number 2.
10:54 A man records a bear walking towards him, unaware of his presence which is surprising
10:59 as bears have an incredible sense of smell.
11:02 However, as soon as he starts speaking, the bear instantly stops and freezes, unsure of
11:08 what to do.
11:18 The man then steps into the animal's space which scares it and after a while it runs
11:24 away.
11:35 Thankfully things didn't escalate for the worse and everybody is unharmed.
11:40 Number 1.
11:41 In this clip, a moose walks towards a tent a man was camping in while he records the
11:47 whole experience on his phone.
11:58 At first, the animal just inspects the outside of the tent but its curiosity overwhelms it
12:05 and it decides to do this.
12:17 Nothing serious really happened and the moose left him alone eventually.
12:20 Thanks for watching until the end, check out this other video you might also like, I'll
12:25 see you there.
